Statement by Captain Charmine Smith Ladd To the 4/18/12 BOCC Meeting/
While Captain Charmaine is too modest to make such a claim, make no mistake about it, the generally cruiser friendly tenor of most of these proposed regulations is due to her own hard work, alongside other fellow members of BARR. On behalf of the entire cruising community, THANKS Captain Charmaine!
April 17th 2012 (submitted to Rich Jones for inclusion at the BOCC Meeting of April 18th)
Greetings. On behalf of of the thousands of boaters represented by Mariner’s Barr and SSECN (Claiborne Young’s Salty Southeast Cruisers Net) it gives me great satisfaction to applaud the efforts of Rich Jones and all those involved who have done an exemplary job of working with the public and boating organizations to put forth an ordinance that is effective for Monroe County without overreaching regulations. The BOCC has been very receptive throughout this process to the needs of those who frequent the waters of the Keys and it has not gone unnoticed.
Talking with Rich Jones recently, I conveyed to him that in the cruising community the climate is that the requirement of the USCG Aux decal is unnecessary. The safety equipment check is of items already required by law via the Coast Guard. Navigators are fully aware of what is required as far as safety equipment aboard. These items are needed in the best interest of safety for passengers, crew, and vessel. The theory of the decal is good, but the reality is that since the equipment is already required by the USCG, boating tourists perceive it as being intrusive because the presumption of being law-abiding is lost. It is therefore recommended this specific requirement be removed from the proposed ordinance.
The remainder of the ordinances look very good and other concerns are minor at this point.
All your efforts in creating palatable and cruiser friendly ordinances for Monroe County, yet addressing the needs of the County are a model for others to follow. Thank you again for the opportunity to voice the concerns of the cruising public to you. It is with great respect that I ask the BOCC for its consideration of our concerns.
Most sincerely,
Charmaine Smith Ladd, Executive Director, Mariner’s BARR (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights & Responsibilities)
SSECN Special Correspondent & Representative (
Good work Captain’¦
I view the the decal in the same manner as the little decal you get for your car’s back window when you GIVE your donation to the sheriff over the phone. Does the officer forgive your poor judgement and pick another vehicle to pull over for a roadside donation when he sees that your current sticker is displayed on your vehicle?
It should be a matter of safety aboard your boat that you have done due dilegence in making certain that all your equipment meets the laws and standards that are provided as a guide for your safety. If you want a sticker to display to show your compliance, don’t imagine that it will be a sign of the `passover’ when the next person wearing a uniform is charged with following the `order of the day’ from their superior. `Hi, I’m from the government’¦and I’m here to help!’
David Burnham
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