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    • LNM: Special Notice, Hurricane Season 2024


      The hurricane season extends from June 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024. Tropical storms and hurricanes often develop with little warning.
      Extensive damage to small craft often results in loss of life. All mariners, particularly operators of small fishing vessels, are reminded that
      advanced planning which might prevent loss of vessel and crew should include:
      (a) Instruction of crew and passengers in location of emergency equipment and emergency procedures.
      (b) Presailing check of vessel, machinery, and equipment for seaworthiness.
      (c) Installation of strong ground tackle.
      (d) Review of storm center evacuation procedures.
      (e) Knowledge of nearest hurricane shelter or port.
      (f) Constant radio watch on VHF-FM Channel 16 and frequent monitoring of VHF-FM Weather Channel for National Weather Service
      During the hurricane season, drawbridges, locks, and navigation structures along the coast may deviate from normal operating procedures.
      Some structures may be unable to open because of high winds, high water levels, or to facilitate evacuation of land traffic. Mariners will be given
      as much notice as possible when structures are to be closed; however, these structures may close on short notice and well in advance of the
      storm. Mariners should anticipate these closures and are urged to seek safe harbor as soon as possible.
      Due to tropical storms and hurricanes, mariners should be aware that aids to navigation along the coasts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
      Louisiana and Texas, and on structures in the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding waters may have been damaged or destroyed. Lighted and
      unlighted buoys may have been moved from charted position, damaged, sunk, extinguished, or otherwise made inoperative. Mariners should not
      rely completely upon the position or operation of an aid to navigation, but should also employ such other methods of determining position, as may
      be available. Wrecks and submerged obstructions may have been moved from charted locations and pipelines may become uncovered or moved
      due to the force of storm surges. Storm surge and winds may create shoals in affected waters. The U.S. Aids to Navigation System marking
      wrecks and obstructions is intended for use with nautical charts. The exact meaning of a particular aid to navigation may not be clear to the
      mariner, unless the appropriate nautical chart is consulted. Virtually all U.S. lateral marks are located in International Association of Marine Aids
      to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Region B and follow the traditional 3R rule of red, right, returning. In U.S. waters, returning from
      seaward and proceeding toward the head of navigation, is generally considered as moving westerly along the Gulf Coast. Mariners should
      exercise caution and report aid to navigation discrepancies and hazards to navigation to the nearest U.S. Coast Guard unit. 21/24

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