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    • Good Depths through AICW Statute Mile 52, North River, south of Coinjock, NC

      Marker #129 - Click for Chartview

      Captain Kipnis brings good news in response to a Navigation Alert for shoaling in the North River (/?p=104373) that we posted last December, 2012.

      Didn’t see less than 11.8′ mid channel between Red 128 and the new floating G129.
      Barry Kipnis

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at North Carolina Cut

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    • Dockside Yacht Club Off-Limits to Transients, Morehead City, NC, AICW Statute Mile 205

      Dockside Yacht Club - Click for Chartview

      A phone call to Dockside Yacht Club confirmed that transients are no longer welcome at their docks. Our thanks to Captain Land for bringing this change of policy to our attention.

      Forget this yacht club in Morehead City, NC as they no longer allow transient docking and threaten arrest if anyone dares to pull up to their docks. There are elementary magic marker signs posted everywhere with threats of arrest for trespassing.
      Jackson Land

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Dockside Yacht Club

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Bill Achtenbereg -  July 6, 2020 - 4:08 pm

        Dockside Yacht Club is a private marina. Each slip is assigned to a member of the club and is part owner of the marina. The club no longer owns any slips which is why there are no transient slips anymore. There are transient slips available nearby at Morehead Yacht Basin, Town Creek Marina, Homer Smiths, Morehead City Docks and Beaufort City Docks.

        Reply to Bill
    • Duckweed Largely Cleared at Both Locks and On Dismal Swamp Canal AICW Alternate Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate RouteOur thanks to Director Stewart of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center (A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR) for this update and photos below. For earlier photos, see /?p=124791. And we remind you of the “Event Along the Waterway” scheduled for this coming weekend /?p=120878

      As many of you may have heard there is Duckweed in the northern part of the Canal. I wanted you share with you although you must come through the Deep Creek lock to get here, we are clear. I have a boater who had problems after locking through on Saturday and ended up being towed here to our dock on Sunday.
      I do believe the folks on the north end are doing everything they can to try to alleviate the problem. I know Robert has relayed they have had challenges. My boaters who had come through heading south last week stated they got out of the weed at about mm14. But we did have 5 boats come through earlier today and our stranded boater talked to 5 of them. He said only one stated an issue with having to clean his strainer’¦’¦..I don’t know what to say, other than I would suggest you contact the Deep Creek lock for their status. Our South Mills lockmaster says he is clear as we are and we took these photos this afternoon (after Tom Hale called) to verify we are clear as well. I called Elizabeth City yesterday to see if they had complaints outside of the South Mills lock to ECity, but Susan reported she had not received any reports of problems. I’ll try to see if one of our boaters here tonight will call me and advise me of the conditions as they head south.
      If we receive further useful information, I’ll let you know.
      Donna Stewart, Director
      Dismal Swamp Welcome Center
      2356 US Hwy 17N
      South Mills, NC 27976
      Phone ~ 252-771-8333

      We had several boats come in yesterday afternoon and were expecting four more after we left at 5pm. The boaters I spoke to said they had no issues locking at the north. Charlotte Underwood at the Elizabeth City CVB also asked her boaters about the trip from the South Mills lock to ECity and they reported no problems. This is what I’ve heard so far. Thanks for trying to keep all informed. Robert was not working at the lock yesterday, but the lockmaster on duty said he felt they were back to normal. I’ll try to check on the status when I go in this am.

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    • Michael Ahart, “Waterway Guide News Editor” Shares Editorial on the Magenta Line Issue

      With special permission from Captain Michael Ahart, News Editor for our respected and respectful competitor, “Waterway Guide,” ( we are very pleased to share with the cruising community his extremely well thought through, insightful editorial on the entire “Magenta Line” issue.
      Many thanks Captain Michael. You are a true class act!

      Here’s my “short” version, and the gist of my comments to NOAA Coast Survey. I’m trying to get support for a “dashed line” to depict sections that change often or have frequent shoaling issues. This is my personal opinion and does not necessarily match the opinions or policies of Waterway Guide, or its management or other editors.

      I think that removing the Magenta Line will cause many more groundings.

      A skipper should know better than to blindly follow any single `input’ ‘“ and certainly should follow what the nav aids and the water is telling him/her. I think that skippers treat the line as the `general route’ rather than a specific path — or at least do so after a grounding or two. However, in most sections the Magenta Line correctly depicts the navigable channel as it has been for decades. It also shows an arcing route from nav aid to nav aid where appropriate. A little research in any guidebook or cruiser’s website will alert boaters to the problem spots, and the charts could also depict these problem and shifting areas with a dashed line. (If you were following the Magenta Line on your chart and it changed into a dashed line, wouldn’t you say `hmmm’¦I wonder why it’s dashed here.)

      It would be great if every skipper knew exactly what they were doing all of the time, but the ICWs are really the proving grounds for new cruisers ‘“ and the monotony can throw even old salts off their guard. Without the Magenta Line, many skippers will `miss the turn’ — perhaps steering the vessel to a dangerous ocean inlet, or just up the wrong creek’¦one that’s likely not ever surveyed or dredged, and certainly not monitored by the cruising community. Getting stuck far off the beaten path can mean long delays in getting assistance, especially from other cruisers — but also from tow services. (Remember: The markers have those tiny, easy to miss triangles and squares denoting the ICW, but the charts do NOT.)

      I am also concerned that the removal of the Magenta Line may lower the already low priority of maintaining many sections of the ICW, especially in an environment of reduced federal and state funds competing with an urgent need for the deepening and maintenance of commercial channels to accommodate `Post-Panamax’ cargo vessels.

      Be sure to register your opinion by Dec. 26 with the Coast Survey whether you think the Magenta Line should stay or go.

      Also — regardless of your opinion on this topic, it is very important for the boating public, trade groups, businesses, advocacy groups, and municipalities along the waterway to join together to help our representatives understand how much the ICW means to the economies of these towns, states, and the nation. This historical waterway should be maintained for posterity, and should no longer be treated as an ad-hoc project without clear jurisdiction or priority.

      Send your comments to NOAA Coast Survey at Here’s the official notice:

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    • Shallow Water Confirmed at Entrance to Snake Creek From Hawk Channel, Florida Keys, near Islamorada

      Snake Creek - Click for Chartview

      For several years now, there’s been a concern about MLW depths on the Hawk Channel side of the Snake Creek Channel. (See /?p=105412) The shallow water is a real problem, as Snake Creek is the only really reliable route for cruising sized craft to cruise from the Florida Keys Inside Route to Hawk Channel, or the other way around, between Angelfish Creek and Channel Five. Captain Robinson’s observations confirm that shallow depths reported earlier are still present.

      Went out with a handheld depthsounder yesterday Oct. 6, 2013 at 3:00 pm, one hour before low tide and measured 4.5′ on the hawk channel side just before the channel where the chart reads 4′. Measured 6′ on the bayside next to each of the red markers at 3:30 PM.
      Jules Robinson

      Snake Creek has been this shallow for years. Any sailing cruisers should be using Channel Five and never attempt Snake Creek.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Snake Creek

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    • In Memoriam – Karen Ann Young (1955 – 2013)

      In Memoriam - Karen Ann Young, 1955 - 2013

      It is with more sadness that I can possibly express in words that I must inform the cruising community that my faithful, first-rate, first-mate Karen Ann Williams Young passed away in my arms this morning (Saturday, October 12, 2013) at 6:45 am, after a five year, courageous battle with never smoker’s lung cancer.

      Karen will be mourned and missed by her loving family and many friends, as well as many members of the cruising community. There is now a hole in our hearts which will never be filled, and her like will not be seen on this earth again!

      In her battle with lung cancer, Karen set the bar incredibly high for the rest of us. She endured over sixty chemotherapy treatments, including three clinical trials, two rounds of radiation therapy and three brain radio-surgeries. Through all of this, she kept her spirits high, and always tried to live her life one day at a time, and get the most out of every day possible! She never forgot her family and friends, and always thought of their needs first.

      Karen was devoted to all her animals, including Tiger, George and Martha Washington, Annie, Lucky and Shadow, Sonny, Midnight and Snowball. She was an ardent supporter of the Alamance County Humane Society, the American Humane Society and volunteered at the Burlington Animal Adoption Center.

      Karen loved life and loved to travel, and was always ready for a new adventure. She loved to cruise with me, and was the best first-rate, first-mate and navigator that could possibly be imagined. She helped me explore almost every nook and cranny of the Southeastern coastline during the last thirty years.

      Karen was an avid gardener, and loved working in her garden. Her heart showed in everything she grew!

      There have been so many members of the cruising community who have sent us words and notes of sympathy and understanding during this long battle. I cannot thank each of you individually, but please know that every word, every thought and every prayer will be remembered always.

      I am going to need some time to get myself back together again, and to say goodbye to the dearest partner that any man has ever been lucky enough to have by his side. Senior Editor, Captain Larry Dorminy, will be running the SSECN ship for awhile, but I will return. Karen and I discussed this frequently before she passed away, and she made me promise to keep the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net dream alive!!! I will honor that promise, but, right now, I just need a little time and space.

      And so passes the dearest love of my life, and one of most wonderful people who ever walked this green earth. Goodbye Karen! You will never be forgotten!

      In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorials be made to Hospice of Alamance ‘“ Caswell, 914 Chapel Hill Road, Burlington, NC 27215

      Comments from Cruisers (44)

      1. Rob and Dee Dubin -  October 22, 2013 - 11:37 am

        So sorry to hear about your wife’s passing. Though we never met your wife I still remember how you spoke so fondly of her when we sailed together.

        Our condolences.
        Rob and Dee Dubin

        Reply to Rob
      2. Cathy DeWitt -  October 17, 2013 - 8:11 am

        I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I just heard and am so sorry to have missed giving you condolences in person. I remember meeting Karen when you were first a couple engaged, going to your first house together, visiting her basket creation store, seeing her at the bank. Every time I ever saw Karen I have always thought what a lovely and kind person she was. I know how close you both were and I know how you must be grieving for your soul mate. You have so many wonderful memories together. I pray that they bring you peace and healing.
        Cathy DeWitt

        Reply to Cathy
      3. Debbie Hogan -  October 16, 2013 - 2:51 pm

        I am so sorry for your loss Claibourne. She sounds like she was a very special lady.
        Debbie Hogan

        Reply to Debbie
      4. Mike and Jan Ahart -  October 16, 2013 - 2:50 pm

        Our sincere heartfelt condolences. I hope the love of all your friends will help you navigate through.
        Mike and Jan Ahart

        Reply to Mike
      5. D and Don Wogaman -  October 16, 2013 - 12:16 pm

        Our hearts and our sympathies go out to you at this difficult time. Thanks goodness you had those thirty years of cruising together. Hopefully those wonderful memories will help to sustain you.
        We thank you both for all that you have done for the cruisng community.
        D and Don Wogaman of SV SOUTHERN CROSS

        Reply to D
      6. Bill and Mary Dixon -  October 14, 2013 - 8:27 pm

        What a beautiful memorial. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
        Bill and Mary Dixon

        Reply to Bill
      7. Mark Podolle -  October 14, 2013 - 8:26 pm

        I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Karen. Our paths do not cross often, but when they do I always speak about my friend Claiborne. Please call on me if you should need anything. With sympathy,
        Mark Podolle

        Reply to Mark
      8. Chase -  October 14, 2013 - 8:24 pm

        So sorry for your loss Claiborne, what a brave woman.

        Reply to Chase
      9. Howard and Jackie Mason -  October 14, 2013 - 6:30 am

        We join with the cruising community in sharing your grief.
        Howard and Jackie

        Reply to Howard
      10. Rick and Donna Cass -  October 13, 2013 - 8:41 pm

        We were sorry to hear about Karen’s passing. We did not know her, but she certainly made many friends during her short life. Please take care of yourself and we look forward to reading all your observations in the future.
        Rick and Donna Cass

        Reply to Rick
      11. Greg and Donna -  October 13, 2013 - 8:41 pm

        We are so sorry about your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
        You and your wife had been an inspiration to us since we started cruising. May all your memories always keep her close and help comfort you at this time.
        Greg and Donna
        Lady in Red

        Reply to Greg
      12. Carolyn Frazier -  October 13, 2013 - 8:40 pm

        My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Claiborne. My mother passed on Oct. 12, 2002, with my husband and me by her side. As hard as it was for me as a daughter, the pain of losing a spouse must be indescribable. May God hold you in His arms, as the cruising community holds you in their hearts. Karen will be with you always, and as you heal, you will see her signs.
        Carolyn Frazier
        Double Dragon

        Reply to Carolyn
      13. Jake Smith -  October 13, 2013 - 8:40 pm

        Claiborne, Ginger and I were so saddened by the news of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we will continue to follow the Cruisers Net as we prepare to head south on Ginger’s Mercedes again.
        Jake Smith

        Reply to Jake
      14. Bob and Helen -  October 13, 2013 - 4:10 pm

        Clairborne: It is with heartfelt sadness we read about the loss of Karen. She fought a good fight during her illness.
        Having you at her side through it all was the greatest support she could receive. Our sincere condolences at this time and heartfelt prayers.
        Bob & Helen M/Y ALLEZ!

        Reply to Bob
      15. Bob and Marie Austin -  October 13, 2013 - 4:09 pm

        Marie and I send our condolences to Claiborne. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We only had a chance to meet you and Karen once, but though of you each time we read your columns and Salty Southeast.
        Regards, Bob and Marie Austin

        Reply to Bob
      16. Bob and Susan Parker -  October 13, 2013 - 4:09 pm

        Claiborne, Our prayers and sympathies are with you. May you find comfort in knowing that you are in the hearts of many who care.
        Bob and Susan Parker

        Reply to Bob
      17. Elaine Reib -  October 13, 2013 - 4:08 pm

        I know your pain Claiborne. No words will help but my prayers are sent to comfort you. God bless.
        Elaine Reib
        Co-founder, Skipper Bob publications

        Reply to Elaine
      18. Pat and Gail -  October 13, 2013 - 1:20 pm

        Our sincere sympathy, may God Bless you during this sad time. You and Karen have inspired us to follow our cruising dreams. Peace be with you.
        Pat & Gail s/v Cynthia Gale

        Reply to Pat
      19. Larry and Brenda -  October 13, 2013 - 1:19 pm

        Please accept our most sincere condolences.
        Larry & Brenda M/V Abreojos

        Reply to Larry
      20. David Marcussen -  October 13, 2013 - 1:18 pm

        Prayers outbound to you and your family… God’s love and mercy during this time of mourning.

        Reply to David
      21. Sharon&Jack Witt -  October 13, 2013 - 11:04 am

        Our thoughts and prayers go out to you during this difficult time.
        Sharon&Jack Witt
        S/v Misty’

        Reply to Sharon&Jack
      22. Rich Gano -  October 13, 2013 - 10:04 am

        The cruising and general boating community grieve at your side.

        Reply to Rich
      23. LuAnne & Lyman s/v Dulces Suenos -  October 13, 2013 - 9:22 am

        Dear Claiborne our hearts are heavy with sadness for your loss. May Karen rest peacefully.

        Reply to LuAnne
      24. Gus and Di -  October 13, 2013 - 9:10 am

        We are very sorry for your loss.

        Wind Rider

        Reply to Gus
      25. John Y. Jackson -  October 13, 2013 - 9:02 am

        The sun will continue to rise, and you will move forward but always remember many sunrises that the two of you shared in quiet anchorages.

        John and Georgie Jackson

        Reply to John
      26. Pat and Amber Amodei -  October 13, 2013 - 9:02 am

        May your heart find peace and comfort, Claiborne.

        Reply to Pat
      27. Dave and Connie Boxmeyer -  October 13, 2013 - 8:54 am

        Claiborne, we are so sad to hear about your loss. Having just lost our son to cancer, we can feel your pain. I’m told that the pain will diminish with time; while hopefully the memories of all the happy times will remain. We will say a prayer for both of you.

        Reply to Dave
      28. Ginny Filiatrault -  October 13, 2013 - 8:47 am

        Dear Claiborne: Although we have only met a couple of times at SSCA Gams, I wanted to write and send our condolences and prayers with the loss of your wife and dear partner, Karen. Peace to you! Ginny and Jacques Filiatrault

        Reply to Ginny
      29. Richard Williams -  October 13, 2013 - 7:51 am

        Claiborne, we are so sorry for your loss. Sitting here at Cabbage Cay, one of your favorite sites in Western Florida, we will be thinking of you. Richard & Karen Williams

        Reply to Richard
      30. Bob and Stephanie VanDegejuchte -  October 13, 2013 - 6:56 am

        We are so very sorry to hear your news, Claiborne. Such a huge hole will never be filled. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

        Reply to Bob
      31. Bill Jacobs -  October 13, 2013 - 6:51 am


        As you have guided so many of us through difficult and, sometimes, uncharted waters may you have the hand of the Lord to ease your journey.


        Reply to Bill
      32. Paula Sue Russell -  October 13, 2013 - 6:51 am

        Claiborne – Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers now and the days ahead. God bless you and all who Karen touched in her life. Paula Sue and Todd

        Reply to Paula
      33. Jody Argo Schroath -  October 13, 2013 - 6:39 am

        Rick and I send all our sympathies and support. Happily, those we love stay with us forever in spirit.

        Reply to Jody
      34. Jack Lohman -  October 13, 2013 - 6:34 am

        I too lost my wife to cancer ten years ago, so I know what you are going through. I miss her every day. All my prayers to you and your family at this very sad time.


        Reply to Jack
      35. Ken & Tammy Palmer -  October 13, 2013 - 12:20 am

        Claiborne, You have our heartfelt condolences, also our prayers for the coming days.

        Ken&Tammy Palmer

        Reply to Ken
      36. Dave & Mary -  October 12, 2013 - 9:41 pm

        Our prayers are with you at your time of sorrow, Karen is in a better place, we will be watching for your return.

        Reply to Dave
      37. Dave and Kathi -  October 12, 2013 - 9:21 pm

        On behalf of the Cruiseheimers Net we send our heart felt condolences to you and your dear family. We are truly saddened by your loss.

        Reply to Dave
      38. Julie Stocksdale -  October 12, 2013 - 9:02 pm

        Claiborne, what a flotilla is greeting Karen now beyond our horizon! You know how boaters love to celebrate when someone we know and love comes into our anchorage. You are in the thoughts and prayers of so many friends, many of whom you’ve never met, but all of whom treasure the work that you and Karen have done. Call on this great community of friends for support; we’ll be there for you.
        Julie Stocksdale

        Reply to Julie
      39. Bob Barnes -  October 12, 2013 - 9:01 pm

        Claiborne, I’m am so sorry for your loss! This is very sad news indeed! God bless you!
        Bob Barnes

        Reply to Bob
      40. Ann and Bob -  October 12, 2013 - 9:00 pm

        Ann and Bob are so sad of your loss! Your site has been our guardian during our coastal cruising. We offer our sincere condolences and hope that Providence will give you the strength. Our prayers are with you and your family!
        Ann and Bob s/v Jule III

        Reply to Ann
      41. Susan and Elden -  October 12, 2013 - 8:59 pm

        Claiborne, our sympathies and prayers are with you. You take all the time you need. Remember she is still with you in spirit and in the many memories you shared with her.
        Susan & Elden

        Reply to Susan
      42. Judi Mkam -  October 12, 2013 - 8:58 pm

        From me and all of your friends at tbe Seven Seas Cruising Association I offer heartfelt condolences. May her memory always be for a blessing.
        Judi Mkam

        Reply to Judi
      43. George Barr -  October 12, 2013 - 5:14 pm

        Oh my. How sad and tragic this news is to me Clairborne. Her pain is gone now and yours is acute but will recede to a dull ache over time with someone so loved missing from your life. You’ve written a lovely memorial to all she meant to you and others and those memories will comfort you in the days and years ahead. Take all the time you need…then come back to the community that will miss you while you are gone. May Karen rest in peace.
        George Barr

        Reply to George
      44. Chuck and Susan Baier -  October 12, 2013 - 3:29 pm

        What can we say Claiborne. We are so sorry to hear this. We can only hope and pray that she is in a better place and will not have to suffer any longer. Chuck and Susan

        Reply to Chuck
    • Heart Warming Words!!!!!

      Wow, this is the kind of message that we all live for around here. THANKS to Captain Jon Parmet for taking the time to share such wonderful words!!!! The entire Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net “bunch’ wishes him good luck and good cruising!

      I just wanted to say thanks for the hard work in keeping such a valuable website up and going; there is nothing else out there that compares.
      Fair Winds & Following Seas,
      Captain Jon Parmet
      USCG 200T w/ STCW95′
      US Coast Guard Veteran
      PADI Advanced Open Water

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    • Depths Survey As of 9/03/13 of the AICW/New River/New River Inlet Intersection Problem Stretch (Statute Mile 246)

      Our good friends, and SSECN strategic partners, Captains Mark and Diana Doyle, founders and owners of “On The Water ChartGuides” (, give us an updated, graphic report below, relaying what they discovered as they navigated through the AICW/New River Inlet/New River intersection on 9/03/13. Note that the Doyle’s soundings were taken near low tide, so you must only subtract .3 feet from the depths portrayed on the Doyle’s graphic, to discover MLW soundings.
      Despite some earlier reports of shoaling, Captains Mark and Diana, as you will see below, discovered nothing less than 8 foot MLW soundings at along this perennial AICW Problem Stretch.
      Incidentally, Diana and Mark have just published a new edition of their immensely popular “ICW CruiseGuide.” Click on the book graphic to the above right for more details, and to place an order!

      Hi Claiborne,
      Diana and I are continuing our survey reports with depth-annotated tracks for ICW Trouble Spots.
      This one is for the ICW and New River Inlet intersection.
      Good water this season along this ICW Trouble Spot with depths ABOVE 8 FEET MLLW.
      Hopefully, SSECN readers transiting the area will find these reports useful.
      Captains Mark & Diana Doyle
      m/v Semi-Local

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    • Webcam Pictures of St. Lucie Inlet and Manatee Pocket, near AICW Statute Mile 987

      We think all of you computer savvy folks (note that we didn’t say “nerds”) will appreciate this website that has webcam still shots of St. Lucie Inlet and Manatee Pocket.
      A spokesperson for the webpage relates that they have been having some problems with the website and with the cameras, including an irregular updating of the webcam pictures. They hope to have all issues resolved soon and can post a schedule of picture updating. Note: checked the website today, 10/16/2013, and it seems to be updating the photos properly.

      St. Lucie Inlet - Click for Chartview

      Manatee Pocket - Click for Chartview

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of St. Lucie Inlet

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Manatee Pocket

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    • The Infamous “Magenta Line” – Going, going . . .

      For years now, a debate has raged here on the SSECN, and virtually EVERY other nautical web site and forum, about the so-called “Magenta Line” which appears on NOAA charts covering the various Southeastern USA waterways (and probably in other USA regions as well). The “magenta line” is SUPPOSED to show the best path to take, in order to keep to the best depths. HOWEVER, as many have pointed out, that is NOT always the case. In fact, sometimes, following the magenta line can leave your vessel high and dry!
      Now, apparently due more to budgetary considerations than complaints that the “magenta line” does not (at least in places) properly portray the correct channel, NOAA is considering dumping this chart feature entirely.
      NOAA is asking for comment and input from the cruising community concerning this deletion. See linked article below for URL’s and e-mail addresses where your point of view can be recorded.
      Our thanks to Captain Quinn for sending us the latest official bulletins from the Department of Commerce re the status of the Magenta Line. And our thanks to Captain Jim Healy for first passing along this question from the SW Florida district of NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey. All boaters should respond to Federal sources given below, or to Mr. Michael Henderson, S. Florida and Caribbean Navigation Manager, OCS, at
      And, by the way, this proposed deletion has brought a FLOOD of comment from the cruising community, both on the SSECN, and on other nautical web sites and forums. Follow this link for LOTS MORE information on this subject, and a sampling of cruising community reaction and input:

      READ MORE – Click Here

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