Punta Gorda Waterfront Anchorage
The anchorage commented on below by Captain lies on the waters of Peace River, just west of the Highway 41 Bridge, and just off the Punta Gorda waterfront. It is within easy dinghy distance of Fishermens Village Yacht Basin.
We have been anchored in this area for 3 days, winds mainly from the North 15 ‘“ 30 knots. We originally anchored just inside R4, but later waited for low tide and crept in a little closer. There is a courtesy dock on the west side of Fisherman’s Village’¦also used the floating dinghy dock inside the basin, but the gate closes at 5:30 PM. It’s ok to use this dock if you are going to the village, but you need to see the dockmaster if you want to use the facilities. Very friendly staff. Lots of shops in the village, good restaurants and entertainment in the center of the shops. We missed the Gallery Walks (3rd Thursday of the month) in Punta Gorda because it was too rough to go ashore but we could hear the music. Follow the painted flip flops on the sidewalk in town.
Capt. RL& Karen
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