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    • LNM: , Numerous ATONS Missing or Destroyed, Withlacoochee River, FL

      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 8
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 16
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Light 18A
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 26
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 26
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 29
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 30
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 30
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 31
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Daybeacon 31
      Withlacoochee River Entrance Light 32
      Withlacoochee River Entrance
      Light 32

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