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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (850) 925-6158
      VHF: Monitored: 16         Working:
      Fax: (850) 925-6828
      Lat/Lon: Near 30° N / 84°12.051 W
      Location: found on the northern banks of the St. Marks River, in the heart of St. Marks village
      Depths: 4 ft.
      Address: 95 Riverside Dr
      St Marks,  FL   32355
      General Manager: Brett Shields

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$.70 per foot per night (depending on size of boat)(with power)30 ft.minimum $.60 ft. per foot per night (without power) 25 ft. minimum
      Type of dockage:fixed concrete slips and face docks
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:100
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Restaurant:several within easy walking distance
      Restaurant Recommendations:Riverside Cafe, Cooter Stew
      Provisioning Possibilities:Shipstore has many provisions or walk to Miss Joys .2 mile away
      Waste pump-out:Available. $5.00 per pumpout
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available
      Fuel Notes:ethanol free/ Closed Monday

      Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)

      Reporting Date:March 11, 2025
      Fuel Notes:ethanol free/ Closed Monday
      Gasoline Price:$4.00 (All Taxes Included)
      Diesel Price:$3.21 (All Taxes Included)

      Reviews from Cruisers (2)

      1. Judith and Paul -  December 26, 2012 - 11:17 am

        Our first stop was St. Mark’s (20 miles south of Tallahassee), staying at the new Shield’s Marina (showers/laundry/well stocked chandlery/full service) and a couple of anchorages in the beautiful St. Mark’s River. We lunched at the Riverside (Paradise) Cafe, walked the park, museum/fort, and the railroad converted to bike path. The area/fort has been significant historically since the 1500’s (and 12,000 yrs before) under the control of 9 different cultures. The area provided the most important salt for the Confederate troups. They have a post office and a limited grocery store and are the heart of the Stone Crab industry with a festival in October. A man came to talk with us for awhile and loaned us his car to go to the St. Mark’s Wildlife Preserve and The Lighthouse. We saw many alligators sunning. We found out later, the owner will loan you his car for Walmart or the lighthouse/nature preserve tour.
        Judith and Paul
        26′ C-Dory

        Reply to Judith
      2. Becky -  August 27, 2009 - 12:41 pm

        We are back home for a week or so. Stopped at Shield Marine in St. Marks Fla today. Chuck and his son Brent Shields own the Marina. They have built a new Marine store..Opening in a couple weeks. Bob & I have never seen a such a Magnificate Facility for selling boats and a Marine store combined. The detail especially ..I have no words for this..I gave Chuck Shields you web site and name. You do have them on your site. Cruisers that are doing the Loop..This is the place to stop. We remember Chuck Shields in a small store that has been flooded many times. We kept our 30′ Allures Classic in St. Marks.Claiborne their store blew us away. Chuck took us on a tour..I could not take pictures. As we were leaving the county inspectors came up the elevator for COO. We will get back there for pictures before we leave
        Claiborne You know how to Publish the news. I said to Mr. Shield that you Penned all of the cruising Guides

        Reply to Becky

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