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    • Pierside Boatworks, Cooper River, Charleston, SC

      Having visited this boatyard, formerly Charleston Boat Yard, on several recent occasions, I can attest to the excellent work being done by the new owner, John Brophy. Like most owner-operated concerns, Pierside Boatworks is having great success. 843-554-7775 and

      If you ever need a boatyard for maintenance: bottom paint, prop work, through hull fitting work etc. or just to have your boat on the hard for a period of time, please think Pierside Boatworks with John Brophy. He is an upfront owner who will give quotes and timing and then stick by them. John operates the yard to accommodate owners who want to do work themselves or to have his professional team look after your needs. The yard is secure and the staff is welcoming and professional in their areas of expertise. We have done business with John for the past few years and have not been disappointed. Please check them out.
      Captains Tim and Marion Barnett (WHATEVER)

      We spent almost a month on the hard here. While they raised our waterline by 3 inches and put a new bootstripe on, we spent 2 weeks compounding, polishing and waxing our sailboat from stem to stern and worked on various other projects. They took care of us every step of the way, and John Brophy deserves a lot of credit for the work he’s done to the place. They were incredibly welcoming, even allowing us to use their conference room to homeschool our kids while we were working on our boat. I can’t recommend them enough.
      Captain Chris, s/v Pelican

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