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    • Report on Passage of the Dismal Swamp AICW Canal Alternate (North Carolina AICW)

      Click to learn more about our Carolina Loop program Even though Captain Jim’s account below is taken from a June, 2011 passage of the Dismal Swamp Canal, we thought it contained so MUCH good info, that it deserved a November posting here on the Cruisers’ Net!
      Jim is quite correct about the danger of submerged and semi-submerged debris on the canal. It’s best to go slow and take in the sights. Those who are in a hurry would be better served by the North Carolina – Virginia Cut route (a. k. a. Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal).

      I took the Dismal Swamp in June form the south and it was beautiful but you need to know a few things first. The locks were on a limited opening schedule of twice a day which I think has changed but you need to confirm that. Second I struck a submerged obstruction and bent my starboard prop about 1.5 miles north of the VA/NC state line. I never saw anything even after we hit it so be very careful. As a side note there was plenty of water depth and it did not go below 7 feet. Thankfully we were at idle speed so the damage was minor. BE careful but even saying that I do not know how I would have avoided it. If your props are more protected than my you might not need to worry. There is a great free dock at the welcome center near the state line with a very good park of hikes into the swamp. If you are interested in nature you can not go wrong. You will likely see wood ducks, many types of wood peckers and as well as other mammals. They have a very nice nature center across form the welcome center docks. When you get to Elizabeth City There are also free dock at the town docks. Enjoy the trip.
      Jim Wagner

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Elizabeth City Mariner’s Wharf Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Mariner’s Wharf Docks

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