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    • Pahokee Marina (Rim Route – Lake Okeechobee)

      I suspect there are two reasons that Capt. Sterling found Pahokee Marina semi-deserted (see below), but both are related to this facility's postion along the so-called "Rim Route" of the Okeechobee Waterway. First, following the 2005 hurricane season, the Rim Route was choked with debris, and for a long time the 'Torry Island Bridge was not operating. Secondly, the Rim Route has always been shallower than the "Lake Route." With the low water depths suffered until quite recently, depths along the Rim Route were barely deep enough for a canoe. With water levels once again restored in Lake Okeechobee, let's all hope Pahokee Marina is able to resume normal operations soon.

      I am sitting in the New Pahaokee Marina.Brand new docks with 50 and 30 amp hook ups, water, pumpouts everywhere, fire hose connections, floating docks built for a 10 ft storm surge, 12 ft of water,new hurricane buildings, all first class. Dockage is $1.25 a foot.
      Now the bad news, only 5 other boats here, no cruisers, the new buildings are empty,no services on the property. Too bad this is off the beaten path across the lake, Its a very nice facility.
      Also there is no marked chanel to come in from off the lake , but we worked our way in.
      Capt Sterline

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