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    • Update on Bayboro Harbor in Proposed St. Petersburg Anchoring Regulations

      Bayboro Harbor - Click for Chartview

      Here’s a quick but important word about the anchorage regulations proposed by the city of St. Petersburg, in regards to this community’s participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program.

      Re the anchoring restrictions: The comment period for the St Petersburg ordinance ended on March 18, but all should know that if adopted as proposed there will be no anchoring in the various basins except for a limited area in Bayboro Harbor, west of the entrance to the Harborage Marina.
      Chuck Waygood Sr

      March 8, 2013
      Bayborough is also off limits. I was just there and can buoys proclaim the area is a construction area and vessels will be removed. Cruisers are not welcome here. I’m not spending one red cent in st pete.
      Steve Roth

      There are countless boater friendly spots in Pinellas county and Tampa. Boaters have no need to run the St. Pete anchoring gambit. Vote with your wallet.
      Glenn Parker

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Bayboro Harbor

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