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    • Important – Florida Boat Registration Questions Answered

      Recently, we published an article about the issue of whether Federally Documented vessels entering Florida need/must also be state registered in Florida, or some other state (see /?p=105475). In a follow-up reference to this article, as part of our SSECN Alert of 1/18/13, we posed two specific questions:

      1. Are Federally Documented vessels which are NOT ALSO state registered, in violation of Florida state law, if said vessels stays in Floridian waters LESS THAN 90 DAYS?

      2. Are owners of Federally Documented vessels, whose home port resides in a state that refuses to state register Federally Documented vessels, and, therefore, their vessels are not state registered, in violation of Florida state law.

      Well, thanks to my friend, fellow nautical/cruising guide author, and frequent SSECN contributor, Captain John Kettlewell, these questions have been answered, though FEW will like the answers.
      John took it upon himself to contact Captain Tom Shipp of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC). This is the principal state agency responsible for enforcing Florida boat registration regulations, so, if anyone should know the answers, it’s them. Here is what Captain Kettlewell discovered:

      Captain Tom Shipp of the Florida FWC has replied to my question about what reciprocity there is for a CG documented vessel from out of state that does not also have a state registration. As you know, quite a few states do not require CG documented vessels to also be registered with the state. Off hand, I believe this is the case in Maine, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
      In short, the answer is that every boat entering Florida waters must have a state registration even if it is CG documented. Parts of his message follow:

      You are correct that the `grace period’ would not apply to those vessels. Although those other states may not require registration for documented vessels I would encourage each vessel owner to inquire of their individual home state if they could voluntarily register their vessel.
      A vessel, federally documented or not, that is not covered by a registration from another state or by the USCG in a state without a federally approved numbering system, is not provided that 90 day reciprocity time and would need to register with DHSMV.
      Captain Tom Shipp
      FWC / DLE / Boating and Waterways
      620 South Meridian Street
      Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600
      Phone: (850) 617-9563
      Fax: (850) 488-9284

      John J. Kettlewell

      So, to interpret a bit, the answers are, Federally Documented vessels which are NOT ALSO state registered are in violation of Florida state law, the second they pass into Florida. There is NO 90 day grace period.
      And, even if your vessel’s home port is located in a state that refuses to state register Federally Documented vessels, you are still in violation of Florida state law as soon as you pass into Floridian waters. In this instance, you would probably have to pay to register your boat in Florida.
      As I said, few will like these answers, but this is the information that has come to light. The entire cruising community owes a huge debt of gratitude to Captain Kettlewell for digging out this info!
      MANY THANKS Captain John!

      The idea that Maine would register my boat for me in the absence of a state system just so I could take it into Florida legally would be the best laugh of the week if it did not highlight the pathetic situation in Florida.
      The lack of any common sense or hint of practical thinking on the part of boating policy makers in the state on nearly every issue affecting cruisers is beyond imagination. It makes me think there must be something in the water down there.
      In the highly unlikely event that I ever take my boat into Florida again, I will be sure I have enough drinking water to last until I leave. I wouldn’t want to risk ending up so stupid.
      Roger Long

      Well isn’t this just great! I would like to see the law that this is based upon and the Florida FWC’s written interpretation of that law. I can’t imagine that this doesn’t interfere with another state’s right or the US government’s right to regulate commerce. Any Constitutional lawyers out there who would like to weigh-in on this subject?
      Gregory Ward

      In California they do not even have a form (and they have forms for everything) for registering a federal documented boat. We are planning on doing the loop in 2014 and this is something that I need resolved or at least a path to keep me legal.
      Dave Dove

      Claiborne answers: Captain Dave, well the easiest thing to do is to register your boat with the state of Florida. You can do this by getting in touch with the Florida DMV. See the note below for a fee schedule to do this. Yes, I know it rankles, to say the least, but, as I say, this is the path of least resistance.
      Unfortunately, as I understand it, you must register your vessel initially in person, by going to a Florida county tax office. Here is a web site that pretty much covers the entire procedure:

      If you click on the “county tax collector’s office link,” you can find the nearest office to where you are located. You can also follow another link, print out a Florida boat registration form, and take the completed for with you.

      And, another good web site for Florida Boating and Registration Information:

      These are the current fees from the Florida DMV for boat registration if you stay beyond the 90 day `free’ period or have no state registration from another state:
      Registration fees vary by the length of the vessel, as follows:

      Class A-1 (vessels less than 12′ and all motorized canoes): $12.25Class
      A-2 (12 feet to 15 feet): $23
      Class 1 (16 feet to 25 feet): $35.50
      Class 2 (26 feet to 39 feet): $85
      Class 3 (40 feet to 64 feet): $134.50
      Class 4 (65 feet to 109 feet): $159.50
      Class 5 (110 feet or longer): $196.50
      Please note that some counties may tack on additional fees.

      Some states, other than Florida, allow you to state register your boat even if it is documented’“in fact, some states, like Rhode Island, require it. It might be worth it for someone cruising to survey states on their route and determine which one might be easiest and cheapest to register in, but watch out for becoming liable for local property and excise taxes! Just for kicks, I looked up vessel registration information for North Carolina. If your boat is C.G. documented you can’t title it, and if you can’t title it you can’t register it with the state.
      John Kettlewell

      Well I will just keep my boat out of Fla. They don’t need the money I would have spent there this summer. I will stop short and spend the money in GA.
      Capt. Bill Shearon

      If I register in FL because I CAN’T in NC, do I have to pay sales tax to FL because NC did not charge any for used boat?
      DK Leisure

      This is another example of our elected officals at there best. What in the world are they thinking? Anchoring issues, no wake zones, manatee zones, long waits for bridges, high marina costs and now this.
      We have taken our boat to FL for the last five winters. With the price of fuel, marinas and the extra maintenance it is not an inexpensive trip. For what it costs for a round trip between NC and Fl we can fly or drive and stay in a motel for less.
      On the other hand, we have heat on the boat and can cruise from VA to GA in the colder months. During this time of year, the waters are not crowded, there are less crab trabs and marinas are cheap. Aside from the temperature, whats not to like?
      The more I think about it, the more reasons that I can find to skip FL. I believe that our boat has seen its last trip to FL.
      David Boxmeyer

      One item of consideration’¦.if the boat entering the state of Florida is 30 years old or older, and meets the requirements, that boat may be eligible for registration as an `antique vessel’’¦. the registration fees are so low that you would pay for two years’¦just for the fun of it. Otherwise, look into the sojourners permit’¦.which is less expensive.
      Rob Hobman

      This is a stubid law, If every state on the east coast required this, traveling from maine to florida would require registering in 14 states. lets get real.

      I very much hesitate to muddy the waters even more on this complex issue, as the premise of this posting is the message above from Captain Tom Shipp of the FWC. And, let’s remember that this is the principal agency empowered to enforce Florida boat registration laws. The infamous “Venice Water Nazi” was an FWC officer!
      However, some SSECN readers are finding information which seems to contradict Captain Shipp’s statement. So, in the interest of trying to air as many views as possible, we have published these sorts of messages below.
      At the suggestion of long-time contributor, Captain Jim Healy, the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is going to seek a definitive answer on all these boat registration questions from the Florida Attorney General’s office. We will get a certified paper letter off to them very soon. Just don’t hold your breath for the speed of a reply!

      This is confusing. I went to the web site and exemptions are shown below:
      U.S. government-owned vessels.
      Vessels used strictly as lifeboats.
      Non-resident boats used on Florida’s waterways for 90 days or less.’
      It makes no mention of an out-of-state registration requirement. This appears to be different from the information provided by Capt. Tom Shipp.
      Richard Massey

      To add fuel to the fire, I paid $23 for the tax collectors legal advise via their web page.
      Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:52 PM
      To: Customer Support Internet E-Mail
      Cc: WebMail
      Subject: WEB: Property Taxes
      I have a federal documented boat and California do not issue registrations for federal boats. I am going to be moving thru Florida waters for less than 90 days. Florida requires that all boats be registered Any idea of how to proceed to insure that I am in compliance with Florida law

      Dear Mr. Dove,
      Since you will be in Florida waters for less than 90 days, you are not required to obtain a Florida registration.
      Karen Taylor
      Customer Support Department

      Gentlemen, some of you are complaining about NOTHING!!
      If you bring your boat to Florida’¦and are in FL waters for less than 90 days’¦then you do nothing. You are home free! In fact if you are constantly on the move’¦I doubt anyone would bother you.
      The State of Florida is sensitive about boat registrations because `there is absolutely no property tax on boats, just as there is no income tax’ in FL. But if you are here for over 90 days’¦by state law you are required to register the vessel’¦or you can get a `sojourners permit’’¦..

      If you think Florida is bad’¦stay in GA or SC too long’¦and see what kind of tax bill you get from the state.
      I hate to say it’¦but for people who own pricey boats, y’all complain a lot about nothing’¦.
      Rob Homan

      Cruising News:
      I have a documented boat with a tax paid NY home port, I keep the boat in Maryland and are required to register the boat in MD With their DNC for a nominal fee. This registration does not issue the “bow numbers” but a 2 yr decal. Will this paid state registration make FL happy?
      Bruce Stewart

      Bruce Stewart, yes you are covered by that registration decal for up to 90 days in Florida.
      John Kettlewell

      Claiborne answers – Captain Stewart, I strongly believe that your Maryland registration, WILL satisfy the Florida requirements, even though you do not have a bow number. Now, you may certainly be stopped, and asked to prove your vessel is Maryland registered, but one the proper paperwork is produced, that should do it.

      There’s a jumble of misinformation in the last few comments. First the website is not an official Florida site. Reread what Captain Shipp of Florida’s FWC, the agency that enforces these laws, wrote: `A vessel, federally documented or not, that is not covered by a registration from another state or by the USCG in a state without a federally approved numbering system, is not provided that 90 day reciprocity time and would need to register with DHSMV.’
      I have no idea what tax collector gave you the wrong advice, but the information is incorrect.
      Documented vessels need to also be state registered in Florida. There is no 90-day grace period unless your boat is state registered some place.
      John Kettlewell

      A note on Florida’s exemption for documented vessels from a state without an approved numbering system ‘“ there are none! According to the USCG’s website, every state has an approved numbering system, so don’t bother trying to research if your state doesn’t have an approved numbering system. See Federal Register/Vol 77, No. 60/Wednesday, March 28, 2012/Rules and Regulations 18689, `Changes to Standard Numbering System, Vessel Identification System, and Boating Accident Report Database ‘“ IV. Background’.
      Also, be aware that to qualify for Florida’s `antique vessel’ status your boat must have an engine which is of the same manufacture and model as the original engine. This disqualifies many 30 year and older boats!
      Gregory Ward

      So, let me get this straight? Under this interpretation, wouldn’t every single commercial vessel that is documented under federal law (and not registered in a state) also have to comply with this supposed regulation?
      I’m betting that FWC is not boarding and writing up cruise ships, and tankers, that are porting in Florida to drop off or take on passengers that do not have their state registration.
      I’d like to see a FL Attorney General’s opinion on this. I’ve seen too many non-lawyers put out really bad information to be convinced this is the law just based on one person who works for FWC’s opinion.
      R. Holiman

      Bob Carter

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. David Burnham -  May 16, 2020 - 7:01 am

        With a million registered watercraft in the state of Florida, I doubt that ending your cruise in Georgia and not cruising Florida waters with your vessel will have ANY impact on the waterfront businesses in Florida. But one less wake on the waterways may be a blessing for the boaters.

        Reply to David
      2. Jon Coats -  July 2, 2015 - 8:55 pm

        Hey Folks, Come on down to Guatemala, No hurricanes, No problems. Florida has gone crazy. How the hell do they expect to attract visitors in sail and power yachts? As Forrest Gump said “stupid is as stupid does” times ten if it is a politician.

        Reply to Jon
    • Sunset Marina – Key West/Stock Island

       Even though Sunset Marina is located on Stock Island, this facility lies within sight of the Fleming Key/Key West Mooring Field, and within a short automobile ride of downtown Key West. Thus, we usually think of Sunset Marina as being part of the Key West array of pleasure craft facilities, as opposed to the Stock Island marinas located a bit farther east, and on the ocean (Hawk Channel) side of the isle.

      We stayed at Sunset Marina on the bayside of stock island for one year and were quite happy there, very nice clean modern floating docks, bathrooms / showers OK, very quiet at night, very clean and reasonable rates. Draw back was that in our slow moving sailboat it took a long time to get to a reef on the ocean side, Had to go around Key West to the west to get to the ocean. Navigation entering the marina is tricky but once we did it a few times it was easy. Also don’t mind the Sheriffs headquarters/jail and juvi detention center next door. These are new modern county buildings and don’t bother the eye. There was a homeless shelter on the grounds of the Sheriff’s HQ which caused the homeless folks to gather up the road from the marina which there were complaints about but they never bothered us, but I believe that shelter has been closed down as of this time but have to confirm.
      Jules Robinson

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Sunset Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sunset Marina

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    • Question about Depths in New River, off the AICW Statute Mile 246, Sneads Ferry, NC

      New River Channel - Click for Chartview

      The Waterway at New River Inlet was dredged in late 2012 and is currently shoal-free, but Capt. Ledoux is referring to the New River channel from New River Inlet/AICW intersection westward to Stones Bay near Sneads Ferry. If you’ve checked depths through this area recently, let us hear from you.

      Has anyone recently made the run on the New River between day marks 13 through 18 on the New River? It was dredged a couple of years ago, but was shoaling in. I have not been up there since this past fall. Shrimpers were having trouble getting up to the fish houses in Sneads Ferry. Also between 28 and 29 tend to be shallow. Would be interested to know if anyone has been through these areas and how the current depths are.
      Lance Ledoux

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of New River Channel

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    • Map Depicts Two Small Anchoring Areas on Manatee Pocked (near Statute Mile 988)

      As part of the controversial Stuart/Martin County anchorage regulations, associated with this community/county’s participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program, anchorage is now prohibited in popular Manatee Pocket (off the St. Lucie River between the AICW intersection and downtown Stuart, FL), except in two small areas.
      We sincerely thank Captain Jessica Meinardi, as well as Captains Fred and Elaine DeFoor for sending us the map below which shows where the two patches in the Pocket where anchoring is still possible.

      Claiborne, this is the anchoring areas (or non-anchoring areas) in Stuart, Fl and Manatee Pocket. Thanks for asking and including this in your site. We have always enjoyed reading your Guides and articles.
      Fred and Elaine DeFoor

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Manatee Pocket

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    • GREAT Advice About Cruising Western Florida’s Big Bend Region

      I have lost count of the number of times I’ve said this, but it bears repeating. If you get a dozen veteran cruisers together, you will get at least twenty different opinions about how best to cross Western Florida’s waterwayless “Big Bend” region. For those who have never cruised these waters, the Western Florida’s ICW’s northern terminus is at Anclote Key, while the Northern Gulf ICW does not begin its east to west trek until one reaches Dog Island and the charming village of Carrabelle.
      In between is better than a hundred miles of coastline, with a LARGE shelf of shallow water jutting for miles out into the Gulf of Mexico. These shallows are pierced at fairly regular intervals by man-made channels, leading to the Big Bend rivers such as the Crystal, the Withlacoochee, the Suwanee and the Steinhatchee. Some of these entrance passages are fairly reliable, while others are not.
      So, rather than follow the Big Bend coastline, staying several miles offshore, some mariners choose to cut the corner, and head (northbound) directly for Dog Island or Panama City.
      Whichever route you choose, there ARE challanges. Some day I must relate the story of the most disastrous yacht deliver in which I ever participated, all of which took place in the Big Bend region. But that’s another story for another day.
      For now, let’s all give a good listen to the excellent advice offered by veteran cruiser Captain Bob Duthie below. His words are well worth your time!

      I enjoyed reading this post as it sounded similar to our experience crossing the gulf. The unforecasted winds in the gulf on our trip blew up at night unlike what we were used to everywhere else where the winds tend to die down at night. On our crossing the night winds came from the north-east. There are a few things that might make a more comfortable crossing compared to the course that Muddy Waters took. We did the crossing in a 36 Grand Banks with no stabilizers. We had 4 adults aboard and changed the watch after dark every hour. The autopilot did all the steering and we planned a straight line course without any deviations.
      1. Leave from Carrabelle and go staight to Tarpon Springs which is 168 miles vs 180 miles for Appalcahcola to Clearwater. This means less time on the gulf.
      2. Stay 50 miles from shore in deep water to avoid all the crab pots that are found 20 miles from shore. Don’t follow the Big Bend.
      3. With north-east or north-west winds you will be rolling uncomfortably. Since you are 50 miles out, you can turn to the east so the winds are now on the bow/stern or one quarter. This reduces or eliminates the rolling.
      Slow down from 8 mph to 5 mph since you don’t want to get too close to shore at night and the slower speed makes it easier to take the waves. The up and down motion is much easier for people and all the stuff inside than rolling. The autopilot also can maintain a straight course.
      4. I estimated the highest wave at 8 ft when the bow platform was buried once into a wave with green water coming over and along the decks.
      5. At 5:00AM the sun came up and the wind died down. At about 10 miles off Cedar Key we changed course and headed for Tarpon Springs. The strings of crab pots were now easy to see.
      6. Overall it took us 24 hours vs a planned 18 hours and we went 25 miles further due to the change in course.

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    • Florida Waterfront Homeowner Speaks Out

      Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net has received hundreds of complaints about derelict/abandoned boats in all the states along the Intracoastal Waterway and especially in Florida. While we firmly stand by Florida anchoring rights, there is also a real problem with abandoned vessels and “live aboard hulks” (i. e. “boats” people are living on, but which will never move again, unless it’s straight down to the bottom) in the Sunshine State, not only for responsible cruisers, but for coastal homeowners as well.

      We are homeowners (and boat owners) on the ICW who are frustrated by the derelict boats now moored (apparently permanently) in front of our homes. A good blow will push them into our docks, inflicting damage they obviously will not pay for. We are sure they are not in compliance with sanitation regulations. We fear that the inability of cities to regulate these vessels is an unintended consequence of the state law protecting responsible boaters’ rights while cruising. We feel trapped and unable to do much of anything to protect OUR rights. Would appreciate perspectives on how state laws might be modified so that local jurisdictions can deal with vagrant boats moored in their waterways.
      Cynthia McCague

      Cynthia, I do sympathize with you but there are already many laws currently to deal with these issues. The problem becomes, your local law enforcement won’t take the time to enforce those laws. Ask the homeowners at Key Biscayne. They forced the FWC and local Sheriff to inspect these boats for safety and sanitation compliance. The boaters are required to fix any problem in a short period of time or face fines. You will find that they quickly move on and no new ordinances or regulations are required and the conscientious boaters will not suffer. If the solution sounds too simple, it’s because it is. But you will need to make the effort to insist that your local agencies respond and do the job they are paid to do. It doesn’t mean harassing boaters, it means dealing with the direct cause of your issues. Use the current laws and regulation rather than looking for something new. I hope this helps,
      Chuck Baier

      Just to throw in an additional editorial comment, we could not possibly agree more with the thoughts expressed in Captain Baier’s note above. Check out my earlier editorial, “Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Anchoring Rights Editorial Reprise” at /?p=4958.

      Cynthia, Chuck’s answer is correct. I would like to add that the answer is not to outlaw or prohibit anchoring, because that just chases away legitimate transient boaters, like myself, who prefer to anchor. I visit your towns, spend money, and move on. There are plenty of laws already on the books that regulate vessels and their operation. The answer is not to regulate or prohibit anchoring. As I frequently repeat, it would be like closing down a park because some homeless people sleep on the park benches. Public waterways must remain open for the responsible use and enjoyment of all.
      John Kettlewell

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    • Update on Vertical Clearance(s!!) of Broadway Bridge, Daytona Beach, Statute Mile 830.5

      Broadway Bridge - Click for Chartview

      Even with these reassurances from the Florida Department of Transportation, Cruisers’ Net still must relate the experiences of our readers (see link below). Let’s hope that more cruisers are able to find the 67ft clearance! Let us hear from you! Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net wants to thank John Kremski and Mike Lieberum for their work in resolving the chart and tide gauge discrepancies of the past. The Broadway Bridge (E International Speedway Blvd) crosses the ICW at Statute Mile 830.5, south-southeast of unlighted daybeacons #33 and #34.

      Good Morning John,
      I have received revised drawings for this particular bridge and yes they did confirm that one corner of this bridge is at 63 feet MHW. Due to the slope of this bridge this is the lowest corner. The other three points of the fender measure at 65 ft MHW and the bridge has 67 ft at the center.
      With this new information provided, I will request that NOAA update the Chart and Coast Pilot.
      Michael Lieberum
      Seventh Coast Guard District
      Bridge Branch

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at Broadway Bridge

      Click Here To Read An Earlier Navigation Alert Posting on Broadway Bridge

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    • Shoaling in Motts Channel, Wrightsville Beach, NC, AICW Statute Mile 283.3, 1/12/14

      Motts Channel - Click for Chartview

      The Motts Channel cuts into the southeastern/eastern flank of the AICW, a short hop south and southwest of the Wrightsville Beach Bascule Bridge, just past the host of marina facilities which congregate south of this span. The Motts passage serves at least two important purposes for cruisers.
      First, it provides access from the AICW to cruiser friendly Seapath Yacht Club (Marina), and secondly, it is the most direct route to the very popular anchorages on Banks Channel. Over the years, the west end of the Motts Channel, near markers #25 and #23, has shoaled and periodic dredging has been required. Judging from Capt. Mike’s report, dredging is once again needed.

      Cruising News:
      January 12 came down Motts channel [traveling west] from Banks channel to icw and hit pretty hard mid channel 2 hours before low tide approx 100 feet from actual intersection. My intent was to catch Wrightsville Beach Bridge, and continue north to my slip. I have traveled at all tides for 6 years with 4 foot draft through same spot and never came close to grounding. Fyi stay close to green marker when approaching this spot.
      Capt Mike

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Seapath Yacht Club

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at Motts Channel

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    • “Druggies” Using Crab Pots In the Gulf of Mexico??????

      OK, folks, everyone has to take a look at this series of messages just copied from the AGLCA forum. All I can add is that this reminds me very much of the lyrics of one of my favorite 1960’s songs:

      “It’s a strange, strong world we live in, Master Jack!”

      Memsahib was stopped by Homeland Security for a routine document check about 10 miles south of Tarpon Springs. The Coasties didn’t even come aboard — we just handed them our papers and that was it. But it was a nice day and they hung around talking about the boat and the trip. etc.
      One of my comments was that I couldn’t understand the economics of the stone crab business because on our Gulf crossing we started seeing pots 32-35 miles out of Tarpon in 50 feet of water. How could anyone afford to fish those traps? The boss security guy became very, very interested and asked if they were rows or singles (singles and pairs), whether there was evidence of any otherpot lines in the area (no), whether we saw any suspicious boats (no — just that night’s Looper Flotilla). Seems that planes are dropping drugs way out and marking them with crab pot floats so nobody thinks anything about it.
      Thanks to a rendezvous with Catmandu to dodge pots, we were exactly on the rhumb line to Buoy R4, so I was able to give them a pretty accurate description of where the pots were, but I didn’t have my tracking feature turned on, so couldn’t give them a GPS fix.
      I would strongly suggest that if any future crossers see single spots way out in deep water, that they plug in a waypoint and phone it in when you land. Also, that’s another good reason to reach Crabland well after dawn,
      since running into a black Cigarette boat full of drug fishermen wouldn’t be any more fun than snagging a pot line.

      For what’s it worth, when we came across last week, the crab pots appeared to be in straight lines, typical of normal fishing style. When we saw a single, we sometimes had to really look for its mates but normally saw them. Also, we observed typical lobster boats working those traps. That said, everyone should stay alert to suspecious activity. Cruisers are the best eyes and ears for Homeland Security and they know it.
      Stay safe,

      Tom’s right, what appear to be isolated pots could well be in lines so far apart that they are hard to spot. Still, I felt badly that I couldn’t give them a good fix, and hope any ohters spotting really dodgy ones will do so.

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    • Confirmation of Completed Dredging at Browns Inlet/AICW Intersection, Statute Mile 237

       Back on 11/13/12, the SSECN published an article (now deleted, as its info is outdated) reporting that dredging had begun at the AICW/Brown Inlet Intersection Problem Stretch, south of Swansboro, NC. As many of you know, this “Problem Stretch” was perhaps the #1 headache for cruisers during the fall, 2012 transient season.
      This dredging project was slated for completion by 12/16/12. Now, thanks to the report by Captain Raymond Smith below, we know this project has indeed been completed, and, at least for the moment, depths are not a problem on these waters.
      HOWEVER, if past experience is any guide, and it usually is, shallow depths will make a reappearance at this intersection sometime by mid to late 2013. Stay tuned for further developments!

      Cruised through Browns Inlet problem area today on a rising tide. No problem, just follow the markers. 14 feet of water. Not bad!!!
      Raymond W. Smith

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW/Browns Inlet Intersection

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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