Elizabeth City, NC and Mariner’s Wharf (City) Docks, AICW Dismal Swamp Canal Alternate Route, St. M. 50.5
Dismal Swamp Canal Route, Statute Mile 50.5 ‘“ who has had the good fortune to spend a night or two at Mariners Wharf (City) docks in Elizabeth City, NC? Were you greeted by the local volunteers? Did you find this to be one of the friendliest ports of call on the AICW? How about some shoreside dining and/or sightseeing recommendations?
Responses follow:
Still good stop (without dock hands or electricity) with good size city resources including a great museum.
Gray Riddick
Gray Ghost
Rose Buddies [local volunteers who greet you at the dock – Editor] are in business. See June 9th edition `The Daily Advance, Section C Albemarle Life.’
Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Mariner’s Wharf (City) Docks
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