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    • No-Wake Zones on Caloosahatchee River – Okeechobee Waterway

      The no-wake zones mentioned in the posting below, several miles east of Fort Myers, are noted in my "Cruising Guide to Eastern Florida," but calling attention anew to these restricted waters is always a GOOD idea. There is even a frame metal sculpture of several manatees, near the power plant, to emphasize how popular these waters are with our "snooty" friends.

       A word of caution!
      From the power plant about six miles west of the Franklin Lock out to the Okeechobee Waterway Mile Marker 0, there are several sections that are "Idle Speed-No Wake-Manatee Zone"
      Believe It!!! They are heavily patrolled by both Florida Wildlife officers and local Marine cops

      The no-wake zones mentioned in the posting below, several miles east of Fort Myers, are noted in my "Cruising Guide to Eastern Florida," but calling attention anew to these restricted waters is always a GOOD idea. There is even a frame metal sculpture of several manatees, near the power plant, to emphasize how popular these waters are with our "snooty" friends.

       A word of caution!
      From the power plant about six miles west of the Franklin Lock out to the Okeechobee Waterway Mile Marker 0, there are several sections that are "Idle Speed-No Wake-Manatee Zone"
      Believe It!!! They are heavily patrolled by both Florida Wildlife officers and local Marine cops

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