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    • Unusual Incident at Great Bridge Lock, AICW Statute Mile 11.5

      Great Bridge Lock - Click for Chartview

      As Capt. Conover states this should not happen often. Have you heard of similar issues of who controls vessels in the lock? Let us hear from you.

      Just a warning. Last year a sailing vessel in the locks got rigging stuck in the lights, a light was damaged..and while the vessel was under control of the “dockmaster”..and against maritime law..the vessel was charged 5K for repair of the light. someone really needs to check with the lockmaster, and get the RULES. Once a vessel is under control of the locks..lines tied or handled by the shore crew..who is responsible for damages. When does the control go back to the captain. I would think as soon as vessel EXITS the lock, not when the lines are tossed (and the vessel raised up into the light system). This should not happen often..but flooding cause a several foot rise..and with a sailboat with a 65 ft mast/and a 8 foot topsail..(sideways)..they sure got a scare and a BIG BILL.
      Joan Conover
      SV Growltiger
      Hampton VA

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