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    • Sunset Cove Anchorage (Buttonwood Sound – Key Largo)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      Who has anchored in Sunset Cove, off Buttonwood Sound (near Statute Mile 1143)? Did you find yourself amidst a whole collection of fellow cruising craft? Did you find anywhere to land a dinghy ashore?

      Responses follow:

      Sunset Cove Weʼve anchored there often. It is rarely crowded. The sailing club no longer welcomes cruisers, but there are a few local restaurants with docks to tie up to. We just make sure to buy a beer at the bar to compensate and so far there has been no problem. Unfortunately, the Cuban market has closed, but Walgreens has some basic supplies.
      Bob and Toni Dorman

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Sunset Cove

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    • Rodriguez Key Anchorage (off Hawk Channel, near Key Largo)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      21. Has anyone anchored off Rodriguez Key (west, northwest of Hawk Channel’s marker #37)? Did you find enough shelter here for a comfortable overnight stay?

      Responses follow:

      Anchored there in 2004 prior to jumping off to the Bahamas (South Riding Rock). Stayed there a couple days waiting for 22 to 25 kt ESE winds to settle. They never did so we bit the bullet and went anyway. My memory has faded but to my recollection the north side anchorage was surprisingly calm, even to these winds, when staying over to the west side of the anchorage area. Anchored there on the return trip too, but there were only zephyrs then.
      Bob Hanners

      I’ve anchored on both sides of Rodriguez Key. It’s a very convenient jumping off place to cross to the Bahamas. Anchoring was good but you are very exposed if the wind clocks around on you. We also found it hard to find sandy patches to anchor legally. You can get fined if you anchor in sea grass. The good part, is that the water around the island is as clear as Bahamas water. Great for scouting the bottom.
      Dick Mills
      SV Tarwathie

      Anchored on N side of Rodriguez in a max 10 kt breeze from the the NW and was happy with it. Departing on December 5 AM into Hawk Channel, saw two boats anchored on the S side. (Beneteau 343/drawing 4’9″)
      Appreciate your online info.
      SV Move
      Boot Key Harbor

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Rodriguez Key Anchorage

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    • Boot Key Harbor and Boot Key Harbor City Marina (a.k.a. Marathon City Marina)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      39. The conversion of Boot Key Harbor from an anchorage to a mooring field, has been one of the great success stories of the Florida Keys. Most of the sunken and semi-sunken vessels have been removed, and the water is much cleaner. Also, the city of Marathon has built a nice shoreside support facility (Marathon City Marina), with good dinghy dockage, wet slip dockage, showers and Laundromat. Will someone who has picked up a mooring at Boot Key Harbor lately please comment on the mooring field, and Marathon City Marina. Did you have to get on a waiting list to secure a mooring?

      Responses follow:

      We spent two weeks at Boot Key Harbor and loved it and Marathon. We were there in March and it was not too crowded. Others said that you did have to anchor out and waite for a ball to open in January and Feb. Keep in mind that the pump-outs are MANDATORY. Even the dirt bags in the derelic boats must be pumped out once per week.

      We only draw 50 inches and had no problems with debth but we ran aground off of Largo when we left the channell but were fine when we followed Skippers Bobs direction.. There is some grass that has to be avoided. Not much to do there and had to hunt for a place to land the dinghy for our dogs.

      In the [Boot Key] harbor today (Dec 7) we found maybe 50 moorings still vacant so the waiting list is not active yet.
      Sadly, Smorgasboat no longer provides the water taxi service. They do however, still do harbor tours.
      I can’t say too much good about Marathon City Marina. They seem to set the gold standard for everything having to do with running a mooring field and marina. I just learned today that they even have a TV camera to inspect the mooring tackle on the bottom for maintenance purposes. Who else does that? The pump-out boat, the handling of dinghies, and bikes, and parked cars, and mooring maintenance, and hazmat disposal. The bathrooms, showers and laundry are the only sucky things. But wait, they’re about to open a brand new bathroom/shower/laundry building any day now.
      Dick Mills
      SV Tarwathie

      Prior to the opening of 60 or so additional moorings there was often a wait list. That hasnʼt happened to us since.
      Bob & Toni Dorman

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor City Marina (a. k.a. Marathon City Marina)

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field and Anchorage

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    • Channel Five

      Welcome to the Staniel Cay Yacht Club, your own paradise in the middle of the beautiful Exumas. On 12/4/08, as part of a "Florida Keys Wish List," I posed the following question:

      32. Channel Five (near Statute Mile 1150 on the Inside/ICW route) is arguably the most important passage to connect between the Inside/ICW passage and Hawk Channel. That’s partly because it is crossed by a fixed, 65-foot bridge. Conversely, there is a real absence of navigational markers on Channel Five. Has anyone else been bothered by this scarcity of aids to navigation?

      Responses follow:

      Channel 5 Bridge posed no problems for us in either direction.  We did pass through both times with good daylight.

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    • World Wide Sportsman, Bayside Marina and Islamorada Fish Company (Little Basin)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      26. Who has cruised into Little Basin and possibly stayed at Bayside Marina (at World Wide Sportsman)? What MLW depths did you discover in Little Basin? Did anyone eat next door at Islamorada Fish Company? Are the grouper sandwiches as awesome as ever?

      Responses follow:

      IFC still has great sandwiches as well as everything else.

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Dan -  February 25, 2016 - 11:05 am

        I don’t recall alongside depths at Marina, but there is mostly 3-3.5′ water in the approaches from any direction. Basin is protected 360 degrees from wind and waves. Food at restaurant is OK–geared to tourists (aren’t most of us?) who want waterside dining and (in the evening) live music. Worldwide Sportsman emphasizes fishing gearing and clothing.

        Reply to Dan
      2. Rob -  February 23, 2016 - 3:09 pm

        George – what is your draft when you went through? We draw 5’7″ and am looking at this to shave time off going down to Moser in Marathon when heading from Naples to East Coast.

        Reply to Rob
    • Islamorada Anchorage and Lorelei Marina

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      Moving now into Islamorada, has anyone stayed at Loreli Marina off the Inside/ICW route? I’ve always gotten the impression that the wet slip side of this operation is more of the live-aboard variety. Has that changed? Who has hoisted a few at the on-site tiki bar? Are the sunsets still as spectacular as ever?

      Responses follow:

      Islamorada is still great. We anchored there in clean 5 to 8 foot water for several days going down and back up. Great anchorage and Loreli’s still allows cruisers to land their dinghy’s there. The Tiki bar is great and the sunsets are still the same. Also nice place to eat but grab seat long before the sunset because it gets full then empties out (a bit).

      Anchored out off the Loreli and took the dinghy in for refreshments. The marina looked full with long term residents. The beer and entertainment were fine.
      Bob and Toni Dorman

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Islamorada Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Lorelei Marina

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    • Panchos Fuel Dock – Burdines Marina (Marathon – Boot Key Harbor)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      38. Closer to the Boot Key Harbor bridge, cruisers will find both Panchos Fuel Dock and Burdines Marina. Someone please give us reports on these two facilities.

      Responses follow:

      We obtained fuel at the Panchos Fuel Dock. It is what it is, a fuel stop. It was fine, easy to dock and leave.
      Ron Hollander

      Fueled and got water at both places. I liked Burdines, mostly because of the tattooed chick operating the fuel dock.

      When looking at Panchos from Burdines it seems that the remodeling work has been completed. There are a few boats in the slips but in general there is not much activity, at least not during the early November period. We’ll know more when we get back end of this month.
      Burdines is doing fine. All slips are taken. The Chiki Tiki seems busy, although in general we have noticed activities quieting down. The economy is no doubt taking its toll. For instance, last year Burdines and Ponchos were swamped with boats returning from the Ft. Lauderdale boat show. This year we saw one. A really big one. I am not sure that one big one makes up for the lack of many smaller ones

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Panchos Fuel Dock

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Burdines Marina

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    • Hawks Cay Resort Marina (Duck Key)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      Who has visited sumptuous Hawks Cay Marina recently (on Duck Key). This facility can only be accessed from the Hawk Channel side. What did you find here? Did you try out any of the on-site restaurants? Did you leave with your wallet considerably lightened?

      Responses follow:

      We have visited Hawks Cay Marina. It is first class. Yes, our wallets were considerably lightened when we left.
      Ron Hollander

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Hawks Cay Resort Marina

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    • Snake Creek Channel

      On 12/4/08, as part of a "Florida Keys Wish List," I posed the following question:

      Snake Creek, southwest of Plantation Key, is the first of the really important connector streams, which provide access from Hawk Channel to the Inside/ICW route, or the other way around. Within the last several years, however, the Hawk Channel side of the Snake Creek channel has shallowed. The last time I sounded these waters, MLW depths of 5 feet were noted. Who has run the Snake Creek channel lately? What were the minimum soundings you observed?

      Responses follow:

      We have been thru snake creek many times, both from the ICW and hawks Cannel.  We try to time our departure for hi tide.  We go very slow entering and exiting snake creek.  So far no problems.  We encountered depths of about 5 to 6 feet.
      Ron Hollander

      Snake Creek  Depths here were 5 ft or better at mean tide. Watch out for the currents when waiting for the bridge to open. Itʼs very easy to drift out of the channel and go aground.
      Bob and Toni Dorman

      5 to 6' MLW ealier this year…

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    • Plantation Key Yacht Harbor (Plantation Key, south of Tavernier Creek)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      22. Moving back to the Inside/ICW route, Plantation Key Yacht Harbor lies on the southern shores of Cotton Key Basin, near Statute Mile1155. This is an important facility, as it offers some of the only readily available transient dockage on this passage, north of Marathon. Who has berthed here recently? Please give us a full report on the marina? Did you find any dining or provisioning within walking distance?

      Responses follow:

      We have been to Plantation Yacht Harbor many times. We like it. It is somewhat laid back. No restaurants or food available. It is too far to walk for dining or for a supermarket. You must hail a cab. Last year, the Marina was completely redone with new concrete piers and pilings. It is a lovely family atmosphere with a large sandy beach and a large pool. The bathrooms were cared for.
      Ron Hollander

      Havent’ been there in a year or so, it’s my favorite place. freindly staff, little beach, swimming pool, park, etc… many restaurants within walking distance, no provisioning nearby except a hardware store and a convenience store. it’s short drive to the Windixie in Tavernier though.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Plantation Key Yacht Harbor

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    • Key Largo Canal and Marina del Mar (off Hawk Channel)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      19. Who has cruised from Hawk Channel into the Key Largo Canal? Were you able to find dockage at Marina Del Ray, or some other facility on this canal? Did you experience `crash corner?’

      Responses follow:

      We have cruised into Key Largo Canal many times. Marina Del Mar is an excellent facility. You must make reservations in advance to reserve a slip in the winter. We have experienced “crash corner”. Just call ahead on channel 16, announcing your approach. No problem
      Ron Hollander

      Weʼve been around crash corner 4 times with no problems. Listen closely to your VHF as all commercial vessels announce their intent and location.
      Bob and Toni Dorman

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Marina del Mar

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    • Angelfish Creek (Card Sound to Hawk Channel)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a "Florida Keys Wish List," I posed the following question:

      5. Who has cruised through Angelfish Creek from either the inside/ICW route to Hawk Channel, or the other way around? Did you encounter the infamous “underwater rock on the Hawk Channel side of Angelfish Creek? Has anyone anchored in the creeks making off from the interior reaches of Angelfish Creek?

      Responses follow:

      We have cruised thru Angelfish Creek many times, both ways and have not encountered the infamous "underwater rock".
      Ron Hollander

      I anchored a 38' sailboat in the last creek before going out to Hawk channel. It's a tight squeeze, I was up against the mangroves in windshifts. The channel going out is very narrow and has a bend but was well marked. I went out at night with a spotlight, suggest you have a spare spotlight ready in case the other one fails. I never heard of the rock. 

      I have cruised the Intracoastal from Melbourne to Marathon and up the west coast to St Petersburgh many times.  As for Anlefish creek I never had an encounter with the rock at the Hawk channel end but my draft is only 4 feet. You can anchor in the creek but don't venture up the side channels, and ues good ground tackel.  The current will dominate which means you will do a 180 degree switch with the change of the tide so use two anchors. I have also anchored in tarpon basin. I found that there is a good area off  the south west shore.  Beware of the shol in the middle of the basin, but if you need less than 5 feet you can get around the shol via the south west approach. 
      Richard A Bruning

      Subject: Andelfish Creek
      Cruising News: We entered the channel from Card Sound at mid tide and we had 7 ft. all the way to the anchorage at Middle Creek. We had 9-10 ft. in the anchorage. It was a great spot in the mangroves. We left at high tide Hawk Channel side to 7-8 ft. We did not find the elusive rock.
      George & Carol Myers
      S/V Traumerei

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    • Boca Chita Key Marina (Biscayne Bay)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      2. Who has visited the National Park harbor at Boca Chita Key? What depths did you find in the entrance channel and harbor? What services did you find at the harbor/marina?

      Responses follow:

      I visited the National Park Harbor at Boca Chita Key one time in the fall. The entrance channel had about 5 to 6 feet. There were no services there, only a Florida Ranger there. The no seeums were terrible. We had to run to our boat after walking the island.
      Ron Hollander

      Boca Chita Key. We visited there in spring of 2008. The entrance was well marked and held 5ft at mid tide. There is lots of room for side ties along the wall. The deeper in, the quieter. Facilities are sparce. No water, carry out your own trash. Chemical toilets are available. Itʼs an interesting place to stop along the way. One full day is plenty.
      Bob and Toni Dorman

      The channel is well marked, 6′ MLW most of the way with a 5 1/2 hump just east of the final buoys, near the harbor entrance. No services… no power, no water, no garbage collections. Pets are NOT allowed, even on boats. if the rangers see a pet on your boat, they will have you leave immediately, and possibly fine you.
      it’s a great place to spend a couple of days, there are a couple of trails, and a small beach on the N side. Beware of mosquitoes in summer. Avoid holliday week ends, it’s a zoo with small boats and campers, loud music, etc… it’s busy on regular week ends, often filled to capactity by sat. noon.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Boca Chita Key Marina

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    • ICW Biscayne Bay to Channel Five

      There's some really good cruising tips in Captain Mike's message below. Note that this message also appears on the Net's "Eastern Florida" section, as Mike's comments about the waters between Hallandale and Miami are more pertinent to this section of the Floridian coastline.

      Subject: ICW Biscayne Bay to Channel Five
      Cruising News: After a year of planning, and studying your cruising guides, we finally picked up our new Catalina 375 and sailed from West Palm Beach to Marathon for the winter.  Your guides were very valuable, and we used your Marina Recommendations and anchorage suggestions.  We had a very nice stay Lighthouse Marina after coming inside at Hallendale Inlet.  We then traveled inside to Downtown Marina in Miami.  It was the same price, $98 per night as LIghthouse but the bathrooms/showers were about half as nice, and the noise from the surrounding boats, clubs went on until after 2 pm.
      We then traveled inside the ICW and I want to point out the depths were as advertised on the charts until, around Grouper Creek, where we were skimming bottom in parts with our 4'8" draft.  Other sailors in West Palm advised us to go outside at Angelfish Creek, but the winds and waves were a little rough for going outside.  I would report the depths inside the channel from Grouper Creek in Buttonwood Sound, south, were not as deep as reported, and I felt we were fortunate with our draft to make it, and welcomed the better depths outside the Channel 5 bridge.
      Thanks again for all your guides, and web updates.
      Mike Wolach

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    • Important – Proposed Marathon Regulations For Unoccupied Vessels

      Everyone should know up front that the proposed regulations (see below) concerning vessels left unoccupied on a mooring in Boot Key Harbor or at anchor in Marathon jurisdictional waters, is a complex issue, which has brought about some warm feelings, particulary on the part of local cruisers.
      I am going to take on a bit more of an editorial role in this discussion than usual, as I don't think it serves anyone's purpose to bandy about inflammatory language. So, I am going to excerpt portions of a letter written by Captain Marti Brown of Marathon, and mix this text with some of my own comments and those of my "Cruising the Florida Keys" co-author, Morgan Stinemetz.
      So, to begin. please peruse excerpts from Catain Marti's letter to the Marathon City Council below, which she forwarded to me:

      The intent of this proposed ordinance as I have learned by speaking with Richard Tanner at the City Marina is to provide the harbormaster with legal recourse to prevent wet storage boats from being left in the harbor. This ordinance came about as a result of the lack of contractual authority on the part of the City to manage those vessels that anchor on either the City bay bottom or the State Bay bottom that is leased by the City. Please note that the City Marina already has a contract and recourse for those of us that are living in the mooring field. While the intent of this ordinance appears sound, the wording and the implementation of this plan fall far short of common sense . . .
      Point One:
      “The registered owner of any vessel anchored or moored in the anchorage areas or mooring field must be present and available and is responsible to attend his/her vessel at all times.”
      This could be legally interpreted as; “It’s okay for you to liveaboard your boat but you just can’t get off your vessel.”
      Point Two:
      “No liveaboard vessel anchored in the anchorage areas or moored in the mooring field may be rented or leased to another party by its registered owner for the purpose of habitation.”
      . . . It penalizes and forbids charter vessels from anchoring in Boot Key Harbor or from using the mooring field. . . .
      Point Three:
      Here’s another interesting statement in 2008-27 ordinance . . .  “Should the owner of a live-aboard vessel utilizing the City of Marathon designated anchorage areas or mooring field wish to leave his or her vessel un-attended for any period of time greater than twenty four (24) hours, the owner must notify City marina staff in writing.”
      . . . I attended the Near Shore Waters Committee last Thursday. After hearing my and other law abiding liveaboards’ comments, they agreed to look into changing the wording of the ordinance.
      This is serious, folks. If you as the City Council approve an ordinance, it should be one that has been well thought out and presented with a great deal of thought about how it will affect all the citizens of Marathon.
      All of the voting boaters in Marathon are now watching to see what the next draft will look like.
      Respectfully submitted;
      Capt Marti Brown, RN, MSN

      Here are some thoughts from my "Cruising the Florida Keys" co-author, Morgan Stinemetz::

       Overall, I think that the proposed ordinance is over-reaching in its scope and that the people who drafted it were not thinking of the all the variables at hand.
      #1. If they changed the wording from "at all times" to "reasonable intervals" they would have a win-win option. If they need to define "reasonable intervals" then they could do that, but reasonable and unreasonable would often be defined by the vagaries of the weather. It's a sticky wicket.
      #2. I don't see a problem with this one. If the boat is up for charter then it needs to move out and move on for the duration of the charter. This point seems to be aimed at sublets only. I can't find fault with it. But it probably needs better definition.
      #3. This is probably just badly written. The owners of moored/anchored boats are not being required to notify marina authorities of their whereabouts, as the writer states. They are being asked to notify the marina authorities that they are not around. It may allow marina staff to more closely monitor the vessel as a favor to the owner.

      And, other thoughts from fellow cruisers:

      As is the case with most new boating ordinances, they punish the masses for the evils of a very few.  Last time we were in Boot Key Harbor we were quite impressed with how cleaned up it was.  Yes, there were still a very very few derelict boats but I just don't think you can reasonably expect to get rid of all of them.  I think the City does need  reasonably stated ordinances that give them the right to address this issue but if the regs are stated too strictly it gives all the non-boater, vigilantes a loaded gun!
      Mike & Harriet
      m/v Dual Dreams

      Subject: Proposed Marathon Regulations
      Message: It seems to me that Marathon, as well as many waterfront municipalities, are trying hard to address the issue of derelict boats…and that is a wonderful thing.  As a cruiser, I too, have concerns about those vessels left to rot in an anchorage.  Besides being a danger to other vessels, they are unsightly, cast a bad light on the rest of us who are conscientious about our impact on our surroundings and take up valuable anchorage space.  What worries me about Marathon's efforts, as well as those of others dealing with this and related issues, is that it seems that this type of language comes from committees which have NO boaters as members!!  WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!  If rule-making bodies, especially those along the waterfront, are going to make rules impacting that waterfront, there should be representatives of the populations being affected present on the committee and involved in drafting the language.  This whole rule-making juggernaut is getting out of hand everywhere and not just in Florida.  If these ill-conceived rules are put into play, the economic impact will be felt rapidly…just ask the marina and marine service owners in the Ft. Myers area who were heavily impacted by the drought and low water in Lake Okeechobee.  They were desperate for business without the snowbirds coming through.  The same will happen around the state and it won't be pretty.  My husband and I are natives here and love cruising the state, but this is not a rosy future.
      Carolyn Frazier
      "Double Dragon"

      And, now, "Ta-Da" here are some of my own comments:
      I deeply suspect, without really knowing, that what has led the city of Marathon to consider such a set of regulations, are a very small minority of so-called "mariners" who leave their vessels unattended for weeks, or even months, at a time in Marathon waters (Boot Key Harbor in particular). Such an interval of abandonment can truly lead to all sorts of problems, not the least of which is what happens in really foul weather, or, perhaps, if a hose or thru-hull gives way. NOT a pretty picture.
      On the other hand, as reported by Captain Marti, the proposed regulations have a real disconnect from on-the-water reality. The wording was obviously ginned up by someone who does not seem to know that the bow is the pointy end of the boat.
      If the city of Marathon was using me as a consultant (which they are not – DARN), I would advise them that the goal of discouraging long term abandonment of vessels in their waters is a not unworthy consideration, BUT the wording of their proposal needs to be SERIOUSLY changed and modified so as not to discourage the 98% of all cruisers who would never even consider abandoning their boats in this fashion.
      Clearly, we want to hear as many other points of view on this subject as possible. PLEASE click the "Contribute Cruising News" link near the top, center of this, and most Cruisers' Net pages, or e-mail me at I am looking foward to hearing from many of you!

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    • Sombrero Marina (Marathon)

      There is a problem with the posting below. The contributor does not identify whether he is speaking about Sombrero Marina and Dockside Lounge, or Sombrero Resort and Lighthouse Marina. Both are located in (or just off) Marathon’s Boot Key Harbor, with the latter facility lying farther to the east. I suspect this note concerns Sombrero Resort and Lighthouse Marina, but there is no knowing!

      We spent last winter in Marathon at Sombrero, It’s a nice place. We had friends that moved there boat from Sombrero to a mooring for a week, while they were gone home. They got in trouble with the marina for leaving their boat unattended. How will your batteries get charged, or are you willing to trust them for a month?

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Sombrero Marina and Dockside Lounge

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Sombrero Resort and Lighthouse Marina

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    • No Name Harbor Anchorage – Key Biscayne

      Captain Adam is really onto something when he recommends No Name Harbor (which he terms “No Name Bay”) below. This is a GREAT spot to drop the hook for a night or two.

      No Name Bay [Harbor] is another option for Key Biscayne — also pretty crowded on weekends. I prefer to pass up Key Biscayne and anchor off of Elliot Key. Wear plenty of repellent if you go ashore as the mosquitos are KILLER.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For No Name Harbor

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. SARA -  December 9, 2011 - 9:56 pm

        nO NAME HARBOR SUCKS now cause of a few local old large boats docking at the seawall the entire day even blcoking the ladder for us snow birds is charging $8.00 to tie to the seawall thank you miami river old boats for cause the park to enforce this and also pending $25.00 to moor in the middle of the harbor which sucks cause the bottom is mud and the anchors do not hold

        Reply to SARA
    • Staying Overnight at Boca Chita Key

      Boca Chita Key is found in Key Biscayne, off the Florida Keys Inside/ICW route. I have always found the entrance and dockside depths to be a little thin here, but if you can get there, as Captain Randy notes below, the dockage is cheap, and you can walk some serously lonely beaches (EXCEPT on weekends)!

      Boca Chita is another great stop. Its $20 per night, self-service pay to the National Park Service. Its a wonderful place to spend a day or two but DON”Tgo on the weekend.
      Randy Pickelmann

      One note about Boca Chita — no pets allowed … AT ALL.
      No Name Bay [Harbor] is another option for Key Biscayne — also pretty crowded on weekends. I prefer to pass up Key Biscayne and anchor off of Elliot Key. Wear plenty of repellent if you go ashore as the mosquitos are KILLER.

      Vist there often. Last night.
      Channel clearly market from ICW. Small marks but right where they are marked. Channel holds almost 6 feet at low tide. Less tide here than Miami, 14 miles to the north. Harbor nearly round, with board covered wall, lots of cleats. Only services are picnic tables and solar powered his and hers. State Park, fee on the honor system, Harbor holds 7 feet or better a MLW. As scenic as you get with a restored lighthouse. Plenty of room during the week. Very busy on weekend. Small island with trees and grass. Great place, very secure in a blow.
      “No TacT”

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Boca Chita Key Marina

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    • Key West City Marina on Garrison Bight

      I copied the comment below from the AGLCA mailing list. As far as I can remember, this is the first comment from a fellow cruiser about Key West’s Garrison Bight Marina that has appeared here on the Net.

      There are two municipal marinas operated by the city. One is out front by Galleons and the other is around the bight behind the mooring field. We stayed in the second one [Key West City Marina on Garrison Bight]. We stayed the last two winters in this marina. We really enjoyed it but you must be able to get under an 18′ bridge. There are no amenities but its a third the cost of the other marinas. Its well located if you have a bike. Everything is about 4 to 5 blocks away. You must get a spot now if you hope to get in.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Garrison Bight City Marina

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    • Marathon to Key West Marina And Anchoring Advice

      There’s some real meat in Captain Doug’s message below. If you plan to cruise from Marathon to Key West anytime within the next year, don’t miss these ideas.

      We stayed at The Galleon in Key West and loved it for 4 days (@ $3.75 per ft.) and then switched to a mooring ball in the Key West mooring field, for $15 per day. What a difference! You can dinghy from the mooring field to the downtown dinghy docks easily, so if you don’t mind mooring instead of marinas, it’s fine. The only problem is if you get a NW wind, which will make the mooring field roll a lot.
      On Marathon, we loved the Marathon Cay Club because we had a slip at the end of the dock where you can watch the sun go down into the Atlantic every evening from your aft deck. It’s the first marina in from the ocean on the channel to Boot Key Harbor.
      Between Marathon and Key West, anchor in Newfound Harbor. It’s huge and well protected from all waves. If you scuba, go to Looe Key Reef there. It is really nice, and there’s a dive boat that goes through Newfound Harbor to the reef that’ll pick you up and drop you off at your anchored boat. Or just go out to the gov’t. mooring balls on the reef (carefully) in your own boat.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Galleon Marina

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Flemng Key West City Mooring Field

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Marathon Cay Club

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Newfound Harbor Mid Anchorage

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