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    • Okeechobee Dockage Report

      Captain Sterling ususally gives us great reports on Florida Keys Cruising News, but this time, he brings us up to date on several dockage facilities along the Okeechobee Waterway.

      Hi Claiborne
      Just did a back and forth trip from Ft. Meyers, to Port St. Lucie Lock, and back.

      Clewiston is $1.75 foot, off season rate, but it somehow worked out to $71 both times we were there. Pricey we felt. But they still have the courtesy car available.What made up for it is the $20 a nite dockage at both Port St.lucie and Franklin locks.

      The free docks at LaBelle are now in a minimum wake zone, and the hotel across the way is rebuilding it's $0.50 a foot dockage.

      Moorhaven docks were $1 a foot, and not great for fending off of. They need to rethink the pilings.

      Palataka marina is still Closed.

      uel in Ft. Meyers Yacht Basin was $2.75, but I have been seeing it cheaper as we head up north.
      see ya on the water
      MV SterlingLadyIII
      Key Largo, Fl

      Captain Sterling ususally gives us great reports on Florida Keys Cruising News, but this time, he brings us up to date on several dockage facilities along the Okeechobee Waterway.

      Hi Claiborne
      Just did a back and forth trip from Ft. Meyers, to Port St. Lucie Lock, and back.

      Clewiston is $1.75 foot, off season rate, but it somehow worked out to $71 both times we were there. Pricey we felt. But they still have the courtesy car available.What made up for it is the $20 a nite dockage at both Port St.lucie and Franklin locks.

      The free docks at LaBelle are now in a minimum wake zone, and the hotel across the way is rebuilding it's $0.50 a foot dockage.

      Moorhaven docks were $1 a foot, and not great for fending off of. They need to rethink the pilings.

      Palataka marina is still Closed.

      uel in Ft. Meyers Yacht Basin was $2.75, but I have been seeing it cheaper as we head up north.
      see ya on the water
      MV SterlingLadyIII
      Key Largo, Fl

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