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    • Question about Bob Wallace in Fort Myers Beach, Western Terminus of the Okeechobee Waterway

      We seldom get inquiries about specific individuals, but Skipper Schofield’s query seems genuinely sincere, especially with his kind words for Bob Wallace. If you have knowledge of Bob’s status or wish to relate your own experiences with Bob, please us hear from you.

      The Fort Myers Beach Mooring Field is found east of the high-rise bridge, just north of Estero Island. The mooring field is hosted by City of Fort Myers Yacht Basin, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      We’ve anchored in what is now the mooring field a few times but not for several years, the last time back in 2000. I wonder if anyone knows the latest on Bob Wallace who welcomed boaters to his dock to land, take on water and all he asked in return was that they sign his visitors book. I guess Bob will have passed away but I thought he had a son who might have carried on the tradition. I guess it’s a less necessary facility these days but it was wonderful back then and a hugely generous gesture by Bob. Anyone know anything?
      John Schofield

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Fort Myers Beach Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Fort Myers Beach Mooring Field


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    • Excellent Source of Okeechobee Information: Fort Myers Yacht Basin, Caloosahatchee River/Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 135

      Fort Myers Yacht Basin lies along the southeasterly banks of the Caloosahatchee River, between the 3rd and 4th bridges from west to east. We are proud that this fine SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR is offering their expertise and advice to Okeechobee and West Florida transients!p>

      Hello to all of those transiting the beautiful Okeechobee Waterway.
      For current conditions on the waterway, please allow the staff at the City of Fort Myers Yacht Basin to assist you. We will be happy to provide tidal, lock schedule, weather and any other impacting information in order to help you make it through. We can be reached at 239-321-7080,, and channel 16 when closer. We are open 8 to 6 and are here to serve you.
      Thank you,
      Leif Lustig, Dock Master

      Notice of upcoming Okeechobee Waterway closures;
      Please review the tentative schedule for waterway closures to navigation which can be found on the City of Fort Myers web page at, as construction continues on the I-75 bridge at mile marker 129.
      Thank you,
      Leif Lustig, Dockmaster

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Ft Myers Yacht Basin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Ft Myers Yacht Basin

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Leif Lustig -  October 3, 2014 - 10:26 am

        Notice of upcoming Okeechobee Waterway closures;
        Please review the tentative schedule for waterway closures to navigation which can be found on the City of Fort Myers web page at , as construction continues on the I-75 bridge at mile marker 129.
        Thank you,
        Leif Lustig, Dockmaster

        Reply to Leif
    • An Unusual Sailing Club, Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 144, Cape Coral, FL

      More Fun Stuff: With a name like theirs, these folks are bound to be fun to meet and share a brew or two with. They are primarily off-shore sailors, but they are sure to be able to offer wisdom about the Okeechobee and the West Florida Intracoastal. The Cape Coral Yacht Club is in the vicinity of the transient slips at Cape Coral Yacht Basin.

      The Caloosahatchee Marching and Chowder Society
      Winner of US Sailing’s 2012 Outstanding Organizational Support Award

      The sailing club with the very unusual name formed around 1970 at Cape Coral, Florida, with sailors from all over Southwest Florida as charter members. The unique name came from an effort to make it forever obvious that this was not a `Knife and Fork yacht club,’ but a group of offshore sailors who wanted to race, cruise and explore the coasts of Florida, the Keys, the Tortugas, and the Bahamas. The name also describes the offbeat informal humor of the offshore sailor. It consists of folks from all walks of life who unite in their love of the sea.

      Guests are always welcome to one of our casual monthly socials / meetings at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month (except January) at the Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy., Cape Coral, FL. (No dress codes here.) To learn more about CMCS, simply, scroll down on this page to view our online journal (BLOG). You may also go to About Us for additional links, or email us by going to Contact Us.

      For schedule of activities, go to:

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Cape Coral Yacht Basin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Cape Coral Yacht Basin

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    • More Concerns about Caloosahatchee Bridges, Okeechobee Waterway, Fort Myers, FL

      Skipper Heidi is referring to a May, 2014 posting also asking for advice on the height of these five bridges, see: /?p=140221. As Skipper Heidi is aware those published 55ft heights will expand and contract depending on water and weather conditions, as well as vessel conditions. If you have recent experience at the I-75 and Edison Twin bridges, let us hear from you!

      Did you make the trip? Do you have any information about the clearance for the I-75 and Edison Twin bridges? Our mast is only 52f but last year in August we barely made it underneath these bridges at high tide. The `clearance boards’ did read only 53f’¦(Officially some bridges have a clearance of 54.8f, not 55f ‘“ see
      Now we have to go back, but we are gained a few inches by unloading the boat and the water level is higher than last August’¦.Of course we’ll go a low tide but I’m still concerned’¦

      Click Here To View the Okeechobee Waterway Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For I-75 Bridges

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of I-75 Bridges

      Click Here To View the Okeechobee Waterway Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Thomas Edison Twin Bridges

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Edison Twin Bridges

      Click Here To View the Okeechobee Waterway Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Hwy 41 Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Hwy 41 Bridge

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Leif Lustig -  October 2, 2014 - 3:56 pm

        Hello to all of those transiting the beautiful Okeechobee Waterway,
        For current conditions on the waterway, please allow the staff at the City of Fort Myers Yacht Basin to assist you. We will be happy to provide tidal, lock schedule, weather and any other impacting information in order to help you make it through. We can be reached at 239-321-7080, , , and channel 16 when closer. We are open 8 to 6 and are here to service you.
        Thank you,
        Leif Lustig, Dock Master

        Reply to Leif
      2. Norm Brandon -  October 1, 2014 - 5:56 pm

        I live near the Caloosahatchie bridges. Typically there are two high and two low tides each day. Often there are significant differences in height between the two high tides. Therefore check the charted datum basis (average high or average higher high). Additionally if the wind is from a south west or westerly direction then the tides will be higher than predicted by the tide tables. It is not unusual for an actual tide heigh, due to wind, to be 1.5 feet higher than predicted at the Fort Myers bridge.

        Reply to Norm
    • Seventh District False Flare Cases are Costly Events

      As detailed in this article by Adam Linhardt in, this is a real No-Brainer, and surely no SSECN reader would ever be guilty of abusing the use of emergency flares. However, it is a good topic of conversation to have in public places where some of the less-informed might overhear!

      False flare cases plague Coast Guard
      BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff

      Misuse of emergency marine flares is giving the Coast Guard headaches and costing taxpayers a ton of money, the agency said last week.
      Since June, the Coast Guard Seventh District headquartered in Miami, of which Sector Key West is included, reported more than 60 flare sightings. Watchstanders then launched air and boat crews in every instance at a total cost of more than $5 million, according to the Coast Guard.
      Each search typically costs between $60,000 and $90,000 when fuel and manpower needs are totaled, according to data released by the Coast Guard.
      “Shooting a flare in a nondistress situation is no different than dialing 911 and hanging up,” said Capt. Todd Coggeshall, chief of response management for the Coast Guard Seventh District.

      To read more, go to:

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    • Fort Myers Yacht Basin at Risk of Being Privatized, Caloosahatchee River/Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 135

      A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! Fort Myers Yacht Basin lies along the southeasterly banks of the Caloosahatchee River, between the 3rd and 4th bridges from west to east.

      The City Of Fort Myers Yacht Basin is well known for being a beautiful, convenient, well-run marina with transient and live-aboard slips, access to downtown amenities, and a protected location on the Caloosahatchee River. Change may be in the winds for this municipal facility, however, according to the September issue of its “DockLines” monthly newsletter:

      The City of Fort Myers Mayor and City Council are discussing `potential public/private partnerships with the City of Fort Myers Yacht Basin’. More information will be provided once it is known. Public assistance in providing input to the elected officials will be very important in setting the direction that the marina is to proceed in. Please
      contact the Yacht Basin for elected officials contact information. The City built and has successfully run the marina since 1937 to provide safe dockage to the area boaters. Please help us keep this a great public marina.
      Thank you,
      Leif Lustig, Dockmaster

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Ft Myers Yacht Basin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Ft Myers Yacht Basin

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    • A New Guide Release and a Commitment to a Worthy Cause

      We are greatly indebted to Captains Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” for providing superb, in-depth articles for our readers! This west coast anchorages guide is a welcomed addition to their previous guides and includes a dedication to the late Claiborne Young, co-founder of SSECN.

      A New Guide Release and a Commitment to a Worthy Cause

      Media Information: For immediate release
      Sarasota, Florida ‘“ September 1, 2014 — Publishers and long time boaters Chuck Baier and Susan Landry of Beach House Publications announce the release of their fourth guide in The Great Book of Anchorages series, The Gulf Coast, Cape Sable, FL to Mobile, AL, Including the Okeechobee Waterway. This fourth guide has been the most requested to date by fellow boaters. The authors extensive on-the-water travels and research from their trawler Beach House provides the most comprehensive Gulf Coast anchorage guide currently in print. Previous guides in The Great Book of Anchorages series are The Chesapeake Bay, Including the Potomac River, Hampton Roads and Norfolk to The Florida Keys, Including the St. Johns River, and The Bahamas ‘“ The Route Most Traveled. Details are available on the website at

      In dedication of this current release, the authors have made a commitment to donate $2.00 from every order placed between August 25, 2014 and September 30, 2014 to one of their favorite charities, The Wounded Warrior Project, They also challenge other boating publications to offer similar donations. Owner Chuck Baier is himself a veteran from the Vietnam era and understands the need to provide support and additional services to the men and women that sacrifice so much for our country and freedom.
      Beach House Publications and The Great Book of Anchorages series was conceived in August of 2012 on a laptop in the cabin of their Marine Trader trawler, Beach House. All of the guides have been researched, compiled, edited and distributed from their trawler while living aboard and cruising full time. In addition to publishing, the husband and wife team have been freelance writers for over 20 years and have shared their knowledge and experiences in such major boating publications as Cruising World, Bluewater Sailing, Soundings Magazine, Sail Magazine, Southern Boating, Lats and Atts, Marinalife Magazine, Nor’ Easter, Good Old Boat, Living Aboard Magazine and a host of internet sites. The pair often gives presentations to boating organizations such as individual Yacht Clubs, the Marine Trader Owners Association, Americas Great Loop Cruising Association and most currently, TrawlerFest Baltimore 2014.


      If you would like more information on The Great Book of Anchorages series, would like to order books, or interview Chuck or Susan, call us at 713-244-4686 or email
      Susan Landry, Publisher/Author/Editor
      Chuck Baier, Publisher/Author
      Beach House Publications
      P.O. Box 1418
      Sarasota, Florida 34230

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    • Which Senior Pass for the Okeechobee Waterway?

      Readers have mentioned the use of a “senior pass” when docking in the Okeechobee Waterway: /?p=141594. Skipper Will asks for clarification as to which senior passes are accepted in the Waterway. My guess would be the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Senior Pass (62 and older, $10/life.) If you have a better or different answer, please let us hear from you!

      Great Info [link above] -Thanks very much-looking forward to using the Okeechobee myself this fall. Which GOLDEN AGE pass is the one in play here- there are so many, and with different virtues?
      Thanks, Will

      Aren’t you glad we asked: it’s $10 for life! As Skipper Bennight says: the best government fee ever!

      Yes the Senior Pass from the NPS -formerly known as the Golden Age Pass $10 for life works its magic not only at National Parks but various other federal recreation areas. In this case it gets you half off the normal $24/night slip fee’¦..

      The Senior pass is offered by the U.S, Park Service and is good for all national parks but not state or county parks. It is not issued at every park so check ahead.
      Chuck Baier

      The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass is indeed for those of us 62 and older but that $10 pass is a Lifteime Pass ‘“ not annual. (The best $10 government fee ever.) It is available to a U.S. Cirizen or permanent resident.
      Jim Bennight

      Boy, I’ve never heard of this and I’ve been across it several times, both directions.
      Skipper CW

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    • Good Words for LaBelle City Dock, Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 103

      The recently improved and expanded LaBelle City dock overlooks the south side of the Okeechobee Waterway, just west of the LaBelle bridge. Our thanks to Skipper Landry for this report! For photos of the LaBelle City Docks, go to /?p=136870

      Tonight we are tied to the free town docks at La Belle. The docks are new and very nice with both power and water, except the power isn’t working on half the pedestals. There are no finger piers so you must pull in between two pilings about 15 feet off the dock and climb off the boat either at the bow or the stern. This is right next to the highway bridge so there is traffic noise. But hey, it’s free. We are sharing the dock with two sailboats and a houseboat. Tomorrow we’ll explore La Belle a bit, we have been here by car before.
      Susan Landry

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of LaBelle on the Okeechobee Waterway

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    • W. P. Franklin Lock and Dam Park – Okeechobee Waterway

      wpfranklin1 Back on 5/19/14, the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net was privileged to publish a superb article authored by my good friends, Skippers Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, about mooring their trawler, “Beach House,” at the inexpensive wet slips immediately west of the Okeechobee Waterway’s St. Lucie Lock (the easternmost lock on this Waterway – see /?p=140813).
      Later we learned that Chuck and Susan had found a similar facility adjacent to the W. P. Franklin lock, the westernmost Okeechobee Waterway lock. And, as you can readily guess, we asked them to repeat the process, and they have kindly done so. The story below is the happy result!
      We are once again greatly indebted to Captains Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( for providing this superb, in-depth article and copious photographs! THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN!

      WP Franklin Lock and Dam Park
      wpfranklin2 We recently visited the St. Lucie Park and had written about what a pleasant and unexpected gem it was. Imagine, then, our surprise at what we found at the WP Franklin Lock and Dam Park. It is the westernmost lock in the Okeechobee Waterway out of the 5 locks in the OWW. Initially we had thought we might go ahead through the lock and continue on to LaBelle. However, as we approached the lock, the wind began to gust and we decided it was time to call it a day. I had glanced over and realized that the docks were on the east side of the lock and not the west as I had originally thought. Also, they are tucked up in a protected basin and not right next to the river as the docks are at St. Lucie. We spun the boat around and headed for the docks.
      A very nice gentleman, Walt Vliet, who was out for a few weeks cruise with his wife June, came to our aid as we docked with the wind blowing us up on the finger pier. No matter how many years of experience one has, it is still difficult to dock with a single engine and a good, stiff breeze on the beam. Once secure, we had the opportunity to visit with Walt and June. Both are about to turn 80 soon and have been cruising for years. They live in Hobe Sound and often travel back and forth across the Okeechobee on either their small sailboat or their Marine Trader trawler. They were a pleasure to meet.
      But the real story is the park. It is truly a beautiful little place. The RV park and marina, situated on its own little island, is located on the northeast side of the river and lock. Slow speed buoys are located at the entrance to the marina basin. There are 8 slips here as there are at St. Lucie, with 4 being first-come, first-served and the other 4 able to be reserved. Very little wake makes it into the basin. Trees and a decent size picnic pavilion are very near the docks, and a short walk west past a number of RV sites, takes you to very clean heads and showers. Recycling bins are available jus t next to the trash.
      wpfranklin3 In the middle of the island is the ranger’s office where you pay your dockage. (Again, the same as St. Lucie – $24 per dock including water and electric, or $12 if you have your Golden Age pass for those 62+.) Just next to the office the ranger’s trailer and little fenced in yard that houses her `babies,’ three small dogs. From there, turn and walk due south out to the lock and fishing pier, or turn north to walk over the short causeway to get some exercise or a different view of the island. The other, or west, end of the island has many more RV sites and a larger head and shower facility which also houses a washer and dryer. You can walk beyond that building and find another large covered pavilion at the southern end as well as a bench with a great view to the west.
      If the docks are full, no problem. Figure out which direction you need wind protection from. There is plenty of room to anchor in the east basin beyond the docks, then dinghy in to the boat ramp near the heads and showers. Or anchor in the basin on the west side of the locks tucked up near the causeway that leads over to the island for great easterly and southerly protection. On this side, dinghy into the beach near the large trees just behind the building that houses the heads. The ranger is happy to have you come ashore.
      You cannot walk across the lock to the other side like you can at St. Lucie Park, so drop your dinghy in the water and visit the beach on the other side as well as the visitor center. The only downside we can see is there are no provisions nearby, so come well-stocked and enjoy this little piece of heaven.


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    • St Lucie Lock and Dam Marina and Campground – Okeechobee Waterway

      St. Lucie Lock Marina Slips

      St. Lucie Lock Marina Slips

      About a week ago, I saw a submission by my good friend, Skipper Susan Landry, about mooring their trawler, Beach House, at the inexpensive wet slips immediately west of the Okeechobee Waterway’s St. Lucie Lock (the easternmost lock on this Waterway).
      And so, I asked both Susan and her “partner in crime,” Skipper Chuck Baier, to please provide the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net with a fuller account of this facility. The below article is the happy result of my request.
      We are once again greatly indebted to Captains Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( for providing the superb, in-depth article and copious photographs, set below! THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN!

      St.Lucie Lock Marina1

      St. Lucie Lock Marina and Park

      The St. Lucie Lock and Dam is located a little more than 15 miles upriver from the `crossroads’ at the St. Lucie Inlet, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and the St. Lucie River. Approximately 10,000 vessels transit this lock every year and the majority of them are recreational vessels. The Locks are operated from 7 AM to 7 PM, seven days a week. It takes about 20 minutes on average for boats to lock through completely. Signs indicate the arrival point on both sides and the Lockmaster is contacted on VHF Channel 13. He will give instructions to wait for the green light before entering and the Captain can choose the side of the lock on which to tie. Lines are dropped from the lock walls to secure the boat at the bow and stern as the water levels are raised or lowered. The Lockmaster announces when it’s safe to proceed after the lock gates are opened.
      Immediately after exiting the Lock heading westbound, boaters will see a series of finger piers on their port side with space for eight boats. The finger piers are short, but with some creative tie ups, boats up to 40 feet have used the facilities. The slips are also narrow, making it difficult for two boats with wide beams to tie up in the slip. But if you find the space acceptable, this can be an excellent stopover along the Okeechobee Waterway and an excellent value for transient dockage. Daily fees are $24.00, a flat fee, and include power and water. If you happen to be 62 or over, you are eligible for a Golden Age Passport, allowing you half price entry to any national park, including the St. Lucie Lock and Dam Park. It’s hard to beat $12 per night for dockage that

      St. Lucie Lock - Okeechobee Waterway

      St. Lucie Lock – Okeechobee Waterway

      includes power and water! The signs near the docks say that there is a 14 day maximum, but the park has allowed boaters to stay a month or more. Technically there are four slips that can be reserved in advance and four slips on a first-come, first-served basis. The Park Rangers don’t seem to enforce this and at the time we were there, everyone had just arrived and paid the fees with no problem. Some boaters from Stuart make this an annual trek to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town for a while.
      The Park is located quite a distance from any kind of shopping or restaurants so without transportation, there is not much to do except rest and relax and maybe get caught up on a few boat projects. As luck would have it, a couple of the boaters there had vehicles and offered rides to anyone that needed one. The campers in the RVs and travel trailers were also a friendly bunch and could be a source for a ride into the shopping centers if needed.
      The Park has clean restrooms for the use by the campers and the marina. Each restroom also has a shower. These are cleaned daily by the Park employees and we found everyone very friendly and helpful. A large pavilion with picnic tables, a fire pit and charcoal grills made for an excellent evening get together spot for the boaters and some of the campers. Every afternoon and evening several of us gathered to share drinks, snacks and swap stories. It’s surprising how much the boaters and the campers have in common. We enjoyed the comradery and solitude so much that we decided to stay for a week and take care of some errands. Enterprise Rent-A-Car will pick up and drop off at the Park if a car is needed.

      St. Lucie Lock Park Pavillions

      St. Lucie Lock Park Pavillions

      There are several smaller pavilions around the Park, all with charcoal grills and picnic tables. Walking is our exercise of choice and the Park offers a number of walking trails. There is a walkway across the entire lock and spillway to the other side of the river, where more pavilions and walking trails are available. The view from the lock is pretty incredible – just be sure to be off the gates when they open and close for passing boats. All kinds of wildlife can be found around every corner. Hawks, eagles and osprey soar overhead and the gators lounge in the sun along the banks of the river. You might even find a few snakes along the trail, so be ready for just about anything. A good insect repellent comes in handy for those times when the wind drops off and the little pests come out to feed. At the opposite end of the lock on the same side as the campground is a small visitor center. There are exhibits on the wildlife and history of the lock, and videos with interesting information. The Ranger at the center can answer any questions and they post the Lake levels daily from the Corps of Engineers website. We thoroughly enjoyed our time there and looked forward to getting to the park at the W.P. Franklin Lock on the other side of the Lake and farther across the Okeechobee Waterway. The Park there offers the same services. But that’s a story for another time.

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    • Praise for Tarpon Point Marina, Caloosahatchee River/Okeechobee Standard Mile146.5

      Tarpon Point Marina – Click for Chartview

      Tarpon Point Marina is found just off the Caloosahatchee River, a short hop from the southerly “Miserable Mile” genesis of the Western Florida ICW, and northwest of marker #92.

      Tarpon Point is one of our favorite marinas for many reasons. The location is beautiful and protected. Captains Candy and Ron in the Harbour Master’s office are friendly. There are two very good restaurants’“Marker 92 in The Westin and Pincher’s’“in the marina village. The shower facilities are very nice. And, the marina is immaculate.
      Our favorite amenity is the recreation center’“about a 4-minute walk’“with two beautiful swimming pools! There is also a workout room and beautiful locker rooms with showers.
      New this year: Marina Village Trading Co. which is a gourmet food store. Dee has a great selection for provisioning in style. And, Pincher’s restaurant has a fresh fish market!
      We will continue to return to Tarpon Point when cruising SW Florida waters.
      Melanie Humphrey

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Tarpon Point Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Tarpon Point Marina

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    • Caloosahatchee Bridges, Okeechobee Waterway, Fort Myers, FL


      There are five fixed bridges with 55ft vertical clearances between Lake Okeechobee and the western end of the Okeechobee Waterway, beginning with the I-75 twin bridges and ending with the Mid Point Memorial Bridge at Mile 138 and Cape Coral Bridge at Mile 142. Three of these bridges are in Fort Myers and are listed in the SSECN Bridge Directory. If you have experience with these bridges and have suggestions for Skipper Jolett, let us hear from you.

      I have not been to Ft Myers Beach with my boat , yet. I am going in a few days. My mast is 54 ft above the water. I was investigating the height of the bridges over the Caloosahatchee River for a trip to Fort Myers which is stated at 55 ft above MHW. So, what is the height of the tide at MHL? After quite a lot of digging I found that the Mid Point Bridge on the Caloosahatchee was built to a height of 55 ft above MHL which was specified to be a tide of +.87 ft. This figure was arrived at by local observations of the tide for over 18 years. I have lived in SWF for about 12 years and a tide of + 1 ft is common. So, don’t assume that the bridge clearances correspond to any tide you might see on any day. After I go to Ft Myers Beach this weekend I will report my observations. Lastly, bridges are built by local governments and one can not assume they are are built by the same standards.
      Barry Jolett

      Click Here To View the Okeechobee Waterway Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For I-75 Bridges

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of I-75 Bridges

      Click Here To View the Okeechobee Waterway Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Thomas Edison Twin Bridges

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Edison Twin Bridges

      Click Here To View the Okeechobee Waterway Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Hwy 41 Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Hwy 41 Bridge

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Heidi -  September 27, 2014 - 8:25 pm

        Did you make the trip? Do you have any information about the clearance for the I-75 and Edison Twin bridges? Our mast is only 52f but last year in August we barley made it underneath these bridges at high tide. The “clearance boards” did read only 53f…(Officially some bridges have a clearance of 54.8f, not 55f – see

        Now we have to go back, but we are gained a few inches by unloading the boat and the water level is higher than last August….Of course we’ll go a low tide but I’m still concerned…

        Reply to Heidi
        • Tom jones -  March 10, 2017 - 3:21 pm

          Capn what was your experience attempting to cross under the bridges from sanibel causeway to fort myers city. Thanks in advance

          Reply to Tom
    • Report from Moore Haven City Dock, Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 78

      Moore Haven – Click for Chartview

      Moore Haven City Dock, the first stop west of Lake Okeechobee, is located at Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 78, on the Moore Haven waterfront. This report comes to us from our good friends, Peg and Jim Healy.

      The muni docks at Moore Haven are in good shape, have power and water, and are $1.00/ft. There is a good enough Mexican restaurant about 1/2 mile from the docks, but generally, Moore Haven has limited options. It’s a very convenient stop which we use and recommend.
      Peg and Jim Healy

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Moore Haven

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    • Advice on Depths at Clewiston, FL, Okeechoee Waterway – Western Lake Okeechobee

      Clewiston, FL – Click for Chartview

      Roland Martin’s Marina is found on a small canal in Clewiston, Florida and has long been a good source for checking depths in Lake Okeechobee. See
      The comments below come to us from our friends, Peg and Jim Healy.

      FOR CLEWISTON, the key question is draft. The basin at Clewiston (Roland Martin Marina) is very shallow. Lake “O” Water depths are unusually good right now compared to prior spring seasons, but the basin at Clewiston is shallower than the rest of the route. Softish muck, but shallower. There is no tide on the Lake, of course, inside the lock system, but there can be wind-driven water level changes that look like small rides.
      Peg and Jim Healy

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Clewiston and Roland Martins Marina

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    • Good Advice on Okeechobee Lake Route Approach to Clewiston, FL – Statute Miles 60-65

      Approach Channel - Click for Chartview

      Approach Channel – Click for Chartview

      The portion of the Okeechobee Waterway “Lake Route,” described below by the Healys is found between Statute Miles 60 to 65 and is charted as Approach Channel.

      The one additional thing to highlight about the Lake crossing that I have not seen mentioned is that the area charted from Rocky Reef to Clewiston is a narrow channel exposed to whatever prevailing crosswinds are to be found on the lake. It is a man-made, dredged channel. The natural bottom is sandstone; hard, not soft, and so, the channel edges are also hard. The markers at the Lake end of the channel are further apart than the markers at the shore end. They can be hard to see depending on daylighting conditions. BE SURE YOU STAY IN THAT CHANNEL. DO NOT ALLOW THE BOAT TO GET PUSHED OUT OF THAT CHANNEL BY CROSSWINDS. Backsight to make sure you really are *in* that channel. Sandstone is soft rock, but it’s plenty hard enough to hurt bronze propellors and SS rudders and shafts.
      Peg and Jim Healy

      Excellent advice! We were in Roland Martins marina in Clewiston a couple years ago, and there was a brand new 54 foot trawler being delivered to a boat show on the face dock. The delivery captain just barely missed a turn in that channel, and took out both props, shafts, and rudders. I don’t even want to think about that yard bill!
      Jonathan Gorham

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Clewiston

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    • Report on Shoaling in St. Lucie River, Okeechobee Waterway, Statute Mile 1, Stuart, FL

      St. Lucie Shoaling – Click for Chartview

      Skipper Harmon is referring to a stretch of shoaling at the eastern end of the Okeechobee Waterway where we have had a Navigation Alert posted since May of 2013, (see /?p=113451). Again, our advice, and that of Skipper Harmon, is to ignore the magenta line and follow the markers.

      The problem stretch near markers 17 and 17A claimed another boater. I recently completed the Okeechobee Waterway and found the charts make this area very confusing and, the small can marker 17A is hard to see. The charts depict a dredged channel and the magenta line indicates you can pass west of the green marker 17. If you follow this route (magenta line) you will find very shallow water. When I passed the area all east bound traffic was leaving the green markers 17A and 17 to the starboard, west bound to the port. If you are meeting traffic, slowing down will allow everyone to pass 17 safely.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position in St. Lucie River

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    • You Never Know What You’re Going to See While Cruising the Okeechobee Waterway

      How about this totally unexpected sight while cruising the Okeechobee Waterway in October of 2012 near Alva, Florida!!!!
      We are once again greatly indebted to Skippers Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( for providing this unique image! THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN!

      Must’ve been on a Wednesday.

      Is that a wind generator on that `trawler camel’?????
      Mike Anderson

      It’s so nice that there is a swimming pool for the camel.
      One never knows what may be found in sunny Florida.
      Robert Wilson


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    • Praise for LaBelle, FL and LaBelle City Dock, Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 103

      The recently improved and expanded LaBelle City dock overlooks the south side of the Okeechobee Waterway, just west of the LaBelle bridge. Skipper Burnham gives high, well deserved marks to LaBelle for its new docks and hospitality. Our thanks to David for this thorough report!

      IDLER arrived yesterday at the free city dock at LaBelle and registered for an overnight stay. Then our crew walked the seven tenths of a mile to the Log Cabin on Hwy 80 for the meatiest half rack of Baby Back Ribs we’d ever eaten. Along with free soup and ice cream dessert we had to give our meal 4 and a half out of 5 stars. I’m giving the service all 5 stars even on a.busy Friday evening. Not to be missed for a great taste of Americana.
      A year ago I didn’t stop at LaBelle because the free city dock was full with three boats stern-to. Today the NEW dock has stern-to berths for six vessels between fifteen foot fendered concrete pilings. One large sixty foot yacht is anchored and tied to the dock immediately to the east of the six berths with room for one more her size to the east of her. This is a rare treat for cruisers in Florida to be welcomed with generous hospitality and LaBelle is the NEW standard to be met by communities looking to pull in the boaters that would pass them by to get to LaBelle.
      LaBelle could be the poster child for waterfront communities, but I’m only speaking for the cruising community.
      It will be at the top of our must stop list now whenever we cruise the OWW.
      The only drawback is a lack of fuel docks but small amounts of gas are available at the CITGO station on the north side of the OWW is you are willing to hike over the drawbridge and back. Of course gas and diesel are available dock side at the small marina to the east of LaBelle, IF they are open that day and you don’t run aground at the entrance.
      Otherwise, the six 16 foot wide stern-to berths and the four adjacent open slips on the west side of the drawbridge with water and 30amp service OR the two smaller slips on the west side of the drawbridge with no water and electricity but nearer to the public park and bathrooms are just the beginning of a great visit. The registration log at the west side dock allows a 3 day in, 8 day out registration system that is a model for any waterfront community that can serve the transient cruisers.
      I have included some photos of the dock in LaBelle Florida. The first is of the two slips on the east side of the drawbridge in the park with no electric or water but near the public restrooms with no shower taken from the drawbridge.
      The others are of the ten west side berths that do have water and electric.
      David Burnham





      Click Here for an Earlier Post on LaBelle

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of LaBelle on the Okeechobee Waterway

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    • New LPG/Propane Access Point, Bimini Basin Anchorage, Off the Okeechobee Waterway and Caloosahatchee River, Statute Mile 145

      Bimini Basin - Click for Chartview

      Bimini Basin – Click for Chartview

      SSECN is grateful to Skipper Steinbrunner for the kind words as well as the location of another source of LPG/Propane. Bimini Basin anchorage is found in the charted lake-like body of water, lying just west of the `Cape Coral’ designation on Chart 11427.

      Quick note to say `Thanks’ for the LPG/Propane availability feature on this website (we use it all the time), and to pass on an addition. From the Bimini Basin anchorage on Cape Coral near Ft Myers, Lee County Plumbing Supply at 532 SE 46th Terrace, Cape Coral, FL, 239-542-4618 does propane refills. It’s less than half a mile walk from the anchorage which has a dinghy dock available at the park.
      Thanks again for all you do to make this cruising life easier, safer and a lot more fun.
      Lori Steinbrunner

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Western Anchorage Directory Listing For Bimin Basin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of The Bimini Basin Anchorage

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