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    • transient-dock power fresh-water showers food gas diesel propane/natural gas

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 925-6651
      Lat/Lon: Near 35°30.561 N / 75°59.378 W
      Location: guarding the northerly banks of Far Creek and Engelhard harbor, a short distance west of marker #10
      Depths: 5 ft.
      Address: 17 Summerlin Dr
      Engelhard,  NC   27824

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:up to 30 feet – $40.00, over 30 feet and more – $45.00
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:25
      Dockside Power Connections:20/30 amp power hookups available
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Restaurant:small cafe on-site (breakfast and lunch only)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Red & White grocery store within walking distance, 1/2 mile away
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Marina will help with transportation or walk to Ethco service station (252-925-6501) for LPG tank refill and exchange 1/2 mile away
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Not Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available

      Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)

      Reporting Date:February 23, 2025
      Gasoline Price:Call marina for fuel prices
      Diesel Price:Call marina for fuel prices

      Reviews from Cruisers (3)

      1. Carl Crothers -  April 22, 2014 - 10:59 pm

        The marina is a little sketchy for boats drawing more than five feet, and the channel is narrow coming ( sailboats are advised to “hug the greens”), but the marina owners were very hospitable. They cooked up a big dinner of fried fish, hush puppies and fixins just for our club. They knew we were coming, of course. On the down side, the showers leave much to be desired and some of the boats along the outer dock had some polarity lights coming on because of some power issues. But all in all, we had a great one-night stay.
        Carl Crothers

        Reply to Carl
      2. Glenn -  March 14, 2010 - 7:21 pm

        Hi Claiborne
        We just arrived at Big Trout after calling Edna and Frank at home (they did not answer the Marina number, but it is very early in the season – March 14). Frank met us at the dock when we arrived at 6:30 PM and was very accommodating.
        The Channel in was never less than 10 feet – we stayed about 30 feet off the green markers as one of the posters suggested.
        Thanks for the recommendation – we found it in your book and then went to the website. We had planned to go to Manteo, but a 5 hour bridge closure yesterday at the Onslow bridge kept that from happening.
        Fair Sailing
        PS: Verizon service is fine, ATT is non-existent.

        Reply to Glenn
      3. Claiborne -  July 14, 2009 - 8:22 pm

        Hi Claiborne,
        As you wisely suggested, I talked to Edna Summerlin, owner of the Big Trout Marina with her husband Frank. She assurred me that it was recently dredged, and I could expect 8-10 feet of water. We plan to be there on Tuesday, July 14. I’ll let you know what I find. It is a great place to go. Edna and Frank are most accommodating, and the food at their restaurant is superb down home cooking. We will be cruising in North Carolina for two weeks, with our southernmost point Cape Lookout Bight. Your book is our Bible in NC. Thanks for writing it and making it available.
        Best regards,

        Reply to Claiborne

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