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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (305) 451-4107
      Lat/Lon: Near 25°05.726 N / 80°26.194 W
      Location: lies along the south side of the Key Largo canal, just to the west of Key Largo Harbour Marina
      Depths: 4.5 ft.
      Address: 527 Caribbean Dr
      Key Largo,  FL   33037

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$3.00 per foot per night
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips and face docks
      Total number of slips/berths:77
      Dockside Power Connections:20/30 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$9.00/per night - 30 & 50 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Swimming Pool:Available.
      Restaurant:3 on-site
      Restaurant Recommendations:Coconut’s, Bogie’s Cafe, Holiday Inn Tiki Bar
      Provisioning Possibilities:Walk to Walgreen’s drugstore or Family Dollar 4 blocks away or take taxi to Publix supermarket 2 1/2 miles away
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Walk to motor home park for LPG tank refill 1/2 mile away, or to Walgreen’s for tank exchange 4 blocks away
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (3)

      1. Claiborne -  March 21, 2011 - 7:43 am

        A good place to spend the night would be Marina del Mar. A little pricey (3.00 per foot plus electric) but a very calm marina and lots of stuff to do within walking or biking distance. Home to African Queen (boat used in Bogey movie of same name). There are 3 pools on site, two restaurants (Coconuts also has live entertainment weekends, and good drinks and bartenders), and a continental breakfast comes with the slip. Showers at two locations depending on what side of the marina you are on, and both excellent. Laundry facilites as well
        Best local restaurant off site would be Ballyhoos about 2 miles south of the marina.
        My normal morning activity is to get up early and watch all the fishing and snorkeling boats departing the marina. if you do want to snorkel or dive, Molasses is best and closest, and best time to go is between 11:00 and 1:00 (the commercial boats have all returned to their docks prepping for afternoon run).
        If you decide to go talk to Candi, the dockmaster, and tell her the captain of In-T-Mate recommended the marina. No financial advantage for me, but it gets me good points when i do show up, and I stay there a lot.
        Good luck and smooth sailing.
        K. Conners

        Reply to Claiborne
      2. Jeff and Michele Prahm -  July 29, 2010 - 4:22 pm

        On Monday, July 12th, we headed southwest between the reef and the island chain on Hawks Channel. One of our favorite marinas is Marina Del Mar in Key Largo. It is pricey at $3.00 a foot. However, we like the resort feel and opted to pay the price. We were going to continue on to Duck Key and Hawks Cay Resort, but after doing the turtle speed this far, we decided to just stay put and spend 3 nights at this marina. The dockmaster, Candi, is a knowledgeable and helpful host. If you do not want to pay resort prices, you can always anchor to the south on the lee of Rodriquez Key.
        As you enter Port Largo Canal follow the red channel markers. It is very shallow (hitting 3-feet at low tide). Make sure to do a security call on channel-16 as you enter the canal and again as you approach the 45-degree turn known as crash corner. There are some large commercial vessels who call this canal home. So the security call is a must for safe passage. The three hotels at the end of the canal (Marina Del Mar, Holiday Inn, and Ramada) are owned by the same group, so marina guests can use facilities at any of the hotels. We like the pool and Jacuzzi at Marina Del Mar (just steps from our slip). The restroom and laundry facilities are clean and well maintained. As a marina guest, you can partake of the resort’s complimentary continental breakfast.
        There are lots of dive shops to service your needs both on the canal and just steps away on US-1. A Dollar Store and a Service Station are just outside of the marina for small grocery purchases. A real grocery store is further away and would require a cab on a bicycle. Key Largo is the closest of the Keys to the mainland and has numerous mobile mechanical services available.
        There was a small but gregarious live aboard community at this marina. They said we could have bargained for a lower slip rate. I find it hard to believe. Unlike Pier 66 there were very few open slips. Just a few steps down the dock is Ocean Divers. They run two dive boats from there. They have a full-service dive shop. They have the least expensive fuel we saw anywhere. Right next to Ocean Divers is a local hangout called Sharkeys. Their happy hour is great fun. Coconuts is a fun bar and restaurant with good food right next to the Marina pool.
        Jeff and Michele Prahm

        Reply to Jeff
      3. Claiborne -  August 22, 2009 - 7:23 pm

        We have cruised into Key Largo Canal many times. Marina Del Mar is an excellent facility. You must make reservations in advance to reserve a slip in the winter. We have experienced “crash corner”. Just call ahead on channel 16, announcing your approach. No problem
        Ron Hollander

        Weʼve been around crash corner 4 times with no problems. Listen closely to your VHF as all commercial vessels announce their intent and location.
        Bob and Toni Dorman

        Reply to Claiborne

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