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    • 104. Smacks Bayou Outer Anchorage

      104. Smacks Bayou Outer Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 47.954 North/082 36.445 West
      Location: found at the intersection of the northern and southern branches of Smacks Bayou
      Minimum Depth: 10-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 40 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, open to eastern and southeastern winds


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    • 105. Smacks Bayou Mid Anchorage

      105. Smacks Bayou Mid Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 48.030 North/082 36.509 West
      Location: lies abeam of the small, correctly charted, 6-foot offshoot that cuts to the southwest
      Minimum Depth: 8-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 30 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: good, except in strong southeasterly winds


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    • 106. Smack Bayou Inner Anchorage

      106. Smack Bayou Inner Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 48.109 North/082 36.529 West
      Location: found on the waters just south of the 11-foot fixed bridge
      Minimum Depth: 6-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 32 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 107. Smacks Bayou South Side Anchorage

      107. Smacks Bayou South Side Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 47.692 North/082 36.558 West
      Location: will be discovered on the southernmost tier of Smacks Bayou, charted as Snell Island Harbor
      Minimum Depth: 6-11 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 108. Terra Ceia Bay Outer Anchorage

      108. Terra Ceia Bay Outer Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 32.644 North/082 36.975 West
      Location: lies south of unlighted daybeacon #9, on the channel leading from Tampa Bay to Terra Ceia Bay
      Minimum Depth: 5 ½ feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 34 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: poor, fair weather anchorage only


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    • 109. Terra Ceia Bay – Bird Key Anchorage

      109. Terra Ceia Bay – Bird Key Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 33.403 North/082 35.766 West
      Location: found on the tongue of deep water north-northeast of Bird Key and north of unlighted daybeacon #13
      Minimum Depth: 5 ½ feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, but open to southern and southeastern winds


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      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Laura -  May 19, 2015 - 12:57 pm

        This is a great anchorage – Terra Ceia Bay is quite deep behind this island and it’s very quiet and peaceful without a lot of boat traffic. Nothing nearby to dinghy for supplies, but if you want a quiet anchorage, probably by yourself, this place is great! Follow the zig-zag channel closely as it gets shallow in some spots.

        Reply to Laura
      2. Kim updyke -  January 2, 2013 - 11:13 pm

        We sail a Catalina 36 and have stayed at bird key and in the North end many times. Great anchorages.

        Reply to Kim
    • 110. Terra Ceia Bay Northern Anchorage

      110. Terra Ceia Bay Northern Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 34.004 North/082 34.442 Wes
      Location: found on the extreme northwesterly corner of Terra Ceia Bay, short of the charted sunken wreck
      Minimum Depth: 6-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 50 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, but very open to southern and southwestern winds


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    • 111. Apollo Beach Anchorage

      111. Apollo Beach Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 46.703 North/082 25.506 West
      Location: lies northeast of unlighted daybeacon #12
      Minimum Depth: 7-15 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 50 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: good


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    • 112. Alafia River – Spoil Island Anchorage

      112. Alafia River – Spoil Island Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 51.818 North/082 25.689 West
      Location: found off the southeastern tip of the large spoil island north of (the Alafia channel’s) flashing daybeacon #7
      Minimum Depth: 7-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: poor, sheltered ONLY from northwestern winds


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    • 113. Alafia River – Bird Island Anchorage

      113. Alafia River – Bird Island Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 50.756 North/082 24.688 West
      Location: lies south of the charted, narrow neck on Bird Island
      Minimum Depth: 5-foot depths, but you must successfully find an unmarked channel to keep to these depths
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, open to southern and southwestern winds


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    • 114. Alafia River Interior Anchorage

      114. Alafia River Interior Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 51.547 North/082 23.123 West
      Location: will be discovered on the interior reaches of the Alafia River, just west of the charted bridge
      Minimum Depth: 5-8 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: very good


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    • 115. Masters Bayou Anchorage

      115. Masters Bayou Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 51.718 North/082 37.101 West
      Location: found on the charted bubble of 12-foot water (on 11413) just west of Viking Boatworks
      Minimum Depth: 6-foot approach depths – 8 feet in anchorage
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 36 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 116. Safety Harbor Anchorage

      116. Safety Harbor Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 28 00.309 North/082 40.303 West
      Location: off Phillippe Point
      Minimum Depth: 7-feet, but navigation into Safety Harbor is very challenging
      Swing Room: unlimited
      Foul Weather Shelter: poor


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    • 117. Maximo Point Anchorage

      117. Maximo Point Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 42.524 North/082 41.082 West
      Location: found north of unlighted daybeacon #7
      Minimum Depth: 7-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Good, in fall but strong western winds


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    • 118. Gulfport Anchorage/Mooring Field

      118. Gulfport Anchorage/Mooring Field
      Lat/Lon: near 27 44.072 North/082 42.316 West
      Location: lies along the northern shores of Boca Ciega Bay, south, southeast of the charted Gulfport fishing pier
      Minimum Depth: 5-7 feet
      Swing Room: unlimited
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, open to southern and southwestern winds


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. David Burnham -  December 7, 2014 - 7:56 am

        The three anchor rating of this anchorage is justified with the exception of the poorly marked large sunken poweryacht at the south edge of this anchorage which presents an underwater hazard to vessels drawing three feet or more.

        Reply to David
    • 119. Mud Key Channel Anchorage

      119. Mud Key Channel Anchorage
      Statute Mile 114
      Lat/Lon: near 27 42.434 North/082 43.692 West
      Location: found north of unlighted daybeacon #25 on the southern cove making off from Mud Key Channel’s easterly entrance
      Minimum Depth: 5-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient swinging room for vessels as large as 36 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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