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    • 62ft Vertical Clearance Reported at Sunset Beach Fixed Bridge, AICW Statute Mile 338, Sunset Beach, NC

      This unusually high tide could be because of the Super Moon condition we are finding both high and low tides along the east coast. The bridge and its gauge are relatively new and should be accurate. This new bridge replaced the old pontoon bridge to Sunset Beach.

      We’re seeing a 62′ reading on the tide gauge on the new bridge at Sunset Beach at high tide this morning May 7. Is the tide three feet higher than normal? Perhaps the gauge is inaccurate?

      As a follow up…4 boats went thru and radioed back reports of 62′ readings on a 65′ bridge. I don’t think the super tides were 3′ off! 2 sailboats waited a few hours before risking it. One sailboat just had their mast measured after recently clipping apparatus. The tip of their antenna is at 65′. The board was reading 63′ and nothing touched.
      This height board is different than most in that you cannot tell for sure if the depth is above, in the middle or below the number. If 63 is showing, we assume that is the height.
      So, APPARENTLY, the board is 1 to 2 feet off.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Bridge Directory Listing For Sunset Beach Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sunset Beach Bridge

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    • Dog River Marina No Longer Offering Free Overnight Dockage with Fill-up (off Mobile Bay)

      As of May 6, 2012, Dog River Marina, Mobile, Ala. is no longer offering a free nights dockage for a fill up. Ricky says they have lowered fuel instead.

      This is so disappointing. For years with our sailboat, we have stopped at Dog River Marina for fuel and transient dockage before heading up the rivers. In all fairness, we could never accept free dockage after only taking on 10 gallons of fuel for the sailboat but always remembered the Loopers offer of free dockage with a BIG fillup. Now, with our trawler, we were looking forward to the Loopers deal that is no more. We feel disappointed at being a day late and a dollar short. I hope Sonny has LOTS of diesel this week.
      Tom & Patsy

      Apparently, the free dockage with fill-up is still available for members of the American Great Loop Cruisers’ Association (AGLCA) and the Marine Trawlers Owners Association (MTOA) only!

      Apparently it’s reported MTOA mebers are still getting the free dockage with fill up.
      Capt. Sterling

      I just talked to Ricky at Dog River Marina and he said that there was a miscommunication between the office and the fuel dock: It’s free dockage for Loopers with a fillup.
      Verify with Ricky or Mike at Dog River Marina fuel dock at 251-471-4517 or the office at 251-471-5449.
      Hope this helps clarify.

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    • Matecumbe Bight Anchorage (FL Keys Inside Route, St. M. 1166)

      Matecumbe Bight Anchorage is located off the Florida Keys Inside Route, just south and west of Lignumvitae Key. This is not a spot where you want to be if fresh northerly winds are in the offing, but there’s good shelter during times of southerly breezes.
      I’m familiar with the “creek” described below by Captain Dixon. It’s a tiny, SMALL CRAFT ONLY cut-through from the Lignumvitae Channel. During daylight hours, I’ve used this passage myself as a short-cut, but running it after dark at planing speed, well, the thought of this activity gives me the shudders.

      Matecumbe Bight. Anchored here May 5, 2012. Things were good until shortly before dark. Fishing boats started buzzing us. One came so close to our bow that I thought he was going to hit us. One boat stopped by and told us we were in the fishing boats `runway.’ So, even though it was dark, we pulled up anchor and moved farther NE behind the mangroves. There apparently is a creek that you can see on the chart, but not the naked eye, the fishing boats use.
      Mary Dixon

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Matecumbe Bight Anchorage

      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

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    • Welcome Mat Out for Cruisers at Washington, NC, off the AICW on Pamlico River

      Whether you want to revisit the past or satisfy your curiosities, discover the arts or explore your true nature, you can do it from the heart of the Inner Banks - Washington, North Carolina. 800 546 0Read Captains Jim and Talley’s newsy note below, and you will discover more reasons than ever to leave the familiar confines of the AICW, and journey upsteam on the Pamlico River, to the Washington downtown waterfront. This SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR has sooo much to offer the cruising community. Tell them we sent you!

      Cruising News:
      So much fun coming to Washington N.C. by boat, rather than so many times by car. This little town is just on the edge of renascence, and they want cruisers to be part of it. The Dock Master, Guy Blackwell, also works at the local West Marine, and is full of information and local history. The city merchants have put together a `Welcome to Washington’ bag stuffed full of coupons, business cards, flyers and advertisement for businesses all within a four block walk of the docks. We even ran into people we know. Charming town full of friendship, promise, great restaurants, and art galleries. Come here. You’ll love it.
      Jim and Talley Powell

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Washington City Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Washington City Docks

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    • Good Depths and Gasoline Found in Everglades City (south of Marco Island – Western Florida)

      Glad to hear that Captain Steve discovered good depths moving upstream on the Indian Key channel to Everglades City. Some other cruisers have reported thin soundings at low water along certain stretches of this channel.
      And, while Steve did discover some self service gasoline to pump, that does not solve the problem of finding Diesel fuel in Everglades City. Has anyone found a place to purchase diesel here??????

      I posted a question some time ago about finding Fuel in Everglades City. I had found a marina there just up the river from the Rod and Gun club online and they advertised fuel. You posted my question and no one had any experience at
      that time. I just wanted to let you know, i did go back there and found the fuel. I had plenty of depth. It was a self surface pump (gasoline only) that takes credit cards. There was a very nice floating dock and ramp. It was very
      convenient and offered us a nice stop on the way to Key Large for refueling.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Marina Directory Listing For the Rod and Gun Club

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Rod and Gun Club and Everglades City

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    • More on Okeechobee Waterway Obstruction

      Back on 3/5/12, the SSECN published an article entitled, “Okeechobee Waterway To Be Partially Obscured Between Clewiston and Moore Haven Until 2014 (near St. M. 70 to 75)” – see /?p=81398. Below, we hear from Captains Rusty and Betty that the data in this earlier message is not only accurate, but the described “obstruction” can lead to unhappy and expensive consequences. ALL cruisers bent on an Okeechobee Waterway passage prior to its closing on 6/11/12 (for maintenance) should be SURE to read both the account below, and our earlier posting linked above!

      On April 15, 2012 I misread the temporary channel markers next to the cofferdam construction, got too close to the east bank (lake side), and ran the Cooper onto rocks. Even at 5 mph the momentum was enough to ground us. We got off with the help of The Spirit of New York, but scraped the keel, bent the shaft and propeller. We made it safely to Indiantown where repairs are underway.
      Rusty and Betty Huges

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    • Shallow Water at Marker #43, South of McClellanville, SC, AICW Statute Mile 434.2

      Due to persistent shoaling, in early 2011 we designated the Waterway south of McClellanville to Awendaw Creek, as an “ACW Problem Stretch.” As before, we recommend passage at mid or high tide.
      And what began as a caution has turned into an excellent discussion on GPS. Read and learn!

      Yesterday we traveled from Charleston to Georgetown on the ICW. At GREEN 43 we were dead on the magenta line when the depth under our props went to 0.2 feet. We draft only 39 inches so this is really a problem for most boats.
      We put out a securite call on the VHF and saved a couple of boats from going aground. I later heard chatter from a couple of sailboats we had passed earlier that they were having to wait for high tide to traverse this section. It was only a bar and lasted a few seconds as we cleared it but it gave us a start. Today I heard locals in Georgetown talking about trouble in the same place. Be careful out there.
      Rusty and Jan Carlisle

      I too experienced the shallow water following the magenta line on my Garmin 4210 in this area. I have found that Mr Garmin has put my “boat cursor” in the marsh while in the waters of Georgia and S. Carolina. I have find deeper water by going off the magenta at slow speed usually toward the inside of turns. I poke around a bit and find the “real channel”. With all this said, I still love my Garmin electronics. Most of the time the magenta is right on.
      Rick, Sun Gypsy

      I think you meant the outside of the turns. General rule of thumb is stay 2/3 rds of width to the outside. Imagine the current flow scouring out a channel. The scouring velocity is greatest on the outside of the turn.Seek the side with larger vegetation and steeper banks. Of course there are many other factors that can cause variations with this “thumb” rule.

      This may or may not be another example of what can happen by spending too much time following the magenta line rather than using visual observations and following the channel markers instead. Often coming up and down the waterway, we found our plotter showing us crossing land instead of being in the channel. We have transited this section many time and were told by other boats over the VHF that there was shallow water, one telling us they
      found 4 feet in the channel. When we crossed we actually found 8 feet of water in the channel some five minutes after they passed through. There are other areas like Cumberland Dividings where following the chartplotter will put you solidly aground. I’m not saying this is the case here, but would caution everyone to not depend on the plotter for more than a reference and use good old fashion navigation. When I hear any reports that the boat was aground and on the magenta line, I have to ask myself how accurate the plotter is in this section. Many boats will make the same mistake and before long there are several reports of groundings because too many of us religiously follow the magenta line. The towing companies will often tell us that they have pulled many boats off shallows in the area. The reason is because following the plotter into shallow water is a common problem. We often see many boats running from green to the next red marker down a channel instead of staying well in between the markers. Many channel markers along the ICW sit in one or two feet of water, but boaters will think that as long as they are inside the markers the channel is deep. Running up close to them will almost always lead to a grounding. Since our first trip south on the ICW in 1993 we have observed so many boats hard aground in what they thought was the channel, while we passed safely by. The depths do change for a variety of reasons and caution is always needed, especially in known problem spots. We too follow the various websites looking for the latest information, but often find reports that are based on operator inattention more than poor conditions. Some channels are less forgiving than others should one stray too far.
      Chuck Baier

      The problem isn’t with the chart plotter, it’s the map they used. The GPS is telling you exactly where you are, but the channel has moved relative to the chart that is published that was used on the chart plotter. The magenta line is published on the chart, and so if the channel has been moved by the moving water, which it has, then the magenta line will lead you astray.
      Follow the channel, NOT THE MAGENTA LINE! Makes no difference how new your chart plotter is, it has to do with when the chart used was updated. When you update your chart plotter, hopefully they have used the latest charts available.
      Chuck Gorgen aboard ODYSSEE

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the Waterway south of McClellanville to Awendaw Creek

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Dinghy Dockage Rules on Smokehouse Bay Anchorage (Marco Island)

      Apparently, Esplanade Marina on Marco Island’s Smokehouse Bay will no longer allow dinghy dockage unless you spend all your time ashore at the marina and its surrounding shopping complex. It’s a good thing there is another source of dinghy dockage nearby at the local Winn Dixie (see below).
      We verified this report by calling Esplanade Marina on 4/23/12, and were told their “dinghy slip space is for patrons of the Esplanade.” So, looks like Captain Noel’s info is accurate!

      April 19, 2012 ‘” We are anchored in Smokehouse Bay and just notified the harbormaster of our intention to come ashore to do some shopping and sightseeing around the island. We were informed that new rules have been adopted that anyone coming into the Esplanade docks will be required to remain on Esplanade property. I was informed that a dinghy found at he dock earlier was going to be `locked up’. The harbormaster was very polite and informative. I’m sure the rules are not his to decide ‘“ only enforce. We will be proceeding to the dock behind the Winn-Dixie where we expect our presence and money will be more welcome.

      It’s their private property. I see nothing wrong with this. Especially with a great dock at Winn Dixie.

      And, well considered input directly from the folks at Esplanade Marina:

      While the above reports are true, I think that it is important to clarify that this rule actually has always been in effect and is contained in the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions that were filed 04/02/2003 with Collier County, FL. In this document we have USE RESTRICTIONS that outline how and what of our marina will be used for the general boating public. This outlines that in fact the general boating public has access to the Esplanade to conduct business at the Esplanade. (Para phrasing of course with consideration to time and space with no change to the intent),. In addition it goes on to say that the Esplanade Marina Board of Directors has the full responsibility of enacting and enforcing rules regarding dockage and the entire marina facility property.
      With all of that stated; in the past, the Marina Board, my staff and I attempted to be very generous with our enforcement of the rules when it came to cruisers moored in Smokehouse Bay. However after having our generosity taken advantage of more and more over the last 24 months by cruisers who have trespassed on to locked private gated docks to dump trash and fill water, cruisers who came in to walk pets and did not pick up after the pets, documented and proven cases of cruisers who have been pumping waste straight overboard into the water, and more and more cruisers who would leave dinghy’s tied to our docks for 5,6,7 and 8 hours a day without contacting the Dockmaster we decided that we needed to take a more defined level of enforcement regarding how our docks are being used.
      So with all of that said here is our current policy that follows our Use Restrictions, and Marina Guidelines generally related to dinghies and Boaters moored in the bay so there is no question:
      All vessels entering into the Esplanade Marina must abide by all Coast Guard Regulations or will not be allowed to dock.
      The Esplanade Marina technically does not provide any dingy dockage however will allow those with dinghies to dock only on the single floating slip to the left of the mole located between B and C dock. If a powerboat is in this spot than unfortunately we will have no dingy dockage at that time regardless of what other space exists at that time. All guest dockage is limited to 2 hours.
      All Guest dockage is for the use of the Esplanade Businesses only. You may not dock your dingy and leave the Esplanade Property; if you do so your dingy may be locked to the dock and or towed at the owner’s expense.
      All Boats needing dockage must contact the Dockmaster either on VHF ch.16 or by phone number provided on the whalers of all docks.
      The Esplanade will not accept any Trash from any boat and will not fill water containers.
      The Esplanade Marina will provide Pump Out services to any boat based on Dockmaster availability. You must schedule your pump out in advance.
      It is and always has been the intent of the Esplanade Marina Board of Directors, its Staff and Slip Owners to be good neighbors and great Stewards of the Sea’s that we all share. It is however our responsibility to those individuals and businesses invested in the Esplanade Property to make sure that we are taking each one of them into consideration when it comes to how we manage the Marina Property. We hope that all Boaters can understand and appreciate the knowledge that we welcome you to our property with the understanding that while you are here you are our guests and must follow a simple set of rules that we have set forth.
      We look forward to seeing you on the water and on the docks.
      Kris Greenough

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For Smokehouse Bay Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Smokehouse Bay Anchorage

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    • Umbrella Cut a Good Alternative to St. Andrews Sound, AICW Statute Mile 686

      The choppy water problem while running the AICW’s passage across Georgia’s St. Andrew Sound results from the Waterway’s passage practically out into the briny blue, in order to clear Horseshoe Shoal, which occupies the Sound’s mid-width. Recognizing the potential for very dusty crossing here, the US Army Corps of Engineers has provided an alternate route, known as Umbrella Cut, BUT low water depths on this alternate passage can run as thin as 4 1/2 feet.

      Cruising News:
      Just a note that I recently rounded the north end of Cumberland Island and used the pass out of Saint Andrew bay marked “the hole” on the chart. Once around the north end of Cumberland it became apparent how dangerous this area is with shoals and breaking waves on both sides. Prudent cruisers should avoid this area at all cost. You could easily lose your boat here. The local tow boat captain told me he is not allowed to respond to calls out there. Too dangerous.
      Chris Hadden

      There is another route to avoid the worst of St Andrews Sound. You can go around the west end of Horseshoe Shoal and have over 8′ of water except for one small spot. Just south of G7 buoy, there is a sharp peak that rises to 4′ MLW. The charted depth of 8′ here is not accurate.
      Richard Ross M/V Chez Nous

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the AICW’s Passage Across St. Andrew Sound

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Northern End of Umbrella Cut

      Click Here To View An Earlier Posting on Umbrella Cut

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    • Statement by Captain Charmine Smith Ladd To the 4/18/12 BOCC Meeting/

      Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd is both our own very special SSECN Florida Keys correspondent, and the Executive Director of BARR (Boaters Anchoring Rights and Responsibilities). What a great statement below on her part, which will be read at the 4/18/12 BOCC meeting. This is the organization, by the way, which is in process of formulating what anchoring regulations will become a part of Monroe County’s (all of the Florida Keys) participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program.
      While Captain Charmaine is too modest to make such a claim, make no mistake about it, the generally cruiser friendly tenor of most of these proposed regulations is due to her own hard work, alongside other fellow members of BARR. On behalf of the entire cruising community, THANKS Captain Charmaine!

      April 17th 2012 (submitted to Rich Jones for inclusion at the BOCC Meeting of April 18th)

      Greetings. On behalf of of the thousands of boaters represented by Mariner’s Barr and SSECN (Claiborne Young’s Salty Southeast Cruisers Net) it gives me great satisfaction to applaud the efforts of Rich Jones and all those involved who have done an exemplary job of working with the public and boating organizations to put forth an ordinance that is effective for Monroe County without overreaching regulations. The BOCC has been very receptive throughout this process to the needs of those who frequent the waters of the Keys and it has not gone unnoticed.

      Talking with Rich Jones recently, I conveyed to him that in the cruising community the climate is that the requirement of the USCG Aux decal is unnecessary. The safety equipment check is of items already required by law via the Coast Guard. Navigators are fully aware of what is required as far as safety equipment aboard. These items are needed in the best interest of safety for passengers, crew, and vessel. The theory of the decal is good, but the reality is that since the equipment is already required by the USCG, boating tourists perceive it as being intrusive because the presumption of being law-abiding is lost. It is therefore recommended this specific requirement be removed from the proposed ordinance.

      The remainder of the ordinances look very good and other concerns are minor at this point.

      All your efforts in creating palatable and cruiser friendly ordinances for Monroe County, yet addressing the needs of the County are a model for others to follow. Thank you again for the opportunity to voice the concerns of the cruising public to you. It is with great respect that I ask the BOCC for its consideration of our concerns.

      Most sincerely,

      Charmaine Smith Ladd, Executive Director, Mariner’s BARR (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights & Responsibilities)
      SSECN Special Correspondent & Representative (

      Good work Captain’¦
      I view the the decal in the same manner as the little decal you get for your car’s back window when you GIVE your donation to the sheriff over the phone. Does the officer forgive your poor judgement and pick another vehicle to pull over for a roadside donation when he sees that your current sticker is displayed on your vehicle?
      It should be a matter of safety aboard your boat that you have done due dilegence in making certain that all your equipment meets the laws and standards that are provided as a guide for your safety. If you want a sticker to display to show your compliance, don’t imagine that it will be a sign of the `passover’ when the next person wearing a uniform is charged with following the `order of the day’ from their superior. `Hi, I’m from the government’¦and I’m here to help!’
      David Burnham

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    • Good Words for Cricket Cove Marina, AICW Statute Mile 345

      Cricket Cove Marina flanks the ICW’s northern banks, immediately east of flashing daybeacon #11, in the heart of Little River, SC. Moving south from North Carolina to the South Carolina portion of the AICW, Crickett Cove is the first marina you will come across in Palmetto State waters.

      Made a quick stop here for gas before leaving South Carolina heading North on ICW. Very friendly staff and the best gas/fuel prices along the SC ICW. Last stop before you get into North Carolina’s high prices. They are trying to keep boating affordable given the high energy cost we are experiencing. They should be patronized for this fact alone.
      Doyle and LaVisa (Halifax)

      Just wanted to let the loopers know about the best fuel price we have seen in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina! Cricket Cove Marina at Little River, SC 29566, is selling diesel at $3.80 per gallon, including taxes! We just fueled up the boat and saved $$$ here! If you are cruising north this spring or heading south in the fall, check out this marina’s prices! Bill Cramer is the manager and his # is: 843-249-7169. Great restaurant at the marina too!
      Stanley and Colleen Anderson

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Cricket Cove Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Cricket Cove Marina

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    • “Homeland Security” Performing Searches Near Mobile Bay

      Yikes! Watch out on the waters from Mobil Bay, moving east to Perdido Key

      Cruising News:
      Mariners be advised that multijurisdictional boardings and vessel searches are being conducted AT DOCKS IN PRIVATE MARINAS in the area extending from Ingram Bayou/Orange Beach to marinas on Mobile Bay. Cruisers report first contact by Homeland Security vessels with alongside questioning at the entrance/exit of Bon Secour Bay. US Coast Guard, local police, drug dog, Alabama Marine Police, and Border Patrol/customs officers are seeking documentation info and ID of captains and crews but do not appear interested in safety or sanitation inspections. We would advise our fellow boaters to be on guard and be prepared. Even if permission is not given, boaters are being informed that the officers are going to “search your boat anyway.” Have all information in order related to liquor carried aboard as well as a ship’s log and other proof of where you have been and where you are going. It was repeatedly asserted to us that we had been in the Bahamas when in fact we had not, and the origin of a bottle of liqueur was closely questioned because it was named “Nassau Royale” even though in fact this product is widely available in the US and is manufactured in Puerto Rico.
      Remember that the officers are authorized to LIE in order to gain information and in severe cases of unreasonable search & seizure without permission, be prepared to request an attorney before answering ANY questions.
      Scott & Cyndi Perkins

      In a country that always trumpets its self designated superiority because it ‘˜follows the rule of law’ your government doesn’t seem to recognize any Constitutional limits. Rule of law for the proles but for the rich and their badged minions not so much.

      WE just came through this area and wasn’t boarded, however, we did see a USCG RIB stopping fishing boats and spending a lot of time with them.
      James Angel

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

    • GOOD NEWS – Marathon, Fl Abandons Plans to Prohibit Anchoring Outside of Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

      Click This Chartlet to Open a Chart View Page Centered on Boot Key Harbor

      Regular visitors to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net will remember that about four weeks ago, we published an article authored by our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, which warned of possible new anchoring restrictions in Boot Key Harbor (BKH) outside the mooring field. The reaction from the cruising community was swift and vocal, and the Marathon City Council seems to have heeded that outcry. As Captain Charmine reports anew below, it looks as if anchoring on most of BKH will not be impeded.
      On an even broader scale, Charmaine also provides a link to Monroe County’s (all of the Florida Keys) plan on how they will implement their participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. This is MUST reading for any who cherish the idea of anchoring anywhere in the Florida Keys, and, trust me, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of idyllic anchorages in this region. So, follow the link below, and let us know what you think!

      April 10th 2012
      Florida Pilot Program UPDATE: Monroe County Proposed PP Ordinance
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd
      The most recent draft of proposed ordinances for Monroe County (including the municipalities of Marathon and Key West) are now online for your perusal and comment. Please read thoroughly and let your concerns be heard. There will be a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on April 18th where the final draft of proposed ordinances will be on the table for approval to go forward through the protocol of the FWC administered Pilot Program.
      All boaters and cruisers will be happy to know that anchoring in the most protected Harbor in all of the Florida Keys, Boot Key Harbor, will remain available.
      Please download the proposed ordinances from the following link:

      With the city charging $22 plus tax for 1 days dinghy dockage, NO one in their right mind is going to anchor there! It is so sad Marathon insists on a exorbadant dinghy dockage when other Florida comunities provide FREE dinghy dockage. Miami Beach is building a free dinghy dock, Ft Myers Beach has a free dinghy dock, Cape Coral has free dinghy dockage. LaBelle has free dockage. Marathon has to get with it or loose out!

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    • Good Advice on Navigating the Georgia Section of the AICW

      It almost goes without saying, but let’s say it anyway, that the Georgia stretch of the Atlantic Intacoastal Waterway is the most difficult section of the entire Waterway passage from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. Such AICW Problem Stretches as Little Mud River and Jekyll Creek are enough to make any captain lose their religion.
      Below, Captain Grogen gives us all some good, general advice about keeping to the best depths possible in these waters.

      Time to comment on the `rules of the mud bottom channels’. The deepest part of the channel is probably NOT going to be in the middle. Water current on a falling (ebb) tide runs faster than water on a rising (flood) tide, and the faster water cuts a deeper channel. So, the deepest place in a tidal channel is the outside bend in a falling tide current. The next deepest place is the outside bend on a rising tide current. On some curves where the curve is outside for both the ebb and flood, to will find very deep water and the possibility that the curve is even outside the charts. The situation at MM 704 is a good example of that. On some S curves you will find shallow water in the center of the channel. At low tide look at the banks, along a steep bank you will find deep water close to the bank,
      along a gradual bank, shallow water. In some of the cuts that have been dredged, it isn’t always obvious which way the water flows, so you just have to observe which way the water is flowing at a given tide state. So, read the channel by looking at it, and don’t follow the magenta line on your chart plotter. Frequently, your chart plotter will show you in the marsh, and there have even been some places where the deepest water is outside of the buoyed channel! When your depth finder is showing less than the chart, wonder slowly back and forth looking for the deep water, sometimes the deep channel isn’t very wide. You actually learn a lot about a channel at low tide when you can really see it.
      Chuck Gorgen

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Georga AICW Problem Stretch Directory

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    • How to Deal with AICW Problem Stretches – A Recommendation

      We do certainly appreciate the recommendation by Glen and Jill Moore. And since you are reading this, you already know the value of our AICW Problem Stretch Directory cited below!

      Multiple sources of information are best to plan avoidance of problem areas along the ICW. One source that we have always found helpful is the Salty Southeast Cruisers Net. We check it every day when in the southeast. The link below is to the Navigation Alerts page for Georgia.
      Glen and Jill Moore


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    • Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Now Readily Available in Palm Beach, Broward and Dade Counties, Florida

      Within ten minutes of receiving the important message below from Captain Hyde, the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net was on the telephone with Wise Gas, Inc. to determine their area of service. That’s one of the advantages of being a “non-wicki,” professionally moderated web site. Anyway, what we discovered is a potential boon for cruisers in southeastern Florida. More on that in just a second.
      So, why is a ready source of CNG such big news for the cruising community? Quite simply, CNG is a superior fuel for all on-board cooking and heating purposes, as compared to propane/LPG. As many of you already know, LPG/Propane is heavier than air and, should there be a leak, can accumulate in bilges or a low place in a boat, leading to a potentially explosive situation. Conversely, CNG is lighter than air, and tends to naturally disperse.
      The problem is, as we so clearly learned while formulating the SSECN’s LPG Availability Directories, that CNG is hard to obtain. Quite simply, there are very few dealers to which cruisers have easy access where their CNG tanks can be refilled.
      Back to Wise Gas, Inc. Our telephone call revealed that this company will pick up, refill and deliver back to your vessel, CNG tanks from the “tri-county area” of southeastern Florida, which is comprised of Palm Beach, Broward and Dade counties. Additionally, WITH ADVANCE ARRANGEMENTS, sometimes the same procedure can be undertaken along the west coast of Florida, particularly in the Tampa Bay region.
      So, while it’s still not a perfect solution, nor one so broad ranging as we would like, at least now from North Palm Beach to Miami, cruisers can be sure of having a source to refill CNG tanks. It’s a start!

      Claiborne —
      On your recent visit to Punta Gorda, Florida I mentioned to you that if I was ever able to locate a source of CNG for those using the gas onboard their boats, I would let you know. I have finally found a source. Wise Gas, Inc., 1058 Bluewood Terrace, Weston, FL 33327 is source of CNG for vessels and vehicles in south Florida. Its website advises the following:

      `At present time, Wise Gas, Inc. is offering CNG tank refills to marine boaters in the South Florida area only. We do anticipate expanding this service in terms of geography and service options in the future. Call Wise Gas, Inc. in advance at (954)-636-4291 to coordinate a CNG refill. A member of our team will meet you, pick up your current, approved cylinder in good condition and refill it for you and deliver it back to you.’
      The cost of this service varies based on cylinder size and location. Call in advance to schedule your refilling needs.
      Phone: (954)-636-4291

      I recently met with a Wise Gas representative who was in Punta Gorda making deliveries on the west coast and exchanged my empty tank for a full one. It was a smooth and convenient process. The cost was $40.
      I would advise your readers to visit the Wise Gas website at for all the information. I hope this helps and thanks for a great presentation to the boaters of Punta Gorda.
      Noel Hyde
      s/v Kismet

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Jeff Sawyer -  May 3, 2018 - 11:29 am

        Unfortunately, it seems this is a dead end. I have called the number above and getting no answer and a voicemail box that is full. I feel like I’m the only one that has CNG on my boat. No one seems to know where or how to get these refilled. If anyone has any updated information about this, please let me know.. Thanks Jeff Sawyer

        Reply to Jeff
    • GOOD NEWS – Utility Lines Crossing Boot Key Harbor Primary Entrance Repaired

      Click This Chartlet to Open a Chart View Page Centered on the Entrance to Boot Key Harbor

      We are very pleased to report that as of this morning, 3/27/12, the once sagging utility lines crossing the primary entrance to Boot Key Harbor have been repaired, and returned to their normal vertical clearance of 65 feet. Our sincere thanks to Captain Peter F. TenHaagen for this report, and for the dramatic photo attached to this message. To see more of Captain Peter’s utility line repair photos, click the “Photo Gallery” icon/link below!
      The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net would also like to express a sincere thanks to the cruising community for their help and cooperation in getting the word out about this formerly dangerous situation over the past several days. Working together, there is little the combined forces of the SSECN and the Cruising Community cannot achieve!

      Just wanted to let you know they finished making the wires the correct height again today (ribbon hanging down is their measuring device!) at the Knights Key Channel entrance to Boot Key Harbor and sailboats are now coming and going freely.

      Cruising News:
      THE WIRE IS FIXED to 65′ Clear M.H.W.
      Edwin Spomer

      The sagging lines appeared to be fixed about 3 PM Monday afternoon. We were heading back from lunch and passed under the bridge/cables while the barge with two men up in the crane finished. There is a new yellow/red circle attached to the middle of the cable, I guess to show it’s been fixed? Anyway, as we watched, the barge lowered the two men in the crane back to deck, so hopefully all is well again in Marathon.
      sv Winterlude

      I witnessed the incident [that originally caused the utility lines to sag]. It was Sunday, March 18. I was in my dinghy heading toward the bridge. A big catamaran with a 75 foot rig was trying to enter the harbor. Suddenly she reared back like a motorcycle doing a wheelie. If she had been going any faster, she would have flipped herself onto her back.
      Unfortunately I didn’t get the vessel name, but I did talk to the people on board. They were 6 teenagers there for the sailing regatta. They tied off at the old abandoned marina next to Burdines.
      Dick Mills

      Hello All,
      Has anyone noticed if they put a tide reading scale [ 24-25-26 ] on the EAST , mooring field side of the bridge ? Am I missing it. I dont think I have seen one on that side.

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    • Praise for Leland Oil Company Now Open and New Docks Ready for Cruisers, McClellanville, SC, AICW Statute Mile 430

      We understand from other contributors that Leland Oil Company Marina, under a new owner, is steadily making improvements to this very affordable facility and long a source of good fuel prices. We hear, too, that the owner will take time to drive you to nearby stores. Also note that if you have never visited the backwater village of McClellanville, SC, you owe it to yourself to stop here and at least take in the community. It’s like stepping into a time machine that transports you to what most of the Low Country must have looked like 50 years ago. Try it, you might just like it!

      Leland Oil Co. is in the process of replacing our fixed wooden docks with new floating docks. Should be ready by March 10 with the utilities in by the 20th. Hope to see some of you soon.
      Duane Merritt, Dockmaster

      Mar 26,2012
      The updates to our docks at Leland Oil Co. are now complete and we are open for business.
      Duane Merritt

      We were here a few years ago on Easter. Duane invited us to accompany he and his family to a local restaurant for Easter Dinner. It was wonderful. Another time he gave us a ride to a grocery store.
      Now the new floating docks are done’¦They came out great’¦ Easy access, new power ped3stals Nice wide aluminum float.
      What we love about this place is the hospitality, the down home charm of the area for taking a walk. A couple of FRESH seafood stores’¦.(walking distance) This trip we are here in time for softshell crabs.
      Check out the 1000 yr old Live Oak tree. The only thing you can hear here’¦’¦..Nothing! Talk about peace and quiet.
      The entrance off the ICW. Stay in the center is the key. We draw 5 1/2′ no prob 1/2 tide.
      Bob n Nancy Spiro M/V Rachel J.

      March 31, Stayed at Leland Oil Company and had a peaceful night! Brand new floating aluminum docks with new pedestals shows a strong desire to cater to more cruisers. Met and assisted dockside upon arrival. The fuel is convenient and the price is competitive. The rest of the amenities are a little Spartan but the walk around the town is spectacular if you like tree and Spanish moss covered streets and classic southern small town homes. A wonderful stay in a working harbor and we will keep coming back.
      Kip Brundage

      Click Here To View the South Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Leland Oil Company

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Entrance to McClellanville Channel

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    • Depths on Sister Creek (Marathon, Alternate Passage from Hawk Channel to Boot Key Harbor)

      As part of the recent string of messages concerning the sagging utility lines over the primary entrance to Boot Key Harbor (see /?p=84015), a side discussion has come about concerning depths on Sister Creek. The “primary” entrance to Boot Key Harbor (“BKH”) is a more or less straight shot from Moser Channel. This is the passage over which the sagging utility lines cross.
      Sister Creek is an alternate entrance to BKH, which runs, more or less, north from Hawk Channel. In the “sagging utility lines posting,” both yours truly and our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, cautioned that boats drawing more than 4 feet should not attempt to use Sister Creek to access BKH. This admonition resulted in some dissenting points of view:

      Click Chartlet Above to Open a Chart View Page Centered on the Entrance to Boot Key Harbor

      Good to hear the alert but Sister’s Creek is deeper than 4′. I have come in and out of Boot Key via Sister’s Creek and have never experienced less than 6′. Take your own chances ‘“ I’m just saying.
      Always FOR SAIL too

      I disagree about Sister Creek ‘“ large sportfishers and sailing craft enter the harbor from Sister Creek daily. There is a spot at the entrance that might preclude 6’ from entering at MLW, but half tide and rising there is no apparent problem. I am anchored on Sister Creek with two other craft as I write this.
      Peter TenHaagen

      So, I asked Captain Charmine to comment further on the soundings to be expected in Sister Creek. Here is her reply:

      Regarding SISTER CREEK. Sister Creek at mean low tide is 4’1’³. That’s FOUR FEET ONE INCH. From that point, as usual, you have to do the math with the tides as far as one’s draft is concerned. Obviously if you have a two foot tide you’ll be fine if you draw less than six feet. With that said, whatever someone has experienced in their vessel is highly subjective and there are dangerously hard groundings that occur in Sister Creek because of this. Each Captain has to make his or her decision based on their particular situation.
      This is why I am extremely cautious with suggesting using Sister Creek to others. Some don’t watch tides as closely as others. Therefore, I merely report its mean low tide depth. Those who traverse Sister Creek with 6′ drafts have done their homework’¦and that is all that is necessary in order to decide to use it or not. Just know that it is not quite a no-brainer unless you have a shallower draft vessel.

      Remember if you enter Sister Creek from Hawk Channel, it’s a normal red-right-returning as you enter Boot Key Harbor.But the channel colors `reverse’ where Sister Creek meets Boot Key Harbor. That’s because the markers near that entrance are really a continuation of the markers from the main entrance channel at Seven Mile Bridge, and thus are `reverse-colors’ from the Sister Creek entrance. That can cause confusion and potential grounding if the skipper is on the `wrong’ side of the markers as they enter Boot Key Harbor where the water at that intersection is shallow.
      Joe Curley

      I agree with Captain Charmaine. Our boat draws 4 feet and our depth sounder is accurate to within 2 inches. We departed Sister Creek in February of 2012 at dead low tide and our depth reading was 4 feet. Sister Creek itself is deep enough. The shallow area is east of the entrance to Sister Creek between the Red and Green marks.
      James Angel

      We recently entered Boot Key via Sister’screek in our sailboat. It was at mid tide. Our dept sounder is set for actual water depth and is accurate. We saw readings or 4.1 on the sounder. The draft on our boat is 5 foot but we never even felt a bump let alone run hard aground. I wonder if there is a heavy grass growth that may be bouncing the echoe sound up from the tall grass. This occurred just off the beach in the channel. The rest of the way was all over 5 foot or better
      Capt. Mike

      I just returned in my dinghy from the marked channel entering Sister Creek from Hawk Channel ‘“ I found at dead low tide some 4.5′ spots between markers 2 and 3/4, nothing under 5′ after that and nothing under 7′ once past the marked channel. I don’t know the exact tide range but it is well over 2’ ‘“ I would say 3-4′ depending on winds and other conditions that affect the tide. I did this for friends in a 5′ draft sailboat planning to meet me here over the weekend.
      Peter TenHaagen

      Boat using sister creek this morning reported at least 6′ at near high tide. Local knowledge is needed as there are shallow rocks reported to be inside one of the red markers. Local boat US will charge $400 to escort you thru.

      For the past 12 years I have lived on Sombrero Blvd. For the first 5ive years I had a Shannon 43 drawing when cruising 5′ 2’³ that I took in and out of Sisters Creek. I have read the warnings and looked at the charts but have yet to run aground. My neighbor had a Gulfstar 50 that he took in and out numerous times. He did bump once or twice but never ran aground. I took my boat in and out regardless of the tide level although never at a low low tide.
      Joe Hamrick

      Re Sisters Creek: I lived in Marathon for 11 years, and always used the Sisters channel coming and going on my 50′ Gulfstar with 5.5′ draft. I recall a light bumping once or twice during very low tides, but most locals consider the channel good for 6′ in normal high tides.
      The old charts do say 4’ at MLT, but local knowledge is pretty well established on this one.
      Ed Loke

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    • A Tall Ship Will Make Washington, NC Waterfront Docks Its New Homeport

      Washington, NC is a long-time and much valued SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      The Schooner Jeanie B, a 72′ tall masted sailing vessel, will be coming to the City of Washington and become a fixture to the community of Eastern North Carolina.

      The Washington Harbor District Alliance helped to formulate the new partnership between the City of Washington and The Schooner Jeanie B. This partnership creates a relationship that couples the vibrant waterfront in Washington, NC with the educational and family sailings of the vessel. Schooner Jeanie B will reconnect the rich history of Washington’s past which was active with tall ships with the present when she arrives March 21.
      The Schooner Jeanie B is a traditional sailing vessel that sails with Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer during the summer months and Boy Scouts of America and the Pamlico Sea Base during the spring and fall months. Jeanie B teaches principles of sailing, ship handling, and traditional navigation including using the stars to find their way. Team and character building are another benefit the campers, scouts and students experience living aboard the boat
      as they travel around the Inner Banks of North Carolina visiting various ports such as Manteo, Ocracoke, Washington and Beaufort.
      The Jeanie B also provides sailing excursions during the week and weekends from the docks in Washington, NC. She can take up to 25 passengers for afternoon and evening sunset or star gazing sails. The captain and crew of Jeanie B can put you at the helm of the 72′ vessel, allow you and your friends to raise her sails and navigate along the Pamlico River or just sit back and enjoy the peaceful sail of an afternoon or evening.
      To celebrate the arrival of Schooner Jeanie B, the City of Washington, NC welcomes her March 21 – 24 with an array of activities. Jeanie B will arrive in Washington on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 21 and that evening a lecture entitled, “Equinox, Solstice, Hallmark and Hershey. A talk on astronomical events and how they merge with our lives” will be given by Dr. Lee Sutton, owner and operator of the schooner. Jeanie B teaches celestial navigation and her arrival, to coincide with the Vernal Equinox on March 21, couples that teaching to her new home. The lecture will take place at the North Carolina Estuarium along the Washington waterfront.
      Thursday and Friday, March 22, 23, the vessel will be offering free tours from 10am until 2pm. Saturday, March 24, Jeanie will be offering free to all the public multiple sailings from the docks of the City of Washington.
      After this arrival celebration, the schooner will make Washington, NC her permanent home and be available for corporate, family or group sailings throughout the year. For additional information, please contact the Jeanie B at 804-519-0174 and
      For more information Contact Lee Sutton at 804-519-0174 or Beth Byrd, Director Washington Harbor District Alliance at 252-947-1487,
      Beth Byrd
      Washington Harbor District Alliance
      102 East 2nd Street
      PO Box 1988
      Washington, NC 27889
      Cell: 252-947-1487
      Much appreciation goes out to our Corporate Sponsors and the City of Washington for their support:

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Washington City Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Washington City Docks

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