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    • Good Words For Sunset Bay Moorings (and Marina), Stuart, Florida (on the Okeechobee Waterway/St. Lucie River, South Fork)

      Wow, sounds like a GREAT place to spend the winter months, whether you pick up a mooring, or coil your lines at one of the marina’s wet slips.
      Sunset Bay also has the advantage of position. It lies directly on the patch of the Okeechobee Waterway, and only a few miles off the AICW, via the St. Lucie River. See you there!

      We see some of you returning from the north. The Sunset Bay Moorings are alive and well and about half full. Stuart has much to offer – close shopping, close restaurants, public transportation(the moorings have private for free also) and good entertainment. The mooring offers fine facilities – lounge, outside seating with tables, ship’s store and a great riverside walking path to downtown. Join us and have a great winter!
      Other things that are of interests to cruisers are arts and crafts shows, beautiful public parks, music in the downtown area on many most Sundays and a Sunday green market, all within a comfortable walking distance. There is also limo and bus transportation available to the West Palm Beach airport.
      Fred and Elaine DeFoor

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Marina Directory Listing For Sunset Bay Marina and Moorings

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    • Thoughts on Cruising Lake Okeechobee In Foul Weather

      Of course, if you are going to cruise the very useful Okeechobee Waterway between Florida’s eastern and western coastline, or the other way around, you must include a passage across Lake Okeechobee as part of that sojourn. Sometime, but less often than many captain’s inexperienced with these waters think, you can bypass rough conditions on Lake Okeechobee, by taking the so-called, “Rim Route.” HOWEVER, this passage is a bear in northerly winds, it is much shallower, and more subject to debris. So, most cruisers choose to take the “Lake Route,” also known as “Route #1,” from the Port Mayacca Lock to Clewiston (or, again, the other way around).
      Captain Moore’s remarks below are, in my opinion, right on the money when it comes to crossing the great lake in foul weather. Better to stay in port until the weather turns fair, while pouring one more round of Mount Gay Rum, and playing a few more hands to bridge.

      As to Lake Okeechobee being safe `because the waves cannot be higher than the depth of the water,’ some of my most fearsome experiences sailing (50+ years) have been on the Big O. Because the lake is shallow and fresh, the waves are square and close together. Fresh water becomes airborne more easily in a storm than in salt water. Coming off a wave and having the bow of your boat bury in the next wave while still on the first can be very exciting. Watch the depth sounder when that happens and the 4′ wave you have just navigated sends you toward the VERY nearby bottom. The most severe lightning I have ever encountered has been on Lake O. In addition, suggesting the rim canal during a norther puts the lee shore just an engine hiccup away. Oh, and I came across this last May and encountered epic swarms of love bugs the entire way across. I have also spent many idyllic crossings under sail with fair winds and flat water.
      Capt. Jeff Moore

      Good morning to you too.
      I’ve been sailing Florida’s West coast (grew up in Bradenton in the 50’s, taught school for 40 years up and down the coast) and have made the Lake O crossing more times than I can count in boats from 24′ to 70′. One thing I’ve never seen addressed is wind direction relative to the orientation of the lock. The only one where this is absolutely critical is the Port Myakka lock in a westerly. That lock is right at the edge of the lake with breakwaters extending into the lake and oriented a little south of west. In the winter, our cold fronts shift SW before they go north. In a sou’wester I have see 4′ rollers IN the lock when the doors open. Conversely, if you are in the lock heading into the lake, when they open the doors, you will think you are in a washing machine. The good news is that the lock masters are very helpful in analyzing the situation and will give you lots of info so as to what to expect, even to the point of suggesting waiting for a more favorable wind direction.
      Capt. Jeff Moore

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    • WARNING!!! Tickets Being Issued to Anchored Boats on Caloosahatchee River/Okeechobee Waterway (near St. M. 103)

      We have no explanation for why a USACOE Park Ranger is issuing tickets to boats anchored on the Caloosahatchee River portion of the Okeechobee Waterway, but it’s a safe bet it has something to do with the low water levels on Lake Okeechobee. Perhaps the Corps is simply trying to keep as many boats as possible off the OWW during these times of historic low water.

      Time to get the bloggers going. A USACOE park ranger from the Franklin Locks is writing $100.00 fine United States District Court Violation Notices to boaters on the Caloosahatchee. If you don’t pay, you get a federal warrant sworn out for your arrest.
      Apparently the Park Ranger can write these boating tickets based on the 1948 Flood Control Act, Central and South Florida Project, that governs the Caloosahatchee, Lake O and the St. Lucie Canal.
      I asked the attorney from the Jacksonville Office why a park ranger from the Franklin Locks is writing tickets on the River now when there hadn’t seemed to be any in the past. Of course the attorney didn’t know anything about it’¦.. (they don’t seem to know much up there..)
      Chilling effect on local businesses along the River?
      Best regards,
      Jody Foster

      The tickets are being written to those anchored off (or Mediterranean moored to) the LaBelle City Dock. At least one arrest warrant has already been issued.
      W.E. “Ted” Guy, Jr.
      Stuart, FL

      I’ve also heard an ACOE ranger is writing tickets by the Indiantown Marina.
      Jody Foster

      Here’s a update from Captain Foster, as of 7/8/11:

      Thanks for your continued interest. I’m very concerned that an Army Corp park ranger is cruising up and down the Caloosahatchee writing tickets that may or may not be legitimate even under the federal statute. Of course the big problem is the expense of fighting the ticket in federal court in Fort Myers rather than paying the $100.00 fine. The only response I got from the Army Corp is they have authority to write them under Title 36. And of course getting any response from the Army Corp took about 10 phone calls on my part. Good to know our federal tax dollars are being put to such good use’¦.
      Neither the Hendry County sheriff nor FWC were aware of these tickets. If I hear any more I’ll let you know.
      Best regards,
      Jody Foster

      Assuming the boaters were doing nothing illegal, I would suggest they immediately contact the larger local newspapers and television stations with their story.
      John Kettlewell

      Didn’t the word get out? Everything is illegal.
      Richard Glenn

      Did not see anything in the title that shows anchoring as a violation, maybe it’s hidden somewhere else or would someone post the details on the actual ticket’¦
      SUMMARY: Section 4 of this Act authorizes the Corps, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Army, to construct, maintain and operate public park and recreational facilities at water resources development projects (16 U.S.C. 460(d)). Local interests are also permitted to construct, operate and maintain such facilities with permission from the Secretary of the Army. Water areas of all such projects shall be open to public use generally, for boating, swimming, bathing, fishing, and other recreational purposes, and ready access to and exit from such water areas along the shores of such reservoirs shall be maintained for general public use, when such use is not found to be contrary to the public interest. The lease of public lands and structures at water projects is also authorized. Recreational uses must be consistent with State laws for the protection of fish and game. All persons designated by the Chief of Engineers for enforcement shall have the authority to issue a citation for violation of the regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Army. Amendments to this Act extend the development of recreation to non-reservoir projects.
      Dennis McMurtry

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    • Happy Times at Fort Myers Yacht Basin (St. Lucie River/Okeechobee Waterway)

      Located at Mile Marker 135 on the Okeechobee Waterway, 15 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico, Fort Myers Yacht Basin is a well designed and protected marina. It is owned and operated by the City of Well, of course Captains Connie and Ron enjoyed their time at this first-rate, city run facility. After all, Fort Myers Yacht Basin is a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!!!

      We were live-aboards here for over 2 years and loved it! Dock personnel are the most qualified, helpful, responsive, and friendly of ANY marina we have been in. They will even have someone stand by after hours to recieve and help you if you call ahead.
      They generally have the lowest price in the area on fuel and are very diligent in maintaining clean, filtered fuel’¦no water or algea contamination.
      Tell Leif and Wendy `Hi’ from
      Ron and Connie!

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    • Watch for Westward Drift in the Clewiston Approach Channel

      Here’s a warning against leeway I’ve not heard about before, nor experienced for ourselves. However, there’s no better advice than words of wisdom from a fellow cruiser.
      Also, note the 5 foot soundings encountered by Captain Botkin in the Clewiston cut. This is always the shallowest part of the entire Okeechobee Waterway, and depths are getting critical here as water levels on Lake Okeechobee continue to drop.

      Cruising News:
      We crossed yesterday (4/27). With the southeast winds, there is a very strong westward drift leaving Clewiston. If you don’t watch behind you, and stay in the channel, you WILL run aground. The drift forces you to steer as much as 45 degrees to the east of the green marks, just to stay in the channel. We hit a section of 5 feet depth for about a quarter mile before and including G-9 leaving Clewiston. There were no other problem areas.
      Dennis P. Botkin

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    • The Good and the Less Than Good at Sunset Bay Marina (Stuart, Fl – Okeechobee Waterway St. M. 7)

      The recently rebuilt and enlarged facility has garnered a host of favorable comments here on the Cruisers’ Net. Below, Captain takes a look at both side of the proverbial coin.

      Lots of good comments regarding this marina and staff here. I moved over here in January from another local marina with intent on making this my permanent home port but am leaving after 4 months. Some good points to be aware of ‘¦ some not so good.
      Sunsets are to die for here. Locals and tourists line up on the seawall by the restaurant to watch and photograph them.
      Pricing was considerably more expensive here for a lift slip than where we came from. But given the resort-like feel, the proximity to my house, nice ship’s store for sundries, cleanliness and the comments here about staff we felt this was a good move and that the $250 more per month we would pay would be worth the cost increase.
      The lifts are brand new and there are 10 or 12 of them at the marina. I had to adjust the bunks to my specifications after the staff told me that the bunks could not be tilted (they can be). They are a bit slow and have no automatic raise/lower feature enabled, but there is a good 8 feet of water under them. The current happens to run in-line with the lifts so getting on and off even in a cross-wind is easy.
      For transients, this is definitely one of the better marinas in Stuart in terms of facilities, boat access and nearby amenities. Note the comments above with other posters really reflect and center around the transient and live-aboard populations.
      Fuel pricing is competitive with the other local marinas. The problem of boats running the Okeechobee waterway at speed parallel to the fuel dock has been resolved with a `Slow, Minimum Wake Zone’.
      For locals, parking is incredibly limited and gets way worse during weekends when the Sailors Return restaurant gets wound up. The marina started using a valet parking service in an attempt to deal with what they even admit is a very poor parking lot design with small spaces and too few spaces.
      At first the valets were best described as rude and confrontational with the paying marina partrons and restaurant customers but that seems to have been ironed out. A parking permit sticker is made available to marina patrons and we get priority handling without the attitude from the valets.
      My experience with the staff was mixed. Some were among the most customer-oriented and customer-friendly people I have conducted business with. Others not so much ‘¦ with some pretty surprising authoritarian and uncaring attitudes toward the paying customer from a few. Once in a while is just a bad day but there are a couple of guys there that just do not get it and it is recurring enough to be noticed.
      One example of staff not meeting my expectations: We had one recurring issue with dock people driving their three wheel electric scooters at high speed on the narrow docks. Even after repeatedly asking the offending staff guys to slow down, the behavior continued. The Harbormaster did tell me after complaint to him that he would slow them down, but it did not happen.
      After nearly being hit on the narrow dock while getting some supplies from my dock box once too often, we decided to move on. You cannot hear these scooters coming so be aware of this safety issue especially of you end up on the `A’ dock that has the fuel dock at the end. Be told `coming through!’ as the dock boy flies by is just not acceptable.
      Another example of staff not meeting expectations: Last weekend while I was not there, my son was reportedly told by one of the staff that he was not allowed to wash our boat due to South Florida Water Management District regulations forbidding water use. I was not there to see who actually said this but that was incorrect.
      When I talked to the Harbormaster about this and to point out that SFWMD does not have a rule forbidding boat or car washing, he agreed and stated that he did not ask people to not wash boats. He did state that the marina has high water bills and that they are asking people to conserve water. I suspect something got lost in interpretation with one of the staff when this issue was discussed with them.
      So’¦ *some* staff is great and `gets’ it. Others I am not so sure I would say do.
      Ultimately, we just did not feel we were getting the value and service expected for the *premium* price charged us. Granted there are a good 300 slips here and our experience needs to be taken in light of how many seem happy. We were disappointed to have to leave but decided it was for the best for us.
      I hold no ill will with Sunset Bay Marina and wish them luck. They just have a few things to work on as I suspect they have back-slid a bit since opening.
      Bill Barrett

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    • Indiantown Marina (Okeechbee Waterway, Statute Mile 29.5)

      I can personally testify that Indiantown Marina is a VERY SAFE place to dry store your boat. Several huge fields hard by the dockage basin are always dotted with hundreds of vessels resting from their voyages.
      The “ash” problem Captain Jay mentions below is actually much worse farther to the west around Pahokee, Clewiston and Moore Haven. Here, when the cane fields are being burned off, the oil ash can occasionally be a real nightmare. I have seldom known this situation to be as bad at Indiantown.

      Indian Town is very safe but it is in the middle of farm country especially sugar so be ready for lots of dirt and ash on your boat when you come back. If you wax it before storage it washes off with some effort.
      Insurance companies that I have checked with do not give a break for safe storage but you sleep better.
      Jay Gehrig
      S/V Windsong

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    • Dolphins (large pilings) at Clewiston Not a Good Overnight Stop

      Yes, I can understand why spending a night tied to these commercially oriented dolphins (see below) would not make for a very comfortable evening. In addition to the solution provided by Captain Mikki below, another good plan would be spend the night at Roland and Mary Ann Martin’s Marina (in Clewiston).

      The dolphins at Clewiston are really for big tugs, not 36′ trawlers. That was our planned stop to be ready for Lake O in the morning. We tied bow and stern up using the dingy but, just at that time there was rain and some wind, so it made it challenging to be safe for the night. Safe we were and got an early start in the morning for a good trip. Next time I’d like to try anchoring in Moore Haven and crossing Lake O and anchoring just after railroad bridge where a canal makes a cut.
      on Asian Lady

      And, a very different point of view:

      We have tied to dolphins on the Big O waterway several times. We found that they are an excellent place to spend the night. We use a stern anchor to eliminate the swing, rather than trying to tie to a second dolphin. Most of the posts have cleats, but a few don’t. Watch for an excess amount of tar on some.
      Richard Ross

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Clewiston and Roland and Mary Ann Martin’s Marina

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    • LaBelle City Dock (Okeechobee Waterway)

      The LaBelle City dock overlooks the south side of the Okeechobee Waterway, just west of the LaBelle bridge.

      On the return leg we stayed at the LaBelle free dock just west of the SR29 bridge.It was my first experience with a stern to “Med Moor” but all went well and we spent a quiet and secure night. LaBelle is great town to walk around, with some of the most impressive live oaks you will see this side of Savanna. We had an excellent Italian dinner at the Forrey Grill a few blocks from the dock.
      Jonathan Gorham

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    • Bimini Basin Anchorage (Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 145)

      The route to Bimini Basin can be a little convoluted for first-timers, but once you get there, cruisers will discover one of the most sheltered anchorages imaginable. On the other hand, we have been told by a Fort Myers cruising authority that the holding ground here is “suspect.” We have never had any problem getting our hook to hold, and clearly, as you will read below, Captain Gorham did not have that problem either.

      We overnighted at the Bimini Basin anchorage on our way to Cayo Costa and had a pleasant evening. We found the holding to be quite good in grey sticky mud – it got a test because just before dawn a squall blew through with a 180 degree wind shift and 30+ knot winds and we did not budge. The anchor was set so well I had to yank it out with the engine. Jonathan Gorham Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For Bimini Basin Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of The Bimini Basin Anchorage

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    • A Good Experience at Roland Martins Marina (Clewiston, FL – Okeechobee Waterway)

      Roland Martins Marina is found on a small canal in Clewiston, Florida.

      Made a quick back and forth trip March 28-April 2. Spent a night at Roland Martins Marina in Clewiston on both legs. A nice friendly place, and very active in the evenings. A prior posting indicated they did not have pumpout working, but we found it up and running on our visit. Did some waliking around town, and reccomend the Sunrise Restraunt on Hwy 80 if you like good Mexican food – it’s a short walk from the marina. One thing about Clewiston – What is that smell??!! There was an awful stink that came and went with the breeze that had us all checking the bottoms of our shoes and blaming the dog – the gal at the marina office says it is related to sugar processing, and “you get used to it”.
      Jonathan Gorham

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    • Sweetwater Landing Marina (Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 126)

      The subject of the note below, Sweetwater Landing Marina, lies on the Okeechobee Waterway just west of Orange River. This facility is associated with a large condo complex.

      A marina we have used a couple of times (and like) is Sweetwater Landing, on the Okeechobee Waterway, a mile West of the Franklin Lock. It has some negatives: it’s right by a highway (2 lane), and the (opening) bridge that goes over the waterway, but the embankment to the bridge gives full protection. We like to fish, and have access to both fresh and salt water fishing quickly from here. The price was $10 a foot, they looked at our 3 month power bill when we left and gave us a pass on power (they’re pretty laid back – or were). There was a Publix (good supermarket) a mile to the S. and they appeared to be putting in a walkway along the road (though no guarantee).
      Matt Mattson

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    • Aground with 5-foot Draft on Port LaBelle Marina Entrance Channel (Okeechobee Waterway St. M. 103)

      I’m not surprised that Captain Burhham went aground heading inot Port LaBelle Marina. Depths have never been this facility’s strong suit.

      Cruising News:
      Hard aground with 5′ draft in the center of the entrance to the east basin at Port LaBelle Marine on the Okeechobee Waterway. N26 46.484 W081 23.364
      Also bumped the bottom leaving the west basin at Port LaBelle Marina with 5′ draft.
      David Burnham

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    • Port Mayaca Railway Lift Bridge (Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 39)

      The Port Mayaca Railway Lift Bridge sets the vertical clearance limit for the entire Okeechobee Waterway. That’s because even when fully raised, this span is normally only 49 feet off the water. I had not considered before Captain message below that when water levels drop, the bridge clearance may increase. Notice I said, “MAY” increase, as the water level in the canal is controlled by locks, and may be different from that of Lake Okeechobee.

      Clearance increases on this bridge as Lake level lowers. Call ahead for actual clearance height on the day before traveling.
      David Burnham

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    • Bimini Basin Anchorage (Cape Coral, off the Caloosahatchee River)

      We have anchored any number of times in Bimini Basin, and you could hardly find a more sheltered spot to spend an evening. Also, as Captain Nicole describes below, the nearby dinghy docking at a public park is welcome indeed.
      On the other hand, while we have never had trouble getting our anchor to hold here, local cruisers have warned that the basin’s holding ground is not up to really heavy weather. Apparently, at least of portion of the basin bottom is silty. At all other times though, give this spot a try!

      Cruising News*: Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a great anchorage in Cape Coral that beats the moorings/anchorage in the city of Fort Myers hands down. Protected, nice dinghy dock at a park, grocery store, hardware store, west marine, and bus transfer station less than a mile’s walk away. GREAT spot to re-provision and all around great anchorage.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For the Bimini Basin Anchroage

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    • Okeechobee Waterway Minimum Depth Calculator

      Thanks to Captain Ted Guy, we can present below one of the niftiest graphics I’ve seen in quite a while. What this chart shows is the MINIMUM depths cruisers can expect for a particular “Lake Depth.” Of course, they are referring to depths on Lake Okeechobee. With this handy graphic in hand, now you can get the Lake Depth off the ACOE site (, and then, with a quick look, check to see whether the minimum soundings will keep your craft off the bottom.

      Ted/All – The District and the Corps of Engineers have put together a handy dandy depth/vessel draft charts for Lake Okeechobee which can be found on our respective web sites. I have gone ahead and attached them to this e-mail. The District is currently in the process of publishing these charts as a 2-sided handout so they can be handed out at the Okeechobee waterway locks and other locations around the lake.

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    • Mysterious No-Wake Zone on Caloosahatchee River West of Fort Myers

      I remember the no-wake zone described below by Captain. I could find no satisfactory explanation for its presence either.

      There is a no wake zone about one mile south of the Cape Coral Bridge. It is in the middle of the river and I can see on reason for it. As you say, it is heavily patrolled.
      Do you know why and who determines the no wake zones?
      William Wallis

      I am not entirely sure but I believe that is part of the `miserable mile’ and I think that it is a manatee area. I am not sure why else it would be no wake, though being sailors who get waked frequently we kind of like it
      BE CAREFUL there if you have a faster boat, on a busy day we have seen as many as 5 FWC, police, and/or other enforcement boats in this area.

      Sounds like the zone from marker 72 to 76, which is not in the miserable mile. It’s at the entrance to Gulf Harbour Marina. It is a manatee zone by name, but why it’s really there I have no idea. It is patrolled much of the time.
      David Bernstein

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    • Good Words About Sunset Bay Marina (on the Okeechobee Waterway, at Stuart, FL)

      Sunset Bay Marina is the new incarnation of the Stuart City Marina and later South Pointe Anchorage. This facility was rebuilt a few years ago, wet slip dockage added, and the adjacent mooring field expanded. By all reports, the new facility is really first-class, and it’s VERY convenient for those who are about to run, or those who have just completed the Okeechobee Waterway.
      Sunset Bay is located just upstream of the old Roosevelt Twin Bridges, on the South Fork of the St. Lucie River/Okeechobee Waterway.

      We have been at Sunset Bay for 2 weeks now and will most likely be here another week. What a pleasant surprise this marina has been! We are on a mooring.
      The staff is great; facilities are excellent and easy walk to town make this the best overall marina situation that we have experienced since we left home in NC.
      Highly recommend it even if you planning to continue South; it is worth getting off of the AICW and take time to enjoy this marina.
      Pat Kenefick

      I could not agree more with the compliments on Sunset Bay Marina. Very nice people and facilities. I would highly endorse this stop.

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    • Tiger Marine in Clewiston, Florida A Good Spot for Repairs (Okeechobee Waterway)

      It’s always GREAT to hear about a reliable marine repair firm, particularly one on the Okeechobee Waterway.

      Subject*: cudos for Tiger Marine
      Cruising News*: We had a really bad day on the boat. We crossed the Okeehobee without difficulty (plenty of water and got under the bridge. When we arrived in Clewiston, we wrapped our prop on a line. The the next morning the mixing elbow developed a hole in it and blew carbon all over the engine. On both occasions we called Rick Martinez at Tiger Marine. He was the best! He supplied a diver, put in a new mixing elbow. All this and was extremely fair in price. We can highly recommend him if you have any problems in the Okeechobee
      Waterway. HIs phone:863-673-1460
      Diane Fitzgerald aboard Fitzcat

      Captain Rick from Tiger marine is the best. When we ran aground in lake Okeechbee last week his team was fantastic at checking out the boat and the surrounding area before pulling us off.
      BE WARNED. We ran aground between the markers on the lakeside of the Port Mayaca lock 300ft from the lock! Unfortunately it is not just sand but also rock so hug the port side of the channel we were only 100ft from the dolls on the port side.
      Michael Lee

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Clewiston and Roland Martins Marina

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