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    • Photos from Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, AICW Alternate Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      The Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks are provided by the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility. Our thanks to Director Sarah Hill for these photos. See also Spring Conditions.



      It’s a beautiful spring day at the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center! We couldn’t resist sharing a few images from a Friday afternoon at the swamp, with north & south bound boaters cruising through.

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



      Sarah Hill
      Director, Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

      Chairperson, Camden County Tourism Development Authority

      2356 US Hwy 17 North, South Mills, NC 27976

      252-771-8333 |



      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • Great Dismal Swamp an Irreplaceable Hub of Black and Indigenous history

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      The Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks are provided by the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility. See also National Heritage.


      Andrew Woods


      Great Dismal Swamp an irreplaceable hub of Black and Indigenous history
      The Wilderness Society


      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • Great Dismal Swamp Should be a National Heritage Area

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Designating the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina a National Heritage Area is a great and timely idea. The Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks are provided by the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility.

      A couple takes a long walk along the main road leading into the Great Dismal Swamp on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. (Stephen M. Katz/The Virginian-Pilot)


      Editorial: Designate Great Dismal Swamp a National Heritage Area


      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • Great Dismal Swamp – The Life of a Lockmaster by Kathy Bohanan Enzerink

      Until his recent untimely death, Robert Peek served as Lockmaster of Deep Creek Lock on the Dismal Swamp Canal for 24 years. See In Memorium Robert Peek. Our thanks to Donna Steward, Director of Dismal Swamp Welcome Center and longtime friend, for sharing this 2012 Facebook article on a typical day in Robert’s life.


      Great Dismal Swamp – The Life of a Lockmaster
      Kathy Bohanan Enzerink

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Jean claude Fontaine -  October 7, 2020 - 1:01 pm

        It was a very nice person we enjoyed this lock and it is parts of our best lock souvenir. Rest in peace

        Reply to Jean
    • Death of a Legend – In Memorium Robert Peek

      The stories of Robert Peek’s “customer relations” are indeed legendary throughout the cruising community. Here is a man who loved his job and did not hesitate to share that love with boaters locking through Deep Creek Lock. Our thanks to Donna Stewart of Dismal Swamp Welcome Center for this notice and to Kim Russo of AGLCA for sharing Robert’s obituary.


      Our hearts are heavy, as we mourn the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Deep Creek Lockmaster Robert Peek. Please keep his beloved wife Jackie and family, friends and co-workers in your thoughts in this time of loss. No one will ever fill his shoes.

      Robert of Deep Creek Lock squeezed 18 boats in the lock yesterday – we were like sardines in a can. I found the whole thing quite hilarious! Arnold Parkinson

      Robert smiling.

      Robert getting ready to play his conch shell, for which he was famous. Phil and Karen Barbalace


      Robert Leslie Peek Obituary
      Sturtevant Funderal Home

      Comments from Cruisers (4)

      1. Penny Leary Smith -  October 5, 2020 - 5:39 pm

        I am sending this email to inform you Robert Peek who has been the lockmaster at the Deep Creek Locks in Deep Creek Va on the Dismal Swamp Canal died October 1, 2020.

        Robert was an icon with the boaters for years. His caring personality and dedication will always be remember. If you could info the boating community through your publication this would be greatly appreciated.

        I am Penny Leary Smith (retired) former Director of the Dismal Swamp Canal. Please feel free to contact me for any further information. Thanks.


        Reply to Penny
      2. Bob Volkwein -  October 4, 2020 - 9:08 pm

        We first met Robert in 2013 as M/V Yinzer passed through his lock. As we departed the lock, he saw that our Homeport was Pearl Harbor, HI. He picked up one of his conchs and yelled “I bet you know what this is” as he blew it. In Hawaii, in bygone years, the blowing of a conch signaled the coming of royalty. Several years later we took two of our younger grandchildren (ages 8 & 10) on the Albemarle Sound loop and as we returned to the Chesapeake stopped for the night at the free dock located between the Great Bridge bridge and his lock. I told Robert via channel 13 that we were spending the night there and that I had two apprentice conch shell blowers onboard. He naturalling inviting us over for coffee and pastries the next morning. The children took our shells with them. He said that the “blow hole” was too big for the children lips so he picked up a couple of smaller shells and promptly made ones sized for them. We will always remember and cherish the moment.

        Bob Volkwein
        M/Y Yinzer, Mainship 390

        Reply to Bob
      3. Mike Camarata -  October 2, 2020 - 3:25 pm

        If you met Robert once, you were a friend. For life. We met, chatted with and were invited to breakfast several times. He was generous with his time, his knowledge and, of course, coffee and danish. Because of storms, dredging and lock repairs we were unable to take the Dismal for couple of years. We were looking forward to seeing Robert this year. Shocked and saddened by this news. It is a terrible loss for the entire boating/cruising community. Our best wishes and condolences to Jackie and his entire family.

        Mike and Carol

        Reply to Mike
      4. Donna Steward -  October 2, 2020 - 12:39 pm

        You all are in the boating world and know the giant shoes Robert Peek wore for our beloved Dismal Swamp Canal. He was lockmaster, host, grounds keeper, maintenance man, historian, ambassador, entertainer, and most importantly, genuinely caring of his boaters. Everyone was a friend, and he wins a trophy for Hospitality. Everyone knows Robert, and if you didn’t, you wanted to meet him.

        So you all know how devastated we are in sharing the news of his sudden death yesterday morning. I like to picture him laughing with God, having a cup of coffee and sweet breakfast treat, debating a few matters and having a good laugh while enjoying the heavenly companionship. I’m sure he has reeled in a few angels who could not stay away from the engaging conversations. Robert is just that way. He was a dear friend, and he will never be replaced.

        Please remember his beloved wife Jackie and their family in this time of shock and loss. Also his co-workers at US Facilities and the Norfolk District USACE. If you would like to send any form of condolences please send them to:

        Jackie Peek and Family

        c/o US Facilities, Inc.

        2509 Reservation Road

        Chesapeake, VA 23322-5217

        We have been assured they will be given to Robert’s family. Jackie has given me permission to tag her on our Facebook page, although we are working out those wrinkles. So anything you share from our page she will have knowledge of. Please feel free to tag us with comments. There are already thousands of people who have seen the post late yesterday afternoon.

        Our sympathy goes out to you, as well. We know Robert had many friends in the boating community who are feeling the loss, too. Please feel free to share this message with anyone you feel would care to know. On a personal note, I took this image of Robert when he was assisting with Paddle for the Border, and my husband, daughter and grandson are on the boat with him. His genuine laughter is just contagious, and his conch is front and center. One of my favorites.


        Reply to Donna
    • Good News: Dismal Swamp Welcome Center Reports NO DUCK WEED!

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      For cruisers wanting to explore the AICW Scenic Route, no duck weed is good news! Floating duck weed masses, which can clog engine cooling, are the result of a normal small petal plant, which because of heat, nutrients, and no exposure to brackish water, will often proliferate. The Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks are provided by the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility.

      Dismal Swamp Welcome Center reports NO duck weed in the Dismal Swamp Canal.
      Donna Stewart

      Duck weed floats in years past

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • NC Coastal Communities Adjust Restrictions

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      North Carolina State Parks announced this week that trails and restrooms at its parks statewide will open Saturday, including Carolina Beach State Park, Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center“>Dismal Swamp State Park, Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, Fort Macon State Park, Goose Creek State Park, Hammocks Beach State Park, Jockey’s Ridge State Park and Pettigrew State Park. This is good news for cruisers wanting to experience the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR!

      Coastal Communities Adjust Restrictions
      Coastal Review Online 

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • Good Words for Dismal Swamp Welcome Center, AICW Alternate Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Having just re-opened following a three month maintenance closure and now partially closed due to COVID-19, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks are provided by the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility. Southbound, the Dismal Swamp Canal departs the VA Waterway at statute mile 7.2 and northbound off Albemarle Sound northeast up the Pasquatank River , NC. Our thanks to Randall Peterson for these kind words as posting on AGLCA’s Forum.

      John is right on about rafting. It’s a time honored tradition to allow one or two rows to raft at the end of the day, since there isn’t much else around for overnighting. Great pet friendly stop also. This particular NC welcome center is the only one in the US that I’m aware of that services both land vehicles and boats at the same place. Staff inside (if open during Covid19) are super nice. We’ve stopped here dozens of times albeit more by car than boat, and always clean.

      Ben Sanderson
      M/V ‘Last Chance’
      44′ Valor Marine

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Donna Stewart -  April 23, 2020 - 9:51 am

        Thank you for the kind words. Staff is in the building, able to answer questions by phone and provide resources, but our Center is closed to the public at this time. Rest Area and Rest Rooms are open, as well as the paved DSC Trail, 3 miles in length. We hope you will join us again, and we'll be able to open our doors when safe. The dock is available and we have had light traffic. Wishing you health and safety.

        Reply to Donna
    • Report from Dismal Swamp Canal, AICW Alternate Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      The Dismal Swamp Canal just re-opened following three months of maintenance and we are grateful to Paul and Gillian for this report as posted on AGLCA’s Forum. The Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR, sits adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park in Camden County, NC. See Dismal Swamp Canal Re-Opens and April Programs.

      We came through the Dismal Swamp Canal the last two days with over 6 feet of depth and commonly 8 feet. Notwithstanding that we felt two minor bumps against the hull and one bigger with our 4 foot draft. The visitor centre information office is closed but the washrooms and walking path are open.
      Paul and Gillian
      Blue Moon

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Donna Stewart -  April 23, 2020 - 9:46 am

        We are glad you came our way. Although our Visitor Center is closed to the public, Staff is available to answer questions, and we can always make a way to provide resources. Leaving a package outside, etc., purchasing a hat or t-shirt, etc. Staff is in the building on Monday-Friday at this time. We're taking the opportunity to clean and organize. Thanks for the comments.

        Reply to Donna
    • COVID-19 Updates, Dismal Swamp Canal Plus Area Marina Updates

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Having just re-opened the Dismal Swamp Canal following three months of maintenance, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR, sits adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park in Camden County, NC. See Dismal Swamp Canal Re-Opens.

      As many of you know, the Dismal Swamp Canal reopened yesterday.  We currently have two boats tied up at our dock.  We reached out to many of these listings yesterday for updates and found that Lamb’s Marina and Pelican Marina are now temporarily closed to transient boaters.  Albemarle Plantation has revised their listing online, too.   We have updated this information on our Facebook page and will continue to do so.  The Dismal Swamp State Park closed their property to the public Monday afternoon, but visitors can access the paved trail at the end of their parking lot.  This trail is managed by Camden County Parks and Rec. The Dismal Swamp Rest Area rest rooms are open to the public.   For more information, please contact the Marinas directly for their latest updates.  This is our attempt to also help boaters on their decisions.  Knowing these are trying times for everyone.  May you be well and safe.

      As of 3/31/20:
      *Alligator River Marina(Columbia)~ 252-796-0333 (Normal Operations)
      *CypressCoveMarinaNC (Columbia) ~ 252-796-0015 (Mooring & Fuel Available)
      *Coinjock Marina & Restaurant (Coinjock) ~ 252-453-3271 (Normal Operations)
      *Albemarle Plantation Marina (Hertford) ~ 252-426-4037 (Mooring UNavailable)
      *Atlantic Yacht Basin, Inc. (Chesapeake) ~ 757-482-2141(Normal Operations)
      *Lamb’s Marina & Market(Camden) ~ 252-338-1957 (Mooring UNavailable)
      *Pelican Marina (Camden) ~ 252-335-5108 (Mooring UNavailable)
      *Maritime Ministries (Elizabeth City) ~ 336-681-0575 (Mooring available/ No restrooms or laundry facilities)
      *Jennette Brothers (Elizabeth City) ~ 252-338-2187 Ext. 0 (Mooring available)
      *Mariners’ Wharf & Waterfront Park Marinas (Elizabeth City) ~ 252-337-6864 (Mooring UNavailable)
      *Waterside Marina (Norfolk) ~ 757-625-3625 (Normal Operations)
      *Douglas Road Dock (VA), Elizabeth’s Dock (Deep Creek, VA), Great Bridge Park Dock (All managed by Chesapeake Parks, Recreation and Tourism) ~ 757-382-6411 (Mooring Available/ Port-a-Jons available)
      Dismal Swamp Welcome Center (South Mills) ~ 252-771-8333 (Mooring Available/ Restrooms Open; Visitor Center-closed to public)

      Friends of Dismal Swamp State Park ~ 252-771-6593 (Visitor Center, Restrooms & trails closed to the public)





       Donna Stewart, TMP
      Director, Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome CenterChairperson,Camden Tourism Development Authority2356 US Hwy 17 North, South Mills, NC 27976

      252-771-8333 |

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • Current Fall Conditions in Dismal Swamp Canal, AICW Alternate Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Having just celebrated their 30th anniversary, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks and information are provided at the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility. Our thanks to Welcome Center Director, Donna Stewart, for this update in response to Canal Transit Recommendations.

      We love seeing boaters coming our way, and want everyone to have a positive experience. Thanks for the good advice. We do have duckweed, a result of a normal small petal plant, which because of heat, nutrients, and no exposure to brackish water, has proliferated. Cold weather causes it to die. The storm debris, leaves and pine straw, sticks from Hurricane Dorian added body to the mix. A drop in temperatures should ease it along. Thanks for sharing your experience.
      Donna Stewart

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    • Dismal Swamp Canal Transit Recommendations, AICW Alternate Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Having just celebrated their 30th anniversary, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. Docks and information are provided at the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, a NC DOT Rest Area facility.

      Our thanks to these Loopers for their recommendations for transiting the Dismal Swamp Canal as posted on AGLCA’s Forum. Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center and Albemarle Loop are CRUISERS NET SPONSORS!

      The best source of up to date information is to call the Deep Creek Lock. 757.487.0831. You want to speak to “Robert”. Robert Peake is the lock master and has been working the lock and the Lake Drummond water management for a long time. He will give you real time up to the minute evaluations of the condition and whether it is appropriate for your boat. If Robert is not on duty, go ahead and ask the lock master your questions, but also ask when Robert will be back on duty! Check in with Robert later. Also note that the lock has a schedule. Do not call Robert during the time he is locking boats or opening the bridge. The folks at the welcome center are terrific, however they are not as knowledgeable of the latest conditions of the entire canal.

      Also please be aware that there is a sailboat rally of about 15 boats leaving Hampton on October 20. That will tie up the lock and visitor center as well as tying up the docks in Elizabeth city on October 21 and 22. This would be a good time to take the Virginia Cut route, not the Dismal Swamp Canal.
      Tom Hale
      Helmsman 38

      The Dismal is our preferred route. Yes, a 5′ draft boat can do it. Single engine with a keel is obviously most desirable. Exposed wheels are ALWAYS at risk everywhere, including the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal.

      Techniques for an uneventful transit:

      1) The control depth for the canal is 6-1/2 ft. It’s 22 statute miles from Deep Creek Lock to South Mills Lock. The locks open on schedule: 08h30, 11h00, 13h30 and 15h30. There is a speed limit, but it doesn’t matter. You have 5 hours to go 22 miles… If you enter the system at 08h30, and travel at slightly less than the speed limit, you will easily make the opening at 13h30. (Southbound, that plan gives you time to clear South Mills at 13h30 and get to Elizabeth City for the daily Wine and Cheese Gathering.) Do not race down the canal. Plan to arrive not more than 10 minutes before bridge opening/locking time. There is no place to tie up (well, best to assume there won’t be a place to tie up), and the earlier you arrive, the longer you will need to station-keep at the bridge by the lock before its scheduled opening time.

      2) there is waterlogged tree fall on the bottom of the canal, and on the bottom of the Upper Pasquotank as well. Go slow. This stuff won’t bother anything if you’re at idle speed. It’s possible you’ll hear a thump. Won’t hurt anything if you’re going slow. We have been through there many time, with no thumps. Yes, we have had thumps. We go slow. No damage because we idles along at 4+ MPH (Statute MPH, not “knots”).

      3) If you lock through with other boats, space out about 1/2 to 3/4 mile. That way, if prop wash from a boat in front of you does pick up something from the bottom, it will have time to settle back down before you get to it.

      4) there are no lateral markers in the classic sense of dayboards. But there are 2″x2″ sticks painted red and green in some places. Immediately south of South Mills lock comes to mind. Be on the lookout for them, and honor them as lateral markers.

      5) When you clear South Mills, you will almost certainly encounter some floating green “stuff.” IT WILL NOT CLOG SEA STRAINERS. It’s on the surface. The patterns in the water make a pretty wake.

      Jim Healy
      Monk 36 Hull #132

      The Dismal is scenic. At 5 foot draft you may bump at times. Sailboats go this route all the time but they have protected props. Right now there is a lot of duckweed on the water so you will need to check your strainers.
      The route through Coinjock is also very scenic although maybe a little longer. If you have the time come and do the Albemarle Loop.
      Bill Denison

      We draw 5’4″ and have gone through the Dismal Swamp canal twice, most recently in late April. We go slow, less than 4 knots, and stay back at least a half mile when following other boats. We bump a few times but no damage resulted.

      I have heard other’s say they incurred damage in this stretch, but that hasn’t been our experience. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy the canal.

      Mike Bell
      M/V Inshallah
      Defever 48

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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      Comments from Cruisers (3)

      1. Dietrich Floeter -  October 9, 2019 - 2:16 pm

        We passed through a couple days ago and heard Robert's warning about duck weed but carried on. The strainer was full at the Visitor's Center and easily cleaned out. on approach to the South Mills Lock the temp started to spike. We idled out after the drop and tied to the pilings outside. The entire raw rater system from through hullabaloos to strainer was packed full of duck weed. It took 10 minutes to clear. And then before we pulled into E City, I cleared the entire system 3 more times. This is a Catalina 34 with the intake about a foot below the surface. Much deeper and you won't get much. We draw about 4.5' and had a total of 34 log bumps including ratatatat on the Max Prop. No vibration.

        Reply to Dietrich
      2. Donna Stewart -  October 9, 2019 - 9:46 am

        We love seeing boaters coming our way, and want everyone to have a positive experience. Thanks for the good advice. We do have duckweed, a result of a normal small petal plant, which because of heat, nutrients, and no exposure to brackish water, has proliferated. Cold weather causes it to die. The storm debris, leaves and pine straw, sticks from Hurricane Dorian added body to the mix. A drop in temperatures should ease it along. Thanks for sharing your experience.

        Reply to Donna
    • Fallen Tree and Obstruction, Statute Miles 37.6 and 40.8, Pasquatank River, AICW Alternate Route

      Fallen trees and debris are almost a daily occurrence in the waters of the Dismal Swamp Canal and in the Pasquatank River south of South Mills Lock at the southern end of the canal. The US Army Corp of Engineers is normally quick to clear any obstruction actually blocking navigation, but you should approach these two spots with caution in case the obstructions have not been cleared. Our thanks to Blades Robinson for this notice.

      Great Dismal Swamp Canal [Pasquatank River] / MM 37.6 / Tree partially obstructing waterway
      A pine tree has fallen and is obstructing 50% of the canal at MM 37.6 N 36*23.236 W 076*16.221

      Great Dismal Swamp Canal [Pasquatank River] / MM 40.8 / Obstruction
      There is a partially submerged piling or tree in the waterway near the Dismal Swamp MM 40.8. Mariners use caution.

      Blades Robinson

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    • Dismal Swamp Canal Now Open, NC AICW Alternate Route

      Having been temporarily closed on Monday, the USACE had it re-opened by Monday evening.

      We had a pocket of storms blow through on Friday night, resulting in some downed trees and a temporary closure of the canal. I’m aware the USACE is currently working on the problem. It was a hard fast storm, with local damage from high wind and hail. The advisory from the Norfolk District is attached and has been posted on the Dismal Swamp Welcome Center’s Facebook page.

      Donna Stewart, TMP
      Director, Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center
      Chairperson,Camden Tourism Development Authority
      2356 US Hwy 17 North, South Mills, NC 27976
      252-771-8333 |

      Click here for the USACE Advisory Closure DSC-Aug-2019

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      Click Here To View the VA to NC Cruisers Net Marina Directory Listing For Atlantic Yacht Basin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Atlantic Yacht Basin

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    • Great Trip from Norfolk, VA to Albemarle Sound, NC

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route
      Our marina is your boating access to Albemarle Sound, the largest freshwater sound in the country—55 miles long and 15 miles at its widest point. Placed strategically at the mouth of Yeopim Creek, the marina is just beyond the high insurance line saving boaters significantly on their insurance rates.
      Edenton, NC - the prettiest town in the South!

      Our thanks to Jim Standing for this report of a recent group voyage to the Albemarle Loop, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR, in Albemarle Sound. Along the way they encountered two more of Cruisers Net’s finest sponsors, Dismal Swamp Welcome Center and Albemarle Plantation Marina. The Albemarle Loop is also home to historic Edenton, another CRUISERS NET SPONSOR.

      See FOCUS ON – The Albemarle Loop, Albemarle Sound, NC

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    • Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center Celebrates 30 Years! AICW Alternate Canal Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Congratulations Welcome Center! The Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center Docks and information are provided at the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility, located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC.

      Click below for Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center Celebrates 30 Years!

      Happy 30th Birthday DSWC 2019-News Release

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Warren Mann -  July 3, 2019 - 8:12 am

        We took the Dismal headed South one fall and then again headed North in the spring and it WAS one our favorite experiences of our 8-month Snow Bird tin. We live the Swamp and the people who man it!Take it slow and enjoy a journey back in time

        Reply to Warren
      2. Jim Ward -  June 17, 2019 - 4:41 am

        Don't let people scare you away from this run – it's gorgeous. Just be attentive. The welcome center is a must stop. Also Elizabeth City at the south end.

        Reply to Jim
    • Healy Report: Waterway Routes South of Mile Zero

      Experienced cruiser and frequent Cruisers Net contributor Jim Healy shares his observations on the two route choices south of Norfolk. The Virginia Cut is part of the main AICW route via Great Bridge Lock and the Dismal Swamp Canal is the alternate route departing northeast Albemarle Sound northbound via Pasquatank River, Elizabeth City and South Mills Lock. The Canal rejoins the AICW at statute mile 7.1.

      There are so many considerations… To say nothing of personal preferences…

      The two routes are the “Virginia Cut” and the “Dismal Swamp.” There is no significant difference in the distances of the two routes, but the Dismal takes longer. The Virginia Cut can be done in one day. The Dismal Swamp route can be done in one day, but more usually will take two or more. It depends on what you want to see and do.

      The Virginia Cut is a salt-water route suited to fast boats and boaters who are “in a hurry.” It is the eastern route, the “main” ICW, runs through Coinjock, where there are marinas, is used by go fast boats with big wakes and inconsiderate operators, and has a couple of bridges that can bring the pace to a prolonged stop. There is one lock at Great Bridge in Chesapeake, VA, that has about an 18″ lift. That bridge operates on the hour. It’s tidal north of Great Bridge.

      What’s good about the route?
      1. Fast
      2. Coinjock
      3. Southern 1/4 of the route is beautiful.

      The Dismal is a fresh water route through a cypress swamp with some old growth deciduous trees. It is the western route, suited to slow boats and boaters who are very comfortable taking their time. There are two locks, one at South Mills, NC, and on at Deep Creek, VA. Lift is about 8′, depending on Lake Drummond datum and tide on the north end. The locks operate 4 times a day, at 8h30, 11h00, 13h30 and 15h30. It’s 22 StM from South Mills to Deep Creek. If you clear into the system at 08h30, you have 5 hours to make the 22 miles to Deep Creek, which is less that 5 mph. There is a 6 mph speed limit on the canal. No wakes.

      We are an 8 MPH boat. We depart Elizabeth City at 06h00 to clear into the system at South Mills at 08h30. People (usually sailboats) also anchor in the channel at the South Mills Lock if they can’t get going by 06h00. Anchoring in the channel is legal in the overnight when the locks are closed, but you must not interfere with traffic during the day.

      The Dismal control depth is 6-1/2 ft. The usable width of the Canal is probably 70 feet. The crown of the forest does overhang the canal, and sailboats – all boats, really – will take their half out of the middle. There are some submerged logs. The trick is to stay 3/4 mile behind the boat in front of you – if there is a boat in front of you – so that anything that boat lifts off the bottom will settle back to the bottom before you get to that spot. No boat in front of you, just go slow. Many people complain of bumping something in the dismal. Many of them are “tailgating” boats in front of them. How to I know? I’ve see it over and over again.

      What’s in the water in the dismal?
      1. Nothing
      2. Visible dead heads ranging in size from twigs to logs
      3. Submerged larger stuff
      4. Wildlife and sea monsters

      We prefer the Dismal. We take our time. We enjoy the peace and quiet. We rarely hit anything, and we never hit anything at speeds above idle.

      What’s better about the route?
      1. Elizabeth City
      2. No wakes, boater courtesy
      3. NC Visitors Center and Nature Center
      4. Ample free docking (albeit w/o services)
      5. Robert Peek
      6. The magnificent scenery and wildlife of the Pasquatank River

      If you draw 5′ or less, you won’t have a problem. If you are patient, you won’t have a problem. If you stay well behind the boat in front of you, you won’t have a problem.

      Yes, this has all been discussed many times. It’s a natural and inevitable part of the AGLCA spring ritual.

      Jim and Peg Healy
      Monk 36 Hull #132

      Click Here To View the VA to NC Cruisers Net Marina Directory Listing For Atlantic Yacht Basin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Atlantic Yacht Basin

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Nets Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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    • Incident in Dismal Swamp Canal, AICW Alternate Route

      Things that go bump… Normally, the ride through Dismal Swamp is best described as idyllic and unforgettable, but because of its heavily wooded banks, dredging in the Canal can sometimes stir up more than the usual amount of debris. It is unfortunate that vessels occasionally make contact in the Canal, even when no dredging is underway. Our thanks to Loopers Jeffrey and Cathy, Richard and Terrie for sharing their recent experiences with us. Dismal Swamp Canal is home to Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR.

      We came through the Dismal Swamp today and to tell the truth, I can’t recommend the route at all. We went through with three boats. One boat which draws 5ft struck submerged logs numerous times and bent the prop. Our Mainship 40, which draws four feet, struck something twice and ran over a dredge hose in the canal. There is a dredge working the canal but he has a plastic pipe across the canal and I asked him to submerge it. He came back on the radio and said he did sink it. I went over it and hit it both with the bow and my prop. If you take this route please use caution. If I had to do it over again, I would go the Virginia cut. Good luck.
      Jeffrey and Cathy Guttenberger
      R Time
      2005 Mainship 400

      We came past the dredge a few minutes ago and had no problems … we draw 4.5 feet. The dredge operator was very helpful and contacted us after we passed to ask if we had hit anything. I think he was feeling bad about yesterday’s incidents. My depth finder alarm was set at 6’ and never went off. The lowest depth I remember seeing was 7.2’. We did bump something a couple times but for us it wasn’t a big deal.
      Richard & Terrie Dukes

      Director of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, Donna Stewart, offered this response:

      A boater mentioned this second hand to us yesterday, but I had not had any complaints… all. We have been consistently asking people, and also have checked in with Robert [Lock master]. Of course, most of our boats are heading north right now, with a few southbound. I’m sorry to hear this report…… After the wind on Friday, we had a report of a tree down at mm19 on Saturday morning, but all boats got through and I’m aware the contractor came and cut the tree to clear passage. I’ve had so many positive comments this season, and it has been so good. This is disappointing.
      All the comments we have received from boaters have been very positive, which has been encouraging and we have asked. We are advising boaters the company is monitoring Channel 72 and please contact them for any information in moving through. I’m sorry to hear someone had issues.
      Donna Stewart

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers Net’s Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Tom Lahey -  May 4, 2019 - 5:46 am

        Our boat "Kissed Some Frogs" 42' with 3.5' draft, and 2 others in our group, another 42' with 3.5" draft, and a 53' with 5' draft, all transited the lock and past the dredge with no issues. We saw a few floating logs/sticks, and there was a bump or two with the 5' draft, but no worse than other wooded edge waterways like the Waccamaw River. We also saw three other sailboats (which we assume all had deeper drafts) two south bound and one north bound behind us, that transited without issue.

        We called the Dredge Barge on channel 72, they asked us to hold for a few minutes while they got the pipe out of the way, and we proceeded past very slowly. While passing over the pipe, we went into neutral and glided across just to be safe, but none of us had any issues. The Dredge operators were very friendly and helpful.

        We stayed overnight at the welcome center with 2 other boats, a cruiser and a sailboat, and it was great. The paths in the State Park are beautiful! All of the staff (Lock masters, Welcome Center, State Park employees), were friendly helpful and were showing real concern for the reported issues. They were not aware, and asked that anyone who did experience issues, contact them as the Dredge Operator carries insurance.

        Don't miss the opportunity to experience this amazing part of our boating history. Just take it slow, (we kept to about 5 knots), keep your eyes open, and stay in the center of the channel. You'll be glad you did!

        Reply to Tom
    • Albemarle Sound Marina Festivals, April 26-June 9, Albemarle Sound, NC

      Our marina is your boating access to Albemarle Sound, the largest freshwater sound in the country—55 miles long and 15 miles at its widest point. Placed strategically at the mouth of Yeopim Creek, the marina is just beyond the high insurance line saving boaters significantly on their insurance rates.
      Edenton, NC - the prettiest town in the South!
      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Albemarle Loop

      Whether you are traveling north or south, the rivers and communities that frame the Albemarle Sound are inviting you to explore their shores and experience their warm southern hospitality. A community of marine businesses and historical locations, located on and around the Albemarle Sound of North Carolina, have organized to serve boaters through the Albemarle Loop. For more see FOCUS ON Albemarle Loop. Our thanks to Sam Giovinazzi for this invitation to Albemarle Sound Marina Festivals!

      The 2019 Albemarle Loop cruisers program will include the Albemarle Sound Marina Festivals, April 26-June 9, 2019. For information, see Life on the Loop and These web sites are the GOTO locations for the Events Calendar. Thirteen marinas are grouped together promoting Food, Arts, Fairs, Festivals, Waterfront Communities around Albemarle Sound. If you are interested in adding a link to your web site contact me at Felix “Sam” Giovinazzi,, 858 414 8727.

      Participating marinas:

      Albemarle Plantation**

      Edenton Harbor**

      The 51 House at Wharf Landing

      Columbia Municipal Marina

      Hertford Bay Marina

      The Pelican Marina

      Yacht Doc@ Cypress Cove

      Elizabeth City Mariners Wharf**

      Plymouth Landing Marina

      Alligator River Marina

      Dismal Swamp Visitors Center**

      Shallowbag Bay Marina

      Waterside Marina Downtown Norfolk


      Best regards,

      Looking forward to working with you

      Sam Giovinazzi
      Marketing and Sales Director
      Albemarle Loop

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    • Boats and More Boats, State Park Welcome Center Dock, Dismal Swamp Canal Route

      Set in beautiful Camden Count, NC, the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center provides free dockage for cruisers' on the Dismal Swamp AICW Alternate Route

      Looks like a record number of boats rafted up at the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center Docks. Area information is provided at the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR and a NC DOT Rest Area facility, located adjacent to the Dismal Swamp State Park, offering trails, exhibits and ongoing programs in Camden County, NC. See November Programs at Dismal Swamp State Park, AICW Alternate Route.


      We are not back to normal numbers, but after being closed for so long, it has been so nice to host boaters again in the Dismal Swamp Canal. This photo was taken by Jeff Byrd for Camden TDA at the end of October. We are enjoying meeting traffic by waterway again and we have talked to a lot of great people! Sigh!

      Donna Stewart, Director
      Dismal Swamp Welcome Center
      2356 US Hwy 17N
      South Mills, NC 27976
      Phone – 252-771-8333

      Bird, Bike, Hike…..take in the sights!

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the Camden TDA/Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center

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