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    • Staying Overnight at Boca Chita Key

      Boca Chita Key is found in Key Biscayne, off the Florida Keys Inside/ICW route. I have always found the entrance and dockside depths to be a little thin here, but if you can get there, as Captain Randy notes below, the dockage is cheap, and you can walk some serously lonely beaches (EXCEPT on weekends)!

      Boca Chita is another great stop. Its $20 per night, self-service pay to the National Park Service. Its a wonderful place to spend a day or two but DON”Tgo on the weekend.
      Randy Pickelmann

      One note about Boca Chita — no pets allowed … AT ALL.
      No Name Bay [Harbor] is another option for Key Biscayne — also pretty crowded on weekends. I prefer to pass up Key Biscayne and anchor off of Elliot Key. Wear plenty of repellent if you go ashore as the mosquitos are KILLER.

      Vist there often. Last night.
      Channel clearly market from ICW. Small marks but right where they are marked. Channel holds almost 6 feet at low tide. Less tide here than Miami, 14 miles to the north. Harbor nearly round, with board covered wall, lots of cleats. Only services are picnic tables and solar powered his and hers. State Park, fee on the honor system, Harbor holds 7 feet or better a MLW. As scenic as you get with a restored lighthouse. Plenty of room during the week. Very busy on weekend. Small island with trees and grass. Great place, very secure in a blow.
      “No TacT”

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Boca Chita Key Marina

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