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    • transient-dock power fresh-water laundry gas diesel waste

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (305) 361-1281
      Statute Mile: 1094
      Lat/Lon: Near 25°43.540 N / 80° W
      Location: entrance channel lies east of the AICW, some 1.7 nautical miles south of marker #69
      Depths: 6 ft.
      Address: 4000 Crandon Blvd
      Key Biscayne,  FL   33149

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.75 per foot per night
      Live Aboards Allowed:yes
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$2.00/per night - 30 or 50 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Provisioning Possibilities:Take taxi to Winn Dixie 3 miles away
      Waste pump-out:Available. $5.00 per pumpout
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Not Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available
      Fuel Notes:mid grade and premium gasoline

      Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)

      Reporting Date:March 10, 2025
      Fuel Notes:mid grade and premium gasoline
      Gasoline Price:$5.19/ premium, 4.40/ mid grade (All Taxes Included)
      Diesel Price:$3.96 (All Taxes Included)

      Reviews from Cruisers (2)

      1. Gregory Ha -  December 23, 2014 - 12:12 pm

        We live on Key Biscayne. Just a tip. There is good provisioning in key Biscayne on Crandon Blvd in the village. Take the bus, every 20-30 minutes southbound right at the marina. Every third bus goes down Harbor Drive and is less convenient. There is grocery, restaurants and every sort of shopping just 5 miles away. Best beaches in Crandon Park and Bill Baggs State Park.
        I believe moorings are only for sailboats.

        Reply to Gregory
      2. Walt Grifel -  June 6, 2014 - 2:41 pm

        I’m surprised that no one mentioned this marina which is about due east of Dinner Key on the other side of Biscayne Bay, on the northern end of Key Biscayne. I have kept my Sabre 28 in the mooring field there for over 10 years with no complaints. I know they accept transients, if they have available moorings. You can hail them on VHF or call them at 305-361-1281. The only downside is, it is not convenient to restaurants or food markets, although there is a store at the dockmaster’s which sells soft drinks and sandwiches, as well as a fuel station.
        Walt Grifel

        Reply to Walt

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