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    • Coast Guard, NOAA Seize Illegal Shrimp Catch, Dry Tortugas Shrimp Sanctuary

      Coast Guard, NOAA seize illegal shrimp catch
      MIAMI — The Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration seized approximately 6,000 pounds of shrimp with an estimated price of $60,000 from the 68-foot fishing vessel Ronald E. near the Dry Tortugas Shrimp Sanctuary Preservation Area, Friday.

      The vessel Ronald E. was observed fishing inside the marine sanctuary and was boarded by a Coast Guard Cutter Raymond Evans and NOAA joint boarding team. The boarding team cited the vessel for illegally fishing inside a national marine sanctuary and safety violations.

      “This case demonstrates the importance of strategic partnership,” said Capt. Jeffery Janzsen, commander, Coast Guard Sector Key West. “Within the Florida Keys, we take protecting the National Marine Sanctuary very seriously. Boaters and fishermen should familiarize themselves with the boundaries of the sanctuary to make sure they are complying with federal law.”

      Fishing within federally protected waters is illegal.

      “The partnership between NOAA and the Coast Guard allows for efficient enforcement of the commercial fishing fleet in the waters surrounding the Florida Keys,” said Lt. Cmdr. Jonathan Wolstenholme, commanding officer, Coast Guard Cutter Raymond Evans. “Integrating NOAA enforcement officers into our boarding teams ensures quality at sea inspections of both required safety equipment and fishing gear.”

      The evidence package for this seizure has been forwarded to the National Marine Fisheries Service, who will determine if a formal Notice of Violation will be issued.

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    • Local Knowledge Requested on Caesar, Broad and Angelfish Creek, Key Largo to Elliot Key, Statute Mile 1120

      Caesar Creek, Broad Creek and Angelfish Creek all connect Card Sound and Biscayne Bay to Hawk Channel with the western terminus of each channel where waters shallow being the issue for cruisers. Carlos is requesting Local Knowledge on depths in the connecting channels.

      I have an Ericson 28+ with a 4 foot draft shoal draft keel
      Does my boat draw enough water to go through Caesar Creek, at the south end of Elliot Key in Florida; or do I cross over using Angel Fish Creek?
      Many thanks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Angelfish Creek

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Bill Marett -  December 1, 2017 - 2:47 pm

        I haven’t tried Caesar’s or Broad Creeks, but based upon comments from numerous cruisers would not consider either to be suitable for my 5′ draft. Best bet is stay with Angelfish Creek. The shallowest water is on the Hawks Channel side between channel markers R2A, G3A, G3, R2 with no more than 5.5 feet with Ocean Reef tide at +1.0. Be sure to do a radio call to alert sportfish vessels which must come through on plane.

        Reply to Bill
    • Post-Irma Report from Key Lime Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438,

      Key Lime Sailing Club, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, always has very special offers for their visitors! Key Lime Sailing Club is on the Inside Route side of Key Largo. Key Lime Sailing Club is a unique slice of KEYS ENJOYMENT…give it a try and let us hear about your experience.

      Welcome to our unique little hideaway. Secluded, serene, and perfectly located, our self-contained cottages have everything you need for a relaxing waterfront vacation.

      Hey Winston,  thank you very much for checking in. We’re doing fair, we have seven of our cottages open for Keylime sailing club.  We’re still cleaning up and repairing and we have yet to get to South Dade Marina. The marina still has boats sitting on top of the dock; 40% of the dock is missing; the sunken boats and boats on the shore. But we will rebuild. And I know we share the story with a lot of marinas and places of business. I count ourselves lucky and pray for the people that have suffered much more than us.
      Paul Keever

      See also /166914

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Key Lime Sailing Club

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    • Irma Recovery Effort, Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages, Key Largo, FL

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438,

      Key Lime Sailing Club, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, always has very special offers for their visitors! Key Lime Sailing Club is on the Inside Route side of Key Largo. Key Lime Sailing Club is a unique slice of KEYS ENJOYMENT…give it a try and let us hear about your experience.

      Irma Recovery Effort, Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages, Key Largo, FL

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Key Lime Sailing Club

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    • App for No-Wake Zones in Florida

      Our thanks to Danny Munson for recommending this app,

      Don’t you wish everyone would use and respect those safety limits!

      There is an app called WakeWatch that maps out all of the no wake zones in FL. It also tells what type of zone – i.e. slow speed minimum wake, no wake, speed limits, etc. with the associated time restrictions. It also has all of the bridge heights and opening schedules.

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    • Fantasy Fest Underway in Key West, Oct 20-29

      Hotels are open and Fantasy Fest is going full steam!

      Fantasy Fest 2017 is running!  October 20-29.

      Key West Mayor, Craig Cates, said they are targeting October 20th as their goal to officially reopen to tourists in time for the annual “Fantasy Fest”.

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    • Founders Park and Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina Closed, Islamorada, FL



      Founders Park (MM 87 bayside in Islamorada) is being utilized for Florida Keys Electric Cooperative repair crews and as a staging site for vegetative debris from Hurricane Irma being picked up from neighborhoods and properties in the Village. It is not safe to use any Founders Park facilities and the park is completely closed to the public.

      Given the time it will take to collect, grind and remove the massive amount of debris from neighborhoods and properties throughout the Village, it is anticipated that reopening of Founders Park will not occur until December 2017. The pool will be covered to protect it from the effects of the debris grinding.

      All events scheduled to be held at Founders Park will be cancelled or relocated to a different venue.

      The Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina, including the boat ramp and fuel dock, will also be closed for public use during the time Founders Park is closed. Long-term Marina residents may continue to reside at the marina, but no new reservations will be made.

      The Village Council and Village staff are aware of the importance of Founders Park to the community and will strive to resume operations as quickly as possible.

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    • Service Mission to the Keys with Led2Serve

      Led2Serve is a corp of volunteers assisting residents and communities following natural disasters such as Hurricane Irma. All skills are welcome and Cruisers Net encourages you to make a commitment to this worthy and much needed service.

      This Service Mission Journey is for anyone looking to engage in meaningful serving projects and support the community in and around Key Largo, Islamorada, and Marathon, Florida.



      Founder/Executive Director
      We equip, inspire and mobilize all with a heart to serve into partner communities across the USA and Costa Rica.

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    • Report from Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages

      Key Lime Sailing Club is on the Inside Route side of Key Largo.

      Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages

      Thank you everybody for the prayers and support that you gave to KLSC and all the people affected by the hurricane. The whole team is grateful and overwhelmed by the love you are giving us.
      The worst is over and it is now time to rebuild. Right now we have Led2Serve coordinating with us to help with the recovery effort. Thanks to Vanessa of Led2Serve for being proactive and being in touch before and after the storm.
      To our friends and guests that want to come down to help, thank you so much! As of now the Keys has limited access. Paul may contact you when the authorities will allow the people to come in again.

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    • Annual Celebration of Marine Conservation, 9/28 – 10/1, Key Largo, FL

      The REEF Fest seminars are open to the general public and will be held at the Murray Nelson Government Centre, 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037. Pre-registration via schedule link below is recommended. This notice comes from DeeperBlue.

      Marine conservation is being celebrated in Key Largo, Florida from September 28 to October 1, 2017 at REEF Fest 2017.
      The annual celebration of the positive impact marine conservation has had on the Florida Keys promises to provide a weekend packed with fun and engaging activities. The celebration hosted by the Reef Environmental Education Foundation has organised a series of events, seminars, diving activities, and a banquet to increase awareness of conservation in the area.


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    • Manatee and Sea Turtle Decals, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission

      Stick on a decal to show support for Florida’s manatees, sea turtles

      There are more manatees and sea turtles in Florida than in any other state. More than 6,000 manatees swim in its coastal waters, rivers and freshwater springs, and thousands of sea turtles nest and hatch on its Atlantic and Gulf coast beaches.

      It’s easy to show support for these iconic Florida species by sticking on a decal.

      Every July the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) introduces new manatee and sea turtle decals available with a $5 donation.

      The colorful, waterproof decals are designed to look great on a vehicle’s bumper or the side of a boat. Get them when registering or re-registering a vehicle or boat at local tax collectors’ offices across the state.

      “Florida is home to more manatees and sea turtles than anywhere else in the U.S.,” said Carol Knox, who leads the FWC’s Imperiled Species Management Section. “Public support has been critical in helping us conserve these imperiled species. So please ‘stick on a decal’ and show support for our manatees and sea turtles.” 

      Decals generate funding for research, rescue and management efforts that help Florida’s manatees and sea turtles survive. For instance, when someone calls the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922) to report an injured, entangled or sick manatee or sea turtle, FWC staff responds with efforts to rescue and rehabilitate the animal.

      The decals also address important conservation issues:

      • “Look out for manatees” is the message on the new manatee decal, which shows boaters in the distance as a manatee mother and calf swim along with only her back above water.When boating or using a personal watercraft in Florida waters, it is important to look out for manatees. Mature manatees grow to 1,000 pounds or more, but can be difficult to see when they’re swimming, grazing or resting underwater. Wear polarized sunglasses, and then watch and listen carefully to detect the signs of manatees nearby. Look for circles on the water’s surface indicating their underwater movement and snouts sticking out of the water as they surface to breathe. You may also hear huffing noises when they come up for air.
      • “Helping sea turtles survive” is the message on the new sea turtle decal, which shows a green sea turtle. Green sea turtles nest on Florida’s Atlantic and Gulf coast beaches, and until recently were classified as endangered. Now after years of conservation efforts, the number of nesting green turtles has increased substantially. This species has been reclassified as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. That’s a major step in “green” recovery. Remember, “Hands off” is the best policy for beachgoers encountering any species of nesting or hatchling sea turtles. Watch from a distance, do not disturb them and never use a cellphone or camera to shoot flash photos.

      Learn about other ways to help conserve manatees and sea turtles at, where you also can click on “Decals” to order new or past editions of decals. Go to to purchase a “Save the Manatee” or “Helping Sea Turtles Survive” license plate that supports those species.

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    • Good News re Florida Anchoring

      Our thanks to Kim Russo for sharing this good news via AGLCA‘s Forum and also to Mike Bodin of MTOA. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that in the future this law will stand up to the pressure on legislators from wealthy landowners to restrict anchoring.

      Great news! I was just notified by our lobbyist that HB 7043 was approved by the Governor. It is law. As of now, no local municipality or county in the state of Florida may ban, restrict, or otherwise regulate an anchorage in Florida coastal waters.
      Loopers’ interest in this issue and financial contributions helped prevent the enactment of any setbacks that could have resulted in the elimination of any existing anchorages state wide.

      Congratulations to all Loopers, members of MTOA, SSCA, and others who supported this effort, stuck with it, and made your voices heard! You have made a difference to the boating community. Special thanks goes out to Jerry Paul of Capitol Access for his diligent efforts on our behalf. His guidance and hard work made all the difference.

      Kim Russo
      America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association 

      And this from Mike Bodin, MTOA Public Affairs:

      Thank you AGLCA, SSCA, MTOA and DeFever, for
      your continued support. Florida’s anchoring Bill now
      is law.
      Florida’s new Mooring & Anchoring bill has become law. The Governor just approved HB 7043.
      It is law. As of now, the new law explicitly states no local municipality or county in the state of
      Florida may ban, restrict, or otherwise regulate an anchorage in Florida coastal waters. This
      plainly worded section of the new law eliminates each community from setting its own
      regulations. If this section was not plainly worded it would have resulted in many lost
      anchorages over time with boaters challenging cities for the right to anchor. Instead, we got
      the pre-emotion provision … preventing any local government from banning an anchorage.
      It was important for us to ensure there were no unreasonable setbacks in this bill. But, as I have
      said in the past, the single most valuable piece of this bill is the preemption provision. This seals
      off local governments. The only way that a new anchorage can be banned is by an Act of the
      entire Legislature and Governor. We can almost always kill such a bill. Moreover, we can likely
      kill any future effort to overturn the preemption or add new band and ranges in state statute.
      With the state level preemption and no local control, we are now in a position of strength. It is
      a home-field advantage for our side. Without preemption, however, the entire issue is a home
      game for all the anti-cruisers in EACH of their local communities… an infinite number battles
      that we would not be able to fight piecemeal.
      Moreover, SSCA, AGLCA, MTOA and DeFever prevented the enactment of any setbacks that
      could have resulted in the elimination of any existing anchorages state wide.
      Finally, you did a lot to rehabilitate some of the negative imagery about anchoring cruisers that
      had made its way to the Capitol.
      Congratulations to each of you, this team, and all the members of MTOA, SSCA, AGLCA,
      DeFever who supported your effort, stuck with you, and made your voices heard… to protect
      the freedoms of cruisers.
      The above is from our Tallahassee “Boaters Rights” Lobbyists Jerry Paul of Capitol Access who
      skillfully guided this legislation through six committee hearings with unanimous approval.
      Of major importance was the fact this was the accumulation of Florida’s 9-year, multi-million
      dollar, anchoring study resulting in a 256 page report. It was thought Florida’s new law may be
      a precedent for other states along the waterway. This was a primary cause to eliminate as
      much as possible harmful to boater’s language which would be in the new law. Counties, cities,
      waterside home owners and condominium groups were for local control to establish nonanchoring
      zones. Local control was totally defeated. Today the new law requires very high
      standards for counties to satisfy to even approach the state to establish new non-anchoring
      Another major accomplishment, within the original FWC report, waterside residents were
      insistent for non-anchoring setbacks of 150’ up to 300’ along the waterway. This would have
      eliminated many now popular anchorages. The new law eliminated these setbacks for boaters.
      During this same time, we were instrumental with Florida’s new Derelict Vessel law, the
      previous bill was defeated because we felt it was too harsh for the boat owner, fines to high
      and did not give adequate time for owner removal. The new Derelict Vessel Law corrects these
      Mike Bodin
      MTOA Public Advocate

      And this from BoatUS

      NEWS From BoatUS

      Boat Owners Association of The United States
      880 S. Pickett St., Alexandria VA 22304
      Press Contact: D. Scott Croft, 703-461-2864,

      Florida Bill Strengthens Derelict Vessel Fight,

      Promotes Environmentally Sound Public Access

      BoatUS thanks governor and legislature

      TALLAHASSEE, Fla., June 27, 2017 – The results of an eight-year pilot program are in, and Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature have acted. Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) congratulates the governor and legislators on Friday’s passage of HB 7043 that promotes environmentally sound public access and helps address the issue of improperly stored, abandoned or derelict vessels. “These are sound regulations supported by responsible boaters,” said BoatUS Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy.

      When the pilot program was enacted in 2009, a patchwork of local anchoring regulations sometimes made stopping difficult. Some boaters reported fearing a visit from law enforcement advising that they had “overstayed” their visit and needed to move on.

      Conducted by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and five local governments including the City of St. Augustine, City of Stuart/Martin County, City of St. Petersburg, City of Sarasota and Monroe County/Marathon/Key West, the pilot tested a variety of methods of regulated anchoring, while still protecting the anchoring rights of the active cruising public. It also sought to reduce the growing population of derelict vessels in the state.

      BoatUS expressly thanks Gov. Scott, Reps. Matt Caldwell (Lee County) Holly Raschein (Monroe County), Sen. Lauren Book (Broward County) and the FWC for their work on the bill.

      Some of bill’s measures include:

      providing commonsense anchoring regulations in and around mooring fields and waterway infrastructure.
      broadening the definition of a “derelict vessel”; for boats in use, adding new penalties for those whose vessel registration is expired beyond six months; and making it illegal to affix a vessel to an unpermitted, unauthorized or otherwise “unlawful object,” affixed to the bottom of the waters of the state. This could include an unpermitted mooring or an old engine block.
      giving local governments the option to require proof of pumpout after vessels have been anchored for 10 days or longer in federally managed no-discharge-zones (portions of the Florida Keys and waters off Destin).

      16 Facebook Likes, 16 Facebook Reactions

      Comments from Cruisers (3)

      1. Bill Cole -  June 25, 2017 - 7:01 am

        That sounds like great new for boaters, just to clarify when you say no bans, restrictions etc. on coastal waters does this include the ICW or not?
        Bill Cole.

        Reply to Bill
      2. MoSailor -  June 24, 2017 - 11:01 am

        Hey Marco! How do you like us now???

        Reply to MoSailor
    • FOCUS ON Key Lime Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438,

      How many places do you know where a sailboat is provided with your room or cottage with so many wonderful and engaging activities to enjoy?
      Well, read on and start planning a visit to the REAL Florida Keys…Key Lime Sailing Club is a unique slice of KEYS ENJOYMENT…give it a try and let us hear about your experience.

      Key Lime Sailing Club, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, always has very special offers for their visitors! Key Lime Sailing Club is on the Inside Route side of Key Largo.

      Welcome to our unique little hideaway. Secluded, serene, and perfectly located, our self-contained cottages have everything you need for a relaxing waterfront vacation.

      Facilities                                                                                                                                                   [Click photos for full size]

      Clear Kayak

      * Cottages with Free designated 22′ Sailboats
      * Shared Kayaks
      * Paddleboards
      * Canoes
      * Paddle boats
      * Sunfish
      * Hobie Wave
      * Fishing and snorkeling gear

      Sailboat rentals:

      36 C&C on port tack with 6 volunteers onboard

      * 36′ C& C
      * 33′ Morgan Islander
      * 22′ Catalinas as Bareboat or Captained charters
      * Captained Sunset Sails on a 47′ all electric Lagoon Catamaran
      * Captained Day Sailing with snorkeling or kayaking trips on a 47′ all electric Lagoon Catamaran  

      We have been stretching out and have added a marina in February 2017:
      South Dade Marina and Eco Adventures to the Key Lime Sailing Club & Cottages Family.

      From the marina we will be running:

      33 Morgan Islander arriving in canal

      * Kayak rentals and tours
      * Sailboat rentals
      * Captained sunset sails 6 pac on 34 Gemini Catamaran
      * Captained 8 hr daysails 6 pac on 34 Gemini Catamaran
      with one or 2 activities available
      * Kayaking Everglades
      * Mangrove snorkeling
      * Beach barbeque
      * 10 to 11 hr 32 mile round trip ocean Sail to Snorkel Turtle Reef

      Last year we also added Morning Star Sailing Charters
      Morning Star runs a 50′ Ericson that has been doing snorkel

      47 Lagoon layout

      6 pac sailing charters in Key Largo for 30 years.
      This year we upgraded Morning Star activities to include:
      * Sailboat rentals
      * Sailing lessons
      * Bareboat and Captain charters

      So we now have 3 locations with a shared activities and boats:

      1. Key Lime Sailing Club & Cottages: Bayside Key Largo 
      2. Morning Star Charters: Ocean Side Key Largo and south Dade marina 
      3. South Dade Marina & Eco Adventures: Florida Everglades / Manatee Bay / Florida City 
      *  American Sailing Academy an ASA School : Located at South Dade Marina and Key Lime Sailing Club 
      *  68′ Formosa Liveaboard, cruising with Paul from around the Bahamas to South America
                 One week stays available starting in Jan 2018

      Thank You

      Paul Keever
      President, CEO, CFO, Office Manager,
      Book keeper, Advertising Manager, Sailing Instructor, Concierge, Psychologists, Ordained Minister,
      ECO Tour guide, Maintenance Man, Gardener, House keeper and to my kids, Father,
      Mr. Mom, Doctor Dad, Want-a-be Dentist, Seamstress, Maid, Cook, ATM.

      Mailing Address

      CSK at Sunset

      Key Lime Sailing Club (KLSC)
      101425 Overseas HWY #922
      Key Largo FL 33037

      KLSC Reservations # 305 451 3438
      Fax 305 453 5455 Office
      KLSC Water Front Sunset Tiki Hut
      GPS mark N. 25.05.5869 W. 080.26.7145

      Hope to sea ya sailing /) this way one day ⛵️

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Key Lime Sailing Club

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    • More on Missing Sailors, Vicinity of Marathon, Florida Keys

      If anyone has knowledge of Paul Murray’s location, please contact his Dad at the number below or through our Contact number 336-446-9381.


      Paul Murray

      We are looking for Paul Murray -aboard Sailboat Double Feature (Boot Key Harbor west of Boot Key bridge)

      He went to Stock Island (Key West) to help a friend (Donnie) move his boat to Marathon. They ran aground, got in the dinghy and safely made it to shore on June 16. Folks at Robbie’s Full Service Marina at Stock Island tell me that Donnie has gone to New York but no one knows where Paul is. He isn’t answering phone (likely destroyed in boat mishap), isn’t responding to texts or FB messages and hasn’t accessed his bank accounts in last 2 weeks! We have contacted his friends and family but no one has had any contact.
      If anyone has any ideas I can check out or knows anything, please let me know ASAP. I am Paul’s dad.
      Bill Murray and can be reached at 248.974.8218

      4/3/2016 Larry,
      Attached is a corrected version of the Monroe County’s press release about my son’s disappearance:
      Family, detectives looking for information about missing man
      Sheriff’s detectives are hoping to help locate a Marathon man whose family and friends say they have not seen nor heard from him since June 16th.
      48 year old Paul Thomas Murray, who lives on a boat in Boot Key Harbor in Marathon, told family members he was going to help a friend move a sailboat from Robbie’s Marina on Stock Island to Boot Key Harbor on June 16th. A short time after that, the sailboat he was supposed to help move, called the “Hornet” was located, grounded on some rocks a short distance away from Robbie’s Marina. No one was on board.
      A friend of Murray spoke with Murray’s father. He said the owner of the boat, Donny Vanaria, and Murray were going to move the boat together on the 16th. A man whose nickname is “Red” reportedly told Murray’s father that he woke up at 4 a.m. on the 17th and the boat was aground; he said neither Murray nor  Vanaria were on board, but Vanaria returned by dinghy and asked Red if he would take care of his dog because he had to leave town.
      Since that time, there have been no reports from anyone who has seen or heard from Murray and his family says there has been no activity on his credit/debit card or cell phone.
      Anyone who knows anything about Murray that might help find him, or find out what happened to him, should contact Major Crimes Detective Dawn Agusto at 305-289-2410.

      There has not been any progress in the investigation. The MCSO Major Crimes Unit is trying to investigate but there is a lack of information at this point.
      We think that Paul left Boot Key Harbor on 6-16 to help a man deliver a boat (S/V Hornet)from Stock island to Marathon. They left that evening and the next morning the boat was crashed on the rocks outside Robbie’s Full Service Marine. (it is still there on its side full of water – I will forward a pic). While the owner made it to shore and then left town immediately, Paul was not seen again.
      The sheriff’s office is looking for persons who have specific information about Paul arriving at Stock Island and boarding the boat. Right now, no one has come forward to help us figure out what actually happened.
      Thanks for your interest and help.
      Bill Murray


      Keys Police Searching for Two Men Who Vanished 1 Year Ago

      0 Facebook Likes, 1 Facebook Reactions

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Stormy touart -  March 5, 2017 - 10:04 pm

        I ran into Wayne in West Marine key West few days ago. That’s all I know. Lol j

        Reply to Stormy
    • Fire at Vaca Key Marina, Marathon, FL

      Massive marina fire forces closure of US 1 in Florida Keys

      MARATHON, Fla. (AP) – A massive marina fire has closed U.S. 1, the only road to the Florida Keys.

      CLICK HERE FOR REPORT from News Channel 8 and Associated Press

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    • Florida Keys Reef Photos

      Our thanks to longtime cruiser, Tony Pozun, for sharing his photos of our Florida Keys reefs.

      I’ve been diving Florida keys for 45 yrs,.. we need to take better care of our reefs for our kids. Some pics:
      Tony Pozun

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    • Florida Keys Deal from Key Lime Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438,

      Our good friends at Key Lime Sailing Club, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, have some very special offers for their SPRING visitors! Key Lime Sailing Club is on the Inside Route side of Key Largo.

      Key Lime Sailing Club : $144 NT Florida Keys Deal


      Key Lime Sailing Club
      101425 Overseas Hwy. #922
      Key Largo , FL 33037

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