Unpleasant Sunday Afternoon in Banks Channel Anchorage, AICW Statute Mile 380
Incidents of rude, reckless powerboats have been reported for years now and most likely you have suffered much the same danger either in an anchorage or underway in the Waterway. Then again, you meet these same thoughtless, insane drivers on every Interstate. So…I do not have an answer other than to GRIN AND BEAR IT.
I was amazed at the amount of speedboats running thru the anchorage on plane. A constant parade on a Sunday afternoon. Many seemed to enjoy the sport of slaloming between anchored boats on half plane putting out big wakes. Then to my total amazement, a marine sheriff boat came thru, on half plane, and did nothing about the speed boats running thru here!
They really don’t seem to care about basic safety and courtesy in Wrightsville beach. The cop must have been on his way to patrol the bathrooms.
Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Banks Channel Anchorage
Comments from Cruisers (3)
In many places local boaters feel they ‘own’ their waters and we transients are intruders. I anchor at Wrightsville a couple of weeks in the fall AND the spring. I spend money there at restaurants, food and hardware stores, etc. On some weekends there is standing two foot chop from wakes. As a catamaran we don’t roll but it sure is a little lumpy.
I actually had a busy-body type lady tell me I should keep the free dinghy dock clear for local boaters. I had to quietly, calmly explain basic economics to her. Yes, we pay no property taxes, etc but neither do we cause wear and tear to the infrastructure or use their schools but we are paying plenty to service providers who DO pay taxes… but only as long as they stay in business. From we boaters.
My suggestion would be to direct your comments to the Sherriff’s office, with a copy to the USCG, and also copy it to the marinas in the area.
I too have noticed this behaviour in the area and I KNOW that local marinas take the security of their moored vessels seriously – so addressing the operators of Seapath and other marinas should generate some action here.
This happens all the time in that area. This kind of boating does not happen just 10 miles south at the Carolina Beach boat basin. It is a no wake zone and people will remind anyone who makes a wake.