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    • North Carolina Do-It-Yourself Boatyard Recommended (Statute Mile 198)

      The DIY boatyard recommended by Captain Rachelle below resides in the Jarret Bay Boatworks complex on the eastern shores of the AICW/Core Creek, north of Beaufort, NC. There are many independent repair firms in this complex, and the second message posted below specifically identifies which is the subject of Captain Rachelle’s message.

      If you ever make it to NC, DIY Boatyard and Storage caters to DIY boaters. ICW Marker 198- Private boatyard. Hope this helps the DIYer’s out there.

      Hello Capt. Young,
      Yes, definitely more details! (I wasn’t sure if links or mentions of websites were permitted on posts). Thanks!
      The name of the boatyard is DIY Boatyard and Storage. It is located at 1125 Spartina Dr., Beaufort, NC. The boatyard is inside the Jarrett Bay Industrial Marine Park, but is independently owned and operated. You can find more details on the boatyard at this website: ICW Mile Marker 198 is the location by water.
      Hope this helps!

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    • Anchorage Preference and Good Words for Town Creek Marina in Beaufort, NC (AICW Statute Mile 201)

      Taylor Creek Anchorage opposite the Beaufort Waterfront is a popular and often crowded anchorage. Captain Chris prefers the less busy Town Creek Anchorage. Note that Town Creek Marina is indeed still in business, part of the welcome expansion and improvements the City of Beaufort is making to its waterfront.

      I’d highly recommend the Town Creek anchorage over the Taylor Creek anchorage. We stayed at the Town Creek anchorage for a couple of weeks in December of ‘˜09 while waiting for a good window to Charleston. We always held well, never really saw a west wind that we cared about and it’s an easy dinghy ride around the corner to the town dinghy dock. I don’t know if the Town Creek Marina is still in business, but the restaurant there was pretty good (excellent steamed oysters and shrimp in season). They were also pretty nice people ‘“ one guy who worked there gave me a ride to the gas station to fill my dinghy tank (their pumps were shut down for service). If you don’t mind walking (which we never did), the Piggly Wiggly is literally 1.0 miles from the anchorage, and the marina didn’t seem to mind us tying up our dinghy. Things might be different during peak season vs. December though.
      Captain Chris aboard SV Pelican

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Town Creek Inner Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Town Creek Outer Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Taylor Creek Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Town Creek Marina

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    • Observations on Water Activities in Wrightsville Beach Channels (AICW Statute Mile 283)

      Captain Ben relates why Wrightsville Beach’s Motts and Banks Channels have been described as “two of the busiest non-commercial channels on the coast.” Not only must cruisers be concerned with shoaling, as mentioned in earlier reports, but also with all manner of activity in the Mott and Banks channels. Take your time!

      Came through this area on a summer Wednesday. There was a UNC-W sailing class in session with all kinds of novices in Sunfish boats at the intersection of Motts and Banks channels with a coach in a Carolina Skiff whistling and trying to keep the students corralled and dodge the center-consoles and tube-pullers coming through. Looks like a fun place if no collisions occur. Busy intersection of Motts and Banks channels. Also, we saw a guy on a surfboard crossing Masonboro inlet while in the area. Sport fisherman traffic was low, fortunately for him.
      Captain Ben Matthews

      Click Here To View A Recent Report on Motts Channel Shoaling

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    • “Bottom Report” on Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage (AICW Statute Mile 244.5)

      Captain Matthews describes the bottom at Mile Hammock Bay by graciously sharing his chagrin at being aground there. Thank you Captain Matthews! We’re all glad you were able to push your trawler to deeper water.

      Anchored in Mile Hammock Bay on 19-Jul-2010. Wanted to make an early start and pulled anchor in a SE wind, blowing us NW and aground. We were NW of the last marker in. Got to do the Onslow County Dance on the floor of Mile Hammock Bay, pushing and cajoling our trawler in waist-deep-water, in the right direction until climbing back aboard, starting engine, and moving off. Marines took their hovercraft out the night before, so we were entertained by that and some V-22 Ospreys doing maneuvers before anchoring. Floor of MHB, dark mud, shells, pretty hard. Still cleaning the mud from my tennis shoes.
      B B Matthews

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage

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    • Report on Taylor Creek and Beaufort Waterfront Anchorage (AICW Statute Mile 201)

      This anchorage has good shelter for vessels up to 48 feet, but it can be very crowded as we have heard from numerous boaters.

      We were there in May, 2010. Lots of moorings with little space to anchor. Lots of current. Lots of Fishing boats on the docks. Not suggested.
      Captain Lew Hill

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Taylor Creek/Beaufort Anchorage

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    • Swansboro Welcomes Cruisers (near Statute Mile 229)

      I can tell you from personal experience that Swansboro does offer a nice town dinghy dock, and that this is a welcoming community for cruisers. The posting below has been copied from the AGLCA list, and was apparently in response to some other cruisers who had problems coming ashore from the nearby anchorage.
      Do watch out for the very strong tidal currents which regularly scour the anchorage adjacent to the town waterfront, on the foot of White Oak River. These waters can BOIL!
      Once you are ashore, don’t dare miss a stop at Captain Charley’s Seafood Paradise, unless, of course, you dislike fried seafood in all its forms.

      My wife and I are harbor hosts for Swansboro, NC (the friendly city by the sea) and was disappointed to hear of difficulty in coming ashore. There is a dinghy dock at the end of west Main street which is free and was built for transient vessels. The dock was built low to the water for easy access. There is also a trash bin available. There is no sign from the water and I will mention that to the Mayor who is very supportive of transient boaters. I am also on the town Planning and Zoning board and can tell you that Swansboro is in the process of making it’s waterfront even more desirable and user friendly to transient vessels.
      Tom and Melesia

      My wife and I owned a small place up the White Oak river located at Swansboro several years back. It is still a special place and holds fond memories for us. The downtown area has several shops that cater to tourist crowd. Check out the little jewelry store in the basement across from Yana’s. The restaurants are a definite must stop. Yana’s is a 1950’s burger joint with lots of 50’s memorabelia on the walls. During the summer stop by , put your name on the list and check out the shops. Ask about the water bag hanging over the door. Down the street is the ice house, good bar and the scallops are great. Up the hill is a restaurant called Riverside.This is a 4 or 5 star meal at a 3 star price ($20- 40) per person. Try the softshell crabs here. Dudleys is an older marina that tries to take care of boaters. Good fuel prices and a selection of marine parts and hardware. They also have a staff of mechanics that can help with most repairs.
      Now the dock. The dock often has fishermen on the upper section and the dinghy dock is located on the left side running in and out from the bank. The tall dock to the left about a hundred yards appears to have been taken over by a restaurant. This dock would be accessible to a larger boat. There is a sign on it with a phone number, call them for details.
      When my wife and I finish our cruising we have talked about selling the boat and buying a place up the White Oak river again. Please spend some time here and enjoy a small harbor town.
      David and Dixie Frazier On “Kids Again”

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For The Swansboro/White Oak River Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Caspers Marine Servcie (in Swansboro)

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    • A Pleasant Night Anchored on the Pungo River (AICW Statute Mile 127)

      We assume Captain Ted’s choice of anchorage is just north of Quick Flash Green Marker #23 at the southern entrance to the Alligator River – Pungo River Canal.

      Our chosen anchorage was beside the entrance channel to the Alligator-Pungo Canal, on the non-channel side, close enough to get on with it in the morning but out of the way of traffic, should there be any. One medium size, very attractive, southbound, auxiliary sailboat anchored nearby. The wind went down with the sun, and it was so calm at 0130 when I got up to water the horses that I thought for a moment we must still be on the hard at Bock Marine.
      Captain Ted Jones

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Upper Pungo River Anchorages

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    • Good Words for Dowry Creek Marina (AICW Statute Mile 131.5 )

      Captain Ted’s Log shares his positive experience with Dowry Creek Marina just north of Belhaven and long a favorite of cruisers. Had Captain Ted not been in a rush, he would have discovered much, much more to like about this wonderful little marina.

      The slog to Belhaven wasn’t nearly as bad. We desperately needed ice and given the high loads we had put on the Yanmar, I thought it prudent to take on fuel from our ice provider. A call to River Forest Marina failed to elicit a response. My second call was to Dowry Creek, who responded immediately with full docking instructions. We went to Dowry Creek which I have preferred anyway. They had four bags left, I took them all. It was the fastest pit stop on record, and we were fueled and iced in jig time and outta there lickety split.
      Captain Ted Jones

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Dowry Creek Marina

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    • More from Captain Ted’s Log from Statute Mile 27 to Statute Mile Zero (via Dismal Swamp Canal Alternate Route)

      Captain Ted continues his northbound voyage through the Great Dismal Swamp Canal in North Carolina to Norfolk, Virginia.

      We took our time getting away from the NC Welcome Center, leaving a boat card for Penny Leary-Smith, the center’s director whom Ted has known since it opened 21 years ago (he was at the dedication). We almost never get to see Penny, but soon after he left the card, she came hurrying down the path to the dock. It was a grand but brief reunion. Ted insisted on taking her photo to commemorate the occasion.
      Our day on the canal was marred only by the presence of the pesky yellow flies which ignored the drier sheets and insisted on biting our legs, which still itch 24 hours later (and after a much needed shower ashore).
      The Dismal Swamp Canal is dead straight for 11 miles to a slight jog, then dead straight for the next 11 miles. It parallels Route 17, a busy four-lane highway, but the traffic is barely perceptible on the canal, screened by trees, and the sound drowned out by one’s own engine. Part of the old, two lane, Route 17 in Virginia has been renamed `Dismal Swamp Road’ and is now a path restricted for bicyclists and pedestrians.
      We were passed through the highway bridge and into the lock as we arrived at Deep Creek, and soon were winding the last miles of the Dismal Swamp route, joining with the main waterway at the Route 17 high rise bridge. We just missed a opening of the Gilmerton Bridge, so had to wait for motor vehicle traffic to simmer down before we were given passage. Happily, there was no rail traffic on the adjacent railroad bridge which can delay one for a long time while the train crew makes up its train and departs. More happiness: the Jordan Bridge has been removed so apart from railroad lift bridges ~ normally open ~ Gilmerton Bridge is the only restriction in this part of Norfolk Harbor.
      We took on fuel, had our holding tank pumped, and took on ice at Tidewater Marine in Portsmouth adjacent to Hospital Point and the `mile 0’ ICW marker, and there we spent the night.
      Captain Ted Jones

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    • Wonderful Description of the Dismal Swamp Canal Route from Elizabeth City, NC (Statute Mile 50.7)

      Click to learn more about our Carolina Loop program Captain Ted’s Log gives us a vivid description of his travels – and travails – from Elizabeth City northward through the Dismal Swamp Canal. Elizabeth City is A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR

      The Dismal Swamp Canal is one of the masterpieces of the Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way. For one thing, it is not particularly liked by power boaters, as the entire 22 miles is a no wake zone and they can make better time on the alternative Virginia Cut Route. Another thing they don’t like about the Dismal Swamp Canal is the snags which are numerous but mostly harmless to slow moving sailboats. Those who appreciate this canal like to travel slowly and smell the roses, so to speak.
      We had hoped to make it to Norfolk/Portsmouth in one day from Elizabeth City, but the three hours plus from Elizabeth City to South Mills lock and the published lock schedules would have made it impossible for us to get there in time for the fireworks. Neither could we have stayed in Elizabeth City to watch theirs as we are in a swivet to get north so Ted can make his VA appointment in Vermont on July 12th. So onward we pushed. Little did we know that the published lock schedules are only for restricted times. We found that both locks opened for us upon arrival and locked us through all alone.
      Immediately after you leave the Elizabeth City docks, you pass under the draw bridge and begin winding your way up the Pasquotank River to the South Mills lock at the southern end of the Dismal Swamp Canal. It is a long, circuitous route which took us a little over three hours to cover. At times the compass indicates that one is headed south of west. at others… well, it is easy to lose track. From the Elizabeth City bridge, where the Pasquotank is wide and deep, the river gradually narrows and splits several times. The U.S. Army Corps of engineers has placed green channel markers in several places to mark the route, and at the last fork before reaching South Mills, a discreet sign with an arrow removes any ambiguity. However, we came to an apparent impasse well up the river and had to back down hard to stop and figure it out. There was no apparent passage through the jungle, but we found it around the corner. Thereafter, we maintained a leisurely pace of 4.5 knots instead of 5.8 knots.
      To meander thus into an ever narrowing, winding river is fascinating. Here you are miles from the ocean in an ocean capable sailboat wondering if you will ever get there or if you have made some mistake and taken a wrong path. If our sailboat had conventional rigging, the upper shrouds would surely have fouled an overhanging branch, and even our mizzen backstays brushed a leaf or two. Don’t take our word for it; have a look at the photos Ted took.
      Although we were way early for the 1500 scheduled locking, we were locked through (alone) soon after we arrived at the lock. We would still be too late to make the last lock at Deep Creek, so we stayed overnight at the NC welcome station which is the only such facility which caters to both motorists (and truckers) and boats. We were the only boat.
      The friendly ladies at the welcome center gave us several dryer sheets which they said would keep the yellow flies away. We can’t say that they did: another insect repellent myth tested and rejected, but we appreciated the thought and effort. We were told that the local baseball players could not play without them. Perhaps the flies have become used to the repellent. We found that the `moscaswatta’ Jack Wisner had given Ted was very effective in dispatching the little yellow buggers. Jack grew up in Argentina which is a hint as to the derivation of `moscaswatta,’ a bastardization of Spanish and colloquial American.
      Captain Ted Jones

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    • Observations on Sea Gate Marina (AICW – Core Creek Canal, near St. M. 194)

      Sea Gate Marina guards the Waterway’s western banks, just north of the Core Creek bridge. This facility has a well sheltered harbor, but we’ve noted some thin depths here in the past.

      Stopped in for diesel a couple times. Nice, friendly place, competitive prices. One concern ‘“ chatty young dock-hand is inexperienced and spent most of his time working on chatting up my teenage daughter and her friend, who later described this young man as `creepy’. Seagate would be best served letting this chatty fellow mow the grounds, plant some trees, and scrape some barnacles until he can develop a better customer persona. I still churn some mud when turning around in there (should have used a spring line from the dock, but didn’t), and I draft 3-1/2’³. I heard a cruiser on Ch16 turn away from Seagate because they reported 5ft he draws 5-1/2. Great place otherwise, it looks like they’ve beefed-up their fuel dock with better pilings and planking. They keep on improving.
      Captain Ben

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Sea Gate Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sea Gate Marina

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    • More Praise for Belhaven Waterway Marina (Statute Mile 135.5)

      Belhaven Waterway Marina is located on Pantego Creek in Belhaven Harbor at the 135 Mile marker on the Intracoastal Waterway We are in the center of downtown Belhaven just a short walk from the Hardwar Located on the northeastern side of Pantego Creek off the Pungo River, Belhaven Waterway Marina continues to draw praise from numerous cruisers and they are A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! The recently reworked Belhaven harbor channel moves northwest from flashing marker #10 just as the Pungo River and the AICW turn south.

      I agree with Jon. We were at Belhaven earlier in June and it was the most relaxing stay. We love the gazebo and Brenda and Les couldn’t have been nicer. They definitely have the cleanest and most tastefully decorated bathrooms.
      Captain Bob Bundy

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Belhaven Waterway Marina

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    • Praise for Bath Harbor Marina in Bath Creek off the Pamlico River departing the AICW at Statute Mile 146

      Bath Creek is on the north side of Pamlico River opposite flashing marker #5, approximately 8 miles west of the AICW. From the Waterway, turn west at flashing marker “PR” at Wades Point. Located on the east side of Bath Creek, Bath Harbor Marina is just below Hwy. 92/99 fixed bridge.

      We were on the tail end of a cruising week and enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere at Bath Marina. They were very accommodating and there is not a better deal on the water.
      Captain Bob Bundy

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Bath Harbor Marina

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    • Praise for Southport, NC (Statute Mile 309) by a Long-time Resident

      Hurry! Our FREE rent offer expires in May! How nice it is to get that valuable “local information” from a resident of Southport. Free dockage is always welcome news and, from Robert’s description of their 4th of July celebration, the town certainly knows not only how to open its arms to visitors, but how to keep them entertained as well.

      As one who has lived in Southport for the past 38 years, and as the Harbor Host for this area, I think that it would be a loss if you did not stop and visit Southport. We have a beautiful little town, with oak tree lined streets, restaurants, shops, a maritime museum, pirate history, civil war history, great boating, golf, tennis, fishing, sailing, great marinas, and, most of all, great people. I will agree that my opinion may be a little biased however.
      In my response to you two days ago I failed to mention that there is some free dockage on a first come basis in the Old Yacht Basin just east of the Southport Marina. This free dockage is well explained in Skipper Bob’s. One of the choices is a fixed t-head that the City of Southport supplies in this basin, which is in front of our house. Just room for one boat, with 15 amp. power and water. You could run the generator for AC, but again, on first come basis.
      Our town is a little crowded this weekend. Southport is the host for North Carolina’s Fourth of July Celebration annually. On the weekend of the 4th we go from 2500 residents to approx. 40,000 residents and tourists for the 3 day event. The celebration concludes tomorrow, Monday, with a parade, fireworks, crafts, food, etc. You have already missed the sailboat regatta, which was yesterday.
      Robert & Kay

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Southport Marina

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    • Praise for Southport, NC and Bald Head Island Marina off the AICW departing at Red Marker #2 (c. Statute Mile 309)

      Located on the eastern side of the Cape Fear Entrance Channel, south/southeast of flashing buoy #13, Bald Head Island Marina offers excellent accommodations in a protected harbor. Being a unique ecological entity, Bald Head Island is one of the most tropical regions in North Carolina and, despite development, much of its natural beauty has been preserved. Please see Claiborne’s excellent description of the island and of Bald Head Island Marina in Cruising Guide to Coastal North Carolina.

      In the Cape Fear/Southport NC area you are just 3 miles from Southport to the harbor on Bald Head Island. It is well worth a visit if you have time. Good restaurants, historic village, beautiful homes, and wide open beaches. You can stay overnight at the marina there.
      Captain Bob Duthie aboard Katy Leigh, a 36 GB Classic 1981

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Bald Head Island Marina

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    • Praise for Three Marinas in Southport, NC (Statute Miles 309 – 315)

      Hurry! Our FREE rent offer expires in May! Captain John gives us a snapshot review (especially re dining) of three marinas in the Southport, NC area. South Harbour Village Marina at statute mile 311, Southport Marina, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! at statute mile 309 and St. James Plantation Marina at statute mile 315.

      1. South Harbour Village Marina has one of the best Italian bistro’s [in town] I have ever visited. But it is not walking distance to town which is really no big loss.
      Southport Marina is closer to town within walking distance and is also a great place. There are a few good eateries in town.
      3. If you like golf and total protection from the busy ICW try St. James Plantation Marina just south of Southport proper. All are really nice, you can’t really go wrong.
      Safe travels,
      John M. Beaver aboard
      Forget About It 3

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Southport Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For South Harbor Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For St. James Plantation Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Lightkeepers Marina

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    • Praise for the Sanitary Fish Market (Morehead City near Statute Mile 205)

      The Sanitary Fish Market Restaurant has a long and interesting history and has pleased the palates of many a seafood lover. My wife and I first dined there twenty eight years ago when it was still a screen porch with picnic tables on open-planked floors over the water and the food was delicious! When we were last there, tied up overnight at their free dock, the air-conditioning, carpeting and upscale decor had not diminished the quality of the menu, as John agrees.

      We have always found the food at the Sanitary very enjoyable. We don’t read the Internet’¦ just drive there and enjoy!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Yacht Basin

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead Gulf Docks

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Docks

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    • Captain Jean Reports from Manteo, NC (Roanoke Sound, north of Pamlico Sound)

      Manteo Waterfront Marina is now run by the Town of Manteo. It boasts 53 slips that can accommodate boats up to 140 feet. The marina is situated right next to historic downtown Manteo on a boardwalk Once again, our roving reporter, Captain Jean Thompson, gives us an excellent review of all the attractions found in this portion of the Outer Banks. And, of course, DOVEKIE was moored at Manteo Waterfront Marina, a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Manteo is a local cruising destination for DOVEKIE and we usually stay for a week (the 7th day is free) at the Waterfront Marina. We come here for all the things there are to do. In town there is the Boat building facility of the NC Maritime Museum and a replica of the Roanoke Marshes screw-pile lighthouse, as well as shops and restaurants. Several excursion boats leave from the waterfront, including a pirate experience for young children, and parasailing boats. Across from the waterfront is Festival Island with its museum, good film, replica of the Elizabeth II sailing ship, living history encampment, Indian village, art shows and concerts. The Pioneer Theater shows one movie at 8:00 PM and costs $5.00 admission. On Saturday morning a craft fair/ market is set up near the waterfront. There is a fine bike path from town to the northern end of the island where one will find the Ft. Raleigh National Historic Site, the Waterside Theater (Lost Colony and other productions), and Elizabethan Gardens. There is also an NC Aquarium a little out of town. We are here June 14-21, 2010.
      Captain Jean Thomason

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Manteo Waterfront Marina

      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Marina:

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    • Ruddy Duck Tavern (Morehead City, NC, near St. M. 205)

      This is not the first laudatory posting we’ve had here on the Cruisers’ Net concerning the Ruddy Duck Tavern in Morehead City. This fine dining spot is within walking distance of Morehead City Yacht Basin (A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR), the city dock and the Morehead Gulf Docks. I can’t wait to check the Ruddy Duck out for myself! However, note Captain Bender’s warning that overnight dockage at this restaurant is not guaranteed!

      The menu is extensive, food is prepared impeccably, and the taste is definitely palate-pleasing. If you’re in the area, you simply must sample their fare.
      However, despite several sites’ comments on free dockage and power with a meal purchase, this is not necessarily so. I made the mistake of calling ahead for “permission” and was told that was for small boats who’d be in and out and not for a stay of several hours nor over night. I now realize that it’s better to act first and ask forgiveness second! When we arrived, there was a large sailboat tied to RD’s dock so we were happy to go to Sanitary’s dock for $10. 24 hours later when we departed, the sail boat was still there. I called, spoke with owner, Bill, who asked that I disseminate the information to all that the offer for overnight dockage is valid during his off-season. I never did get an explanation of the sailboat’s “special privilege”.
      And again, their food is a gastronomic delight!
      Laura Bender
      M/V Kindred Spirit III
      Grand Banks Classic 42

      I am a big fan of Ruddy Duck and stayed on the float a month back. We stayed Thursday night and were planning a second night when we were asked very nicely to not stay since Friday was a busy night. Every night we have been there the place is packed. I guess the reasoning is that several small boats can fit in the spot we occupy and bring mucho customers and we are only two. We asked when landing about using the power and were told NO but later we were allowed to connect.
      There are junior staff that one runs into and they really do not know what to say. I spoke to Fabian the owner or the woman who seems to be in authority and they gave me a straight answer. Small boats have several temporary docking opportunities close by and we have the Sanitary dock. I would offer to let small boats raft to me if I notice them. As a rule I would not expect to stay more than one night.
      I am such a fan of the place that I often route people going into Sanitary Rest. (an awful place) to RD. I pointed to one big group (who asked my advice) that the great smells they were smelling were coming from RD and not Sanitary. Sanitary is the one restaurant that whenever its name is mentioned people volunteer that the food is awful. The owner thanked me for the recommendation later since the group mentioned my comments to him. BTW the combo fish platter is hands down the best seafood I have eaten and the leftovers fuel next nights dinner.
      Greg and Susan Han

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Yacht Basin

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead Gulf Docks

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Docks

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    • Block Ice Now Available in Elizabeth City, NC (Statute Mile 50.5)

      Boy, how can Elizabeth City continue to do even MORE for the cruising community. I don’t know, but they keep on trying.
      It’s no accident that Elizabeth City is known as one of the most welcoming ports of call on the entire Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The spirit of “Rose Buddie’s” founder, Fred Fearing, lives on. Don’t miss a stop here!

      I wanted to let you know that a local ice company is now offering block ice and’¦they will deliver to our beautiful waterfront! We would love it if you would post this exciting information on your website.
      Wright Ice Company
      1105 Herrington Road
      Elizabeth City, NC 27909
      Please let us know if you have any questions and thanks so much!!!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Mariner’s Wharf (town docks in Elizabeth City)

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Pelican Marina (in Elizabeth City)

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