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    • Report from Little Mud River Problem Stretch , AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire Waterway from Norfolk to Miami. Our thanks to Stephanie Wakelin for this report as posted on Bob423. And, as Skipper Wakelin confirms, Cruisers’ Net continues to recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only. Also see the Healy Report  on Little Mud River from Fall of last year.

      10/25 – just went thru Little Mud River on rising, almost high tide. 7.5’ above MLW. The most water we saw thru the whole stretch was 9.9 under our 4.9’ keel. That means at low tide we would have 2.6’ under our keel, at best. Many spots showed 7.5’ and less. Essentially dry. Unless you’re in an airboat, don’t try it at low tide.
      Stephanie Wakelin

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    • Healy Report: Little Mud River Problem Stretch , AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River, where shoaling was reported as recently as September, is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire Waterway from Norfolk to Miami. Cruisers’ Net is grateful to experienced cruisers, Jim and Peg Healy, for this report. Cruisers’ Net continues to recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only.

      Sanctuary and crew transited southbound through the Little Mud River, GA, and the Altamaha River, GA, see /167923 on 10/29/2017 between 08h00 and 08H50, about 2 to 1-1/2 hours before low (10h22, Ayetides app).

      Little Mud River – We entered the Little Mud River at 08h02 with the tide station at Rockdedundy Creek reporting +3.2 feet. Our depth sounder reported not less than 8.0 ft, so the control depth for the Little Mud River would be 8.0-3.2=4.8 feet at MLLW, less on a celestial low. Favor the outside radius of the curves of the Little Mud River for best depths.


      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary, currently at Rock Creek, Pasadena, MD
      Monk 36 Hull #132
      MMSI #367042570
      AGLCA #3767
      MTOA #3436

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    • Grounding, Little Mud River AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire Waterway from Norfolk to Miami. This AICW Problem Stretch lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. SSECN continues to recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only. Our thanks to yacht delivery Captain Terry for this newest update. For a comprehensive report from Little Mud River, go to /?p=128659

      Navigated Mud River on Nov 30 boat 48 Viking, kicked up plenty mud, many seagulls following wake.
      50 ft Sport Fish hi and dry aground, missed the turn, soft mud, Sea Tow pulled off mud flat, no damage to boat or running gear.

      12/8 Follow-up:
      Larry, there were four boats traveling together, I was on Lockout a 48 Viking en route from Manasquan NJ to Palm Beach, Sea Tow came out and pulled him out after the tide came in, it was around 15:48 Dead low tide (7ft tide swing). We all stayed over at St. Simon’s Island and met for dinner. There was virtually no damage to the 54 Sport Fish and the Captain had around 40 years experience. I will not mention the name of the boat due to respect. Remember it can happen to anyone. If it has not happened, with time it is certain to happen.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Little Mud River

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. wes -  December 9, 2016 - 12:13 pm

        Another area to keep a close eye on is just south of the little mud river starting around FL 4s “202” to daymark “206” passed through about 2 hrs after low water and bumped in the middle of the channel and the boat behind bumped as well, that was a surprise! Luckily just mud…. Both of us draft 5′-5″ were on plane so calculate how you like, I loose about foot while on plane. Like Terry I was transiting this same area the same day. I was aware of what lurked ahead as I’ve transited these waters for 15 years now, it always has my full attention!!!


        Reply to wes
    • Report from Little Mud River AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. SSECN continues to recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only. Our thanks to Skipper Parker for this update. For a comprehensive report from Little Mud River, go to /?p=128659

      We traversed the Little Mud River this morning 08/17/15 at 2 hours before high tide. We say 7 ft. near G 193. We draw 4 ft. As others have said, don’t try it at low tide.
      Susan Parker

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Little Mud River

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Terry -  December 7, 2016 - 12:57 pm

        Navigated Mud River on Nov 30 boat 48 Viking,kicked up plenty mud,many seagulls following wake.50 ft Sport Fish Hi and dry aground,missed the turn,soft mud,sea tow pulled off mud flat,no damage to boat or running gear.

        Reply to Terry
    • Report from Problem Stretch Little Mud River, AICW Statute Mile 655

      This AICW Problem Stretch lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, GA and SSECN recommends navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only. By turning on the ARGUS feature of the attached chart, the thinnest water shows around Mile 655, just north of where Little Mud joins the Altamaha. As you plan for your northward migration, please remember to use ARGUS to guide your through these Problem Stretches. Our thanks to Slipper Wilreker for this report.

      Is there a description on transiting the Little Mud River. When I went through the on the 6th I was following a trawler that had a draft of 4.5 feet (same as my sailboat) and there were a few times I thought I was plowing and not boating. Good thing the bottom is loose mud. It was close to low tide at the time. We both made it through ‘“ just a little tense. BTW, that river is well named. The mud looked thick enough that my boat may have been sitting higher in the water because of the change in the water’s density!
      Vic and Elaine Wilreker

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Chuck Baier -  February 14, 2015 - 9:27 pm

        Larry, Some of those Argus tracks are from Beach House. We transited most of the problem areas on the ICW at or near low tide so we are sure we had an accurate depth readings. We transited the Little Mud at 2 hours before low tide and on a falling tide. Based on this the following, depths would be at low tide. At Red “192″ depth of 5 feet. At Crooked Creek, depth of 4 1/2 feet. Approaching Green “193″ 4 feet, then 3 feet very near “193″. Just past Green “193″ 3 1/2 feet. At Red “194″ 3 1/2 feet and just past Red “194″ 3 feet. From Red “194″ to the turn onto the Altamaha is all about 4 feet. Fortunately there were no other fools except us transiting at this low of a tide. We hope this will help others STAY AWAY at anything less than 2 to 3 extra feet of tides. Chuck and Susan, Trawler Beach House

        Reply to Chuck
    • Reports from Little Mud River, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is often acknowledged to be one of the worst sections of the Waterway from Norfolk to Miami. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, GA and SSECN recommends navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only, as confirmed by Skipper Schmidt’s observations. Please see /?p=142873 for recent changes to navigation aids in Little Mud River.

      Came through little mud river mile 655 today at low tide. 4.5 feet just before beacon 194`
      Ray Schmdit

      We have made it through the Mud River at 30 minutes past low tide with a four ft draft. We did kick up some mud. May 2014.
      John Pholeric

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    • Successful Passage through Little Mud River AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. SSECN recommends navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only, as Skipper Lancaster was savvy enough to do. For a comprehensive report from Little Mud River, go to /?p=128659

      I hit Little Mud River just after low tide. Following the guidance I anchored for 2 hrs. Went through on a rising tide 6 minimum except for the SW entrance which was 4’8″, more water on the E Side.
      Keep up the good work, I check regularly.
      Sliding behind Hilton Head Island right now.
      Steve Lancaster

      In early March, we timed our north bound departure from Brunswick to traverse Little Mud at high tide, and saw nothing less than 11 feet all the way through. This river is too shallow to pass at low tide, but because the tide here is approx. 8 feet, there is lots of water when the tide is up.
      A captain who follows SSECN advice to pass at mid to high tide should not have any problems.
      Richard Ross MV Chez Nous

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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Susan Parker -  August 17, 2015 - 10:46 am

        We traversed the Little Mud River this morning 08/17/15 at 2 hours before high tide. We say 7 ft. near G 193. We draw 4 ft. As others have said, don’t try it at low tide.

        Reply to Susan
    • Praise for ARGUS and Its Use

      Captain Reeves comments are in response to earlier postings on shoaling waters, such as Little Mud River: /?p=128659, and many other such reports. ARGUS is a great tool in those areas already documented to be shoaling, as well as those where a captain might suspect a shift in the channel.

      If the prudent navigator compares the new ARGUS soundings on all problem areas, there is a clear path to take and it is not the red line. I like the ARGUS soundings, because I can zoom in and see the depths and where they are. I don’t cruise the world now days, but I do enjoy the ICW on the Georgia Coast and it is nice to have accurate information and lots of different views.
      I do hope cruisers can continue to enjoy the ICW by using the excellent resources here and pay attention to their charts, depth sounders and common sense.
      Sonny Reeves, Jekyll Island

      As a long time fan of Argus, we have had the system installed on Beach House for the last year as we cruise. We are happy to contribute to the database and find this an invaluable tool for boaters. Thanks for making the information available on Cruiser’s Net.
      Chuck and Susan, Trawler beach House

      ARGUS Readings through Little Mud River - Click for Chartview

      On any SSECN chartview, simply click the ARGUS box at the top of the screen to bring up the ARGUS symbols.

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    • The “Worst” AICW Problem Stretch – Little Mud River, Georgia (Statute Mile 655) – Captains Diana and Mark Report

      Our good friends, and SSECN strategic partners, Captains Mark and Diana Doyle, founders and owners of “On The Water ChartGuides” (, give us an updated, graphic report below, relaying what they discovered as they navigated through the AICW – Little Mud River Problem Stretch on 11/20/13! Note that the Doyle’s soundings were taken near mid-tide, so to calculate MLW depths, you must subtract 4.8 feet from their figures. Applying this correction, Diana and Mark noted multiple MLW corrected 4-foot soundings along this perennial AICW Problem stretch. And, as Mark and Diana note, there are almost certainly even shallower spots.
      Our cruising duo are also quite right in noting that, “the reigning champion of this year’s ICW Trouble Spots is Georgia’s Little Mud River.” I might also add that very dubious distinction has been true of Little Mud River for many years now. If and until this AICW Problem Stretch is fully dredged, I would be hesitant to navigate anything bigger than a canoe through this portion of the Waterway at low tide!

      Hi Claiborne,
      As I’m sure you’ll agree, the reigning champion of this year’s ICW Trouble Spots is Georgia’s Little Mud River.
      With depths as low as 4 FEET MLLW, Diana and I wanted SSECN readers to have this printable graphic of our November 20th survey report and depth-annotated track:
      Best wishes on this Thanksgiving holiday,
      Captains Mark & Diana Doyle
      m/v Semi-Local

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    • Depth Reports Found at Little Mud River Problem Stretch, AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Despite recent reports of improving depths, like Captain Poovey’s, we still recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only.
      We suspect Captain Poovey may have had the good luck to navigate the AICW/Little Mud River stretch on an unusually high tide. At least, that’s our best guess, and the tides in little Mud River have a 7+ foot range even under normal conditions.

      Traveled through this area today [10/9/13] from the North at 11:50 AM which was 1/2 hour before high tide. I was very surprised to observe no depths of less than 13.6 feet. (Green “193”). Usually, slightly North of Green “195” has been the worst. But today it was 15.4 feet. I steered center channel the whole way.
      I have made this passage 13 times and the depth readings today were the highest I ever observed. Any ideas?
      Bob Poovey m/v Threadbare

      I went through Little Mud River southbound today at MLW +3.7′ (Wolf Island) and saw pretty constant 10.5-11.0 depths, which would indicate a fairly constant 7′. That is until I got to the intersection with Altamaha Sound. Just north of G195, the depth dropped severely to 8′, and then midway between G195 and the southernmost range marker, I saw 7.5′, which would indicate about 4′ of depth at MLW. I agree that you should wait until mid-tide or better to pass through here. There can be as much as 9′ of tide here, so it won’t take long if you arrive at low tide.
      Bill Raynor

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    • Report and Advice from Little Mud River Problem Stretch, AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Despite recent reports of improving depths, we still recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only.

      Subject: Little Mud River mile 654
      Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 17:52:57 -0500
      Skinny water. One hour before low tide, only 6 feet of water.
      Between R192 and G193 green side best.
      Between G193 and R194 red side best.
      Ray Schmidt

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    • Report and Opinion from Little Mud River Problem Stretch, AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Despite recent reports of improving depths, we still recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only.

      I traveled through Little Mud River on Sunday December 2 at 12:33PM to 12:48PM ‘“ about 1 hour before mid-tide ebbing. A high tide of 7.56′ occurred at 10:18AM. Lowest reading observed was 11.2’. Adjusted MWL would be 8.48′ between R194 and G195.
      Other boaters have reported that this area has a very soft bottom so it’s possible I was reading through the soft mud to the harder bottom and that the depth is slightly less than my findings.
      However, there are also reports of recent commercial traffic with tugs and barges in this area. One first hand account saw a tug with 8′ marking on the bow plow through Little Mud River at dead low tide. I think it’s safe to conclude that caution needs to be observed simply because of the area’s reputation, but it is certainly safe to navigate Little Mud River at mid-tide or less.
      Hugh 17

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    • Improving Depths in Little Mud River Problem Stretch, AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Despite recent reports of improving depths, we still recommend navigating this stretch at mid to high tide only.

      Today, 11-12-12, we transited the Little Mud River at 3/4 tide and saw nothing less than 12′, which would have been 7′ at low tide. We followed previous comments and favored the outer range just off center.
      Depth rose quickly after G195.

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    • Passage Report from Little Mud River, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Earlier depth soundings from other cruisers have confirmed our recommendation to navigate this stretch at mid to high tide only.

      Traveling on 10/1-7/12
      From Georgetown, SC to Brunswick, Ga.
      We traveled this past week with high tides between 10:00 AM and 2:30 PM. Most times leaving at 7:30 AM an hour or so after Low Tide. There were no problems with depths, shoaling, or missing markers.
      The ONLY issue we found was in Little Mud River (MM-653 – 655) at 2.5 hours before high tide. At the very Southern end, after leaving R-194 the current wanted to push toward G-195, which looked ok, but NOT. Very shallow as you near G-195. You want to FAVOR the front range marker not center of channel. This will keep the depth around 8′ under the boat. This is what we experienced, as always you are the Captain and responsible for your vessel’s safety.
      Jim Cobb
      Palmetto Moon

      Yesterday, October 11, 2012, we went by the Darien and Rockedundy Rivers and through the Little Mud River at almost exactly mid-tide (by the clock ‘“ about 20 minutes either side of noon). I zig-zagged all over and mostly found 7-8′ or more, but it can be really narrow. (I verified my depth sounder readings with a lead line today). I did not find a hump between R `192’³ and G `193’³ at the little creek as I have seen in the past. The shallowest portion I found was south of G `193’³ and it was down to 6’ in a couple places. Staying on the range, I found plenty of water past `195’³. Your experience may vary ‘“ this is good practice for the Bahamas!
      Dana Breda

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    • Detailed Report on AICW/Little Mud River Problem Stretch (Statute Mile 655)

      The detailed, in-depth posting below is provided to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net courtesy of our good friends, Captains Diana and Mark Doyle, authors of the very popular “On the Water Chartguides” (see http:// Mark and Diana are currently wending their way north along the AICW, and will be sending periodic articles to the SSECN.
      Captains Mark and Diana are true professionals, and have a wealth of experience on how to research and report on coastal waters, particularly the AICW. The series of articles they are providing to the SSECN should prove to be particularly valuable to ANYONE cruising the Waterway well into 2013!
      This posting concerns the Little Mud River section of the Georgia AICW. This “AICW Problem Stretch” is almost universally acknowledged to be the WORST of the worst for the entire run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL, or the other way around. This condition makes Diana and Mark’s article even MORE invaluable!!!

      Diana and I transited northbound through Little Mud River, GA this morning on about a third-tide and rising. Wolf Island, South has a Spring Tidal Range (STR) of 7.8 feet. Our plan was to run the range, then enter the river, staying mid-channel, honoring the aids.
      The entry range held good depths as can be seen on the first screenshot (13-16 feet at 2.7 feet above MLLW).
      This screenshot also underscores the fact that you don’t typically “Drive the TV” ‘¦ the Magenta Line or the charted channels ‘¦ exactly. That would be a good way to get into trouble, especially in Georgia. On the entrance range, we were quite a bit off the charted channel center line.
      My course line is dead-on Range B, presumably marking the deepest water.
      The second screenshot shows a known trouble spot just north of G195. You can see some 6- to 7-foot soundings here ‘¦ which translates to less than 4 feet at low water (soundings made at 2.8 feet above MLLW and rising).
      The third screenshot shows another area of concern, around G193. At this daybeacon, and about 200 yards northwest, you’ll see some 8- and 9-foot soundings. These translate to less than 5 feet at low water (3.1 feet above MLLW).
      No recommendation being made here. Just sharing data. The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net, Active Captain, Waterway Guide, and others sources also have data you may want to factor into your departure, transit, or piloting decisions.
      As Captain, you’re in charge of driving the bus … and your mileage will certainly vary.
      Mark & Diana Doyle

      I hope you are alerting the ‘˜authorities’ to your very believeable data. It may help getting some dredging started.
      Bob Kassal

      Not To Be Used For Navigation

      Not To Be Used For Navigation

      Not To Be Used For Navigation

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    • Report from Little Mud River, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the entire AICW run from Norfolk, VA to Miami, FL. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Earlier depth soundings from other cruisers have confirmed our recommendation to navigate this stretch at mid to high tide only.

      Just passed through the Little Mud River area (Mile 655 @ 0825), and found real thin water (when adjusted for tide-HT 0706, +6.8′). At the entrance, G195, dropped from 14′ to 11′ to 10.6 to R194, then it ranged from 12′ to 9′ to G193. We tried to stay on the magenta line, but it looks like deeper water is east of line on the outside of the channel. Favor the green side.
      Michael J. Horowitz aboard ALTAIR

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    • Report on Depths in Little Mud River, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the AICW. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. The readings below come from our good friend, Chuck Baier, an experienced and skillful cruiser, and confirm our recommendation to navigate this area at mid to high tide only.

      We transited most of the problem areas on the [Georgia] ICW at or near low tide so we are sure we had an accurate depth readings. We transited the Little Mud at 2 hours before low tide and on a falling tide. Based on this the following,
      depths would be at low tide. At Red `192’³ depth of 5 feet. At Crooked Creek, depth of 4 1/2 feet. Approaching Green `193’³ 4 feet, then 3 feet very near `193’³. Just past Green `193’³ 3 1/2 feet. At Red `194’³ 3 1/2 feet and just past Red `194’³ 3 feet. From Red `194’³ to the turn onto the Altamaha is all about 4 feet. Fortunately there were no other fools except us transiting at this low of a tide. We hope this will help others STAY AWAY at anything less than 2 to 3 extra feet of tides.
      Chuck Baier

      And some advice from another experienced cruiser, Chuck Gorgen:

      Time to comment on the `rules of the mud bottom channels’. The deepest part of the channel is probably NOT going to be in the middle. Water current on a falling (ebb) tide runs faster than water on a rising (flood) tide, and the faster water cuts a deeper channel. So, the deepest place in a tidal channel is the outside bend in a falling tide current. The next deepest place is the outside bend on a rising tide current. On some curves where the curve is outside for both the ebb and flood, to will find very deep water and the possibility that the curve is even outside the charts. The situation at MM 704 is a good example of that. On some S curves you will find shallow water in the center of the channel. At low tide look at the banks, along a steep bank you will find deep water close to the bank,
      along a gradual bank, shallow water. In some of the cuts that have been dredged, it isn’t always obvious which way the water flows, so you just have to observe which way the water is flowing at a given tide state. So, read the channel by looking at it, and don’t follow the magenta line on your chart plotter. Frequently, your chart plotter will show you in the marsh, and there have even been some places where the deepest water is outside of the buoyed channel! When your depth finder is showing less than the chart, wonder slowly back and forth looking for the deep water, sometimes the deep channel isn’t very wide. You actually learn a lot about a channel at low tide when you can really see it.
      Chuck Gorgen

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    • Report from Little Mud River, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the AICW. This “AICW Problem Stretch” lies some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. Capt. Mike confirms our recommendation of using mid to high tide through this section.

      1-11-12 Left anchorage at MM 653 @ 8:20am, with a high tide of 9:33am, into the Little Mud river and saw depths no less than 12′ in the river and on the range out to the sound.
      Capt. Mike

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    • Reports of Shoaling in Little Mud River, AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the AICW, some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. We have several reports of depths in this problem stretch.

      MM655, Little Mud River, I found similar depths as on previous runs.
      9’MLW north of G193
      8’MLW 100′ off G193
      5’MLW by the charted wreck
      7’MLW 100′ off R194
      5′ to 6′ MLW half way between G195 and the range marker
      Once on the range depths increase rapidly to 10+MLW
      MM683, Jekyll Creek, 7′ MLW is as shallow as I saw mostly near G19 and along the range. I passed about 150′ off G19 then turned on range (was northbound). Stayed on the range till past R16 ( passed about 75′ away) then split R16 with the southernmost range marker. No change from previous trips
      MM704, Cumberland Dividings, all Markers have finally been moved and are marking the shoal on the red side. 12 to 15MLW throughout.
      Capt. Pascal Gardemer

      Thanks to CruisersNet and Captain Pascal, who reported on the Little Mud River just a few days ago. We anchored at the South River to wait for a rising tide, proceeding through at 2 hours after low tide. We saw very low water (no more than 5.5′ before R 196; did touch bottom with our 5′ keel. Also saw very low water (5′) just before #198.
      Eve-Marie & crew of s/v Flash

      I passed through the Little Mud River in early October at dead low tide with no current. Stayed in center of channel and never saw LESS THAN 9.3 FEET; Crawled through at 3.5knots because of all the reports of shallow water and shoaling. This is the best I have ever seen it!
      Skipper Bill Lucas

      Transited (11/14/11) Little Mud River 1520-1540, 1 1/2 hour before low tide, +1.8′ (low tide at Rockdedundy River, daymark 185 @ 1700 +1.0′). Lots of skinny water. Best water appears to be on the green side, left of center going south. Saw depths as low as 7.2′ (5.4′ @ low). One sailboat aground just on right side of center channel about midway between R194 and range light QR. We made 7.5 mph with opposing current and let the boat steer toward the best water, which was close to the bank. One plus with low water is that you can make out the edge of the channel.
      Michael Horowitz (M/V ALTAIR)

      Just came thru Mud River today 11/14/2011 starting at the north end about 8:am with 6 ft of tide. Prior to starting thru I noticed on AIS that the passanger ship Independence at over 200 feet in length and 8.5 feet in draft was entering the river from the south end. We decided to wait for it to come up thru and while we did I watched it on AIS and learned where to find the best depth.
      The ship came up the river staying well to the green side all the way.
      On our passage we did the same in reverse and found 6ft MLW between 192 and 193. Then 6 to 7 ft MLW between 193 and 195. Then 8 to 9 ft MLW from 195 to 198. All on the green side of the channel. This appears to be quite a bit more than some crusiers have found.
      Dennis Lawrence aboard S/V Thate Wata
      Catalina 42 Mk 2 Hull 758
      Draft 6ft 10in

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    • Log of the Palmetto Moon: AICW, Kilkenny to Brunswick

      Palmetto Moon with Jim, Su and Lazy Cat Alex have just traveled from Georgetown, SC To Brunswick, Ga. Palmetto Moon cruises at 8.5 MPH and draws 4.5 ft. Here are the issues and observations of their travels:

      5-Kilkenny (MM-613) to Brunswick (MM-680) Left at high tide
      Little Mud River (MM-653 to 656.3) 1 hour before low tide
      Favored G-183, then stayed center of markers, to R-192 lowest we saw was 5 feet.
      From G-193 to R-194, center of channel, We saw 4 feet
      From R-194 to G- 195, center of channel We saw 2.4 feet
      From G-195 and front range marker At the south end, we saw 3.1 feet.
      This info is what we experienced in our travels. As always you are the captain of your vessel and should use this as info only. Safe travels.
      Palmetto Moon

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