Sherer Report: Brickyard Creek and Northern Fields Cut, SC AICW Statute Miles 530 and 574
Robert Sherer is responding to the request for local knowledge from Brig Burgess on Bob423. The Waterway immediately west of the loop of Brickyard Creek is a short narrow channel north of Beaufort. Fields Cut, at both north and south ends, is notorious for shoaling and shifting channels. Cruisers Net recommends mid to high tide for both.
We are running inside tomorrow Beaufort Sc to mp 614. Looks like a few skinny cuts. Any updates through this run or tracks to download? I did not see any routes on Aqua Maps? Tide will be low when I get to some of the locations?
Brig Burgess
Two major problems: Brickyard Creek and Fields Cut. Both are easily navigated if you take the right track.
Check Waterway Guide Alerts for both. The alerts provide detailed info on how to navigate safely.
Aqua Map has Alert symbols for both areas, tap on the Alert and a popup will show you the way. Fields Cut has a GPX route you can download.
Here’s an example of the view in Aqua Map showing the Alert icon to tap on.

Northern Fields Cut

Brickyard Creek
Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To Northern Fields Cut
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