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    • Question About Boca Grande Pass Swash Channel

       Spotless Stainless is the simplest and most effective way to remove rust and the

      I took one, quick look at Captain Dave’s question below, and knew he was speaking of the so-called, Boca Grande Swash Channel, immediately south of Gasparilla Island. For years and years now, local cruisers have used this cut to short-cut the looonnnggg run out into the Gulf of Mexico via the main Boca Grande Pass channel.
      If and only if all goes well, cruisers can turn north immediately west of Gasparill Island’s southwestern tip, run the Swash Channel hard by the concrete piers of the old dock that will passed to your eastern flank, and then continue with good soundings for points north, such as naturally deep Venice Pass.
      And, there is some reason to believe that this is a naturally deep (enough?) passage. Hurricane Charley completely filled up the Swash Channel, but a few months later, tidal current had scoured it out again.
      Trouble is, to be really safe when using the Swash Channel, captains must know where the good water is “this week.” And, that requires local knowledge. Trust me, this is NOT the spot where you want to ground your vessel. The tidal currents and surf could quickly bring on a life threatening situation after running aground here, not to mention the danger to your vessel.
      So, as of late February, 2012, have any of you run the Swash Channel lately? What depths did you discover, and where did you find the best water? Please be as specific with your advice as possible. Send your info to us via clicking the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, or send e-mail directly to “yours truly” at Many thanks in advance!

      Cruising News:
      At the southern end of Gasparilla Island there appears to be a unmarked channel that is close to the Boca Grand light house and parallels Don Pedro park. which opens in a North westerly direction. Charts show enough water if one stays close to the beach. Does anyone have any experience going through there?

      Haven’t run the swash channel since last fall, but we’ve had no major storms. Sand bars then were at/near as charted, we saw nothing less than 6 feet. Both Isles YC and Sarasota YC publish way points to lead you thru the shoals.
      Wind against tide can throw up NASTY chop. Watch the weather
      Bill Dixon

      I have run the Swash many times over the years. 6 month ago was the last time I used this path. I took the route that the Sarasota Yacht club had layed out and found I was too close to land and running out of water. I went back to my old path that was a thousand feet further off shore and found 5 to 6 feet of water.
      Just use your charts and go slowly and watch your depth . You should not have a problem
      Robert M. Wilson

      I passed through the swash channel on Sunday March 18th and found depths of greater than 6 feet at high tide. Please note, however, that I dont’t have the data on the height of of the tide, and my trimaran sailboat only draws 3′ 2’³ so I wasn’t too concerned and didn’t make detailed observations.
      David Tarbox

      I’ve run the swash channel for years in a 43 Viking DCMY with 42’³ draft. I always found both ends of the channel to vary in depth over time but always passable. Clearly with deeper drafts you need to play the tide. Although I always had confidence I dropped to 5 knots to make the transit with a close eye on the sonar and plotter.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boca Grande Pass and the Swash Channel

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    • Florida Keys Inside Route Through Tarpon Basin, and Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage (FLK Inside Route, Statute Mile 1139.5)

      Captain John is 100% correct in his advice below, cautioning one and all to “hug the channel along the red markers,” as your vessel passes through Tarpon Basin. Many a captain has come to grief when, after coming abeam of marker #46, they look to the east and southeast, and spot vessels anchored on the “Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage” (see /?p=6258), and then turn east thinking there is good water between the FL Keys Inside passage, and the anchored boats in the distance. Those who take this ill path will hear a loud “crunch” every time.
      Instead, do as Captain John did, and continue following the main channel to marker #48A. Then, you can explore all three of this basin’s excellent anchorage possibilities in reasonable safety.

      When entering Tarpon Basin from the north it is important to hug the channel along the red markers as the channel turrns sw and then west. There are no green markers and we wandered into very shallow water just se of the channel near red `46’³as it turns. We wound up anchoring out on the north side of red 48A in 8 feet with good holding.
      Captain John

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Tarpon Basin

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    • New Grocery/Deli Open on Beaufort, NC’s Front Street, Within Easy Walking Distance of the Municipal Docks (St. M. 201)

      During a recent research visit to the northeastern and central NC coastline, we were delighted to be taken on a tour of a new, downtown Beaufort grocery store and deli, soon to be opened as Taylor’s Creek Grocery (525 Front Street, 252-838-1495). We saw shelves being stocked with what looked to be delectable yummies, and extensive coolers about to be loaded with all sorts of cold drinks, including beer and wine. Equally impressive was the large deli corner, where everything was shiny new, and looked to be just waiting to churn out a mouth watering selection of sandwiches.
      And, what’s best about this new facility from a cruiser’s point of view, is its location, within easy walking distance of the Beaufort Municipal docks. In fact, the store’s position at the corner of Front and Queen Streets, places it just across the road from the eastern tip of the city docks.
      We were told Taylor’s Creek Grocery would be open for business by mid-March, 2012, and, indeed, all the activity we saw would tend to suggest that this opening date is on target. So, now, in addition to Community Market (a couple of blocks from the city docks on Broad Street), and taking a courtesy car to the local Food Lion and Piggly Wiggly supermarkets, cruisers who berth at the Beaufort Municipal Docks have a very attractive provisioning possibility within easy walking distance!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Beaufort Municipal Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Beaufort, NC Waterfront

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    • AICW Bridge Etiquette Discussion

      There has been a LIVELY discussion on AICW Bridge Etiquette on the GL (Great Loop) mail list during early March, 2012. There’s some really good advice here, not only for the Waterway, but for all bridge navigation in general. I have copied much of this discussion, but it’s too lengthy to post here. Click the link below to peruse all this good info!


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    • Thoughts on the Best Boat Dog Breeds

      There has been an interesting discussion taking place on the American Great Loop Cruising Association’s (AGLCA) mailing list as of early March, 2012, as to what breed makes the best boating dog. I have copied much of this discussion, but it’s too lengthy to appear here on the SSECN Home Page. Click on the link below if this is a subject of interest to you.

      Click Here To View the “Thoughts on the Best Boat Dog Breeds” Article

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    • GREAT Fuel Price Strategy in the Florida Keys

      Recently, my good friend and host at last fall’s MTOA Rendezvous in Chesapeake Bay, Captain Ken Chumley, arranged for a Florida fuel wholesaler to bring an entire truckload of diesel fuel to Marathon’s Boot Key Harbor. Here, he and a number of other MTOA members, took on 4,200 gallons of diesel, at a really good price! Another fellow cruiser chimed in, and said they had made arrangements with the same company for a truckload delivery to Duck Key, to the tune of about 900 gallons.
      Of course, for anyone to take advantage of this service, they will have to put together a group of fuel thirsty vessels, at a Florida Keys marina where a tanker truck can back close enough to the wet slips so that a hose can be easily snaked to the waiting boats.
      If you can overcome these hurtles, give Urbieta Oil at 305-884-0008 a call, and stand by to save a significant chunk of change!

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    • Caution on Entrance to Lake Boca Raton Anchorage, AICW Statute Mile 1048

      Boca Raton Anchorage on the northeastern section of Lake Boca Raton, east of flashing daybeacon #65, but, as Capt. Smith discovered, the preferred entrance channel seems to be on the north side of marker #65.

      Be careful entering this anchorage! We anchored here last night (2/28/12) and it is tricky to get into the anchorage. We entered just south of Marker 65 and almost went aground. The anchorage was crowded but everyone entered North of marker 65. We left the anchorage this morning North of the marker and had plenty of water. Nice anchorage It was crowded until dark with locals but we had a nice, quiet night.
      Steve and Regina Smith

      Good going on giving advice when entering Lake Boca. You can add that the depth is 6 plus all around the perimeter of the lake and the best depths is in the northeast end.
      Advice from a resident of Boca for 22 years.
      Harold Egor

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For Boca Raton Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boca Raton Anchorage

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    • Cape Harbour Marina (near western mouth of Caloosahatchee River)

      Cape Harbour is indeed one of the best kept secrets on the Western Florida coastline. Yours truly, who has spent years personally research every marina (and anchorage) I could find on these waters never knew this marina was there until a fellow cruiser brought its existence to our collective attention.
      To access Cape Harbour Marina leave the Okeechobee Waterway/Caloosahatchee River at marker #92 and follow the marked channel into Glover Bight; break off to the northwest before reaching Tarpon Point Marina and follow canal through a LOCK into Cape Harbour’s well sheltered dockage basin.

      After talking with a number of long time Florida cruisers, I concluded this is the best kept secret on the West coast of Florida. Convenient, inexpensive dockage, low diesel prices, fun restaurants and shops right by the docks, and a very cooperative staff. Try it and you will like it. `I guarantee it.’
      Charles `Chuck’ Waygood

      Amazing place and the people are nice!

      The only disadvantage is the lock you must go through to get to the marina. We had to wait 40 minutes to get out of the marina when we were there last fall.
      James Angel

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Marina Directory Listing For Cape Harbour Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Cape Harbour Marina

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    • An Appeal from Boat/US re LightSquared and GPS

      Join Today, enjoy better boating all year long. Online Special - 25% Off*, Pay Only $19.00 For a Limited Time , Annual Domestic Dues $25.00....Annual International Dues $30.00, *Discount only appliesYou need not be a Boat/US member to respond to this appeal for comments on this important issue for all cruisers. The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is proud to join with Boat?US in a appeal to the cruising community to let our collective voices be heard on this vital issue!

      February 24, 2012
      Dear Boat/U.S. Member:
      Last summer boaters sent a clear message to the Federal Communications Commission ‘“ `Don’t Mess with GPS!” As you may remember, a private company, LightSquared, received preliminary FCC approval to offer a new cellular broadband service. Tests showed this service could significantly interfere with GPS signals.

      Thanks to over 18,000 boaters who submitted comments, along with many other GPS users, the FCC required additional testing in the fall. (Thank you all for your help!) Last week, these tests revealed that the LightSquared’s network would interfere with GPS and that there are no practical fixes. As a result, the FCC has proposed to withdraw LightSquared’s approval.(

      The FCC has a new comment period (open to March 1) asking for the public’s opinion. Even if you wrote last summer, please take a few minutes now and write the FCC asking them to protect the GPS signal by saying `No’ to LightSquared’s current proposal. Given this company’s tenacity over the last year, we want to make sure that boaters’ needs are remembered as the FCC makes their final decision.

      Important points to make:
      How do you use GPS in your life ‘“ on the water, on land, or in the air?
      What would happen to your business/personal life if GPS became unavailable or unreliable?
      Wireless broadband service is important, but it should not come at the expense of GPS.
      All the studies show that LightSquared’s proposed network would cause interference and that there are no remedies.
      Tell FCC that you rely on them to protect the integrity of the GPS signal and that you support their recommendation to stop LightSquared’s current proposal

      You can submit comments directly to the FCC through their online comment form. (We regret we can’t streamline this process for you, but it is important enough we’re still asking for your help.) Here’s how:
      Click on this link for the FCC’s Electronic Comments Filing System (ECFS):
      Select `Proceeding Number 11-109.’ It should be near the top of the list.
      In the designated boxes, enter your name and mailing address.
      In the box that says `Type in or paste your brief comments,’ do so. Click `Continue’.
      A review page will load listing all of the information entered. If correct, click `Confirm.’
      If you have any trouble, you may contact the FCC ECFS Help desk at 202-418-0193 or email at

      Thank you for taking action to protect the integrity of the GPSsystem.

      Margaret Podlich
      President, BoatU.S.
      703-461-2878 x8363

      For an update on this and other government affairs topics please visit

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    • Arcane Opening Procedure at the Moore Haven Railway Bridge (Okeechobee Waterway, St. M. 78.5)

      Click on Charlet Above to Open Chart View Page Centered on Moore Haven

      Wow, this sounds like something that might have taken place during my Dad’s cruising days in the early 1950’s! Note the VERY HELPFUL phone number provided by Captain Regina below, if you should find yourself in this same fix!
      Moore Haven is located north of Clewiston, FL, and is the gateway to the western 1/2 of the Okeechobee Waterway!

      Today our destination was Indiantown, eastbound across Lake Okeechobee, so we wanted to get an `earlier’ start at 8 a.m. We had spent the night at Moorehaven and as we went under the Moorehaven bridge, we noticed that the Moorehaven Railway Bridge was down. It’s supposed to be open unless a train is coming. Several of the cruising guides suggest sounding the horn for someone to open it. We tried that several times to no avail. Finally, we called the lockmaster at Ortona Lock for suggestions. He gave us the phone number of the CSX Dispatch in Clewiston. After a chuckle, the man at CSX we spoke with said they’d send someone in about 5 minutes to open the bridge ‘“ SO NO BRIDGETENDER ON DUTY???. After 30 minutes, a man in a pickup truck came and in 10-15 minutes the bridge was open.. So our early start wasn’t so early ‘“ we lost over an hour waiting for the bridge to open. Oh, one of the joys of cruising’¦’¦
      If you are crossing Lake O and have a questions or problems with a railway bridge, here is the number we were given for CSX Dispatch in Clewiston: 863-983-3163!
      Regina Smith

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Moore Haven

      There appears to be a lot of RR activity in Moore Haven lately. We came through on 2/16 and the RR bridge was down. There was a short train preparing to cross. A couple of men got off the train and walked back and forth across the bridge like they were inspecting it. The train finally crossed and we had to wait about 10 minutes to go through. I don’t know of any of RR bridges that have bridge tenders on duty.
      Susan Parker

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    • Shad Fishing In the AICW/Waccamaw River, SC

      The legal season for shad gill net fishing runs from Nov 1 to Mar 1. Gill fishing is only allowed on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Fortunately for we cruisers, there’s only a few days remaining in the season. In the meantime, watch for these local fishermen and, as usual, give their small boats a very slow, no wake pass! As a kid, I helped my Dad and Grandad tend their gill nets in the Ocmulgee River in GA and we often fished well after dark.

      Helping a friend bring his new boat from Little River, SC to Charleston, SC, we were cruising the ICW on the Waccamaw River when we cam upon a man in a jon boat waving an orange PFD at us and motioning us away from a line of what we thought were crab trap markers. We went on around and a few miles later had much the same experience only the guy waved and pulled up to us and told us he had a net strung between two floats.
      We spent the night at a marina in Georgetown, SC and asked the staff about this. Apparently, there is a certain time of year when people are allowed to place nets across the river to catch shad. They cannot block more than one half the river and must be on duty the entire time to warn boaters away from their nets. Just FYI.

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    • Dinghy Dock at the Roosevelt Channel Anchorage (near Statute Mile 13)

      The anchorage described below by Captains Mike and Twyla, is accessed by leaving the Western Florida ICW between markers #37 and ?#39, and the following the well marked Roosevelt Channel to a point south of Tween Waters Marina.
      Mike and Twyla’s note contains some GREAT advice about hot to obtain inexpensive dinghy dockage while your hook is resting in these waters. We knew that Tween Waters started prohibiting dinghy dockage some years ago, but the idea of tying up temporarily at the nearby Green Flash Restaurant is a new and inspiring idea!
      And, by the way, the Green Flash IS a good place to satisfy a healthy appetite. Some of their seafood entrees are nothing short of YUMMY!!!

      Just an FYI for anyone planning to anchor Captiva Island – We recently anchored near the ‘Tween Waters Marina. The Waterway Guide does state correctly that the marina does not offer dingy docking to anyone on anchor.
      However it does state that you can take your dinghy to McCarthy’s Marina to tie up so you can go to shore for provisions. What it fails to mention is that McCarthy’s Marina charges $15.00 to dock your dink there! No matter how long you are going to leave it – it’s $15.00 flat fee! So for those of you that find yourself at Captiva Island and in need of provisions (beer?) – there is still hope. We took the dink to the Green Flash Restaurant’s dock. We enjoyed a couple of drinks at the bar and
      walked only a few blocks to the Island Store. The bartendar there was very friendly and had no problem with us leaving the dinghy. By the way, it looked like a great place to eat but we only went to the bar.
      Safe travels!
      Mike and Twyla
      aboard NautiNell

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For the Roosevelt Channel Anchorage

      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

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    • Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field Advice (Marathon)

      Isn’t it encouraging to find a city owned and operated mooring field that ENCOURAGES cruisers to anchor just outside of the field until a mooring become available. Other municipalities in Florida would be well advised to take note!

      At Boot Key the dockmaster generally will have you anchor out until a mooring becomes available. Depending on weather and the number of folks staging to go to the Bahamas, your wait can be hours to a few days. Just remember to look at the tide charts (especially now, coming off of full moon) and gage where you anchor with
      your draft.
      PS Russell
      M/V Ocean Breeze

      We are in Marathon and while the mooring field is busy there are openings. A number of boats just headed out for the Bahamas and that makes for available openings. With your mooring you get pumped out once a week and you can pull into the Marathon City Marina and get water. You can also check with the City Marina for dockage.
      Good Luck
      Marty and Jerry Richardson
      onboard M/V Monarch

      The boats in Boot Key Harbor come and go all the time. They might be full today and have a half dozen moorings open by weeks end if a good weather window opens up. There is usually someplace to anchor in Boot Key Harbor. Depending on your boats draft, you can anchor in Newfound Harbor on the way to Key West, and depending on the weather, if the southerlies are not blowing too bad, you can anchor just outside Boot Key Harbor. There is also the anchorage in Key West. Marina availability will be a different story this time of year.
      Chuck Baier

      Cruising News:
      City of Marathon is in the process of passing Resolution 2012-21 which will restrict all anchoring in Boot Key Harbor to one small area. This Resolution can be viewed on City of Marathon website.
      Patrick Carter

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For the Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

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    • Boot Key Harbor Fee Increases Generate Letter from Fellow Nautical Writer, Captain John Kettlewell

      The note Captain Kettlewell has copied us on below, was inspired by the earlier article here on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net by our very special Florida Keys Correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd (see /?p=79332). John’s words, as they usually do, speak eloquently for themselves!

      I sent the following message to the chamber of commerce in Marathon. Charmaine suggested I forward a copy to you in case you might want to use it on your website. I have no objections.

      Subject: Boot Key Harbor fees
      From: “John J. Kettlewell”
      Date: Sat, February 04, 2012 5:35 pm
      Dear Mr. Samess:
      You and your member businesses should be very concerned about the recently instituted dramatic increase in fees at the city mooring field and city dinghy dock. Snowbirding boaters in Boot Key Harbor spend lots of money in Marathon businesses on things like marine supplies, fuel, ice, groceries and shopping of all sorts, restaurants, and entertainment. The last time I was there on my boat I spent three weeks in the harbor, renting a space at the dinghy dock. In total I believe I spent several thousand dollars on refitting my boat, restaurants, and other supplies. However, as of February 1 the city has raised the daily rate for the dinghy dock by 69% to $22 per day! Imagine what it would do to business in Marathon if a parking fee of $22 per day was instituted on your streets. This fee seems particularly unfair when you note that the use of the two public boat ramps in Marathon is completely free, as is all day parking at the boat ramps. In addition, weekly and monthly fees also increased dramatically, while mooring fees also increased. In short, not many boaters will pay this extortionate fee just to tie up a dinghy and go ashore to be able to spend money–I certainly will take my business elsewhere.
      Boaters have a very well-established and efficient communication system that is spreading the word rapidly about these outrageous fees, and the unfriendly nature of Marathon. I know some boaters have already cancelled plans to visit Boot Key Harbor this winter. Marathon businesses should let the city know that the recent fee increases are bad for business.
      John J. Kettlewell

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

    • Warning of Shallow Depths on Indian Key Channel (Everglades City, FL)

      Chuck Baier, former Waterway Guide General Manager, and now cruising consultant for MarinaLife, is the author of the brief note below. We ALWAYS pay attention to what Captain Chuck has to say, so those of you bound for Everglades City should indeed call the Rod and Gun Club (see below), before attempting this passage.
      The last time we sounded the Indian Key channel,no depths shallower than 5 1/2 feet MLW showed up, but that was a good 3 years ago.
      The SSECN would WELCOME some additional reports on depths in the Indian Key Channel from those of you who have visited Everglades City recently. If this describes you, PLEASE click the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, and share your information.

      You might want to check with the Rod and Gun Club [239-695-2101] to get the latest on the channel depths into Everglade City. There are some pretty shallow spots. Have a great trip.

      And, as requested both above and in a recent “SSECN Alert,” here is some additional data from fellow cruiser, Capt. David. Looks like there really are low-mid tide depth issues on the Indian Key Channel. ALL Western Florida mariners, TAKE NOTE!

      Last February when I went through the channel to the R&G club, I rubbed a couple of times bottom at 4’6’³ at mid tide. Going out I was careful to plan my departure to coincide with high tide to get me by the bad parts.
      Capt David

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Marina Directory Listing For the Rod and Gun Club

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Rod and Gun Club

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    • Punta Gorda Waterfront Anchorage Beach Dinghy Dockage (Charlotte Harbor – Peace River, just off the Punta Gorda Waterfront)

      Punta Gorda Waterfront Anchorage Beach Dinghy Dockage

      I recently had the good fortune to visit with several yacht clubs in the charming, boat-rich community of Punta Gorda, Florida, and, during this same visit, I met with “Team Punta Gorda.” Among any number of worthwhile projects, this commendable private – public partnership group is working hard to promote Punta Gorda as a cruising destination. We join with them in suggesting that the cruising community make the acquaintance of this friendly community, which features two commercial marinas, two Florida Yacht Council Yacht Clubs and several good anchorages. What’s not to love!The note and photos below from Captain Jake Dye were sent to us as a result of my presentation to Team Punta Gorda. The anchorage in question lies just off the Punta Gorda waterfront, southwest of (downstream of) the Highway 41 fixed bridges.

      Hi Claiborne,Great having you in Punta Gorda and your presentation to TEAM was spot on. I attached a couple of photos from our anchorage and our `beach’ dinghy landing. I think we’re all energized to get something moving on a dinghy dock. Thanks again, and look forward to your next visit.The “beach” dinghy landing is 26.56.102N, 82.3 (56°6.12N / 082°18W).318W, at Gilchrist Park.Jake DyeThere are some of us who stopped here while cruising and ended up buying a house.Mary DixonLooking for a place to live in 1970 and found this place with a job and it had all I wanted, water to sail on, access to the Gulf, access to the coast where one can find a safe place each night with the option to over night to the keys, land to ride motorcycle in the woods, race car track,. What else could one be looking for, oh yes it has golfing also. But top off the list local racing and cruising of sailboats with hoes on the water where my boat could be behind my home. A little shallow for some deep draft boats but then so are the Keys but deep enough for good cruising boats.Dennis PeckWhere did you buy the house. I am wondering about Punta Gorda and the North and South Forks of Alligator Creek. How deep is that water at low tide in winter? Worried about sailboat access.WayneWayne,Tthere is a section of Punta Gorda Isles that is called the sailboat section. There are no bridges to Charlotte Harbor. Any realtor can show you where that is. We are 5 minutes from the Harbor.Mary DixonNot real dinghies’¦ No deflated tubes, no homemade covers and no patches!Bill BettsWe lived aboard in Punta Gorda for several winters and loved the town so much we bought a condominium here on the Peace River ( Emerald Pointe) where we keep our boat.Marsha Case

      Dinghies Pulled Up on Beach Adjacent to Punta Gorda Waterfront Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For Punta Gorda Waterfront AnchorageClick Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Punta Gorda Waterfront Anchorage

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    • A Big THANK YOU from Bucksport Marina, AICW Statute Mile 377

      At Bucksport cruising visitors will discover all new docks, new power pedestals, a newly reopened on-site restaurant, clean '“ climate controlled showers and laundromat, as well as a warm welcome for the cruising communityIn 2010 – 2011 Bucksport Marina, now a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, closed for an extended period of time for renovation and expansion. Now reopened under new, cruiser friendly ownership and management, this facility, along with its also newly reopened, on-site restaurant, makes for a great stop between Myrtle Beach and Georgetown. Bucksport Marina is set in a lovely location on what many consider to be the most beautiful portion of the entire AICW, the Waccamaw River.


      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Bucksport Plantation Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Bucksport Plantation Marina

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    • Another Take on Boardings by FL Law Enforcement

      More food for thought on the subject of boardings. This all goes back to the story of a very unsettling boarding which took place during November of 2010 in Volusia County, Florida (see /?p=45038). This incident caused an uproar here on the Cruisers’ Net, and elsewhere. Captain Greer’s note below is in response to this incident.

      While I agree that boarding cruising sail boats the way these law enforcement personal have done is unsettling at the least. we must remember that it is Florida, the drug running capital of the world and this is why it happens. The smugglers are skilled and trying to look like ordinary recreational vessels. Therefore, while sailing in these waters the best thing to do is always be prepared to cooperate with the authorities that are trying to make the area safe and keep illegal drugs out of our country. just food for thought. If we were boarding a boat that might be a front for drugs. knowing that these people will shoot first if possible. would we give them any warning? or would we want to secure all personal on the boat as quickly as possible? I know I know. It feels like a violation of our basic rights. but it’s their job.
      Mickey Geer

      And, appropriately, LOTS of other points of view from the cruising community:

      If the drugs were legal, the drugs could be regulated then taxed to pay the regulators to tyrannize the drug dealers. Instead the boaters are legal and taxed to pay the regulators who tyrannize the boaters in the War On Drugs. In the immortal words of Earl Pitts’¦’WAKE UP AMERICA’
      David Burnham

      It doesn’t only ‘˜feel’ like a violation it IS a violation. Yet another apologist for jack booted thugs. I’m very happy I don’t live there.

      It is not their job to violate anyone’s rights. I do not know the particulars of this situation but I am just saying that it is not their job to violate anyone’s rights. Their job is to enforce the law within the limits of the constitution. In the USA we draw lines and fences. They cannot cross the basic rights fences. It is for very good reason that we do this. I am curious, is a search warrant required to enter somone’s boat without their permission?
      Edward Trzebiatowski

      Click Here To View the 2010 Report That Prompted Mickey’s Comments

      Comments from Cruisers (3)

    • Watch Out For the Railroad Bridge at Moore Haven (Okeechobee Waterway St. M. 78)

      The Moore Haven Railway Bridge crosses the Okeechobee Waterway, a short hop west of the Moore Haven Lock. It has a bare, closed vertical clearance of only 5 feet, so it it closes on you unexpectedly, that could be a REAL problem, as Captain James learned to his misfortune!!!

      Be aware that this bridge can close without any signal. On Jan 27 at 3 PM we were traveling E to the Moore Haven lock after calling for a lock through with the lock master stating the lock was open to us and we could proceed. The railroad bridge was open. As we approached the bridge it appeared to be stuck in a partially closed position. We proceeded but too late to realize that it was indeed closing and we were impaled causing severe damage to the forward sections of the boat. At no time was there any signal, warning or individual present. Retreating to the City Docks witnesses confirmed that no signal was heard although they had heard it clearly on other occasions. I later discovered that the bridge has no radio contact or communication with the adjacent lock. I have had previous experience with this bridge waiting one and half hours for the bridge to open in a swift current and no communication. They seem to operate without regard to water traffic as opposed to the locks. I will update you as to
      any legal actions.
      Tom James, Captain
      “Tortuga” Krogen 42

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Moore Haven Railway Bridge

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