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    • Proposed Mandatory Inspection and Proof of Pump-out For Vessels Anchored in the Florida Keys

      There has been a very lively discussion on the MTOA List-Serve, concerning a proposed regulation to demand proof of pump-out for vessels anchored on certain Florida Keys waters. Read on and learn a whole lot more!

      Cruising News:
      Read in the local paper today, Monroe County is passing a law to require an inspection and proof of pump out in certain anchorage area, such as sunset cove in Key Largo.
      Once again they are taking away another one of our RIGHTS!

      This was tried in North Carolina, if you remember, and it was quickly forgotten about since it was impossible to verify and monitor. Perhaps the same will come of this ordinance, although the Keys have done some unusual things in the past.

      I have a pump out at my home dock in South Florida. I wonder how they will handle that. From time to time I have a guest stop by and do a pump out while they are visiting on their way to the Keys???
      Ed Potter

      These are exactly the kinds of issues that don’t get considered when these knee jerk reactions become regulations. And exactly the problem in North Carolina. But it was a lot of input from boaters that got the NC regulations put on hold indefinitely. Perhaps the same will work for Monroe County. The National Marine Sanctuary must also be part of these regulations.

      Here is the actual article and it addresses a number of issues including pump out. Note this quote, “Board members noted that the county could not ethically require pumpout of boat holding tanks if
      there are no pumpout boats or facilities nearby.” So sometimes it helps to have the entire story.

      The pump out boat offered by Monroe county is no longer operational. The rumors are they are letting it out for bids. sucker (pardon the pun) What fool would take that bid??? tis a looser.
      Of all the places I have cruised, the keys are the least boater friendly!! And I am a 30 year resident of key largo.
      See you in Paradise!!
      Capt. Sterling
      38 Marine trader

      Interesting how they reported it. It’s not an “ethics” issue. Its an issue of hypocrisy. After that its an issue of verification and enforcement.

      And, here is the rest of the story from our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmine Smith Ladd:

      The Keys cover a lot of ground in Monroe County. The areas mentioned are Sunset Cove and Boca Chica Basin. They do not have pump-out facilities but that is being discussed. Boot Key Harbor has become a VERY FRIENDLY area for cruisers and boaters for some time now, and of that we are quite proud. Please read my article about the October 5th MPAC Meeting slated to be held in Key West, it will explain some things to you. At first they were wanting pump out logs, but now it is evident that once they get pump out facilities there, the pump out boat will have the evidence of pump out. Others have asked for a sticker system’¦these are other boaters, mind you, who comply by taking their boat to the pump out station and don’t want to be bothered by inspections. The powers that be, so far, in Monroe County are trying NOT to overreach and affect cruisers with these regulations. The Pilot Program is not needed for any of it, yet it is what is the driving force for the overkill. I have represented the readers/members of SSECN for some time on these issues and continue to fight to make some sense out of the nonsense that is the Pilot Program.
      Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd
      on “September Sea”

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

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