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    • Good Words For Bennett Brothers Yachts/Cape Fear Marina – off the AICW on Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC

      Bennett Brothers, Luxury Yachts for Sale by Bennett Brothers YachtsAlways very nice to hear that a fellow cruiser has had a good experience with one of our SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSORS! Great dockage and quality repairs are what you will find here. In addition to the “mile” dinghy ride, mentioned below, you can also take a quick taxi ride into the downtown Wilmington district, where you will find much to see, do and EAT. By all accounts, don’t dare miss the Pilot House restaurant!

      We had work done there this Spring and were very pleased with the results. The docks are nice floating docks just north of town…not a great location for sightseeing unless you dinghy about a mile southward, but a great location as a hurricane hole or to get work done
      efficiently and reasonably.
      Betsy Johnson
      Rick ‘n Roll

      And, from our good friend, Captain Tricia Bennett, owner of this fine facility:

      Bennett Brothers Yachts is located in a hurricane safe haven at the Cape Fear Marina in Wilmington, NC. Historically, ships have fled to the location on the Northeast Cape Fear River to seek refuge. Bennett Brothers Yachts is the full service boatyard on site at the marina. The location is recognized by insurance companies as a safe haven and they may reduce your premium or contribute to a hurricane haulout at our facility. We have our 2013 Hurriance Reservation Plan, available on our website – There is no cost to sign up. For more information, please call Bryan Henderson, Service Manager – Bennett Brothers Yachts.
      Many thanks.
      Best Regards,
      Patricia Donovan Bennett
      Bennett Brothers Yachts, Inc.

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Bennett Brothers Yachts/Cape Fear Marina

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