Cooling Canal Anchorage (Statute Mile 311)
On 7/23/09, as part if a “North Carolina Wish List,” I posed the following question:
63. It is also possible to break off to the north near marker #8, and anchor on the `cooling canal’ which is used by the nearby nuclear power plant. Over the years, I’ve had varying reports about depths entering this anchorage. Who has dropped their hook on the cooling canal? Did you note any shallower depths on the way upstream?
Responses follow:
I stayed in the “Canal” – got caught in a 60 mph TS which beached 4 boats and lightning punched 4 holes in a nearby catamaran hull which took a bit of fixing to get them to a boatyard for urgent repair. It was a wikd evening! The bottom is slippy and very hard to get a reliable mooring. On the other hand it is a nice spot adjacent to a park with toilets and a good dinghy landing. The Ace Harware not far away is special in that it carries many marine parts – I managed to get a water pump impeller for my Yanmar diesel there
Best wishes
Arnold Parkinson
The British Club Worldwide
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