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    • Letter from the Bahamas, 2024 #4 – Greg Allard

      Our sincerest thanks to Greg and Barbara Allard for once again sharing their thoughts and beautiful photography from their Bahamas cruises. These photos and descriptions will have you aching to follow in Meander‘s wake! For more of this excellent photography, type Allard in our Homepage search window for letters from previous cruises.

      A few more pictures from Spanish Wells.


      The beautiful beach at the western end of Spanish Wells, complete with in-the-water swings.
      Boats kept in salt water need to have their bottoms periodically cleaned of marine growth.  Since we had been cruising for over three months, we hired this diver who did an excellent job.  His name is Ivanhoe Sweeting, and there are many “Sweetings” on Spanish Wells.  He is 49 years old, a native of the Cay, and had been a commercial lobster fisherman. That work is exhausting, so he took up local day-fishing where he would not have to be out at sea for months at a time. And of course he works as a diver.
      Every other Saturday on Spanish Wells there is a Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market.  This friendly gentleman is “Farmer Kieth Kelly”, also a native of the Cay.  He had some beautiful vegetables which we bought, since fresh produce is sometimes difficult to find in the Bahamas.
      This photo was taken by our friends Steve and Diane Koch, of a SpaceX launch a couple of weeks ago.  We missed it, as we were already asleep.  The Bahamas are downwind of most of Musk’s satellite launches, so on a clear night the view of the rocket is superb as it passes overhead.
      Virtually every home on Spanish Wells, and on most other Bahamian islands, grows bananas.  There are many varieties.  All very good.
      The name Spanish Wells come from the Spanish sailing fleets which regularly stopped there for the abundant supply of fresh water.

      Ephasia, a Haitian girl, who lives in the ghetto on Russell Island. We picked her up in our golf cart as she was walking four miles to work on a brutally hot day. She works at Wreckers restaurant, at our marina. Spoke almost no English.

      Russell Cay is adjacent to Spanish Wells, and is connected by a bridge.  There is a significant Haitian community on Russell, living quite poorly.  We were in a golf cart on Russell, heading back to our boat, when we passed this Haitian woman walking towards Spanish Wells.  It was a sweltering hot day, and she looked exhausted, so when we offered her a ride she was relieved and thankful. She hardly spoke any English, but we did learn her name is Efhasia (phonetic), and that she worked at the restaurant at our marina, so we were all going to the same place.

      Storm on the horizon.
      A sportfishing boat docked near us came back from their trip with this 85 pound yellow fin tuna.  At $20 a pound for fresh fish like this, it was a worthwhile catch.

      On the next leg of our cruise, on the way to Davis Harbour on southern Eleuthera, we laid over for a night at Highbourne Cay, and watched the (mostly) nurse sharks who hang out near the fish cleaning stations waiting for scraps.

      Davis Harbour, on the southern end of Eleuthera, is a time-warp of an old Bahamas marina.  Our boat is on the far side of the protected marina, just off the right side of the building with the white roof.  Not many boats come here, as it doesn’t have many of the conveniences of a high-end marina, such as a pool, and the entrance is shallow (thanks to Dorian.) But it does have a superb restaurant called Northpoint. It’s a simple, unpretentious restaurant:  about eight tables with blue tablecloths in a square small room overlooking the marina.
      The restaurant did a wonderful job on my favorite Bahamian dish, cracked conch.

      Our regular waitress at the restaurant; her name is Addassah Griffin. A superb server and a nice person with a sparkling personality. She is studying phlebotomy.

      The coconut shrimp at the Northpoint.  None finer…anywhere. With friend plantains and Bahamian mac and cheese. 


      The picturesque shallow cut into the marina. Based on our unscientific measurements, we estimated the low tide depth in the entrance channel to be around 5’+/-.  Of course winds, the current stage of the moon and offshore storms may lower that.  Deeper draft boats should wait for a higher rising tide.
      Next time, more on southern Eleuthera, including a visit with one of the most accomplished and intriguing persons we have ever met in the Bahamas.
      Warmest regards to you all.
      Greg and Barbara
      Copyright Greg Allard  2024


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    • We Can’t Catch and We Can’t Run – Janice Anne Wheeler

      Thank you very much for your interest and your loyalty. Enjoy the latest from Steadfast!



      Message Janice Anne Wheeler



      The Planet’s Original FIRE WORKS; Each Strike is 300 Million Volts

      JUN 2



      Long ago, on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona (far from my current environment) I watched the mid-day, late November sky darken and was unabashed until I glanced at my companion. Every strand of his straight blonde hair was completely on end, forming a perfect, unearthly orb as he gazed over the abyss, oblivious. That was the first time I felt that kind of power, and while I remember it with awe, we simply sprinted to the Jeep and observed, safely nestled amongst trees and crags on our rubber tires, snapping photos, listening to the thunder, laughing at the lashing, knowing that, however untimely, rain brings precious life to the desert.


      Lightning strikes the Little Choptank River, Eastern Shore of Maryland.

      Last night on the Chesapeake Bay, out of the corner of my eye I saw the lightning strike, stark white against the blackness of a cloud-covered sky and a moon not yet risen. I turned in that direction and saw a second strike, just north of the first, and felt a sudden temperature drop. The wind shifted and rapidly built. We were docked; no running from this one.

      We had hosted a dinner guest and consciously checked the radar to see if we were within Mother Nature’s path of powerful storms that rocked the Midwest last Holiday Weekend. “Fireworks?’ he asked as he climbed down the boarding ladder. He must have sensed the energy, too, or gotten just a glimpse. “No,” I had replied, peering thoughtfully at the sky, but, as I considered those unexpected flashes it dawned on me that lightning is the original, true fire work of our planet, having made a significant contribution to creating life in most scientific theories, if not in the theological ones.

      Exponentially more powerful than the Fourth of July celebrations which sometimes reverberate into your very bones, lightning strikes are a surreal release of pent-up energy. tells us that a typical lightning flash contains 300 million volts and 30,000 AMPS. For comparison, household current is 120 Volts and 15 AMPS, and that small amount is strong enough to be fatal if it flows through the (very) conductive human body. A sailing vessel is generally the tallest thing on the water and as a rule lightning is attracted to the closest available point of contact. There you have it. Lightning makes us nervous.


      Is it the vulnerability? The outright danger of it? Perhaps it is both. Feeling vulnerable certainly ties closely into our inherent lack of control in regard to Mother Nature and the weather. People often ask if we have encountered big storms, and we have. Here is a recent story about waves and wind: (OVER AND OVER AND OVER ) It’s the lightning, though, that is frightening in its unpredictability. And stunningly beautiful. I become mesmerized as I watch where the last strike was and to see what the next one might bring, only to spot one in a direction I wouldn’t have anticipated.

      The majority of the time we won’t be able to outrun, won’t be able to avoid these squalls. They change direction and like tiny little hurricanes the wind on one side blows in the opposite direction of the wind on the other side, so as it passes you have to once again adjust, joust, spar, maneuver, second guess and hope.

      Last year, on a northerly course off the coast of Florida, destination Fernandina Beach, we sparred one night, slicing through the narrow space between two rapidly-building, fast-moving cells that joined just behind our transom as we sailed to victory on that run, adrenaline pumping long after we dropped anchor and crept into the shelter of our bed. We’ve seen storms come across the water at astonishing speeds, leaving no chance to even joust before the first whirling gust is upon us. At night you watch the strikes, far off, and hope they don’t change direction but they can, and they do. We receive forecasts from Marine Weather Center ( as a subscription service. While they always warn of the big weather systems, it is the squalls that come with the highest risk, the least consistency, and the most power. I think it is safe to say that weather is an inexact science; no matter how good the forecaster, they can certainly be wrong, just like the rest of us.

      When we first moved aboard this ketch-rigged sailing yacht a friend inquired, “Do you have lightning rods?” I replied, “Yes, we do have lightning rods.” After hanging up the phone on that call, I looked at my grew-up-on-the-water husband and chuckled a bit awkwardly. “Yes,” he said to me. “We definitely have two giant lighting rods. One is 65 feet and one is 50 feet.”


      A ketch rig is when the main mast is taller than the aft, or mizzen mast. While it may look like lightning rods up there, those are actually VHF antennae.

      So, you might ask, is there anything available to deter this particular aspect of Mother Nature’s tendencies? To put yourself at an advantage as you spar out on the open ocean? There are methods and theories going back to the King of Lightning Benjamin Franklin in the 1800’s. These days, Lightning Dissipators are designed to create a negative ion field around the mast, depending on installation. A negative ion controversially creates a ground and more damage can occur with these systems than with nothing at all, according to a veteran Marine Surveyor  and investigator of innumerable lightning strike incidents (full disclosure also my husband Steve Uhthoff). For a much more in-depth examination of this topic, please see this LOOSE CANNON. We take the risks with the rewards.

      The first winter we explored the Outislands of the Bahamas (Rum Cay, Conception and beyond) we ran low on fresh water. STEADFAST is designed (thank you Dmitri!) with a fresh water collection system on the roof of her pilot house. During a heavy rain shower it’s impressive how much water can fall from the sky, and without a desalination machine, life on the sea is just like life on the high desert. On a calm passage we encountered a slow-moving thunderhead with what looked like lots of life-saving rain. Full of bright ideas and always up for a challenge, we wiped the salt off the surfaces, unburied and hooked up the extensive network of hoses for the collection system, fired up the Detroit Diesel and headed into what was hopefully a rain shower and not a passing storm cell.

      The first spar was so close!! We felt some sprinkles but were outmaneuvered in the end, bone dry and miles off our original course. We had no real destination in mind, no schedule, and were not yet defeated. Soon enough we spotted our next target, seemingly not far away, and in a better direction; we utilized both sails and engine only to watch the dark mass pull away from us once again as we heard the rumble of thunder, saw the fireworks within. Mother Nature was simply sending us a reminder that it’s us that moves slowly. Very slowly. We can’t catch and we can’t run.

      We found an anchorage that sheltered us from the wind but not the deluge. Unseen, unpredicted and unheard, the downpour hit us late that very night, the rain collection equipment was stored away, the hatches open, the laundry hung out to dry. The Heavens opened once again, this time right onto the bed. The irony struck me full-on as we bolted on deck stark-naked to shut what needed to be shut and then towel off, laughing, knowing I should have just grabbed the soap…

      We learned our lesson and never chased another storm. SPARRING WITH MOTHER NATURE on her terms and winning is elusive enough.


      I call these “Holes to Heaven” when the sun’s rays find their way through the clouds, this time in Abaco, Bahamas. It does not make the impending storms less threatening, just more photogenic!

      I truly appreciate that you read this story; I have many more to tell you!

      Please click the little heart wherever you find it and that send this tale to others like you who may enjoy vivid non-fiction with the ability to make you feel like you were there.


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      Message Janice Anne Wheeler



      © 2024 Janice Anne Wheeler
      548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104

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    • Cast Off Fishing Tournaments continue thru October at Mount Pleasant and Folly Piers

      Cooper River Marina


      Public Contact: 843-795-4386 /

      Media Contact: Sarah Reynolds / (843) 762-8089 /

      Read this online:       



      Catch Summer Fun and Competition at Charleston County Fishing Piers

      Cast Off Fishing Tournaments are back at the Mount Pleasant and Folly Beach Piers this summer!


      [CHARLESTON COUNTY] – This summer, catch fish, fun and prizes at the Mount Pleasant and Folly Beach Piers’ tournament series! The Mount Pleasant Pier will host the summer’s first Cast Off Fishing Tournament on Saturday, May 11. Then, on Saturday, May 25, the Folly Beach Pier will host its first fishing tournament of the season.


      The Mount Pleasant Pier offers fishing on the Charleston Harbor and under the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge. Opened in 2009, the pier is built on pilings from the old Silas N. Pearman Bridge, which have become a haven for many types of fish including red drum, spotted sea trout, flounder and sheepshead.


      The Folly Beach Pier reopened in December 2022. A sight to behold, the new Folly Beach Pier stretches out 1045’ into the ocean and offers spectacular views, fishing, dining and events. Common catches off the Folly Pier include blue fish, sheepshead, spotted sea trout and whiting.  


      The 2024 Cast Off Fishing Tournament Schedule is:


      Mount Pleasant Pier

      • May 11, 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
      • June 15, 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. 
      • Sept. 21, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. 
      • Oct. 26, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.


      Folly Beach Pier

      • May 25, 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. 
      • June 22, 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. 
      • Sept. 14, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.  
      • Oct. 12, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.  


      Tournaments offer awards for the Biggest 3 Fish by Weight, the Biggest Youth Catch (12 and under) and the Best 5 Fish (total weight). Participants are only eligible to win one category. Tournament registration fees are $12 for ages 13 and up, $9 for members of the military, $9 for seniors (60 and up) and ages 12 and under, or $5 for fishing pass holders. Adult chaperones are required for ages 15 and under.


      No pre-registration is required. On-site registration for tournaments begins the morning of the event. Parking fees are an additional charge at the Folly Pier.

      Both piers offer everything an expert or a novice needs, including equipment rentals, tackle and frozen bait, plus knowledgeable staff to offer tips. The piers also provide snack bars, gift shops and restrooms. Tournaments are held rain or shine. Anglers of all experience levels are encouraged to slap on some sunscreen and head out for some good-spirited competition!


      For additional details on the piers or the tournaments, call the Folly Beach Pier at (843) 762-9516, the Mount Pleasant Pier at (843) 762-9946, or visit


      The Cast Off Fishing Tournament Series is made possible by Coca-Cola, Charleston Cotton Exchange, AFTCO and Charleston County Parks.


      Managed by the Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC), the Folly Beach Pier is located at 101 E. Arctic Ave. and the Mount Pleasant Pier is located at 71 Harry Hallman Blvd. The mission of CCPRC is to improve the quality of life in Charleston County by offering a diverse system of park facilities, programs and services. The large park system features over 11,000 acres of property and includes six day parks, three beach parks, three dog parks, two landmark fishing piers, three waterparks, a skate park, 19 boat landings, a climbing wall, a challenge course, a historical plantation site, an interpretive center, an equestrian center, cottages, a campground, a marina, as well as wedding, meeting and event facilities. The park system also offers a wide variety of recreational services – festivals, camps, classes, programs, volunteer opportunities, and more. For more information, call 843-795-4386, or visit


      High-resolution photos available upon request

      Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission / 861 Riverland Drive / Charleston, SC 29412 / (843) 795-4386



      Sarah Reynolds
       Public Information Coordinator
      861 Riverland DrCharlestonSC 29412
       Office: +1 8437628089

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      The only thing marring this stunning sunset
      is Steven R Uhthoff and his headlamp working on the outboard motor for our dinghy at just under 30 degrees. This is one of the many unexpected projects that are really just an everyday part of our liveaboard lives.
      When I took each of these photos I was reminded of a WSJ article that Jeri Mattics sent to me in November, and how much that piece truly DIDN’T depict the reality of life on a boat.
      Not too many vessels have those fancy champagne flutes or the refrigeration to chill those bottles. Mother Nature rules our lives and determines our schedules. Cruising cannot be learned from YouTube. It is physically and logistically challenging. Novice boaters can and do endanger themselves and others because we live by the rule that one “must render assistance” at sea.
      We love this life but not how it is assumed or portrayed to be easy and carefree. I’m guilty, too…because I share the beautiful peaceful sunrises and not the 10-foot green wave crashing over the bow and running down all 56 feet of deck while the whole rig shudders above you. I don’t tell you about the seasickness or the constant battle with mildew on the ceiling.
      Everyone has challenges bigger than these, I know that. All we request is that people truly experience cruising before diving in. Read books and articles by experienced sailors, don’t listen to scantily clad videographers. Just because they have followers doesn’t mean they are sharing reliable, practical knowledge.
      I, Janice Anne Wheeler, am still constantly learning and the curve is very big and very steep…it takes a lifetime and I started late. Becoming competent to live and travel on the water has been the most humbling experience of my entire life, and I’m no idiot. I’m healthy and strong and happy and sailing can bring me to my knees. The amount of knowledge and tools it takes is astonishing and can be overwhelming to say the least. And then you make a choice based on a weather forecast which is wrong and endanger yourselves and your most valuable asset.
      It’s a beautiful life, it’s not easy, and to appreciate it completely you have to pay some big dues. The crew on ‘Steadfast’ just wanted to share these thoughts as we constantly meet people who tell us how fun it looks and that they’re thinking about buying a boat without ever setting foot on one.
      Don’t do it.

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    • Cape Lookout Bight Channel dredging complete, near AICW MM 205, Beaufort, NC

      Cape Lookout Bight is a wonderful, natural harbor formed by Cape Lookout’s curve of land. This superb anchorage, one of the most popular in North Carolina, The channel between Harkers Island and Cape Lookout Lighthouse has been widened to 100 feet with depths ranging from 7 to 9 feet. This is good news for cruisers wishing to anchor in Cape Lookout Bight southeast of Beaufort.

      Click here for  Cape Lookout dredging, beach nourishment work complete

      Read more at Coastal Review,

      Click Here To View the Cruisers Net North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Cape Lookout Bight Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window Zoomed To the Location of Cape Lookout Bight
      Lat/Lon: 34 37.395 North/076 32.931 West

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    • NOAA: WAVE SAFE video collection from Ocean Today



      Wave Safe Collection

      WAVE SAFE Video Collection (8)

      School might be ending, but summer will soon be here. No matter where you are visiting we have a video that will help you stay wave safe.

      Share these videos with friends, family and the teens you know to help them remain “wave safe” while having fun:

      Watch the WAVE SAFE Every Full Moon video collection

      Surviving Shorebreak

      Surviving Shorebreak

      Waves that break directly on a steep shore can cause serious injuries. Learn how to avoid this common hazard. Preview the Video HERE. (:58)

      Protect Yourself to Save Others

      Protect Yourself to Save Others 

      Help your students collect important data that can engage the whole community.  Preview the Video HERE. (:57)

      ABOUT OCEAN TODAY – Want to learn more about the Smithsonian/NOAA Ocean Today Program? Click Here if you are a teacher or museum/aquaria/zoo educator.


      May 24, 2022

      Getting Started with Bruckner Chase

      Get the inside scoop on the WAVE SAFE video collection with Ocean Today host Bruckner Chase.

      Watch this short video. (:55)

      Respect the OceanWAVE SAFE Collection Links

      1. Introduction (2:36)
      2. East Coast (5:27)
      3. California (4:48)
      4. Pacific Northwest (4:55)
      5. Hawai’i (4:39)
      6. American Samoa (Samoan – 5:52)
      7. American Samoa (English – 5:52)
      8. Meet Bruckner Chase (1:57)


      Surviving Tsunami Waves 
      Creep into the Deep
      Future of Ocean Farming
      Coral Comeback?






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    • Better Towing Costs Less With BoatUS – Southern Boating


      BoatUS is the leading advocate for boating safety in the US and A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR!

      Presented By Southern Boating:

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    • Letter from the Bahamas 2024 #1 – Greg Allard

      Our sincerest thanks to Greg and Barbara Allard for once again sharing their thoughts and beautiful photography from their Bahamas cruises. These photos and descriptions will have you aching to follow in Meander‘s wake! For more of this excellent photography, type Allard in our Homepage search window for letters from previous cruises.

      Hello everyone – After our 2022 cruise to the
      Bahamas, we decided to downsize a bit; a smaller
      boat would make it easier to find transient space in
      marinas as we cruise, and a newer, smaller boat
      would also lessen some of the maintenance. Our
      existing boat was a 34 year old 65’ Tollycraft, one of
      the best boats we have ever owned. She sold very
      quickly, and then our search began. We did not find a
      replacement until early summer of 2023, so we
      missed the opportunity to visit the Bahamas last year.
      We have a number of new readers who have just
      joined us in receiving this letter, so we hope that those
      of you who have been regulars will understand that
      we will cover some of the basics.

      This is the new Meander: she is a 47’ Grand Banks.
      For those familiar with boats who recognize the
      Grand Banks name, the company has built thousands
      of boats over the years; for a long time their boats
      were displacement boats, meaning that they cruised
      at about 7-9 knots, or approximately 10 mph. Grand
      Banks then hired the noted naval architectural firm of
      Sparkman and Stephens to redesign the hull, allowing
      it to achieve higher speeds – and to plane – which
      means instead of pushing through waster, the boat
      would rise up and ride on top of the the water.

      The Grand Banks we found is a 2009 model, with twin
      500HP Cummins diesel engines. She has bow and
      stern thrusters, a fly-bridge, stabilizers, a generator,
      and a watermaker – for making drinkable fresh water
      from salt water – important in the Bahamas. During sea
      trials, she topped out at 24 knots, or a bit over 27
      mph. She will also cruise comfortably at 9 knots, at
      significant savings in fuel costs. We’ll mostly cruise at
      a slower speed, especially with diesel fuel in the
      Bahamas over $6.00 a gallon.

      The new Meander – a 47’ Grand Banks Heritage EU.

      We departed for Bahama this year from the east coast
      of Florida, around the N.Palm Beach area. The
      crossing to our first stop in the Bahamas (Port
      Lucaya) is around 78 nautical miles. It takes the
      better part of a day to make this open ocean passage,
      and if you don’t watch the weather carefully, it can be
      a nasty, rough passage. This year there were weather
      fronts continually, bringing high winds, so we had to
      wait about 2 weeks for a decent weather-window. We
      made the first two thirds of the crossing at a leisurely
      8-9 knots, but for the last portion we “opened her up”
      and ran at 16-17 knots, as shown above. Quite an
      exhilarating run, especially since at this speed the
      engines drank 40 gallons per hour. Since we had a

      second day of calm weather, we departed Port
      Lucaya the next morning to make a second long
      crossing to the Berry Islands.

      A view off the stern of our boat, on the trip from
      Lucaya. During such an open water ocean crossing,
      you have to continually contend with huge ships;
      avoiding them is important. This one was headed
      right towards us, but then changed course to pass to
      our stern, He was correctly following the international
      rule for such situations, since we were crossing in
      front of him from his starboard (right) side.
      Regardless of the “rules” we always keep out of their
      way. Some of the largest such ships can take several

      miles to even stop.

      The beauty of the Bahamas is unmatched – waters
      which we have often described as “gin clear”, and
      spectacular beaches with magical colors. Our regular
      readers know that what we most love about the
      Bahamas is the people; they are warm, friendly, of
      great humor and just delightful. They operate at a
      different pace and newcomers take a while to adjust.
      Very little is urgent in the Bahamas.

      Our first layover is in the Berry islands, one of favorite
      places in all the Bahamas. This is the Beach Club, on
      the north shore of Great Harbour Cay, overlooking
      one of the best beaches anywhere. We’ve spent
      many an afternoon at this place, having a wonderful
      lunch of cracked conch and some cold Bahamian
      brewed Kalik beer.

      This is Clinique, with her magnificent smile, who has
      been our waitress at the Beach Club over many
      years. She proudly showed us a picture of her lovely
      daughter Chastinique. Such beautiful names.

      Even Paradise has its flaws. Unfortunately for the
      several hundred people who live on this small, remote
      island, they have been enduring “road torture” for over
      a year. Based on numerous trips to this island, we
      have seen that the roads are always filled with
      potholes which can break car axles and throw bikers
      to the ground. Over a year ago, the government
      undertook a major program to repave all of the roads
      on Great Harbour Cay. A contractor arrived, and
      stripped the asphalt from almost all of the roads,
      leaving an ever worse condition than they started
      with. In the above photo part of the road has been
      stripped (the light color at the top of the photo), and
      you can see the huge pothole in the foreground, in the

      yet unstripped road. While you can’t see it in this
      photo, there are even more potholes in the stripped
      roads, and they are much more difficult to see as you
      approach them. The local people are incredibly
      frustrated. Several reasons have been given for the
      incredible delay, but it is accepted as a normal
      expectation for the workings of the Bahamian
      government, with its lack of concern for the well-being
      of the Bahamian small “out islands”. There are just not
      enough votes on this island.

      This is Freddy, one of the dockhands at the Great
      Harbour Cay marina. He’s excellent at assisting
      boats to dock, in tying up the lines and deploying
      fenders. He is a genuinely good person, warm and
      friendly, but he does have the odd habit of talking to
      himself most of the time. That doesn’t interfere,

      however, with his excellent work. In defense of
      Freddy, with increasing frequency I find that I talk to
      myself too. And none of it makes much sense.
      Thanks for joining us on this first leg of our cruise.
      Warmest regards to you all.
      Greg and Barbara
      Copyright Greg Allard, 2024


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    • USACE: Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

      Release No.: NR 24-033For Release: May 24, 2024
      Contact: Jacksonville District Public



      USACE Jacksonville District issues Notice of Availability

      for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)

      Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)


      JACKSONVILLE, Florida (May 24, 2024) – Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District (USACE) is issuing a Notice of Availability for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). USACE is proposing a new regulation schedule for Lake Okeechobee within an updated Water Control Plan (WCP). The regulation schedule is a compilation of operating criteria, guidelines, and figures that govern the quantity, timing, and duration of releases out of the lake. The regulation schedule establishes the agency’s operational strategy to balance the congressionally authorized project purposes for flood risk management, water supply, enhancement of fish and wildlife, navigation, and recreation. Implementation of this regulation schedule corresponds with the completion of the Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) rehabilitation and considers completed or nearly completed Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan projects. LOSOM is intended to replace the current Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule, known as the 2008 LORS (LORS08). 


      The Final EIS evaluates an array of alternative Lake Okeechobee regulation schedules and describes and compares their potential environmental effects, including consideration of comments from public and agency review. The Recommended Plan was chosen based on the project purposes and objectives. The proposed LOSOM plan remains the same as documented in the Draft EIS and WCP released in July 2022, which the USACE developed over almost four years in collaboration with stakeholders. The schedule and operational criteria have not changed, and the performance of the plan remains the same as documented in the Draft EIS. The proposed regulation schedule and WCP will govern lake releases and C&SF Project operations in portions of Glades, Martin, Palm Beach, Hendry, Lee, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties, Florida. Effects may extend to Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Collier counties, Florida.


      The LOSOM represents a significant shift in operational philosophy to a system-wide benefits approach. Lake level management would be focused on making beneficial releases at times and in quantities that improve water supply availability and enhance fish and wildlife in the region. The LOSOM plan also improves the ability of water managers to use system-wide analysis to adapt to real time conditions to make informed decisions on lake releases. The LOSOM also includes more robust and structured communication and collaboration between the USACE and stakeholders, as operational decisions are made.


      The Final EIS is available for your review on the Jacksonville District’s Environmental planning website:


      (On the above page, click on the “+” next to “Multiple Counties”.  Scroll down to the project name). The Final EIS can also be found on the project website at:


      The review period of the Final EIS is 30 days beginning on May 24, 2024.


      Questions concerning the proposed action can be submitted by email at


      Correspondence may be submitted to:

      U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District

      Attn: Jacob Thompson, Project Biologist

      701 San Marco Blvd.

      Jacksonville, FL 32207-8915


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    • Engineless Cargo Schooner Goes Down in Lonely Bahamas Waters, Two Still Missing – Peter Swanson

      Cruisers Net publishes Loose Cannon articles with Captain Swanson’s permission in hopes mariners with salt water in their veins will subscribe.. $7 a month or $56 for the year and you may cancel at anytime.

      De Gallant was built of steel at a Dutch shipyard in 1916. She had been carrying freight for the Blue Schooner Company since 2017.

      Click here for  Engineless Cargo Schooner Goes Down in Lonely Bahamas Waters, Two Still Missing

      Click here for  Coast Guard Suspends Search for Two French Sailors


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    • LNM: Special Notice, Hurricane Season 2024


      The hurricane season extends from June 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024. Tropical storms and hurricanes often develop with little warning.
      Extensive damage to small craft often results in loss of life. All mariners, particularly operators of small fishing vessels, are reminded that
      advanced planning which might prevent loss of vessel and crew should include:
      (a) Instruction of crew and passengers in location of emergency equipment and emergency procedures.
      (b) Presailing check of vessel, machinery, and equipment for seaworthiness.
      (c) Installation of strong ground tackle.
      (d) Review of storm center evacuation procedures.
      (e) Knowledge of nearest hurricane shelter or port.
      (f) Constant radio watch on VHF-FM Channel 16 and frequent monitoring of VHF-FM Weather Channel for National Weather Service
      During the hurricane season, drawbridges, locks, and navigation structures along the coast may deviate from normal operating procedures.
      Some structures may be unable to open because of high winds, high water levels, or to facilitate evacuation of land traffic. Mariners will be given
      as much notice as possible when structures are to be closed; however, these structures may close on short notice and well in advance of the
      storm. Mariners should anticipate these closures and are urged to seek safe harbor as soon as possible.
      Due to tropical storms and hurricanes, mariners should be aware that aids to navigation along the coasts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
      Louisiana and Texas, and on structures in the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding waters may have been damaged or destroyed. Lighted and
      unlighted buoys may have been moved from charted position, damaged, sunk, extinguished, or otherwise made inoperative. Mariners should not
      rely completely upon the position or operation of an aid to navigation, but should also employ such other methods of determining position, as may
      be available. Wrecks and submerged obstructions may have been moved from charted locations and pipelines may become uncovered or moved
      due to the force of storm surges. Storm surge and winds may create shoals in affected waters. The U.S. Aids to Navigation System marking
      wrecks and obstructions is intended for use with nautical charts. The exact meaning of a particular aid to navigation may not be clear to the
      mariner, unless the appropriate nautical chart is consulted. Virtually all U.S. lateral marks are located in International Association of Marine Aids
      to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Region B and follow the traditional 3R rule of red, right, returning. In U.S. waters, returning from
      seaward and proceeding toward the head of navigation, is generally considered as moving westerly along the Gulf Coast. Mariners should
      exercise caution and report aid to navigation discrepancies and hazards to navigation to the nearest U.S. Coast Guard unit. 21/24

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    • BoatUS News: Intracoastal Waterway Recreational Boaters to Benefit from $48.5M Dredging Funding


      BoatUS is the leading advocate for boating safety in the US and A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR!

      Click here for  Intracoastal Waterway Recreational Boaters to Benefit from $48.5M Dredging Funding

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Mike Schoener -  May 24, 2024 - 1:20 pm

        It's always nice to see funding for the ICW. Unfortunately it looks like politics won out again. I am not sure how you justify NC getting more than 6 times the funding GA received. Doubtful Boat US asked for any cruiser input into this. It would be pretty easy for most of us to come up with a top 10 list of spots.

        Reply to Mike

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