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    • Good Words for SSECN’s New Mobile App

      How nice it is to call attention to the work of one of our SSECN Team member, Curtis Hoff, of Sea Doc Software, who designed SSECN’s new mobile app. Comments and reviews, such as the one by Ben Ellison on PANBO in the link below, are extolling the many positive strengths of the new app. If you haven’t yet downloaded the app, give it a try, you’ll like it!

      While the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net website has long offered a vast trove of ICW cruising info that’s edited by obviously caring professionals, the ambitious-yet-free SSECN iOS app may display all the info even better (especially on a fast iPad). Click Here for more.

      Ben Ellison


      Comments from Cruisers (5)

      1. Cruisers' Net -  April 29, 2016 - 7:25 pm

        I feel like you. A lot of us will wait, but at least it is in the kettle cooking. Thank you for your interest and patience.

        Reply to Cruisers'
      2. Cruisers' Net -  April 28, 2016 - 10:45 pm

        Plans are to do our best to have for the Fall-Winter cruising season. Apps require an inordinate amount of time to develop. Thanks for asking.

        Reply to Cruisers'

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