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    • transient-dock power fresh-water food

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (912) 651-3634
      Lat/Lon: Near 32°04.884 N / 81°05.347 W
      Location: flanking Savannah River’s southerly banks, in the heart of downtown Savannah
      Depths: 10 ft.
      Address: P.O. Box 1027
      2 East Bay St.
      Savanah,  GA   31401

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available. CHECK IF OPEN AND AVAILABLE AHEAD OF TIME
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.50 per foot, per night
      Type of dockage:floating concrete decked face docks
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:300 feet
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Restaurant:many within easy walking distance
      Restaurant Recommendations:Elizabeths On Thirty Seventh (912-2365547), Olde Pink House Restaurant (912-232-4286)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Kroger supermarket several miles away, taxi or city shuttle ride necessary, taxi stand at Hyatt Hotel
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Not Available
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (10)

      1. Rho-Jo -  April 26, 2013 - 10:51 am

        We stayed at the City Marina when we went to Savannah. The dock master was very helpful. Easy walk to the shops and all the restaurants. Ate at Paula Deans. Don’t let the line fool you. We only waited about twenty minutes. They have dining on multiple levels of the building. The two nights we were there we only remember a few ships coming by. They were in the middle of the night. The wake was not that bad.

        Reply to Rho-Jo
      2. Captain Ron -  October 20, 2010 - 10:25 am

        We walked by the city dock and the power pedestals were covered with trash bags. Somehow, you’re supposed to pay at the parking garage. Also, they don’t take reservations.
        Captain Ron

        Reply to Captain
      3. Greg and Susan Han -  May 12, 2010 - 3:23 pm

        The City of Savannah is preparing to once again charge for docking at the Riverfront Plaza facilities. Per a phone conversation with Shawn Emerson of the Mobility and Parking Services Department, the policy will be in place by the end of May. Bottom line is the fee will be $1.50/ft for 24 hours. Tieing up for less than 3 hours is free. Complete information may be found on the Waterway Guide or City of Savannah websites.
        Ted Stehle
        Waterway Guide/Skipper Bob Publications

        It will be interesting to see how the boating market responds to this. Even though the location is excellent my experience is that the free nature is the main draw of the site. The hotels docks nearby charge around double the 1.50/ft but you have some services especially water and real electricity not the 15amp service (on GFI sockets that do not work with my boat) and that sometimes work and sometimes not. Water bibs are in bad repair and only a few for the whole dock.
        I have made this a regular stop but will now have to re-evaluate stopping at Thunderbolt instead. This will free up space for the locals who come to enjoy and afternoon and do not stay overnight and who were probably complaining about all the freeloaders who stayed for days and took all the space.
        Aw I will probably stop there again in the fall and pay the freight and remember the good ol days.
        Greg and Susan Han
        Key Biscayne, FL
        Allegria — Krogen Whaleback #16

        Reply to Greg
      4. Dick and Elle Lassman -  December 6, 2009 - 9:52 am

        Just talked to the City of Savannah about staying over night on their docks. There is a new telephone number 912-651-6470 ext.1 and it is now handled by the Park Service. We were told it is first come first served and presently not charging any fee where in the past it was $1 per foot. You must call in advance for they have a cruise ship that may be in port and take up the whole dock. It is a great stop but be aware you become one of the attractions on the waterfront.
        Going there this coming weekend and will report any more onformation if necessary.
        Dick and Elle Lassman
        M/V Summer Wind

        Reply to Dick
      5. Greg T -  September 24, 2009 - 10:49 am

        I did stay in Savannath last spring.It was at a dockage for a parking lot, south of a Hotel, which was taken by a huge powerboat, and no dockage available left. Terrible dockage due to river traffic, and their speed. Thought the boat was swamped from the container traffic.A lot of crime in the surrouinding area. If you are not white-Don’t walk around after the shops close That came from the the parking lot attendant. They left at 9 P.M. along with a locking gate, that would not open, until the next morning. Loaded my .357, and under my pillow. Stay out of GA——————————-
        Greg T

        Reply to Greg
      6. David -  July 23, 2009 - 11:08 am

        Downtown Savannah currently has 4 docks: The public dock, the Westin, the Hyatt, and there is a private dock in front of “Spankies” restaurant. Dockage at the public dock is generally first come, first serve, with little chance for reservations. City hall is just a couple of blocks away and those intending to spend the night are expected to walk there and pay for their dockage. None of the docks monitor a VHF radio. Contact the Hyatt or Westin by their local phone (Westin – 912-201-2228). You can usually work a deal to eat at their restaurants, in exchange for a couple hours of free dockage (Westin’s dockage was $4.00/foot a couple of years ago, I don’t know what it is now). The private dock is managed by the parking lot attendant directly above the dock. Ships are not a problem, tugs are. You can get slammed and they could care less.
        Name Withheld By Request

        The last 2 times we went to Savannah we overnighted on the waterfront (Savannah side, Hyatt I think). It was expensive, minimum is about $100.00 night, but was really a nice way to spend the evening and many of the local restaurants were really quite good. A short walk away, Planters was exceptional.

        Yes, I’ve docked downtown, last month, one night and found it to be a great stop, it’s worth the detour off the ICW. I can’t remember the name of the dock, shame on me…, the dock master was extremely friendly and helpful. Current, traffic, security etc… was not an issue. There are 2 or 3 floating docks there, different management i think. we stayed at the one in the middle.
        Plenty of restaurants right across the street… being able to step off the boat and stroll the empty streets in the morning was real nice too…

        Reply to David
      7. Mike & Tammy -  July 22, 2009 - 12:03 pm

        Earlier this summer we spent a week at the City Docks (about 750′) from the river street docks. Only $1/ft/night.
        Awesome location to visit the city. You are right in the heart of the tourist district. During the day there are a few wakes, but not bad. Towards the end of the week we did start to feel like a tourist attraction.
        Currently at the Charleston Maritime Center. Great location again. Downside, there is a current in the marina which makes docking interesting and the seawall leaves it a little rolly from the occasional boat wake (quiets down at night). Otherwise well maintained with a helpful staff. Less expensive than the city marina and free Laundry. Side benefit is the water taxi’s to Patriots point and to Fort Sumter are right there.
        Mike & Tammy
        Valhalla II (Gemini 3400)

        Subject: Savannah City Docks
        Message: We do have some news to report on the Savannah City Docks. These are the docks just east of the river boats and the Hyatt. We love the sublime atmosphere of the Savannah historic downtown and the numerous squares, so we normally make the detour off the ICW to the river front. These docks are not free, but at $1.00/foot, they are cheap; electricy is available (20 amp) but you may need to share a water spigot. It is my understanding these docks were donated to the city for the exclusive use of pleasure craft. There will be some changes since many people feel they are free and the city had the terrible idea of letting the American Spirit Line of cruise ships tie up there whenever they wanted – literally tossing off any pleasure craft that were there (this happened to me during a gale watch this spring). Currently there is a 150′ barq tied up, taking half the available space. Too bad, the docks weren’t made for thse large ships and the damage from them is becomong apparent.
        According to Judy at the Municpal building, the dockage administration is being transferred to the parking authority and an office will be erected close to the docks for fee collection (that would make the other three pleasure craft here right now upset). According to other sources, the cruise lines will be docked at another location and maybe the barq will move as well. Unfortunately, the maximum length will be limited to 35 feet. Only one of the boats currently docked meet that size limit.
        So, please check with Judy on your way in or you may make the hour trip in vane. If teh size limit becomes a reality, this will be our last trip to the city docks and probably Savannah. Too bad.
        Dave and Brenda Johnson

        Reply to Mike
      8. Michael Porter -  July 22, 2009 - 11:41 am

        Subject: Savannah
        Cruising News: Just spent 2 good nights at the Savannah City Docks. Great place, and the price is right at $1/ft. The floats are the same as those at the pricey ($2.50) River St. Market and a self-sufficient pasagemaker shouldn’t need services.
        Ran up Savannah River in a blue dungeon of fog — the pilots had closed the river to shipping so we had a very impressive parade of ships after it was opened.
        Michael Porter

        Reply to Michael
      9. Multiple Contributors -  July 22, 2009 - 11:36 am

        Has anyone stayed overnight at river street market place dock? Southbound we stayed at a wilmington island marina and we’re looking to be closer, the price is a wash after you figure in taxi service.
        Thanks for any information,
        Scott and Caroline McGonigle
        1982 mainship trawler, SEASCAPE

        Scott and Caroline,
        We have gone up the Savannah last year and stayed at the River Walk docks. You can call the City and get info but it is first come, first serve there. they will not hold any space for you. The weekends are very full with many small boats. Our recommendation would be to try to go before the weekend and stay through the weekend. You have to walk into own and we believe ,if our memory is right go to the Chamber of commerce to ceheck in and pay. Good luck and enjoy. By the way there is water and 15 amp electric.
        Dick and Elle Lassman

        We spent a few days at the river street docks. We enjoyed it, but beware of a bouncy stay. It’s not the big ships that cause the problem but the small boats that think no wake is what they produce just before going fast enough to plane.
        Peter & Vickie Kidd

        I have not stayed at River Street dock myself, but have been there many times. I’ve been told that wakes from the container ships can roll you out of your bunk and may damage your boat. If you go there I suggest you have plenty of big fenders.
        Peter Colket

        There are some wakes from the ships, its no different then tying up on the Riverwalk in Ft. Lauderdale. In Savanah the dock is floating so there is some give and wake protection. Your not banging against a cement wall.
        Dick and Elle Lassman

        We stayed there for 5 days and had a fantastic time. We didn’t notice much wave action from the container ships. I guess some people just like to complain about everything.
        If we do the loop again, we would spend more time there. Plus, the price is right for being right downtown.
        James Taylor

        We stayed there last November. Couple of add’l points on Savannah’s dock:
        * You should call the City Tax office — 912.651.6451 — they manage the dock and collect the fee.
        * CTO is two and half blocks away. They will tell you how to find them.
        * Bring a check — no credit cards. The fee is $1/ft/day.
        * Unofficially, this one time payment for a day is all they will ask for. We were told, if we stay longer, not to come back for additional payment. This friendly approach may not be the rule.
        * Not all (in best case only half) of the 15A outlets are hot. Be prepared to either move the boat closer to a working outlet, or have a long extension cord ready.
        * We were told that in 2009 the docks will be given to the parking authority, meaning that a dollar a foot (or a free day) will become a thing of the past.
        Raoul, Adria, Symbol

        It is now 2.50 per foot, which includes water, electric, and wifi. No showers or laundry facilities, but there is a security gate with key code. Previously, we stayed in Thunderbolt. We think the River Street dockage is worth the price, to be right on River Street, not having to deal with the travel back and forth (calling, waiting, paying for cab or bus). We’ll let you all know how we make out!
        Caroline & Scott McGonigle
        M/V Seascape

        I don’t want to confuse anyone……but…..when we were there last year….. there are two city docks and they are next to each other. The one behind the gate with water & electric for $2.50 ft. the other city dock (about 100 ft. away) cost me $37.50 for the first night (water and 15 amp plug at street level) and was told I didn’t need to come back and pay any more unless I wanted to stay a week. We stayed there 5 days for $37.50 compared to $525.00 at the gated dock.
        It may have changed this year so check around.
        James Taylor

        Subject: Savannah River Street Docks
        Cruising News: You can disregard all other Postings before this date 3-20-09. Here is the up to date poop on the Savannah River Street Docks. Control of the docks has been moved from the City of Savannah Revenue Department and placed under full control of the City of Savannah Parking Services. The “Go To Man” is Jim Tilliamsen. Jim has taken over the operation, though he has only been in this position for four day as of 3-20-09. You can call Jim on his direct line 912-651-2834. To make a reservation you should call at least one day in advance. The docking rate will remain at $1.00US per foot per day. If you are only going to stay for lunch or under three hours there is no charge, but it is still advisable to call ahead. There is water and 30amp service available. Jim said he will be checking on the services that were reported not to be working. Jim works for the City so if you call, call early and call between 9:00Am and 4:00PM.
        Kevin R. Quinn
        Tybee Light Power Squadron
        Administrtive Officer

        Reply to Multiple
      10. Randy Kruml -  July 22, 2009 - 11:30 am

        Cruising News: Anyone interested in heading up the Savannah River to Savannah and tying up for the night at a very reasonable rate of $1/ft. had better think again. There is a new sheriff in town (on the job for 1 month as of this writing) and his name is Jim Gilliamsen. I arrived Sunday afternoon after sailing outside overnight single handed from St. Augustine. There were two other boats tied up at the dock. At 7:00 am Monday (today), I heard a rap on the hull, and there was Mr.Gilliamsen with two policemen telling me I wasn’t welcome and I must leave. He did the same to the others, who had paid for numeroous days in advance. I tried to reason with him, saying my experience in January during the trip south was you go to the parking garage and pay for the space on the dock, and he said they should not have done that, and that it wasn’t going to happen anymore. I then told him that if that is the case, the cruising guides and websites would need to be updated as such. I
        also explained to him that I had just spent nearly $1000 in provisions and boat parts, and had dinner at Huey’s, and if that isn’t important to the city of Savannah, then I would gladly take my business elsewhere. To make a longer story short, he reconsidered his position and allowed me to stay one more night, but I expect that this great spot for an overnight visit will not be available to future cruisers. That is, until Mr. Gilliamsen chooses to leave, or is asked to leave by his employer. It is my impression he is making this stuff up as he goes and it may be that the powers that be may not approve. Particularly in this economic environement, when every merchant can use every dollar of revenue they can get.
        Randy Kruml
        s/v Kristinly

        Reply to Randy

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