Sanibel Island Causeway Bridge
Sanibel Island Causeway Bridge – crosses San Carlos Bay between Punta Rassa and Sanibel Island, northwest of flashing daybeacon #10
26 28.980 North/082 00.885 West (Northeasternmost Span near Punta Rassa)
70-foot clearance
Bridge contains three pass-throughs, but the principal bascule span is located on the bridge’s northeastern section, hard by charted Punta Rassa – the central and southwestern pass-throughs are fixed spans – closed vertical clearance of the northern bascule is 26 feet – vertical clearance of the central fixed span is 9 feet – vertical clearance of southern fixed span, hard by Sanibel Island, is 26 feet – new, northeastern span is now fixed with an impressive vertical clearance of 70 feet
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