[EXPIRED] Organizations
For as long as mankind has memory, man has been entranced by the sea. The need to know what lies beyond the next wave and over the far horizon is all pervasive. Ask any group about their fantasies and someone will tell you of a vision of tropical blue skies, balmy breezes, ever-gentle waves and sailing to exotic ports. Those who are living the dream, those who are planning for the day they can release all the ties to the workaday world to sail off to seek paradise and those who only dream of such adventure all join together in an organization called the Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA).
Boat Owner's Association of the United States – The new home page for the popular Boat Owners Association of the United States (Boat/US). From this page you can reach most of the association's services, check out articles from the new Boat/US Magazine, order merchandise and even join the association if you have not already done so. There is also a page of links to other Web boating sites. Highly recommended!!!
Women Aboard – The "Sea Sisters" mission is to provide a network for women boaters, and to foster and promote the expansion of "sisterhood" and camaraderie among boating women. One of this organization's strong suits is its incredibly valuable monthly newsletter.
Web site for the Great Loop Cruisers' Association.There is no hotter topic in cruising circles today that the Great Loop, and there is NO better source of information than the Great Loop Cruisers' Association. Eva and Ron Stoub do a simply fabulous job with this noteworthy organization. It's well worth joining just for their first-class newsletter. Don't miss the other info on their site, including their memorable book, "Honey, Let's Get a Boat." We simply can not recommend this association too highly. If you have any interest at all in cruising from Florida to New York, then back south through the nation's heartland, don't pass Go, don't collect $200.00, just go to this web site!
Trailer/Sailor's Association – The Trailer/Sailors Association is a non-profit organization formed to provide those who sail trailerable boats with the means of exchanging ideas and information on all aspects of this type of sailing.
Even though members are scattered all across North America, they come together through the Association to share their local sailing adventures, experiences, and knowledge for the benefit of all members.
Christian Boater's Association – Networking Christian Boaters around the world for the purpose of fellowship and ministry
Sea Tow Membership Page – from this site you can join the Sea Tow Organization (a seriously good idea for those of us who do more than a little cruising). There are also good deals on boat products and an interesting set of links!
The internet version of the popular Sailing Forum on Compu-Serve (also known as the On-Line Yacht Club). This page currently describes the CIS forum and features links to other sailing sites. In the future, it may be expanded into a "sailing forum" for the Internet.
Women on the Water – a web site designed by our friends at Sea Tow, devoted exclusively to those members of the gentler sex that go "a cruising."
The web page for the Silverton Owner's Association. This page has a wonderful chat room, but only members of the owner's group are permitted to use this part of the site. There is also a bulletin board which anyone may read, but only members can make postings. You can apply for membership on-line, and this makes life ever so easy. If you happen to own one of these seaworthy powercraft, we highly suggest you give this organization a good, hard look!!!!
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