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    • Wounded Nature-Working Veterans: “Doing Something about It!”

      Wounded Nature-Working Veterans is a group of veterans, non-veterans and active duty military personnel run by Captain Rudy Socha, a former Marine turned conservationist. The non-profit volunteer organization is working to cleanup, preserve and protect our coastal environment, particularly from derelict vessels.

      This past weekend, my wife and I had a chance to see their work in action. Armed with tools, power saws and chains, the group of volunteers were deconstructing several abandoned power vessels to remove toxic chemicals, fuel, electronics, etc. before shipping the remaining fiberglass and wood sections to a landfill. The work was nasty, dirty and loud, but the sense of accomplishment was clearly seen on the volunteers’ faces. This is a group that puts action where their words are!

      These powerboats, while intact, had been towed to a local marina whose personnel donated their time and lift costs to place the vessels in this deconstruct area.

      The work is hazardous and dirty, but the veteran volunteers had the equipment and know-how to complete the job.

      After being cut into sections, all tankage, electronics and anything hazardous to the environment is removed and the remaining fiberglass, steel and wood is ready for the landfill.

      Although the abandoned vessel may look good on its exterior, wood framing and wood superstructure rot over time when moisture is allowed to penetrate the fiberglass. 


      For more on this dedicated group and to volunteer your time, go to:

      Click here for Wounded Nature Working Veterans

      Facebook: wounded nature – working veterans

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