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    • Public Meeting

      The FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission) has scheduled a public meeting, to be held in Tallahassee, FL (see below), on 7/11/12, to consider the Monroe County (Florida Keys) proposed anchorage regulations, as part of the Keys participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. ALL cruisers who can possibly attend this event, PLEASE do so!

      We are scheduling a public meeting to discuss the Monroe County Anchoring and Mooring Ordinance for Wednesday, July 11th, at the FWC Bryant Building in Room 272 [in Tallahassee, Florida – editor]. We have scheduled the meeting for 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Attached is the FAW notice, that will be published next week, that has the address and time of the public meeting. There will be representatives from Monroe County ready to answer questions from any organizations or individuals that would like to know more about the ordinance.
      We are planning on being able to take the Monroe proposed ordinance to the September 5-6th FWC Commission Meeting in Tampa. To accomplish this we will need to coordinate the review, conduct the public meeting, and have a 2 week internet posting of the ordinance to collect public comment. I anticipate posting the proposed ordinance on our FWC website the first full week of July. I will send out notification of that posting when it goes live on the internet. I have attached the current Monroe Co. ordinance language for your review prior to the public meeting and internet posting. Thank you.
      Captain Tom Shipp
      FWC / DLE / Boating and Waterways

      Note that the proposed ordinance requires proof of pumpout, which I believe is a gross overreach. The anchoring and mooring pilot program law states that it is to regulate anchoring, not pollution controls or equipment onboard. These things are already covered by federal and state regulations. Once again, the anchoring and mooring pilot program is leading to further complication on the water, and a hodge-podge of laws in Florida that few transient boaters will even be aware of.
      John Kettlewell

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    • A Pleasant Night at Rodriguez Key Anchorage (Hawk Channel – Key Largo)

      Rodriguez Key Anchorage lies to the north of Rodriguez Key, off Hawk Channel, and northwest of marker #37. This is one of the only anchor down spots on the Hawk Channel side of the Florida Keys north and east of Channel Five.

      On 6/4/2012, we spent the night behind Rodriguez Key. It was a pleasant experience, we found plenty of water getting in there, you just have to pay attention to your chart and the shoaling off the southeastern tip of the island. The shoals are actually very well marked with floating buoys, but be careful because they extend out quite a bit further. It’s easy to see the color change in the water if you come in during daylight hours. We got there just before dark and found several boats already on the anchor, but there was still plenty of room and we dropped the hook in about 7′ of water. The wind kicked up out of the southwest during the night, but we were reasonably well protected. Not sure I’d want to be there in a howling northeaster!
      David Ogle
      S/V Double Decker
      35′ Cheoy Lee Robert Perry Sloop

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    • A Scratchy Night in Boca Chita Key, Statute Mile 1106

      Boca Chita Key is a smallish island surrounded by the waters of Biscayne Bay, south of Miami. It is part of Biscayne Bay National Park, and the Park Service maintains a small harbor and “marina” here. Services are minimal, and we have never been able to find more than 4 1/2 feet at MLW, while making our way to the dockage basin. On the other hand, many, including yours truly, find a visit to Boca Chita to be quite charming, particularly on weekdays.

      Beautiful spot. Carried 5’6’³ at high tide with no concerns. HOWEVER don’t bother going if winds are out of west, if it rained in the last few days or if it’s summer’”mosquitos thick enough to block the ports!! Could not go outsude even with full suit of long clothes and every repelent know to man.!!! These vampires are after a meal and you are the invited main course!
      JiM Lady Lady

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    • Good Words for Burdine’s Waterfront Marina, Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL

      Burdine’s Waterfront Marina overlooks the Boot Key westerly approach channel’s northerly banks, just a quick hop east from Pancho’s Fuel Dock.

      Burdine’s Marina in Marathon is nice, friendly people, and a great Tiki Bar/Restaurant.
      The reef just outside Marathon has mooring balls and is great snorkeling.
      Ken & Pat Goewey

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    • Good Words for Coconut Grove Sailing Club, AICW Statute Mile 1094.5

      Transient Moorings in Miami at Coconut Grove Sailing Club, 24 hour launch & security, Short walk to Coconut Grove, Daily & Monthly Rates(305)-444-4571 EXT 16, manager@cgsc.orgThe Coconut Grove Sailing Club mooring field overlooks the Dinner Key – Coconut Grove waterfront south of Dinner Key Marina. This fine facility is a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Fantastic club mooring field. Felt very lucky to be here and not in the overcrowded Dinner Key Marina or in the City mooring field in the road stead. Not much of an evening breeze in the summer and it did get HOT!
      Heads are ok -it is a small boat sailing club with lots of kids and lots of use! For what you pay it’s WELL worth it.
      JiM Lady Lady

      Click Here To Read An Earlier Article on Dinner Key

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    • Wisteria Island (Christmas Tree Island) Anchorages

      The discussion below is copied from the Cruisers’ Forum, and relates to the several anchorage opportunities adjoining an island which lies withing dinghy distance of Key West Bight. The charts name this isle, Wisteria Island, but all the locals refer to it as Christmas Tree Island.

      We are currently behind Wisteria Island. The whole area is surrounded with boats. North of the Island east and west. The cityKWB marina maintains dinghy dock for 26 a week or 80 a month. Just pick a spot with enough swing, lotta boats.

      Anchoring on the south side of wisteria (christmas tree) island will give you some shelter from the north but it’s rolly from wakes (especially in the early morn. when the charter boats go out). Holding is fair but use caution. It’s a short dink ride across the channel to the harbor where the dink dock is (payment enforcement haphazard… meaning you never know so just pay). note: going back across the channel in a northerly blow can be extremely rough and wet.
      Also remember that K.W. has been pirate country for centuries… and still is. Use common sense and you will have a great time.

      Just off of Christmas tree is the place to be. It’s convenient to the municipal docks & out of the way. There are areas where there is 8-10 inches of sand over limestone, and you will think you are dug in well but will drag like a mother in the first squall, so make certain you’re dug in.
      Also, an open hatch is considered an invitation. A closed hatch with a big lock will generally be left alone.

      Just take care that your anchor does not get stuck in the many custom made moorings around the island. I picked up an engine block once trying to haul anchor. Many derelict boats with questionable ground tackle all over.
      Be careful of the shoal in the middle that looks like a great empty anchor spot.
      However once you navigate all the above it is a great spot very close to KW and a much better location than the city mooring field. Never had issues with `piracy’ in the many years I have gone there. Might be dumb luck though but I do lock up when I leave the boat.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Wisteria Island (Christmas Tree Island) Eastern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Wisteria Island (Christmas Tree Island) Northwesterly Anchorage

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    • Marathon Dining Recommendations

      Below, Captain Brian, in a message copied from the Cruisers’ Forum gives some good advice on where to satisfy a healthy appetite in Marathon, Florida. Only wish he could have recalled some of the name, but, hey, we cruisers take advice wherever we can get it!

      Marathon. Well, most people grab a ball and go from there. That is what I would suggest. THere is a great beer and burger joint as you come in on the port side (I cannot remember the name) but it is the first 2 story restaurant when you enter after Marathon Marina. They sell gas too. On the canal right before that is a really good sea food restaurant if you take that first canal and it is at the corner. Also, at Marathon Marina (first marina on your left) they have a awesome happy hour and as they look west, good place to watch the sun set over the water.

      The gas place is Burdines Marina. Top of that building is Chiki Tiki Bar and Grill. Had a nice taco salad there few days ago. We walked there after being at West Marine by going down 15th St. off A1A. Was a little scary due to neighborhood. Asked couple of people at restaurant if it was a crime neighborhood and they said you should be o.k. during the day but don’t walk it at night. Best to come by boat or dinghy.
      Mary Dixon

      Two story restaurant is Burdines.
      Lazy Days at Marathon Marna.
      Make sure to check out Hurricane, across from Home Depot (east end).
      Deborah Streeter

      `Salty’s’ Restaurant near Marathon Marina. `Castaways’ Rest. near Panchos & Burdines.
      Bruce Franz

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    • Dragging Anchor Problems at Tarpon Bellys Keys Anchorage (“Back Route” from Marathon to Key West)

      The small collection of islands known as the Tarpon Belly Keys flank the northeastern side of the Cudjoe Key Channel. This latter cut makes into the so-called, “Back Route” from Marathon to Key West, west of the turn at Harbor Key Bank Light. It’s a great spot, and we have never had a problem getting the anchor to hold. Then again, we do not usually undertake the anchor setting procedure described below by Captains Chas and Bev.
      Has anyone else had a similar or dissimilar experience anchorage hard by Tarpon Belly Keys. If so, please click the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, and share your information.

      We are in the Keys and tried to anchor at Tarpon Belly Key, a pretty remote place. We have a 43 Mainship with 75′ of chain and 250′ with a 75 lb. Rocna, 8 feet of water and 7 feet of pulpit. Our usual procedure is to drop about 20′, let it settle while slowly reversing and add in about 20′ segments until we feel a good grip, then bump reverse multiple times to deepen the set and eventually increase
      reverse a few hundred rpm’s to set. When we did the set, the anchor released. A few efforts to set and we finally pulled up. Holy cow! A massive ball of grey clay (looked and acted like cement) and grass. Could have been a small planet. Boat hooks, dunking and dragging thru the water finally got it off. We tried 3 other locations at the same anchorages with the same, but smaller ball, result. At 5PM, we finally went to a marina. Just beat sundown by 15 minutes.
      Our question is should we not done the finally set, as we usually do, on this type of bottom? Would the anchor, with time and gentler prodding by the wind and tide, eventually buried deeper? (I wouldn’t have been able to sleep)
      The Rocna has been great for us and we love it.
      We also have a 45 lb. Bruce and a Fortress. Would it have made sense to try them?
      Chas & Bev
      …and Everywhere

      That `grey clay’ you pulled up usually provides great holding- after all, it stuck to your anchor! I suggest you change your anchoring technique: let out full scope, or even more, before you pull back on the anchor to set. You want to give the anchor the best geometry to dig in, not the worst angle. I know there are some `authorities’ who advocate setting on short scope, but there is defective logic in that. Cruise on!

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    • Free Waste Boat Pumpout at Tarpon Basin Anchorages Praised (FL Keys Inside Route, 1139.5)

      Tarpon Basin is crossed by the FL Keys Inside Route, just south of Blackwater Sound and Dusenberry Creek. There are at least 3 good spots to drop the hook here, and creative skippers will find more.
      A couple of years ago, Monroe County established a pump-out boat serving vessels anchored in Tarpon Basin, and the locals chipped in with a dinghy dock on the nearby shoreline (see /?p=24226).
      Sounds like Captain Mary found the pump-out service very polite and most useful!

      We used the free pump out boat at Tarpon Basin by the government center today. We told the guy that we had planned on pumping out at Gilberts Marina. He said they don’t have a pumpout, but he will go up there in his boat. I called Gilberts and verified that, and they said they don’t have a pumpout, but they have a phone number that you call for someone to come there and pumpout. The phone number for the Monroe County pumpout boat is 305-747-2388.
      I might add the Monroe County pumpout is FREE. The guy was very nice and said he usually works M-TH, but they try to be accommodating. I asked him how far he will go and he said he goes up to Gilberts Marina and down to Tavernier. He also said that eventually all of the Keys will have pumpout boats.
      Mary Dixon

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage

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    • Intermittent Contact at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina (FL Keys Inside Route, St. M. 1155)

      Hmmmm. Kind of concerns me to hear Captain Dixon’s report below concerning Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina. This is one of only a handful of facilities that offer transient dockage on the Florida Keys Inside route between the southerly mouth of Jewfish Creek and Channel Five!

      Tried unsuccessfully to reach PYH marina for 2 days by phone or vhf. They didn’t even return a message we left on their answering machine. We wanted to get fuel, water & pumpout. Also wanted to get a slip so we could go buy new boat batteries. We finally moved on to Coral Bay Marina at Lorelei anchorage who were very accommodating. Coral Bay is more like a boatyard, but they have ordered our batteries and we are in a nice slip. A mini grocery store and liquor store are right behind the marina. Afternoon of second day I was able to reach PYH by phone and they said they are in and out, and in the future just tie up at the fuel dock and they’ll get to us. I kept calling because I wanted to know what is going on with them because we’ll be back up that way. We had hesitated to do that because the fuel dock is not easy to get to and there isn’t room for more than one boat. We’ll do that in the future because there aren’t many pumpout places on the bay side of upper keys.
      Mary Dixon

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    • Coral Bay Marina (FL Keys Inside Route, St. M. 1160)

      Coral Bay Marina is one of several marinas clustered around the FL Keys Inside route, in the heart of Islamorada. It overlooks the southeasterly banks of the canal cutting off from the extreme northeasterly corner of Little Basin.

      Called this marina because we needed new boat batteries, they answered the phone right away. Marina was very accommodating, even ordered the batteries for us with one day service. The Trading Post and a liquor store is a 5 minute walk through a path behind the marina. Not a resorty type of marina, it’s a boatyard, but they have a pumpout which is nice since there are few on the bay side of upper keys. We are in a nice big slip with long finger piers on both sides.
      Mary Dixon

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    • A History of Good Experiences At Key West Bight City Marina

      Captain McSwain’s happy message below concerning Key West Bight City Marina, refers to an earlier report here on the Cruisers’ Net (see /?p=85798), that described a reservation problem another captain had at this facility. We are pleased that Captain McSwain had a very dissimilar, and much more positive, experience at Key West Bight City Marina.

      KW Bight is a City marina and the staff must enforce the rules that are created by the City. We stay in KW for several months each year and always have found the Marina staff some of the best we encounter in our 1000 mile annual cruise.
      John McSwain

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    • Matecumbe Bight Anchorage (FL Keys Inside Route, St. M. 1166)

      Matecumbe Bight Anchorage is located off the Florida Keys Inside Route, just south and west of Lignumvitae Key. This is not a spot where you want to be if fresh northerly winds are in the offing, but there’s good shelter during times of southerly breezes.
      I’m familiar with the “creek” described below by Captain Dixon. It’s a tiny, SMALL CRAFT ONLY cut-through from the Lignumvitae Channel. During daylight hours, I’ve used this passage myself as a short-cut, but running it after dark at planing speed, well, the thought of this activity gives me the shudders.

      Matecumbe Bight. Anchored here May 5, 2012. Things were good until shortly before dark. Fishing boats started buzzing us. One came so close to our bow that I thought he was going to hit us. One boat stopped by and told us we were in the fishing boats `runway.’ So, even though it was dark, we pulled up anchor and moved farther NE behind the mangroves. There apparently is a creek that you can see on the chart, but not the naked eye, the fishing boats use.
      Mary Dixon

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Matecumbe Bight Anchorage

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      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

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    • Good Words For Mangrove Marina (FL Keys Inside Route, near Statute Mile 1150)

      Mangrove Marina is currently one of only two marinas (the other being Plantation Key Yacht Harbor) which offers plentiful transient dockage along the Florida Keys inside route, from south of Jewfish Creek to Islamorada. There is also a full service repair yard here. If your vessel can stand some 4 1/2 foot MLW depths, what’s not to like!

      We are currently here. We really like this marina. Personnel very friendly and nice. You have to call on cell as they don’t monitor 16 and they don’t really have any dock help but the docks, laundry, showers, rest rooms are great. Ice ($2 10#) and some items at small ships store but most everything is within walking distance. POUTs are on each dock and done weekly. I again could not get the cable to work, but they have cable boxes for the long term residents. Entrance to marina/harbor is well marked and depths are about 4.5-5′.
      M&M Rhett
      `Lady Soul II’

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    • Sombrero Marina Dockside (Marathon – Boot Key Harbor)

      My impression of Sombrero Marina Dockside has always been that a good time is had by all. More than a few glasses of my personal favorite, Mount Gay Rum, have been hoisted here from time to time!

      Currently at Sombrero. I like it, sort of a 50s flavor. Slips are big for a 2665 Regal but well set up. First marina I have been to with no tie down cleats. Lots of poles to tie to. Dockside Restaurant is good. Lots of locals. Menu somewhat limited, no steaks for example. Drinks good and beer cold. Frequent live entertainment. PUMP-OUTs on Thursdays. I think you could talk Roy into other days if needed. He will get you POUT if you are gone sight seeing. Showers, laundry are 50’s but you have everything you need and is clean. Restrooms are shared with Dockside and you get a key for after hours. Publix is walking distance and most everything else, West Marine, stores could be walked or biked or a $5 cab ride.
      M&M Rhett

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    • Statement by Captain Charmine Smith Ladd To the 4/18/12 BOCC Meeting/

      Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd is both our own very special SSECN Florida Keys correspondent, and the Executive Director of BARR (Boaters Anchoring Rights and Responsibilities). What a great statement below on her part, which will be read at the 4/18/12 BOCC meeting. This is the organization, by the way, which is in process of formulating what anchoring regulations will become a part of Monroe County’s (all of the Florida Keys) participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program.
      While Captain Charmaine is too modest to make such a claim, make no mistake about it, the generally cruiser friendly tenor of most of these proposed regulations is due to her own hard work, alongside other fellow members of BARR. On behalf of the entire cruising community, THANKS Captain Charmaine!

      April 17th 2012 (submitted to Rich Jones for inclusion at the BOCC Meeting of April 18th)

      Greetings. On behalf of of the thousands of boaters represented by Mariner’s Barr and SSECN (Claiborne Young’s Salty Southeast Cruisers Net) it gives me great satisfaction to applaud the efforts of Rich Jones and all those involved who have done an exemplary job of working with the public and boating organizations to put forth an ordinance that is effective for Monroe County without overreaching regulations. The BOCC has been very receptive throughout this process to the needs of those who frequent the waters of the Keys and it has not gone unnoticed.

      Talking with Rich Jones recently, I conveyed to him that in the cruising community the climate is that the requirement of the USCG Aux decal is unnecessary. The safety equipment check is of items already required by law via the Coast Guard. Navigators are fully aware of what is required as far as safety equipment aboard. These items are needed in the best interest of safety for passengers, crew, and vessel. The theory of the decal is good, but the reality is that since the equipment is already required by the USCG, boating tourists perceive it as being intrusive because the presumption of being law-abiding is lost. It is therefore recommended this specific requirement be removed from the proposed ordinance.

      The remainder of the ordinances look very good and other concerns are minor at this point.

      All your efforts in creating palatable and cruiser friendly ordinances for Monroe County, yet addressing the needs of the County are a model for others to follow. Thank you again for the opportunity to voice the concerns of the cruising public to you. It is with great respect that I ask the BOCC for its consideration of our concerns.

      Most sincerely,

      Charmaine Smith Ladd, Executive Director, Mariner’s BARR (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights & Responsibilities)
      SSECN Special Correspondent & Representative (

      Good work Captain’¦
      I view the the decal in the same manner as the little decal you get for your car’s back window when you GIVE your donation to the sheriff over the phone. Does the officer forgive your poor judgement and pick another vehicle to pull over for a roadside donation when he sees that your current sticker is displayed on your vehicle?
      It should be a matter of safety aboard your boat that you have done due dilegence in making certain that all your equipment meets the laws and standards that are provided as a guide for your safety. If you want a sticker to display to show your compliance, don’t imagine that it will be a sign of the `passover’ when the next person wearing a uniform is charged with following the `order of the day’ from their superior. `Hi, I’m from the government’¦and I’m here to help!’
      David Burnham

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    • Unfortunate Experience at Key West Bight City Marina

      Hmmm, sounds like Captain Winkler should not have been charged, but, hey, that’s just my opinion.

      Cruising News:
      I wish to make you aware of the unfortunate experience I had in March at Key West Bright Marina. I reserved a slip for my Acadia 25 boat for two nights beginning on a Tuesday and planned to be there for both nights. My friend and I left Burnt Store Marina Monday AM heading for Marco Is. then onto KW Bright on Tuesday. When we got into the gulf Monday we found that the 4 to 6 foot waves were more then we could handle safely for the trip and the NOAA forecast was the same through Wednesday. As soon as we changed plans in late morning I called both Marco Is. and KW Bright Monday to advise that the conditions did not allow safe passage and we needed to cancel our reservation. When I made that called, both of the dock-masters at Marco Is. and KW Bright thanked me for calling and agreed that the conditions there were not safe for a 25 ft boat and assured me that I would be credited for my deposit. KW Brights advance reservation agreement states that they require 48 hours cancellation, my call was 36+ hours ahead. 48 hours would have been Sunday while we were still at Burnt Store Marina.
      Two weeks later, I noticed that my credit card still was showing the $88.69 reservation charge from KW Bright. I called them today to find out why the credit has not been issued. “YOUR CANCELLATION IS NOT WITHIN THE 48 HOUR TIME WINDOW THEREFORE WE CAN’T OFFER CREDIT TO YOUR CREDIT CARD”. The fact that the weather conditions were not safe does not matter “we’re not responsible”. They did try to offer a future credit should I wish to come in the next twelve months but being a snowbird and with other PGI cruise activities thats not a likely option.
      I wish to caution that ALL boaters should be aware of KW Brights unreasonable policy regardless of boater safety. We didn’t just change our plans at the last
      minute on a whim for another destination, if I had I would support the policy.
      THINK TWICE ABOUT KEY WEST BRIGHT. I’m really saddened by this experience as we were looking forward to our visit at KW. In all my cruising of the Great Lakes
      and here in SW FL this is the first bad experience I ever had when boater safety was the primary issue.
      Ralph Winkler

      Odd that you were charged a deposit at all at either marina. We’ve done a lot of cruising and we have never had put one down or even give a credit card #.
      Guess we won’t be going to KWB marina, we’ll stick with A & B. Expensive but had no problems.
      Elizabeth Strong

      I’m sorry to hear that I stayed there for 3 days last year.
      Too much money for what you get. We are sailing to the Abaco’s Bahamas this year much nicer trip Key West is not worth the hassle.
      Captain Wolf

      Can’t say I’d agree. The marina is a business and a reservation prevents someone else planning to come. You committed to go and then changed your mind. Sounds like you didn’t check the forecast until you were out in the Gulf. The airlines don’t give refunds or room expenses when things are delayed due to weather.
      If you’ve got a beef with the marina, I’d focus on the fact that you talked to them and they said they would refund you yet they did not. That would be the issue in my craw.

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    • Good Times at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina (FL Keys Inside Route, Near St. M. 1155)

      Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina - Click for Chartview

      Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina, owned and operated by the city of Plantation Key, Florida, is one of only a handful of facilities, south of Jewfish Creek, and north of Channel Five, which offer ready transient dockage on the Florida Keys Inside Route. We have always found Plantation Yacht Harbor to be a superior facility in every sense, and yours truly recommends this marina without reservation. Just understand that the word got out long ago, so make your dockage reservations early!

      We are currently at Plantation, arrived yesterday. Could not get anyone on 16 but a phone call got quick response and we were met by two dock hands who were very professional and knew their stuff. Slips are big for our 2665 Regal but everything is very nice and set up to protect your boat. This is a marina attached to a park with everything but a restaurant on site, pool, tennis, soccer, baseball, volley ball. Showers, laundry in top shape. POUTs at each slip. Nice beach part of park, check for sunsets. Fuel and ice available, fuel $4.98 yesterday. Walked to Chilly Willys last night 1/4 mile walk, $10-20, good food.
      M & M Rhett
      `Lady Soul II’

      Tried unsuccessfully to reach PYH marina for 2 days by phone or vhf. They didn’t even return a message we left on their answering machine. We wanted to get fuel, water & pumpout. Also wanted to get a slip so we could go buy new boat batteries. We finally moved on to Coral Bay Marina at Lorelei anchorage who were very accommodating. Coral Bay is more like a boatyard, but they have ordered our batteries and we are in a nice slip. A mini grocery store and liquor store are right behind the marina. Afternoon of second day I was able to reach PYH by phone and they said they are in and out, and in the future just tie up at the fuel dock and they’ll get to us. I kept calling because I wanted to know what is going on with them because we’ll be back up that way. We had hesitated to do that because the fuel dock is not easy to get to and there isn’t room for more than one boat. We’ll do that in the future because there aren’t many pumpout places on the bay side of upper keys.
      Mary Dixon

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina

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    • Herbert Hoover Marina (Statute Mile 1111.5)

      Herbert Hoover Marina is the southernmost facility on Biscayne Bay, south of Miami. It is owned and operated by Dade Count, and features a well sheltered dockage basin.

      We trailered, launched and stayed here April 12. Nice layed back facility, great ramps. Office is open 0830-1630. Night security. Plan to shower on your boat as out side showers are far from marina area, located at beach area. Rest rooms are closer, but still a hike. This a marina attached to a county park. We departed on a Friday, I would suspect it gets busy on weekends. We did not find any wi fi service, but 30/50 amp power and water. POUT, gas, ice down by convience store, near office. Very friendly personnel. Each pier leading to individual slips has a locked gate and keys were in short supply so we beeped the security (Jerome) to get back in. We did not see below 5′ going out and route is well marked. Gas was reasonable but forget exact price. M & M Rhett `Lady Soul II’
      PS: Restaurant is due to open 2012? Not open yet.
      M & M Rhett
      `Lady Soul II’

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Herbert Hoover Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Herbert Hoover Marina

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    • GOOD NEWS – Marathon, Fl Abandons Plans to Prohibit Anchoring Outside of Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

      Click This Chartlet to Open a Chart View Page Centered on Boot Key Harbor

      Regular visitors to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net will remember that about four weeks ago, we published an article authored by our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, which warned of possible new anchoring restrictions in Boot Key Harbor (BKH) outside the mooring field. The reaction from the cruising community was swift and vocal, and the Marathon City Council seems to have heeded that outcry. As Captain Charmine reports anew below, it looks as if anchoring on most of BKH will not be impeded.
      On an even broader scale, Charmaine also provides a link to Monroe County’s (all of the Florida Keys) plan on how they will implement their participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. This is MUST reading for any who cherish the idea of anchoring anywhere in the Florida Keys, and, trust me, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of idyllic anchorages in this region. So, follow the link below, and let us know what you think!

      April 10th 2012
      Florida Pilot Program UPDATE: Monroe County Proposed PP Ordinance
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd
      The most recent draft of proposed ordinances for Monroe County (including the municipalities of Marathon and Key West) are now online for your perusal and comment. Please read thoroughly and let your concerns be heard. There will be a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on April 18th where the final draft of proposed ordinances will be on the table for approval to go forward through the protocol of the FWC administered Pilot Program.
      All boaters and cruisers will be happy to know that anchoring in the most protected Harbor in all of the Florida Keys, Boot Key Harbor, will remain available.
      Please download the proposed ordinances from the following link:

      With the city charging $22 plus tax for 1 days dinghy dockage, NO one in their right mind is going to anchor there! It is so sad Marathon insists on a exorbadant dinghy dockage when other Florida comunities provide FREE dinghy dockage. Miami Beach is building a free dinghy dock, Ft Myers Beach has a free dinghy dock, Cape Coral has free dinghy dockage. LaBelle has free dockage. Marathon has to get with it or loose out!

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