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    • A&B Marina (Key West Bight)

      A&B Marina is one of several quality facilities located in Key West Bight! I must say, though, Captains Marsha and Bob’s review below is about as glowing as it gets. Give A&B your most serious consideration!

      Tina Turner said it best- `Your’re simply the best.’ This describes A&B. Mark and his crew, plus the location make it so.
      Reservations most times are needed. Don’t miss it !! It’s worth the trip.
      Marsha & Bob
      M/V Threadbare

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For A&B Marina

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    • “Back Route” From Marathon to Key West

      The so-called “Back Route” from Marathon to Key West runs north up Big Spanish Channel, turns sharply west at Harbor Key Bank Light, and then skips off the northern face of a series of unhabited keys, until reaching Northwest Channel. This latter passage leads, in turn, to Key West.
      We just love the “Back Route.” There’s a host of wonderful anchorages along the way, and this passage has a true backwater feeling, as if you were out in the middle of nowhere, which, for much of the route, you are.
      There is one major caveat to the “Back Route.” Do NOT attempt this passage while piloting a vessel that draws more than 4 1/2 feet. There is one shallow stretch of the Big Spanish Channel that is the cause for this prohibition. Otherwise all the waters along the way have plenty of depth.

      Good Morning from Key Weird,
      Just wanted to let the group know that because of the strong easterly winds we have been having down here Life’s2Short took the bay side trip via Big Spanish Channel. We left Marathon at half-tide-rising and never saw less than 5.5 feet, and that was only around a small area by Cutoe Key. It was a pretty trip with the tides pushing us up Big Spanish Channel and then pushing us into Key West. The trip took about 7.5 hours going 8.5mph.
      Be sure your liver is in shape before arriving here!
      Todd & Brenda Lanning

      You passed through some of my favorite cruising areas in the Keys. We always pick our way in and anchor for a night or two. Cudjoe Channel to Tarpon Belly Key (take the opportunity to moon Fat Albert!), Johnston Key Channel and especially Jewfish Basin are three of our favorite stops. Try it, you’ll like it!
      Randy Pickelmann

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    • Key Largo Pump-Out Boat Available Near Tarpon Basin Anchorages (St. M. 1139.5)

      There are three (at least) anchorages available in Tarpon Basin, just south of Blackwater Sound, on the Florida Keys inside/ICW passage. The “Government Center” Captain Sterling speaks of below is located at the rear of Tarpon Basin. Check out an earlier posting here on the Cruisers’ Net for more info on this facility ( Note that in addition to the waste pump-out boat, cruisers will also discover a dinghy dock at the Government Center.
      Sound like, after reading Captain Sterling’s note below, that with a phone call the pump-out boat skipper will service you, even if you are anchored a bit farther way than Tarpon Basin. Anyone know what range of waters this vessels serves? If so, please share that info by clicking the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below!

      Subject: pump out boat
      Cruising News: Key Largo\’s pump out boat is docked at the Government Center at mm 1140 on the icw in Tarpon Basin.
      the phone number for this service is 305-747-2388.
      Give em a call and he will come to your boat for your pump out.
      This Government center is also a place to dock your dinky for shopping and supplies. Publix is about a mile south, kli hardware is closer to the north, west marine is a mile and three quarters north.
      Captain Sterling

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Floridas Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Interior Anchroage

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    • GREAT List of “Friendly” Mooring Places

      Captain Jim Quince has done the cruising community a HUGE favor by putting together a list of “Friendly Mooring Places,” which are usually, but not always, free. Of course, Captain Jim’s list goes beyond the Southeastern USA waters we deal with here on the Cruisers’ Net, but there’s plenty of info here concerning “friendly” places from North Carolina to New Orleans.

      The list of free docks, etc. is now the Friendly Moorings List online at :

      Thanks to all of you that have provided input to the list. It has been updated almost daily since I first posted it and has had many additions and revisions. If I already have sent you a copy of the list, I suggest you delete that list as an out of date list and use this one. You can cut and paste it into a new document if you prefer….no strings attached!
      I will continue to add to the list as new information is provided and as we are lucky enough to visit many more places on the list. Please do send any information you think is valuable to other cruisers. I am also including good value stops with relatively low costs like some FL State Parks and Mooring Fields. (Note that we rarely eat at restaurants due to Vaughn’s food allergies. If you know of restaurants with dock space, tell me so I can include them too.)
      This Friendly Mooring List will hopefully be a good outcome from the change of status for the Venice “free” (overnight) dock!!
      Thanks, Jim

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    • Good Jumping Off Point To Cruise to Dry Tortugas

      The discussion below was copied from the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) mail list. There is some good info here for those contemplating this southernmost USA destination!

      What is a good staging point from the Naples area to get the shortest/fastest run to the Dry Tortugas?
      M/V Cigano
      Lying Crystal River

      Not sure this will answer your question. (not exactly sure what the question is?) Anyway, on my trip there a couple of years ago, we did a crossing from an anchorage at Marco Island to Key west, an easy day trip to the anchorage there. From there it was about a 10 hour run to the Tortugas. If I remember correctly, it was 74 or 75 statute miles from Key West anchorage to the Tortugas.
      Hope this is what you were asking for.
      And the Dry Tortugas is a beautiful place! Well worth the trip!
      Brent Hodges
      Albin 43

      It depends somewhat on the boat. Fast boat could run from Naples straight out. Slow boat probably from Naples, EC or the Little Shark to Key West, provision at Key West, and then out. It’s 65 NM from Key West to Las Tortugas. The first 40 miles are “on the reef;” shallow water that builds up into nasty, short period waves. The last 25 miles is in deeper (100 ft) water, and the character of seas in more like ocean swells with wind driven waves. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE how challenging that crossing can be in a pleasure craft. Prevailing winds are easterly or southeasterly. The last two winter seasons, winds have blown 25+ kts for seeral weeks at a time. There are NO facilities there; not even porta potties. The tourists use the facilities on their boats.
      Make sure you are fully provisioned and could stay a couple of weeks or more, worst case. When the winds blow at 25kts for 20 days, you will be hard pressed to run to the groceria for milk. I know one sailboater who took the tour boat in and back to get some galley stores.
      Fort Jeff is very interesting, and the place is very lovely; a lot like the Bahamas. But, with no water available, prolonged stays may not be what you wanted.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary
      Currently at Charlotte Harbor, Punta Gorda, FL

      We’ve only been to Dry Tortugas once, but we liked staging from Turkey Creek (our home in Ortona). It’s about 26 hours to Ft. Jefferson, so you can arrive in mid-morning with plenty of time to get snorkeling while the sun is high.
      Mark & Joyce,
      Winnie the Pooh

      Its about 100 NM from Marco Island to Dry Tortugas and about 105 NM from Naples. The course difference is only 3 degrees. Pick your spot.
      Naples has a mooring field but it is “up the creek” a bit. However, you can anchor in one of the residential canals for the night and leave before first light.
      In Marco, Coconut Island used to be a popular anchorage, right near the mouth of the inlet. However, the State of Florida removed all the Australian Pines (non-native species) and the island started to erode away. Its been several years since I’ve been there so I’d recommend calling TowBoatUS or Sea Tow for some local knowledge. There is an anchorage at Johnson Bay. Its little more than a deep-water crook in the channel but would be OK for an overnight staging point.
      In either case, both Marco and Naples have short runs out to the entrance buoys. Its nothing like Crystal River or other Big Bend ports. You will be in the Gulf 30 minutes after you pull the anchor.
      Randy Pickelmann

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    • Tarpon Bason Interior Anchorage (Statute Mile 1139.5)

      Tarpon Basin sits along the Florida Keys Inside – ICW route, just south of Blackwater Sound. There are several good places to drop the hook in Tarpon Basin. An earlier listing here on the Cruisers’ Net relates the location of a recently available dinghy dock on these waters.

      We anchored here March 10. It was easy to get in following the curve of `no wake’ markers that lead to the anchorage. Nice quiet spot. Didn’t go ashore but would be interested directions to the `mangrove tunnel’ dinghy side trip.
      Jean Thomason (DOVEKIE)

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage

      Click Here To View An Earlier Posting Concerning the Presence of a Dinghy Dock in Tarpon Basin

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    • Caesar Creek – Rubicon Key – Reid Key Anchorage (Biscayne Bay, near St. M. 1115.5)

      The “comment above” Captain Jean refers to below can be seen by following the link below her message to the Cruisers’ Net’s “Florida Keys Anchorage Directory” listing for this anchor down spot. Then, click on the red outlined link near the bottom of the listing to read comments from our fellow cruisers concerning this haven.
      To be sure, the anchorage between Rubicon and Reid Keys is very nice, BUT depths and markings entering Caesar Creek from Biscayne Bay are both on the very thin side. Take extra care if you make the attempt!

      Contrary to the comment above, we have anchored here several times, the latest being 3-6-10. Mosquitoes have never been a problem if there is even a modest breeze. It is a beautiful remote-feeling spot and well-protected. Getting in to the dock at Adams key can be a trick as the current is swift but that is an option if one wants to walk around. Many boats go through Caesar Creek but their wakes don’t reach the anchorage between Reid and Rubicon Keys.
      Jean Thomason (DOVEKIE)

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For The Caesar Creek – Rubicon Key – Reid Key Anchorage

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    • Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitors Center (Biscayne Bay, near St. M. 1106)

      Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitor’s Center is found in Biscayne Bay, and is part of Biscayne Bay National Park. The “marina” part of the operation is truly bare bones, and finding good entrance depths can be tricky. And, as Captain Jean notes below, this place can get crowded on weekends. At other times it’s idyllic, and well sheltered.

      One of our favorite places in the keys and our first stop south of Miami. Stopped there again March 7-9, 2010. We tried to get in on Saturday March 6 but the basin was crowded with boats rafted two and three deep. So after a night anchored out near Adams Key, we returned to Boca Chita Sunday afternoon when the crowd begins to leave. Heard that the Rangers had payed an early morning visit and everyone without a receipt for payment got a ticket (and one boat docked in the `no docking’ zone got a fine of $750 for that and other violations). The regs don’t seem to be enforced often but when they are there’s no fooling around! Note that the senior age pass rate is only &10.00. The toilets are salt water flush and have been recently refurbished. There is a resident volunteer who works on keeping everything looking good. While the weekends are crowded, we have enjoyed joining in with Cuban families who gather to party there- a cross-cultural experience and interesting to hear their stories and viewpoints.
      Jean Thomason (DOVEKIE)

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitors Center

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    • Lignumvitae Key Mooring Field and Visitor’s Center

      Lignumvitae Key, named for a very slow growing tree which can be found here, lies on the long gap between Upper and Lower Matecumbe Keys. There is a visitor’s dock and visitors center near the eastern banks, while a small mooring field will be discovered off the isle’s northwestern banks.

      Lignumvitae House and Tour continue to be only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One can visit and walk around the house area only on Mondays and Thursdays. The outside of the dock is available to tie up but watch the depth ‘“ I think it was under five feet. We tied to a mooring ball on 3-11-2010 ‘“ there are only two left.
      Jean Thomason (DOVEKIE)

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For

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    • Bahia Honda State Park Marina (west of Marthon and Moser Channel)

      Due to a low bridge, it is only possible for cruising size craft to access both the Bahia Honda State Park Marina, and the nearby anchorage, from the Hawk Channel side. Even then, you must run through a removed section of the old bridge that still stretches from Bahia Honda to Pine Island.

      Another one of our favorite places in the Keys. After the concession upped the dockage fees a few years ago, there are usually few boats in the basin. We especially enjoy riding bikes to Sandspur Beach, the nature trail there, watching the sun set from the old bridge and spending some beach time. There is also a small nature center and ranger programs during the week. There are usually boaters who have trailered in their boats and who thus have vehicles, who are willing to give one a ride to the Winn Dixie in Big Pine (we have made the trip by bike but not recommended). The tide is about two feet so boats with a draft of 4-5 feet can get into the basin close to high tide ‘“ once in the depths are fine.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Bahia Honda State Park Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Bahia Honda State Park Anchorage

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    • Pumpin Key Anchorage (Card Sound, near Statute Mile 1122.5)

      There are several spots where it can be pleasant to drop the hook around privately owned Pumpkin Key. Just pick the side that gives you lee from the prevailing winds. Do NOT try going ashore at Pumpkin Key or the adjacent ocean side banks. Both are private property!

      Just spent 2 nights here and the holding was excellent, scenery great, except for all the Do Not Trespass signs on the island, and very quiet. We stayed about 300 yards off the shore of the island. Great place to drop the hook. Last year we stayed on the opposite side and also had a great experience. Left this morning by going out of Angelfish Creek to Hawk Channel and never saw less than 7.7 feet, 3 hours before high tide.
      Larry Morrow

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Key Anchorage Directory Listing For Pumpkin Key

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    • Marathon Turtle Hospital – Captain Jane Reports

      No Ordinary Motel: A visit to the Turtle Hospital, only a fifteen minute walk from Marathon City Marina.

      The former Hidden Harbor motel rooms housed guests again during the recent cold snaps -- 178 cold stunned sea turtles received a warm welcome

      If it looks like a motel, that’s because it was and sort of still is… The Turtle Hospital is located in the former Hidden Harbor motel, but the residents now are mostly rescued sea turtles. During this winter’s record cold snaps, during three of the coldest days, the Turtle Hospital admitted 178 cold stunned turtles (Loggerheads, Greens and Hawksbills). Eight of the cold stunned sea turtles stayed in kiddy pools in the motel rooms. Rescue, rehab and release is the motto of the Turtle Hospital, a one of a kind institution and the largest sea turtle rescue operation in the United States.
      The tour we took with a veterinary technician who works for the hospital was fascinating, eye opening, mind opening and touching. The normal patient load of over 50 sea turtles makes this the largest such facility in the United States. Come fifteen minutes before your tour to sign in and go through the informative displays. I recommend the trivia questions. My favorite question was how long can a sea turtle hold its breath? Another question revealed that sea turtles, which are reptiles, were originally land-based creatures that evolved into sea-based creatures.
      The Hidden Harbor motel’s former glory, if it had any, is now dim and its swimming pool, thanks to a healthy crack is now a tidal pool and houses a variety of rescued sea turtles and minnows that come in and out with the tide. Until recently, some tarpon lived in the pool as permanent residents, but they died from the recent cold weather.
      This is a great opportunity to learn about sea turtles, ecology and be reminded just how our human carelessness with waste can harm creatures we do not often see. Many of the turtles are

      A current guest at the motel.

      wounded by boat propellers that gash them as the boat runs them over at excessive speed in the grassy flats, by fishing line, by swallowing children’s balloons, fish hooks, plastic gloves, and other bits of our trash that make it into the water.
      Sea turtles, all five varieties that can be found in US waters, are endangered creatures. If you find one floating at the surface and it doesn’t skitter away from your boat or dive down quickly, call the Turtle hospital and tell them what you see and where. WIthout their instructions to do so, it is against the law to touch the sea turtles.
      The tour costs $15 for adult

      s, $7.50 for children and is worth every penny, if not more. The tours and gift shop sales (they have great T shirts in a large variety of colors with the hospital logo on the back) are the principal means of support. When

      the motel was still viable, the motel provided a significant portion of the funding, but several years ago, a hurricane damaged the motel beyond the organization’s means to return it to motel condition standards. The veterinarians volunteer their time and the paid staff is skeletal. By the way, the T-shirts have a a striking graphic of the hospital logo — they make great gifts that support a worthy Keys organization.
      Tours are offered seven days a week, except holidays. Call (305) 743-2442 for tour reservations. Log on at for more information.
      The Turtle Hospital, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is only a fifteen minute walk from City Marina. You won’t be sorry, except for the state of turtles world wide, but you will feel good knowing people are helping the turtles and that you, by your very presence and interest, helped, too.

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    • Harbour Cay Club (Marathon, Northern Shore)

      The Harbor Cay Club is a great find in Marathon. Having been here, I know this is actually a private club, but one that choose to accept visiting cruisers, an unusual but welcome arrangement. Harbor Cay Club is located on the northern shores of Marathon. Click the link below to our Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing for this facility to check out its exact location. See you there!

      We have discovered an unbelievable “secret paradise” here in marathon called Harbour Cay Club. They are a private club owned by the boat/slip owners but they rent any absent owner slips to loopers etc. by the week or longer. The facilities and grounds are excellent. every slip is a lay along with W-E-Cable TV & pumpout, Laundromat,clubhouse, bike rack, tiki hut and the most fantastic unobstructed sunsets you can imagine.Very quiet and relaxing Short walk to many restaurants & bars (mm47.5) super markets and K-mart about 2 miles, easy bike ride.Very friendly and helpful liveaboard boat/slip owners.they usually have slips for rent.When we arrived we found 6 other loopers here. we like it so well we have decided to stay an extra week!
      Call Dock Captain ED SKINNER 410-570-5089 for reservations.
      Jeff & Cheri Conniff
      aboard Annie Lee III.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Harbour Cay Club

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    • Southwestern Florida Crab Pot Discussion

      For the last week or so, there has been a lively discussion on the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) list about crab pots and fish traps as navigational hazards while navigating the waters of southwestern Florida, between Marco Island and the Florida Keys. I’ve copied some of this discussion below.
      As usual, with a copied discussion with this many contributions, it is impractical to obtain individual permissions, so I’ve just used first names.

      Sunday we arrived Marathon, FL from Little Shark River after navigating the minefield of crab trap floats through much of Florida Bay There was even a string right down Moser Channel to the Seven Mile Bridge. After a couple of hours of dodging traps I remembered a land clearing project I visited in Africa in the 70s. They were clearing light trees and shrub growth using a piece of ship anchor chain about 100 feet long with a Caterpillar D-8 ate each end. The Cats would move along in the same direction and the chain stretched out between them would knock down anything standing between them. How about a couple of trawlers with a chain between them clearing the way through the traps?
      Please no flames, I know the crabbers are out there working hard making a living for their families while we are just playing. I wouldn’t do this and am not advocating anyone doing it either, just recounting a memory and one the evil thoughts that came to mind as I dodged the traps for a couple of hours. Driving around Marathon I see several storage areas where I’d guess many thousands of traps are neatly stacked. Like an old Cajun friend of mine used to say “A crab don’t stand a chance around here!”
      It was a beautiful day, sunny, light winds, maybe 2′ seas and finally warm, and that made it all well worth while.We found water depths at least 8′ leaving Little Shark and most of the way down to Marathon where we are at Marathon Marina and Boatyard which is quite nice.

      Serious question with probably an easy and obvious answer that I don’t know:
      If crab pots are in a charted channel, can they be moved/removed by a pleasure cruiser because they constitute a “hazard to navigation?”

      I don’t know the legal answer but I suspect that an angry waterman, who thinks you are intruding on his source of income, could be a real problem that might be more difficult to deal with than the “authorities”.

      You could probably legally move them but:
      1. There are so many of them that it would become your life’s work…at least until the season closes in May.
      2. You’d likely get shot at.

      On my trips down the gulf past Flamingo, I usually run inside the Park boundary, it’s shallower but doable, and less traps
      It is illegal to trap in the Everglades National park, but on SEVERAL of these occasions, I was inside the park boundary south bound, watching trappers working their line inside the park boundary.
      Guess those park rangers have better things to do.
      See you in Paradise!
      Capt Sterling

      I had a fin keeled sailboat with completely exposed prop that twice got a pot line wrapped on it.
      When I changed boats I knew I needed a full keel boat with a protected propeller.
      We bought the boat in Charlotte Harbor and motor sailed it non stop to Marathon. And I was so happy watching the pots go by under the moon light at 3:00 am in Florida Bay. I didn’t try to avoid a single one.
      That problem is solved, for me anyway.
      Jules Robinson

      Coming to Marathon from the East, we observed hundreds of traps and every trap was right in the charted channel. The water depth is the same north of the channel so we dodged the traps by moving a hundred yards north where no waterman bothered to drop a trap. Needless to say, I couldn’t set the autohelm.
      I hope that prudent mariners will resist the temptation to mount spurs on their prop shafts. The spurs cut any lines that might wrap the prop but these spurs also might leave behind un-bouyed traps that will roam the waters for years attracting and killing thousands of crabs as they move.
      The watermen of Florida don’t capture and kill the stone crab; they just remove one claw and return the creature to the sea to grow another claw. (am I correct?)
      Let’s do all we can to preserve these tasty little critters and let the watermen continue to make a living even if they can’t tell a channel from open water.

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    • Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitors’ Center (Biscayne Bay, south of Miami, near St. M. 1106)

      It’s interesting to see the wide ranging opinions that have been expressed here on the Cruisers’ Net about stopping in Boca Chita Key Marina. This facility is part of Biscayne Bay National Park, and is maintained by the US Park Service. I know from our visits it’s a pretty, well sheltered harbor, but entrance channel depths are somewhat suspect! This is a case of some really like it, and some do not. Give this harbor a try and let us know your opinion.

      I have never gone into Boca Chita as we have a dog. I went in today for a looksee and was blown away. Everyone has told me that it is special, it truly is. If this was a commercial place with power and water it would be a bargain at $3 per foot, a great place.
      Charles Hardin

      As Charles says, Boca Chita is an amazingly peaceful place to tie to a sturdy concrete wall in an absolutely non-commercial area. It is truly lovely in the right conditions, and is a good place to wait out
      a heavy blow (not hurricane) in not-so-quiet conditions.
      However, from about Thursday evening or Friday morning until about Monday morning during the warm times, the “locals” (that’s the nicest word I can use) take the place over to the point of paying you to
      leave so a buddy can come in and tie up. At other times, it is Paradise.
      Maybe that’s why the “locals” like it.
      Actually, it is easy to raft off from a friend if it is crowded.
      Bill Donovan

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    • Garrison Bight – Fleming Key Mooring Field (Key West)

      The Fleming Key mooring field is administered by the Key West city marina in Garrison Bight. It is HUGE, and seemingly very well run. This is a GREAT spot so park your craft while visiting fascinating Key West! Follow the link below to the Net’s “Florida Keys Anchorage Directory” to check out this field’s location in Key West.

      We have been tied to a mooring ball for 5 days at the Garrison Bight Field. Its been great. The fee is $16.59 per night and monthly breakeven is 17 nights. Fee includes showers, laundry facilities and dinghy dock parking at the Garrison Bight. A mile walk to Winn Dixie, mile to the Beach. We take the dingy around to the Key West Bight to see that side of island and the famous attractions.
      Protection is reasonable with the most exposure from the north, but we did just fine with N15-20.
      You need to put your own line on the mooring. This is difficult for our trawler with a high bow. Usually someone sees a new boat coming in and goes out to help with a dinghy. We had a buddy boat when we arrived and used one of the dinks to get both.
      42 Hatteras LRC

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For The Garrison Bight – Fleming Key Mooring Field

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    • Marathon Marina and Boatyard (on entrance to Boot Key Harbor)

      Marathon Marina and Boatyard is the first facility cruisers will encounter as they begin their approach to Boot Key Harbor from Moser and Knight Channels. Don’t confuse this marina with Marathon Boatyard, which lies east of the now permanently open Boot Key Bridge. Marathon Marina and Boatyard lies west of the span.

      We brought Cabana to Marathon Marina and Boat Yard on 03/01/2010. We have made a monthly lease arrangement since we plan on using Marathon as our base for a month or so.
      The Marina is a bit run down but many repair and upkeep efforts are underway. The staff is very friendly, professional and helpful.
      The open views to the west come with a bit of vulnerability against west winds, so tenants have advised us to really secure the boat against strong western blows.
      There is a nice restaurant right on the premises, some kind of transportation (bikes in our case) is highly recommended to reach other restaurants or stores.
      Reinhold and Sabine Probst
      M/V Cabana
      Mainship Trawler 40

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Marathon Marina and Boatyard

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    • Good Review of Dinner Key Mooring Field ( St. M. 1094.5)

      If you’ve been following our fellow cruisers’ postings here on the Cruisers’ Net concerning the waters in and just south of Miami, you already know the city of Miami opened a new, large mooring field just off Dinner Key Marina, a few months ago. While we have had one negative comment here on the Net concerning this facility, all the rest, like Captain account below, have been overwhelmingly positive.

      March 2010. I stayed at the new Dinner Key Mooring Facility from 3/1/10 to 3/6/10 and it was one of the greatest experiences on the water that I have had. The mooring field is located just east of the main Dinner Key Marina. I was greeted by a shuttle boat that took me to shore to square away my paperwork (only $19/day). They have showers and a pumpout boat. It was a great deal.
      A friend asked why did I not just free anchor and sneak onto their facility to use their bathrooms. I answered him that I am not a thief nor do I want to be associated with thieves. Plus, Dinner Key Marina is really serious about their security. I witnessed the Miami Police arrest a tresspasser who thought he was entitled to free everything just because he was sailing.
      Listen, I believe you you should be able to drop anchor in the middle of nowhere, but Miami is a major city and I don’t expect to have access to upland facilities without paying something. It turns out that it’s cheaper to stay overnight at Dinner Key Mooring Facility, with all it has to offer, than to park your car in Coconut Grove over night.
      I almost forgot, the $19/day also includes parking. I LOVE the new Dinner Key Mooring Field!!

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Dinner Key Marina

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    • Johnson Keys Northern Anchorage (Back Route, Marthon to Key West)

      The “Johnson Keys Northern Anchorage” is one of many spots to drop the hook off Big Spanish Channel. The so-called “Back Route” from Marathon to Key West, uses this passage to lead from the southerly waters near Bahia Honda Keys, past Pine Island, and finally into the open waters of the Gulf. From this point, cruisers headed for Key West turn (what else) west and skip along the northern face of the undeveloped Keys, staying well off the land, except for another host of good anchorage possibilities.

      We like this spot, stayed here in Dec and now in March. Good protection from N to E winds. Very quiet, no boat or road traffic. No crab pots either.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Johnson Keys Northern Anchorage

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    • Boot Key Harbor City Marina (Marathon – Boot Key Harbor)

      Excellent info about one of the premiere facilities in the Florida Keys.

      We have spent 2 1/2 months in the City Marina. We were lucky to get a mooring right away although there are good places to anchor if the moorings are full when you arrive.
      The marina staff couldn’t be nicer and are very helpful. Laundry facilities are frequently very busy but it’s a good way to met fellow cruisers while waiting your turn at the 6 washers and 6 dryers (when all are working). There are plenty of activities like yoga, tennis, softball, crafts, games and music. Two large areas for dinghy parking are provided. It’s a mile walk to grocery shopping but West Marine has donated several shopping carts that you can take from the marina to the store and back for those larger shopping trips.
      We would definitely return here another year.
      Larry and Suzi

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor City Marina

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