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    • “Shakedown” at Green Cove Springs City Dock ?, Green Cove Springs, FL

      Green Cove Springs City Dock is on the St. Johns River between Jacksonville and Palatka. This facility should NOT be confused with Green Cove Springs Marina, which sits a bit farther upstream, in the heart of the old Navy Base.
      As for Capt. Hoskins’ experience described below, we can’t be really sure this is a shakedown or a miscommunication, since Green Cove Spring’s municipal website, as well as a confirming phone call made by the SSECN to City Hall, lists charges only for overnight stays. See below. Accordingly, Capt. Hoskins should NOT have been charged for daytime use without electric or water.

      This is an excerpt from the Green Cove Springs website which clearly states that: “There is no fee if a boat stays all day and uses no electric and/or water”.

      The City Pier provides a gateway to the City of Green Cove Springs by way of the St. Johns River. The pier provides a centrally located covered pavillion with handrails that are handicap accessible. The 12 floating finger boat slips allow visitors to dock and explore the City of Green Cove Springs.
      Boat Slip Information:

      $10.00 – Overnight Stay
      $10.00 – Use of Electric and/or Water

      Maximum stay is 48 hours. If a boat stays overnight and uses no electric and/or water the fee will be $10.00 per day. If a boat stays overnight and also uses the electric and/or water the fee is $20.00 per day. There is no fee if a boat stays all day and uses no electric and/or water. Overnight fees are based upon use from after dusk and until dawn. Go to “Parks and Recreation”, then to “City Pier”

      Cruising News:
      Chief of police in Green Cove Springs,Fl. and his officers are demanding 10.00 daily dock fee for dinghy or boat if they think you are a live aboard even though signs are posted for overnight and utility usage only. Today I complained to city manager and am awaiting news of actual statute or “resolution” pertaining to this now old shakedown tactic for money that is not posted on any sign at the dock. It happens that the police station is in Spring Park right near the docks so they keep an eye out for potential “victims”. Beware…
      Alan Hoskins

      It seems that I am caught up in a discriminatory battle between the city of Green Cove Springs and its corporate statute enforcers and the live-aboards who have remained at anchor off the city in the St. Johns River in the quaint cove to the south of the city public docks for a period deemed `too long’ by the powers that claim to be. I have been denied use of a public dock for the reason stated above unless I pay a fee that is not required by the general public and that is designed to force me to comply or leave the area which feels and seems to be the case. This is clearly a case of the NIMBY syndrome (not in my backyard) that is causing Fl. to enforce statutes that are not even on the books. We as a species are devolving not evolving and are acting as territorial baboons fighting for existence! Folks when you buy a box on the waterfront and hook it up to the grid and dull your mind in front of the boob tube, try to remember that you only bought the box, you did not buy the view out of your window because I am in it and I am not for sale! Best Regards’¦../)’¦’¦
      Alan Hoskins

      Click Here To Read More Information about Green Cove Springs City Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Green Cove Springs City Dock

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. David Burnham -  November 27, 2016 - 12:23 pm

        Damage to the floating docks on the Green Cove Springs City Dock has closed this access to the city until further notice. At least until repairs have returned the floating docks to a useable condition. There is no date specified when work will commence or be completed. However, NO TRESSPASSING signs ARE posted. There is a locked gate across the middle of the pier preventing access to the shore from the floating docks.

        Reply to David
    • An Enthusiastic Thumbs Up for Hinkley Yacht Services, Thunderbolt, Georgia (just outside Savannah, GA, St. M. 583)

      Having just returned from a personal research visit to Hinkley Yacht Services on 11/2/12, I agree with Captain Day’s description. This truly seems like a quality operation!
      The Savannah/Thunderbort version of the venerable Hinkley Yacht Services overlooks the Waterways’ western banks, immediately north of the Thunderbolt high-rise bridge.

      In September 2011 we hauled our 34 year old, 44FT. Thompson Trawler, LILY MARIA at the Chesapeake Marine Railway, Deltaville, VA { Contact:J. Farinholt. {804}776 8833 } for serious bottom work.High pressure water utilizing a special nozzle removed old paint.Voids and dings filled, sanded and two coats of West Marine Premium Gold ablative anti fouling applied. This was our second visit to Chesapeake Marine Railway and have always been pleased with there work and consideration to customer needs. Good people!.
      In May 2012 we short hauled for an insurance survey and seemingly the overly enthusiastic pressure wash removed most of the still active ablative paint.Four months in Georgias fast flowing, nutrient rich rivers found LILY MARIAs bottom reminiscent of a tropical rain forest, with abundant slime, weed and small barnacles. A marine biologists delight , a skippers horror show!!.
      What to do?.Haul in Geogia or wait until we returned to Marathon for the winter?. Greatly reduced speed, slugish manouvering and no doubt increased fuel consumption favored Georgia.
      By telephone we contacted 7 reputable boat yards including 2 in Florida where we had hauled in prevous years for quotations. For a fair comparison we reduced each quote to a $ per foot cost. The quotation from Hinkley Yacht Services in Thunderbolt GA came right in the middle of our tabulation. After several discussions with Gebel Seese , Hinkley Service Manager, {Contact: {912} 629 2400 } it became apparent to us that Hinkley offerred the best possible value consistent with top quality materials and skilled labor.
      We found the Sea Hawk web site informative and following Gebel Seese advise we specified Sea Hawk, Tropikote, based on proven longevity and effectiveness of anti fouling properties. Further, via Sea Hawks appointed applicators a written guarrantee is issued which appealed to Jean and I.
      Haul out day saw LILY MARIA in the slings for a full 8 hours while she was scraped,pressure washed and lightly sanded. Of special note,the running gear and scoops were restored to bare metal by the addition of a small amount of silicone sand added to the pressure wash water.This coupled with the extensive work undertaken the prevous year at the Chesapeake Marine Railway has restored the bottom of LILY MARIA to a clean fair surface. As one interested bystander said “Your 35 year old boat now has the bottom of a 4 year old”. We especially appreciated the care and hard work in prepping the bottom on which the finished job would depend.
      Metal primed, 2 coats of Tropikote applied with 3 on the waterline and LILY MARIA was ready to be launched within 5 working days.
      Durring the haul out we lived aboard with minimal inconveience. Hinkley provides good clean shoreside facilities adjascent to the work area. The work areas are tidy, well organized and the work scheduled so the job progresses without interruption.
      The labor force,many of whom worked at the old Palmer Johnson yard, are experienced, skilled craftsmen and proud to carry on the the quality work that Hinkley is renowned for. This full service yard maintains many boats that are not Hinkley built and despite there insistance on customer service and quality there priceing is most competitive.Hinkley is not a do it your self yard.
      We are extremly satisfied with our Hinkley experience which was beyond our expectations. The job was completed on time, within budget and to a high standard. On the run south we have noted at least a 1.25 increse in speed at cruising RPM plus resultant fuel savings.
      Jean sums it up best of all by saying “the only problem I see with Hinkley is that we now have no choice but to return for all future haul outs!!
      Colin Day
      Jean Henderson

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Hinkley Yacht Services

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Hinkley Yacht Services

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    • Focus Your Binoculars and Cameras on Seabirds

      This message comes to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net from our strategic partners, Captains Diana and Mark Doyle, founders and principals of On-The-Water ChartGuides. Please join with Diana, and participate in this most worthwhile project!

      I’d like to encourage any cruisers who are interested in birds or wildlife to participate in the “SeaBC Sea Bird Count” this November, December or January. Participation is easy: simply tally or photograph the birds you see during an hour watch on a coastal transit or offshore passage.
      This citizen science project, in its second year, is organized by a group of nine cruisers from around the world, including Wendy Clarke, Diana Doyle, Brenda Free, Yvonne Katchor, Beth Leonard, Katharine Lowrie, Devi Sharp, Jeanne Socrates, and Dorothy Wadlow.
      Last year’s inaugural count spanned 100º of latitude, from Maine to Antarctica. The Caribbean 1500, Baja Ha-Ha, Salty Dog Rally, and ARC are all encouraging their boats to participate.
      If you are a novice seabirder, you can still make a huge contribution by taking digital photos of any seabirds you see trailing alongside your boat and then noting the lat/long. The birding-aboard community at will help you identify and report the species when you make landfall.
      Your sightings matter! There aren’t many scientists who have the time and resources to log the sea miles you do. All data goes to Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird database (, where it becomes a resource for
      scientists and citizens worldwide.
      An instruction and tally sheet (under SeaBC/Resources) and additional information is available on the community page at or by emailing organizer Diana Doyle at Diana BirdingAboard com.
      Please join the count in any way you can and contribute much-needed information about pelagic birds!
      Diana Doyle
      m/v Semi-Local

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    • Key West Anchoring WILL Be Allowed Around Christmas Tree (Wisteria) Island and West of Fleming Key

      In an earlier, now corrected, story here on the Cruisers’ Net (see /?p=96458), we opined that under the new, now approved Monroe County Anchoring plan (part of the Florida Keys’s participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field program) anchoring around Key West’s Christmas Tree Island (charted as “Wisteria Island”) and on the waters west of Fleming Key was prohibited. That is the way we and others read these regulations.
      However, just a few days ago, we received the following inquiry from Captain RMW:

      I think your statement that anchorages won’t be allowed around Christmas tree Island and Fleming Key is incorrect and you need to modify it. It frightened me before I did more research on my own. I think these are considered `unmanaged mooring fields’ by the gov’t. Without those anchorages, there would be NO place for cruisers to anchor while visiting Key West. However, there is no `managed mooring field’ west of Fleming Key, so I assume there is no exclusionary `buffer zone’ there, which only applies to `managed mooring fields’. The only `managed mooring field’ in Key West is at Garrison Bight in the Seaplane basin, on the east side of Fleming Key. The way I read the rules would apply to Key West, is that the `buffer zone’ would apply to the Seaplane basin, around the mooring field at Garrison Bight. That would make more sense, the water is shallow, and in the places where it is not, has poor purchase for anchors. Your article is suggesting that all of the anchorages around Key West would be eliminated. There seems to be no such plan in the works, as far as I can tell. Please clarify.

      Well, that really sounded hopeful. We are GLAD to acknowledge mistaken interpretations, particularly when the correct take is beneficial to the cruising community. So, we got in touch with Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, our very special Florida Keys correspondent, and the founder of BARR (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights and Responsibilities, and asked her to look further into this matter. Here is her response:

      The guy is correct in his statement that anchoring will be allowed off Wisteria (Christmas Tree Island) and Fleming Key. You may be thinking about the prior plans to put moorings off Wisteria, and making the entire west side of Fleming Key a sanctuary area for marine life–thus barring anchoring. That whole proposal got scrapped when the ownership of Christmas Tree Island became questionable. It appears the US Navy owns it.
      Thought for a minute about what the problem was as far as confusion with KW and anchorages. The entire area basically comes under the “managed anchoring” zone category which means you can anchor there but are subject to the rules and regs as established by the Pilot Program. No time limits or anything just pumping out and commonsense stuff. The only place that is different is on the east side of Fleming Key where the mooring field is…that is now a NO ANCHORAGE buffer zone. It’s a small area and very open to rough water. Most cruisers do not use it.

      And, more input from Captain RMW:

      I just called the FWC yesterday and the man I spoke with there (I was connected to someone with knowledge on the topic of mooring) confirmed what I wrote to you previously. The areas west of Fleming Key are considered “managed anchorages” and will be checked for compliance with the regulations as such. That does not mean that you can’t anchor there. The man acknowledged that people live on board boats in Key West, and for many, he said, it’s “affordable housing”. The area in the seaplane basin (east of Fleming) around the city mooring field is the “buffer zone” around the “managed mooring field”, and that is where anchorages are not allowed.
      As far as Key West is concerned, I don’t see any problem with these rules – they are just putting teeth into rules that were always there.
      I think it’s a good thing – who wants sewage and derelict projectiles around their bedroom? Also I think there are allowances for composting toilets, etc.
      One more thing, when I asked him if additional funds were allocated for enforcement, he said there are no additional personnel.
      R.M. Walter

      So, it would appear that even under the new Monroe County anchoring plan, anchoring will be allowed around Christmas Tree/Wisteria Island and east of Fleming Key. HAPPY DAYS! We were never so happy to be proved wrong!

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Wisteria Island (Christmas Tree Island) Eastern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Wisteria Island (Christmas Tree Island) Northwesterly Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Fleming Key/Man of War Harbor Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Key West’s Anchorages

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    • Great Visits to Cumberland Island, Georgia (AICW Statute Mile 711.5)

       Cumberland Island lines the AICW’s eastern flank, in extreme southern Georgia, just north of St. Marys River and the Florida state line. One of the best side trips you will ever make from the Waterway lies north – northeast of marker #34 on the Dungeness Greyfield Channel. Follow the wide passage, and eventually anchor abeam of the “Sea Camp Dock.” Dinghy ashore to tour the island’s spectacular maritime forest, old Carnegie mansions, and some really superb beaches. Follow the link below to learn more about this wonderful anchorage!

      Cumberland Island has always been one of our favorite destinations and anchorages. There is much history, nature and beauty to be enjoyed. Many of our cruising friends just sailed by Cumberland Island on their annual treks up and down the east coast. After convincing them to stop at Cumberland, they stayed 5 days, exploring many areas of the island. They now visit every year.
      Glen and Jill Moore
      DeFever 40* Last Dance*

      We have camped on Cumberland and boated there many times. The last time we took our son, his wife and two granddaughters and our Golden Retriever Midas to the north end ocean side for some fun on the beach.

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Dungeness Greyfield Channel Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of

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    • Comments on Transiting Angelfish, Creek Card Sound to Hawk Channel, Florida Keys

      Angelfish Creek - Click for Chartview

      I don’t think any channel in the Florida Keys has occasioned more comment here on the Cruisers’ Net than Angelfish Creek. For those who don’t already know, this creek provides a means to cruise from the Inside/Florida Bay Route (from Card Sound), to Hawk Channel and the briny blue. There has always been some question about depths along this route, and we have received many reports here on the Net about an underwater “rock,” near the point where the marked passage meets up with the deeper waters abutting Hawk Channel.
      Most of Captain Copeland’s comments below concern another subject, namely, why planing hull craft tend to transit Angelfish at high speed. Boy, if the props on my vessel cost $40K each, I might do the same thing, and then again, I might not!

      In re: to Angelfish Creek navigation: As a captain of a 50′ sport fish who navigates this creek frequently (not because I have a choice’¦I do not) with my 4’10’³ draft, I have seen many posts from other boaters who seem very frustrated with `big sportfishers’ who take this channel pushing high wakes or at high speeds.
      I would like to explain WHY this is the case:
      1. I will never take this channel under two hours before or after a low tide ‘“ particularly in a west wind or a full moon.
      2. The $2M boat has wheels which costs almost $40,000.
      3. The shallowest parts of the channel is at the eastern end (a rock ledge, yes’¦rock) and western (bayside) end (which is shoaljng). For us to get up on plane enough to make this passage, it is necessary for the large sport boats to go fast! There are only a few places in the creek itself where we can slow down in enough time to get up on plane again to get out.
      4. Believe it or not big sport boat wakes are less annoying when they are up on plane and not chugging.
      Please try and understand these boats also have the right to navigate this channel. And believe me, if we had a choice, we wouldn’t!
      J. Copeland

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at Angelfish Creek Eastern Entrance

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Wes Abell -  November 11, 2015 - 9:57 pm

        As Capt. Copeland stated it is necessary for large sport boats to stay on top to transit this stretch of water… I to captain a 50+ foot sport fish and have a draft of 5′-3″ and always run through at 25 plus KTS. I sometimes will have to wait for the East channel to be clear before shooting though and every once and a while there is someone in a center console that just doesn’t get it and we will meet in the worse possible spot… I cannot stop as it would result in disaster, so please pay attention to the larger boats up on top transiting Anglefish creek, we’re not trying to show off, only trying to get through!

        Reply to Wes
    • A Good Visit to Darien, GA via the Darien River, departing the AICW at Statute Mile 653

      There are several rivers flowing into the AICW stretch, just north of infamous Little Mud River. Darien River departs westward at marker #183, and runs upstream to an interesting city marina/dock at the charming community of Darien, Georgia. Here you will find free 48-hour dockage and a host of interesting restaurants and other businesses.
      PLEASE NOTE: Marker # 184 denotes the AICW passage, not the Darien River channel!

      Darien, Georgia

      AICW Marker #184

      On October 25, 2012, we are currently docked at the free Darien docks. This a wonderful place, well worth the trip of about seven miles up the Darien River. We came here on 10/24 at dead low tide. We saw two places with some shallow depths, one at R10 with 5.5 feet and one at R12 with six feet. At both locations depth went back up to 12+ feet very quickly. At low tide, the shoals are very visible, and the channel markers, and chartplotter were accurate. It took us about 1.25 hours to get here after leaving the ICW at R184. It was a pleasant run. We are a trawler, cruising with a sailboat. The town is lovely, with a Piggly Wiggly about a mile from the docks, and a hardware store about two blocks. The Wine Bar, near the hardware store is beautiful. This a wonderful side trip. Do not miss it. There are about 30 large shrimpboats docked just downstream of us. The only reason for four stars rather than five is the lack of restrooms, but it is free, including 30 amp power and water. What more can you ask for two nights free.
      Thanks Claiborne for the suggestion on this one.
      Norman Mason
      Monk 36, Peggy Sue
      Norfolk, VA

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Darien City Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Darien, GA

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Fl G Marker #183

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    • ODYSEE’s Odysee – A Trip from Charleston Harbor to Lake Marion, off the AICW

      The following narrative is an excerpt from the blog of Chuck and Claria Gorgen. To see the full journey log go to:
      This is a trip undertaken by very few cruising size craft. Most captains choose to cease their upstream explorations at the “T” on upper Cooper River. HOWEVER, as you will see below, this cruise has its charms, and perhaps should be considered more often.

      The Cooper River heads NW from the Charleston, SC harbor up to Monks Corner where it meets Lake Moultrie. Back in 1939, a WPA project dammed up the Cooper and Santee rivers to form two large lakes, Lake Moultrie and Lake Marion. This reservoir backed up the Santee River to the Congaree and Wateree Rivers, and created a water route from Columbia to Charleston. The Cooper River is deep enough to support barge traffic up to the hydro power plants that were build at the bottom end of both lakes. The Santee Cooper project was the largest WPA project undertaken.
      On Tuesday we started up the river at about 10:00. The cooper river was very deep all the way up to Lake Moultrie. 35 miles up the river we came to the first bridge we needed open. To request an opening you need to call the bridge 6 hours before you get there,and then call again as you get close, so the bridge operator can drive to the bridge you want opened, he operates two bridges about 10 miles apart.

      Another 10 miles up the river we arrived at Monks Corners, where we spent the night tied up to the dock at Gilligan’s Restaurant, free night dockage with power if you have dinner, what a deal!
      Wednesday, we needed a second RR bridge opened just before the dam and lock at Lake Moultrie. The same bridge tender arrived to do the honors. As the bridge goes up we can see the 80 foot high dam and lock. We call the lock master and proceed to the lock door. These bridges and lock have no VHF radios so all communication is by cell phone. When this lock was built back in 1939 it was the highest single chamber lock in the world at 75′.

      Once in the lock, we tied up to a floating dock that was secured to the locks bollards. YOUNG at HEART rafted up to us and we started up. the lock was very friendly with little turbulence as we went up.

      Once to the top of the 75′ lift we can see Lake Moultrie off to the NW. Once on the lake there is a 6 mile buoyed straight channel to diversion channel which connects Lake Moultrie and Marion. Parts of Moultrie are 90′ deep, and when the lake was flooded they flooded over roads, bridges, and towns, all of that stuff still down there.

      YOUNG at HEART lead the way out of the lock and across the lake, and enters diversion channel leading into Lake Marion. Lake Marion is not as deep as Moultrie, and they never cleaned all of the trees out before they flooded, so there are trees and stumps all over, it’s important to stay in the buoyed channel.

      We spent the first night anchored behind the Santee National Wildlife Refuge at the North East corner of the lake.
      Thursday morning was overcast and drizzly. We continued up the lake with the intention to get to Santee State Park. About halfway up the lake we go under Interstate 95. At this point the lake was getting shallow except for the old Santee River bed, which winds all over between the trees that continue to stand. Here YOUNG at HEART follows us through the maze.

      Friday we set out to see how far we could get up the Santee River and then up the Congaree River. As we approached the far west end of Lake Marion, the channel got narrow and shallow, with lots of growth crowding in on the channel. We found the deepest water on the outside of the river bends and we hugged the growth close.

      We anchored in a nice cove behind Santee State Park.

      Friday we set out to see how far we could get up the Santee River and then up the Congaree River. As we approached the far west end of Lake Marion, the channel got narrow and shallow, with lots of growth crowding in on the channel. We found the deepest water on the outside of the river bends and we hugged the growth close.

      The water was very skinny, running between 6-8′. It look like we wouldn’t be able to get through, but the bottom was very soft mud and many had told us we could get quite a ways up the river, so we slowly continued. They were right, within a few miles the river became a typical river, with a downstream current of 1.5 to 2 MPH, with depths along the deep channel of 12-18′. We knew there were three bridges to get under, the first a RR bridge with a reported clearance of 18′. The water is down about 1.5′, and we found about 20′ clearance. A little further upstream the Santee River ends and the Wateree goes off to the north and the Congaree goes off to the west towards Columbia. We turned left up the Congaree and soon found the second bridge, highway 601, with a new span under construction.

      About 3 miles further up the river we came to the third bridge, with an 18′ clearance per the chart. Well, this bridge was also under construction and a temporary span was across the river for the crawler cranes to use. One of the construction guys stretched his tap measure down to the water and announced the clearance was about 15′. We may have been able to get under, but YOUNG at HEART could not, so we decided we were as far as we were going.

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Peter Groen -  August 5, 2019 - 9:21 am

        The post on traveling from Charleston Harbor up the Cooper River to Lake Moultrie and on to Lake Marion mistakenly keeps referring to Lake Monroe – its really Lake Marion in SC.

        Editor: Corrected as noted. Thank you Peter.

        Reply to Peter
      2. Brent Nilsen -  February 20, 2016 - 1:33 pm

        Hello, my name is Brent Nilsen and I am very interested in making this trip. Thanks for the post. It looks like you guys made this trip in a couple of days. Do you have any of the contact information on the bridges that you need to call or prices for using the lock system? Any advice helps.


        Reply to Brent
    • Marco Island, FL Amends Waterway Ordinance and Removes Anchoring Restrictions

      Marco Island is a large community south of the city of Naples on the West Coast of Florida.
      After many, many years of struggle, the city of Marco Island, as you will read below, has finally given up the attempt to regulate anchorage by cruising vessels, contrary to Florida state law. Some of you may remember that back in 2007, I journeyed to Naples, entirely at my own expense, to be an “expert” (boy, did I have them fooled) witness in the trial of Capt. Dave Dumas. This brave individual undertook a “civil disobedience” by anchoring his vessel, contrary to the local statutes, with the express goal of being taken to court by the city of Marco Island. Eventually, he was found innocent, as the local regulations were clearly at variance with Florida state law.
      All this hub-bub has now been superseded by the far more cruiser friendly, but still NOT perfect, 2009 state of Florida anchoring law. Even so, it’s really good to remember those who fought so long and hard for Florida anchoring rights.
      The cruising community owes a HUGE debt of gratitude to the Sailing Association of Marco Island (SAMI), their leaders, and, particularly Captain Dave Dumas. MANY THANKS TO YOU BRAVE WARRIORS!!!

      Subject: Marco Island, FL Amends Waterway Ordinance and Removes Anchoring Restrictions

      Tonight at 6:15 pm at the Sept. 17th meeting of the City of Marco Island council meeting, the anchoring restrictions enacted in May 2006 were repealed by an amendment to their Waterways ordinance. This is the end of an over six year battle. In Jan. of 2007, Capt. Dave Dumas on his Krogen 42 “Kinship” was cited by the Marco Police for violating the anchoring ordinance. In Oct. of 2007, Att. Donald Day and his law firm in Naples, Fl defended Dumas pro-Bono and won a Collier County Court ruling when Judge Rob Crown declared the anchoring provisions of the ordinance unconstitutional after an eight hour hearing on a motion to dismiss the citation. The City finally dropped an appeal to the ruling
      in 2009 and after three more years of prodding the City Council tonight voted unanimously to remove the invalid sections from their code of ordinances.
      The support of Att. Day, the Sailing Association of Marco Is. (S.A.M.I.) and over 25 other organizations and individuals was invaluable in this rare success over “City Hall”. The rights of freedom of navigation will continue to need defending, but this success is sweet. Thanks to all who contributed.
      Dave Dumas
      Lee Oldershaw
      Herman Diebler
      Karl Henning
      for S.A.M.I.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Marco Island

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    • Lock Opening Times Verified, Dismal Swamp Canal, AICW Alternate Route

      The AICW Alternate Dismal Swamp Canal Route southbound departs the primary AICW south of Norfolk at Statute Mile 7.2 and begins officially at Deep Creek Lock at Statute Mile 10.6.

      Does anyone know if the Dismal Swamp Locks are still restricted to just two openings per day?

      Dismal Swamp openings 2 days ago [10/20/12] were: 8:30am; 11:00am; 1:30pm; 3:30pm
      Just passed through with relatively light traffic. 3 boats at Visitors Center.
      John Esch

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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