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    • LNM: AICW MM 283 Swim the Loop, Oct 6, Wrightsville Beach. NC

      united states coast guard

      Mariners are advised that on Sunday October 06, 2024, “Without Limits” will host the “Swim the Loop” and Mott’s Channel Sprint swimming events in the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AICW) and around Harbor Island near Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. The presence of swimmers and support craft will limit maneuverability in the AICW, Mott’s Channel, and the waters surrounding Harbor Island, necessitating the temporary restriction of recreational and commercial vessel movements.
      On October 06, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The SLR will include all navigable waters of the AICW, Mott’s Channel, and around Harbor Island within the designated race area.
      The event will consist of two swims: Swim the Loop and Mott’s Channel Sprint. Swim the Loop will start at Dockside Restaurant, proceed north on the AICW, turn onto Lees Cut towards Banks Channel; turn onto Banks Channel, then turn west onto Mott’s Channel and end at Dockside Restaurant. Mott’s Channel Sprint will start at Blockade Runners’ Resort, proceed through Banks Channel onto Mott’s Channel, cross the AICW, and end at Dockside Restaurant.
      Once swimmers are clear, vessel traffic may resume. Vessels seeking permission to transit this area should contact designated Coast Guard representatives on VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). The SLR will be enforced until 12:00 p.m. or until all race events are secured.

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