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    • Longboat Pass Bridge Re-Opened to Marine Traffic, Longboat Key, West Florida

      With a closed vertical clearance of 17ft, Longboat Pass Bridge crosses Longboat Pass which separates Longbeach and Bradenton Beach, south of Tampa Bay near Statute Mile 85. Our thanks to John Wheeler for this article by Rick Catlin in the Island Reporter.

      Longboat Pass Bridge open to boat traffic
      The Florida Department of Transportation said the Longboat Pass Bridge is now able to handle opening the bascule for boat traffic.
      The bascule had been closed to some marine traffic since Oct. 24, when the bascule locked in the down position.
      DOT spokesperson Robin Stublen said the bascule reopened for tall-masted boat traffic around noon Oct. 30, but he had no further information on why the bascule became stuck.
      `The bridge is now open to all marine traffic,’ he said.
      `We have no timeline for further repairs as engineers are reviewing plans at this time.’
      Engineers working on the bascule found a 3.95-inch gap between the draw and the roadway, but have yet to determine a cause for the gap.

      – See more at:

      And the Local Notice concerning the re-opening:

      FLORIDA ‘“ WEST COAST ‘“ LONGBOAT PASS: Bridge Update.

      The Longboat Pass Bridge across Longboat Pass, Longboat, Manatee County, Florida has been repaired and is fully operational. Both the Longboat Pass and New Pass Bridges have returned to their normal operating schedules.

      Due to the problem with the bridge, the bridge owner, Florida Department of Transportation, will be making some emergency repairs to the bridge. They do not anticipate requesting any navigation restrictions during these repairs. As it will take some time to initiate this emergency repair action, the Longboat Pass Bridge may malfunction which could cause this bridge to be stuck in either the open or closed position. If the bridge is closed to navigation the bridge tender will notify any vessels in the vicinity of the bridge of this issue immediately and will request that they transit either north or south to avoid this bridge. The Coast Guard upon notification will issue a Broadcast Notice to Mariners and the New Pass Bridge will operate on a 24 hour a day schedule until repairs are made to the Longboat Pass Bridge.

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