Available. Dockage up to 150ft, haulout to 55ft, 75 ton railway
Type of dockage:
fixed wooden piers and face docks
Live Aboards Allowed:
Dockside Power Connections:
30/50 amp power hookups available
Dock. Fresh Water Connections:
Available. Separate Men's/Women's Climate Controlled
Fish Hooks Cafe, Spoon River, Ginger Bread Bakery
Provisioning Possibilities:
Hardware Store, Pharmacy, Library, Post Office, Restaurants, Coffee Shop
Wi-Fi Internet Access:
Not Available
Fuel Availability:
Gas & Diesel Available
Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)
Reporting Date:
March 10, 2025
Gasoline Price:
$4.75/90 octane ethanol free (All Taxes Included)
Diesel Price:
$3.45 (All Taxes Included)
Reviews from Cruisers (5)
George & Rosemary Pinksten- May 9, 2018 - 9:06 am
We enjoyed a one night stay at this Marina on our 43’ Mainship. The GM, Brad, was most engaging and helpful from assisting with docking, providing transportation to get provisions for our boat to making dinner reservations at a fabulous local restaurant, The Spoon. The facilities were clean and sheltered from the rougher water. We would recommend this stop on your AICW Loop for sure! 5 STARS
I second the recommendation to stop at Bellhaven NC. There are several options for docking, FREE, or City @$1 foot or marinas outside, or my choice of Bellhaven Marina (252-944-0066 and they also take care of the $1 docks for the city). They have FREE washer/dryer/soap/dryer sheets/toilet paper/showers with fresh towels & soap/grills/scenic views! You are within a 5 minute walk of a big ACE hardware, Spoon River Artworks & Market restaurant (be sure to tell them to WAIT until after you’ve finished your salad to bring your entree), The Tavern w/music on weekends, Fish Hooks Cafe, Farm Boy’s restaurant (which it ain’t BUT have good short order food with a coded menu, and Georgie’s Sport & Oyster Bar (he helped tie me up in 20 mph wind when I came in, which could have been fun…. but wasn’t). This is a great place to spend a night or week in testy weather before you start up the Alligator River. Herb Seaton
Belhaven Marina has recently changed ownership. Brad Condon and Gregg Baker (General Manager) leave nothing on the table. This is a first class smallish operation with expansion plans which when complete will add nearly 300 feet of additional dock space to this well run facility. Gregg has only one way and that’s “all in” when it comes to services. They treat you like you’re at home with rest rooms decorated like your own might look like at home, laundry is free like at home, and right off your boat the grounds make you feel like you’re sunning in your own backyard. Call before arriving and they’ll meet you at the dock to tie your boat up and hook up your utilities. No need for fenders, their entire dock system is lined with ball fenders. Nick Civitillo
Belhaven Marina is one of the best I’ve stayed at so far. I sailed into Belhaven Marina on the 4th of July just ahead of a storm. It’s an excellent Marina. The facility is very clean the staff is extremely welcoming. They are very accommodating to every need. I met the owners, Brad and Nicole Condon. Even though it was a 4th of July holiday it didn’t matter, Brad took me down to the store so that I could reprovision. Now THAT is unbelievable service and dedication. There are excellent local restaurants that are varied. There is an Ace Hardware nearby. There is plenty to do in Belhaven which is a small, patriotic community. All of this is quite affordable. THE INTERNET IS FANTASTIC. This Marina is family owned and family run. You will get the care and respect that a family owned and family-run establishment brings. Brad helped me with my anchor chain problem and an assessment of what I have for anchoring. No charge. Laundry is free. Thanks Sandy LaMontagne !!! Sincerely, Charles Hagen
6-30-17. Here at Belhaven Waterway Marina- south of mm136. Left Coinjock– mm50 at 5:45am. Got here about 3:30 Gregg dock boss– very nice and competent. SW-S winds churned up entrance and marina, but Gregg had very large round fenders in place and knew just what to do to make us secure. Wind has died down and all OK- 9:10pm. Had supper at Spoon River– a MUST. Pricey but well worth it– Tammy served us with a smile. Ordered at double Jamisons and looked- and tasted – like almost a 4X!!! Even took picture of it as never seen that at any restaurant before. Had planned to leave tomorrow, but called Gregg and will stay another night. Easy for the dogs, , verizon strong. Dont know yet re pump out, cable, showers, etc- will find out tomorrow. Laundry free. No discounts. Takes Amex. Wifi is weak and spotty. About 15 over the air TV channels.
7-1-17. Bath/shower very nice/clean. Soap dispensers full and clean towels for our use! Washer and dryer free, but washer takes 1 ½ hours. Dryer new and Gregg says washer to be replaced soon. Had lunch at Farm Boys right on corner at the marina- great burgers, etc. Careful- most shops opened at 10am and no restautrant opened before 5pm. Really nice place and will be made better soon but will keep the old charm it now has- according to the new owners. Definitely will make this a regular stop for us!
Reviews from Cruisers (5)
We enjoyed a one night stay at this Marina on our 43’ Mainship. The GM, Brad, was most engaging and helpful from assisting with docking, providing transportation to get provisions for our boat to making dinner reservations at a fabulous local restaurant, The Spoon. The facilities were clean and sheltered from the rougher water. We would recommend this stop on your AICW Loop for sure! 5 STARS
I second the recommendation to stop at Bellhaven NC. There are several options for docking, FREE, or City @$1 foot or marinas outside, or my choice of Bellhaven Marina (252-944-0066 and they also take care of the $1 docks for the city). They have FREE washer/dryer/soap/dryer sheets/toilet paper/showers with fresh towels & soap/grills/scenic views! You are within a 5 minute walk of a big ACE hardware, Spoon River Artworks & Market restaurant (be sure to tell them to WAIT until after you’ve finished your salad to bring your entree), The Tavern w/music on weekends, Fish Hooks Cafe, Farm Boy’s restaurant (which it ain’t BUT have good short order food with a coded menu, and Georgie’s Sport & Oyster Bar (he helped tie me up in 20 mph wind when I came in, which could have been fun…. but wasn’t). This is a great place to spend a night or week in testy weather before you start up the Alligator River.
Herb Seaton
Belhaven Marina has recently changed ownership. Brad Condon and Gregg Baker (General Manager) leave nothing on the table. This is a first class smallish operation with expansion plans which when complete will add nearly 300 feet of additional dock space to this well run facility. Gregg has only one way and that’s “all in” when it comes to services. They treat you like you’re at home with rest rooms decorated like your own might look like at home, laundry is free like at home, and right off your boat the grounds make you feel like you’re sunning in your own backyard. Call before arriving and they’ll meet you at the dock to tie your boat up and hook up your utilities. No need for fenders, their entire dock system is lined with ball fenders.
Nick Civitillo
Belhaven Marina is one of the best I’ve stayed at so far.
I sailed into Belhaven Marina on the 4th of July just ahead of a storm. It’s an excellent Marina. The facility is very clean the staff is extremely welcoming. They are very accommodating to every need. I met the owners, Brad and Nicole Condon. Even though it was a 4th of July holiday it didn’t matter, Brad took me down to the store so that I could reprovision. Now THAT is unbelievable service and dedication.
There are excellent local restaurants that are varied. There is an Ace Hardware nearby. There is plenty to do in Belhaven which is a small, patriotic community. All of this is quite affordable.
This Marina is family owned and family run. You will get the care and respect that a family owned and family-run establishment brings.
Brad helped me with my anchor chain problem and an assessment of what I have for anchoring. No charge.
Laundry is free.
Thanks Sandy LaMontagne !!!
Charles Hagen
6-30-17. Here at Belhaven Waterway Marina- south of mm136. Left Coinjock– mm50 at 5:45am. Got here about 3:30 Gregg dock boss– very nice and competent. SW-S winds churned up entrance and marina, but Gregg had very large round fenders in place and knew just what to do to make us secure. Wind has died down and all OK- 9:10pm. Had supper at Spoon River– a MUST. Pricey but well worth it– Tammy served us with a smile. Ordered at double Jamisons and looked- and tasted – like almost a 4X!!! Even took picture of it as never seen that at any restaurant before. Had planned to leave tomorrow, but called Gregg and will stay another night. Easy for the dogs, , verizon strong. Dont know yet re pump out, cable, showers, etc- will find out tomorrow. Laundry free. No discounts. Takes Amex. Wifi is weak and spotty. About 15 over the air TV channels.
7-1-17. Bath/shower very nice/clean. Soap dispensers full and clean towels for our use! Washer and dryer free, but washer takes 1 ½ hours. Dryer new and Gregg says washer to be replaced soon. Had lunch at Farm Boys right on corner at the marina- great burgers, etc. Careful- most shops opened at 10am and no restautrant opened before 5pm. Really nice place and will be made better soon but will keep the old charm it now has- according to the new owners. Definitely will make this a regular stop for us!