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    • Hospital Point Anchorage (Statute Mile 0.3)

      I received the following query on 9/30/09:

      I think I read that the Hospital Point anchorage had been dredged, or at least was deeper now than previously. Any validity to that info?
      m/v Crackerjack

      I then contacted Captain Allan DeWall, a long time contributor to the Cruisers’ Net, who lives in the Norfolk, VA region. Captain Allan was good enough to supply the following info!

      I pulled up this proposal for dredging the Norfolk Harbor Channel from the U.S. Army Engineer District, Norfolk, web page ( – the added notation on the figure for the location of the Hospital Point Anchorage.
      I then called the Tidewater Marina (757-393-2525/888-390-0080) which is located on the south side of the anchorage and asked about any dredging. The woman answering told me that no dredging has occurred in the Hospital Point Anchorage and she was not aware of any plans to do so.
      Hope this helps!
      Allan DeWall
      S/V Cat Rageous

      Captain Allan went on to say, in a telephone conversation, that he anchors in these waters all the time with his 4-foot draft, and does not encounter any difficulty. However, he also allowed that a vessel with a 6-foot draft might be a different matter entirely.

      We anchored at Hospital Point on 9-24-09 and found 6.5′ at low tide at a locaton well away from the red channel marker. A very comfortable spot.
      Earl Goodwin

      I just spoke with friends who passed through the Norfolk/Portsmouth area earlier this summer. They were able to anchor off Hospital Point (waiting for lat/long) despite drawing almost 7′. It’s my understanding that, in fact, they still had 2′ under the keel. We’ll be in the area in a few days and will report first hand on how we fare with 6′ of draft.
      Rick Emerson

      There is deep water closer to the point and, no surprise, closer to the channel. We could have anchored in anything from 10′ to more than 20′ with no difficulty. We opted to spend the night at Waterside, based on the forecast strong winds from the NE.
      Rick Emerson

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