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    • LNM: Offshore Powerboat Races, Sept 28-29, Clearwater, FL

      FLORIDA – TAMPA BAY TO PORT RITCHIE – CLEARWATER: The Clearwater Offshore Nationals Powerboat Race

      The U.S. Coast Guard will be enforcing a Special Local Regulation for the duration of the Clearwater Offshore Nationals Powerboat Race on the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in Clearwater, Florida from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on September 28 and 29, 2024. No vessels may enter the area within the Special Local Regulation without prior approval of the Patrol Commander. The patrol commander may be contacted on VHF-FM channel 16.
      For further information contact: U.S. Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg (727) 824-7506.

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