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    • Gilmerton Highway Bridge

      Gilmerton Highway Bridge
      Crosses the AICW at Statute Mile 5.8, south of flashing daybeacon #22
      Lift Bridge
      35 feet closed vertical clearance
      VHF Hailing Frequency Channel 13

      October 11, 2015
      The draw of the Gilmerton (US13/460) bridge, mile 5.8, in Chesapeake:
      (1) Shall open on signal at any time for commercial vessels carrying liquefied flammable gas or other hazardous materials.

      (2) From 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays:

      (i) Need not open for the passage of recreational or commercial vessels that do not qualify under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section.

      (ii) Need not open for commercial cargo vessels, including tugs, and tugs with tows, unless 2 hours advance notice has been given to the Gilmerton Bridge at (757) 485-5488.

      (3) Shall open on signal at all other times.

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