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    • Choose Location Wisely When Anchoring in Jekyll Creek, AICW Statute Mile 685

      This is certainly not the first time vessels have anchored in the Waterway channel east of the narrow anchorage: See /?p=129784. Please take care when choosing an anchor-down location in this small anchorage on the western side of Jekyll Harbor. The narrow area is one of the reasons SSECN has never designated this a recommended anchorage, but as Skipper Reeves sates, it is used a lot. Our thanks to our good friend Sonny Reeves for keeping us updated on all things Jekyll!

      Hi Capt Larry,
      The pictures are from last night taken from the Jekyll Harbor Marina docks. They show a common occurrence anchoring in Jekyll Creek South of MM 685 and near Red 24. The Trawler in the pictures is almost in the middle of the channel and a sailboat has drug anchor into the channel. Tow Boat US is going out to help the sailboat and ask the trawler if they have seen the huge fuel barges that come by often taking a wide swing at Red 24? A few years ago a small sailboat was lost, the owner survived being rolled by a barge in the same location as the trawler. Each year hundreds of snowbirds use the anchorage. And each week we see boats anchored in the channel. Call the marina or tow boat for local knowledge as it is a good anchorage if you know where to safely anchor. I am also amazed at the powerboats that roar past the marina waking the face dock.. I know you can but does that make it right? You are responsible for your wake.
      Sonny Reeves


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